Philip Pape is a high-performance nutrition coach, physique engineer, and host of the Wits & Weights podcast. Through his personal transformation to become the strongest, leanest, and healthiest version of himself, Philip understands the effectiveness of strength training and evidence-based nutrition to “look like you lift.” He helps lifters achieve a more defined, muscular, leaner physique without wasting time and is passionate about helping you get unstuck inside and outside the gym.
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
- Philip took lots of action on things that didn’t work, yet he didn’t quit, took the experience and progressed
- If you are going to work with a coach, ask them how YOU can be ‘coachable’
- Muscle is more important than waste management
- 80-90 year olds can still build muscle with the correct lifestyle
- Take in a gram of protein per pound of your TARGET bodyweight
- Philips programs are not cookie cutter. It is very detail catered to your needs
- Learn about yourself enough to know what you need get rid of to progress
- Philip is a compasion
- Philip’s goal is to get you to your desired results as time efficiently as possible
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen
Speech Transcript
L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Hey, time to start the day podcast, varsity squad at Scott Ferguson. And thank you so much for tuning in this episode is with my good friend and rock star from the podcast, wits and weights, another top 2 percent globally ranked podcast, Philip Pape. And we had just a fun conversation about really skeletal muscle.
Building muscle. Had fun talking about the people that are out there that are kind of pedaling information that’s really not healthy and really not working, and also just how to really live a solid leveled up life. And Philip is walking, talking example of it, whether you from the page, the stage, or from, , the microphone.
He’s just fantastic. So just, this is one. If you’re really looking to level up your health and mindset, break out your notebooks. , sit back, relax, we’re not going to take you through any workouts or anything like that, not in this moment anyways. You can listen to my really good friend, Phillip Pape.
Let’s level up.
Time to shine today. Podcast Varisty [00:01:00] Squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I have a neck and neck podcaster here. We’re talking off the mic regarding, , we’re both top 2 percent globally with our podcasts and I kind of hit you from the mindset side. And, but my guy Phillip Pape here hits you from both the mindset and the body side.
And if you’re looking at him, he’s a handsome dude, very well put together. And Phillip is a high performance nutrition coach, physique engineer and host of the Wits and Weights podcast. Don’t go there now. There will be a link in the show notes because he’s going to drop some serious knowledge nuggets you’re going to write down, but it will be in the show notes, this awesome podcast.
And through his personal transformation, become the strongest, leanest, and healthiest version of himself. Phillip understands the effectiveness of strength training and evidence based nutrition to look like you lift. He helps lifters achieve a more defined, muscular, leaner physique without wasting time, and is passionate about helping you get unstuck inside and outside the gym.
And like his last, like, you too I was actually listening to you on Spotify and he was talking about, , the triceps is two thirds of the arm and his [00:02:00] science back behind it, but also telling you exactly how to do skull crushers and the rest of it was just on point. The dude knows his stuff. That I competed in.
How many NPC, , national level bodybuilding shows back in the nineties and 2000. So I know this guy knows this stuff. So without further ado, here’s my friend, awesome sauce, Phillip. Phillip please introduce yourself in time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first what’s your favorite color?
And why?
Philip Pape: Oh, man. First, thank you for introducing me, man. All those compliments and next to Nick on the podcast. No, that’s awesome. So favorite color. That’s an interesting one. I’m going to go. I don’t, I don’t think I have an exciting answer for this. Maybe the color of the shirt I’m wearing because it matches my eyes, which is like a teal color.
I like teal. I’m from Miami originally. So you got the dolphins, the the Marlins and all those have the teal colors. , it’s, it’s a fun color. I got my
L. Scott Ferguson: lions blue on for this weekend, , like we were talking about Detroit and it’s like, dude, I was literally in tears. Like that, not last weekend when they beat the Bucks, but when they beat the Rams, Yeah, it’s amazing
Philip Pape: how many years since the early nineties, right?
Since they went to, I was in
L. Scott Ferguson: Iraq, , in, in, in [00:03:00] Iraq, it doesn’t storm last time. They want to play off, , it felt great, man. So Phil, let’s get to the, cause I know you said. transformation in here. And really taking that and paying it forward to help others transform their lives, not only physically, because I listened to like your shows and a lot of it’s mindset as well, , which is my cup of tea, which I’m so happy to have you on, because I’m going to learn some stuff here too, as well.
Let’s get to that kind of basis story, , your roots of kind of where you were and how you got into the transformation.
Philip Pape: Yeah, it’s funny you mentioned mindset because that’s one of the biggest surprises for me through my transformation. And now as a coach is how important mindset is. It’s like 90, 95 percent of the equation.
Right. And the other, the other part of it is just knowing what to do and making it happen. So I’ve always been an action taker. I love the mission of your podcast of like taking massive action and personal growth and all of that, which really resonates with me. But for my whole life, my twenties and thirties I took lots of action on things that just didn’t work.
All the diets, , I went to the gym. I, I [00:04:00] did CrossFit for like eight years and it just didn’t work because I didn’t know exactly what to do. And then I was also stuck in the traditional yo yo dieting and like dieting is an on off switch and trying to get the quick fix and all that stuff.
So, I mean, I’m just skipping way ahead to my late thirties here because that’s the relevant piece of it. I’m 43 now and it wasn’t until I was 39 right before the pandemic, really that I, I started to dive into the world of strength of strength training. And by strength, I mean, not just going to the gym, not just exercising, but actually, , getting PRs on the big lifts, building muscle, and then fueling that with food.
And I started to have some tremendous gains throughout 2020 when I did that. But because of the pandemic, I had to get really creative, , building my home gym getting equipment from guys on, Facebook messenger, Facebook marketplace. Yeah. Yeah. I’d go out in the parking lot and meet this guy who graduated from UConn.
Didn’t need his old barbell anymore. , stuff like that.
L. Scott Ferguson: Speak easy Jim in South Florida, bro. What’s that? We opened up a speakeasy [00:05:00] gym in South Florida.
Philip Pape: I don’t know if those two mix, man. Alcohol. No, no, no.
L. Scott Ferguson: It was like, yeah, it was like, remember speakeasies. No one talked about them. They just went to them.
There’s a gym, a couple of cops put together, Jupiter cops. Like, Hey Ferg, dude, we’re going to train. We’re going to train, , sneak in the back door and go get outside. Cut you off. But just having to get, , very
Philip Pape: creative. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. I know what you mean, right? Like the garage gyms and the, , gym, not gyms during COVID that just happened to have their door open.
Yeah, no, I hear you, man. So, I mean, so I’m a big, I’m a big, like I like to learn and that I like numbers and data, but really it was not knowing what to do. And then finally finding guys like, I don’t know, Eric Helms and Alan Aragon and all these other space folks who, , the muscle and strength pyramids.
And yeah. flexible dieting, like all that stuff. A lot of it was the bro science that works, that is still somehow in the underground that people aren’t aware of. And a lot of it is more evidence based stuff that that is counter to the normal culture of, you got to do lots of cardio, , [00:06:00] you got to cut carbs, like all that stuff that I used to subscribe to.
I finally realized, Hey, no, I could eat whatever I want. I could eat guilt free and I can build muscle doing it and then lose fat when I want and do it with total control and confidence. Right. So once I figured that out, then I was really excited to share it because I thought, well, if I didn’t know this and I’m the guy that like reads books, listens to podcasts, watches YouTube, takes action.
If I didn’t know it, how many other guys and ladies my age don’t know it. Right. And that’s why I started my podcast.
L. Scott Ferguson: No, I love it. And with you, there’s a whole craze out there right now, which I actually kind of buy into a little bit just because I’m 52 and I feel like I’m in my thirties again, right? And I kind of locked into it, but the whole biohacking with regards to, I mean, I do fast, but not like I do a few longer fast in the year, which really resets my insulin sensitivity and whatnot, which really helps out.
But like the, the biohacking, are you, what’s your thoughts on [00:07:00] kind of like the methylation process, , the stuff that’s the, the stuff that are food sprayed with, and like keeping that in check, because I hear a lot of like harmony, like, I don’t hear balance from you so much because balance would be like, this, this equals zero, like harmonically, like you’re like, okay, dude, I might eat a A Sunday, one day, , or I might stick be clean But like there’s like a harmony to like what’s your thoughts on this kind of biohacking that’s really kind of going
Philip Pape: around right now I w I would put it in like with supplementation.
It’s the 1 percent that you almost can ignore completely. If you don’t have the big foundations in place is my opinion. Cause I think people get overwhelmed with the information. So they’re like, okay, red light therapy, cold plunges, fasting, and the list goes on and on. And they may all have a little bit of efficacy here and there, but if you’re not Training, aware of how much protein you have, if you’re not getting at least, , six hours of sleep, let alone seven or eight, right?
A lot of us busy guys, , it’s hard to come by [00:08:00] sleep cause we’re just busy, busy, busy, , trying to make shit happen during the day. If you don’t, if you’re not aware of all those things and just making it happen, forget about all that. Like that’s what I’m trying to do is simplify the message and say, it’s actually pretty easy.
It’s pretty easy. And then once you get the 95%, the 99%, yeah, you can play around with that stuff. Thank you.
L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, build that harmony because there’s so many other things that kind of go along with Just the lifts and stuff like you gotta like have your family kind of taken care of right? You’re , god and spiritual if you go that route right your personal growth, your Money, whatnot So like a lot of different things have got to come into harmony for it to happen but I love that you’re putting the The lifting the protein high up and let’s kind of dig in a little bit with protein, man, because I mean, I believe that a lot of people don’t realize that fat is not attached to skeletal, like your muscle is attached to the skeletal and as I get older, coming up on 52, like lifting is [00:09:00] super important to me, as well as recovering with the right amino acids and proteins that I put in my body.
Thank you. Let’s move forward to what you’re thinking, like how much protein that someone really should kind of be bringing in and also kind of a regimen that you use to, , get your lifts in and how you kind of break down your body and how you kind of play it forward to other people.
Philip Pape: Yeah. If we are to make the assumption that muscle is.
Everything because that’s the assumption I go by. I think muscle is more important than weight management when it comes to everything from obesity. Just just health strength everything because as we get older, we get more frail. We lose muscle mass, right? It’s called sarcopenia from the age of 30 to 70.
We lose like 30 or 40 percent of our muscle mass. If we’re not strength training, if we are training, we can maintain and build that tissue up to the day we die. Eighties and 90 year olds can still build brand new muscle, skeletal muscle tissue. It’s amazing. Now you need the building blocks for that, which is protein, right?
The RDA I [00:10:00] think for protein is so low. It’s, it’s a survivability metric, right? It’s, it’s just a, let’s, let’s survive. In reality most people are eating 5, 10 percent of their diet from protein, and it’s got to be more like 25%. And when you do the math, that’s around 0. 7 to 1 gram per pound, just to
L. Scott Ferguson: make it simple.
Sorry to interject, but is that a pound of body weight or a pound of lean body mass?
Philip Pape: Yes. So the answer is yes, both but I don’t like to complicate it. This is where it’s it’s let’s simplify it. If your body weight and your target body weight, go up to a pound per gram of your target body weight.
Target body weight. Got it. The reason you said that is if you’re like 300 pounds and trying to get to 200 pounds, you don’t need 300 grams of protein, , you’re probably good at, at 175, 200 grams. Right. So that’s it. That’s the simple rule of thumb right there.
L. Scott Ferguson: Target body weight. I love that. I know.
I’ve never looked at it like that because. Yeah. , like when I kind of like went through my depressive time, I had bloomed up to 312 pounds, right? I’m 6’1 so I carried it okay, but I had a [00:11:00] lot of chins and, everything else and I was heavy breathing. But, , when they just said, get back on stage, start competing, you’ll be able to be in masters now and stuff like that.
So I ended up doing that. But someone said, listen, your target weight is 220, eat that many grams of protein. So that’s, that’s awesome. Thank you, man. Thank you for clarifying that. I’ve never heard anybody else say it that way with regards, other than somebody, a coach that Shelby stars. I don’t know if , he is, but he’s a prep coach and he really was like, Fergie, we’re going to get you to target body weight of this.
And that’s how many grams you’re going to eat. Cause I was like, dude. 312 grams of protein is like crazy to try to bring in on a daily basis, , so awesome So do you work with clients one on one or is it you just kind of run through? Okay, so one I want So when you’re starting with them, maybe you’re in discovery period.
Is there any secret sauce? You don’t mind sharing that you help them really shine a light On their initial blind spot.
Philip Pape: Oh, for sure. I mean, this has to be personalized. [00:12:00] So, with my clients that work one on one, we do a very detailed intake of their whole life. So, when we talk nutrition, I’m a nutrition coach, it’s not just about food.
Food’s almost like, , 5 percent of the equation. The rest of it is your training, , your schedule, your stress in your life. Do you have a family and a job that, , forces you to eat or Or train a certain way your dieting history, your injury history, your supplementation, like the list goes on and on how much sleep you get stressors, all of that.
And then I look for the red flags and then it’s really what is, what is the one or two things right now you can do that’s achievable this week that stretches your comfort zone that doesn’t seem crazy, but also gives you massive impact like the 80, 20 rule, right? And that could be just protein. , or walking more or something simple like that.
L. Scott Ferguson: That’s awesome. Like I’m hearing a lot of inch by inch. It’s a cinch, right? You’re not just trying to throw a, , by the yard, it’s hard. Like, you’re not just trying to throw a bunch of, , kind of stuff at them and say, oh, okay, this is what we’re gonna do, but hey, man, walk, , around the block, let’s just get this started [00:13:00] while you’re doing that.
We’re going to implement a little bit higher protein into your lifestyle. I love it. So. When you’re maybe with these people, Philip, is there in this discovery kind of conversation, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Philip Pape: Yeah, that’s a good, that’s a good question you just asked me.
Man, I don’t know. Because, because I ask, I ask a million questions. Scott and get pretty much get everything out of them. But I want someone who’s going to work with me to know what they’re getting into. So they should ask like, , communication style expectations. How do we do our check ins?
What are, what kind of apps and tools do you want me to use? Like, like, it’s good to ask all those because I may not volunteer all that up front, but you’ve got to think of the process because I am very data driven. I want to be precise and get you to results as time efficiently as possible, knowing that you’re super busy.
Right. You don’t have time for a million spreadsheets and all this other stuff. And, and you gotta know that [00:14:00] that’s for you. So there’s other coaches that are habit based. There’s other coaches that are like intuitive eating with me. We do track, we do want that awareness so that, , in the future, if you ever don’t want to track, you have high pull confidence of like what’s going into your body and how it makes you feel and perform.
I love it,
L. Scott Ferguson: man. And biggest thing is if I guess if you’re coaching me because I have three coaches, right? But I , I’ve asked like what do you need me to be? As coachable as possible. There’s a lot of people they’ll go and even with I have a ufc fighter man He was like until I was able to break through if he wasn’t coachable, And we we just kind of worked it worked it and finally he’s like listen, you’re you don’t want to be coached , I I understand this.
It’s cool , we’ll circle back another time But then, I would get texts all the time and they started kind of moving into it. So what I’m saying out there squad is that, , if you’re going to work with someone like Phillip or any other coach, make sure you are coachable and be able to trust the process, trust the protocol that someone like Phillip is going to take you through.
Philip Pape: yeah, yeah. And I want to, I want to add to that. You got to be ready to change. [00:15:00] Because I I’ve had people that reach out and they’re like, I’ve got this problem, this problem, this problem. I’ve, I’ve tried this. It hasn’t worked. I’ve tried. This hasn’t worked. And I will dig in and dig in. And then at the end of the day, they’re not ready to do something different.
They’re like, well, I’ll just try what I did last time. Cause it worked. Well, did it work? Because are you happy with your results right now? So you’ve got to be willing to change. That’s part of
L. Scott Ferguson: coachability. I love it, man. I love it. So be coachable out there squad, , so have you seen the movie back to the future?
Philip Pape: Oh my God. Yes. Okay. I’m a child of the eighties, right?
L. Scott Ferguson: So you told me your age and I said, yeah, I figured you would know what it is. So let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly, right? Okay. Let’s go back to the double news. The 22 year old Philip. Is there any good knowledge nuggets that you might drop on that Philip to maybe help on the show?
Not change anything because your journey is pretty awesome, dude. But to maybe help them level up or shorten the learning curve or blast through, maybe just a little
Philip Pape: bit quicker. That’s a, that’s always a good question. Right. Cause I do agree. I wouldn’t want to change history. I’m like, I’m a big fan of science fiction as well.
And I don’t want to change the timeline because all the disasters start to [00:16:00] happen. It usually comes down to like my personality and confidence more than the fitness stuff per se. It’s, it’s like, don’t be a dick. , don’t treat people like shit and, and learn as much about yourself as you can earlier.
That’s my, that would be my advice. It took me years in as a engineer, very introverted. And then becoming a manager later on to learn about myself enough to know what was like, I wanted to get rid of the other things that I wanted to improve and build on my strength. So I would say, Hey, learn about yourself as much as you can.
So then you can help others earlier. And I love it and
L. Scott Ferguson: in squad like we talk about if you don’t know something not so much about yourself Or you really want to level up get your asking gear, There’s people out there that you can ask That to help you, through different obstacles because I was like too cool too proud I did six tours overseas.
I was like I can handle anything dude Finally, it’s just like man my mentor who he just took me on he wasn’t the easiest mentor He’s just like dude shut your mouth be be hungry be humble If you don’t know something ask about it, , and this is pre internet You know what I’m saying? It [00:17:00] was like, this is late nineties to where, , you try to Google something and like three things come up.
Philip Pape: and dude, I pay for coaching all the time now because I know the value of it. Alex Hormozy said what did he say that like it, he would rather just pay somebody for an hour of their time to like. Dump everything into his brain, then, then, then get like, , buy a program or course or something.
I mean, just, just this week, there’s a business mentor of mine. I was like, man, I need a, I need 90 minutes with you on your entire ecosystem. How it all works. Cause my new program, I want it to be similar to that. Cause he’s had all the success and he’s like, all right, thousand bucks for 90, 90 minute session.
I’m like done, like that is totally worth it. It’s worth, it’s worth 50 grand, ? So yeah, that is very important. Yeah. Yeah.
L. Scott Ferguson: Mike. My kind of insiders club, , they see my. When I pay, , for coaching and when it’s almost eight grand a month, dude, , I have a mindset coach. I have a body coach Nate out in Scottsdale.
, he flies me out. We have those garage workouts that get a little gnarly. , so a juujitsu coach, , I have, , Al I have coaches across the board, dude, and Exactly, and also [00:18:00] interviewing people like you. People know that’s the reason why I started this. It was a selfish endeavor to pick the brains of people like you.
I could level up. It’s a free console, right? Right. And the thing is, is like, but this whole thing in , February of 2020, COVID happened. I don’t know if you heard about it, but they put the show on steroids, dude. And it was like metaphorically squat, ? So, but it was just kind of grew up and just blown up.
And like, that’s just what happened. So I get. Those prizes and, and stuff from it. But I also get to meet people like you, man. There’s some so fricking blessed brother. Cause what you’re doing for people is, is this absolutely outstanding. So Philip, how do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date.
Hopefully it’s way down the line, your life date and death date, but how does Philip want his dash remember? And
Philip Pape: these deep questions, , you’re really making me think here. How do I want to be dash remembered? Man, Philip Philip was the most compassionate guy who helped as many people as possible get unstuck and find out who they are and [00:19:00] become the best version of themselves and and that’s it I mean, I don’t know how to word it, but I’m sure I can word it better than that man, but If people listening to this show, people listening to my show, like if five, 10, 15 people can like live 20 years longer with, with their strongest cells, that right there is worth it.
L. Scott Ferguson: That’s huge, bro. And that’s your mission statement right there. Most compassionate guy helped others get unstuck and lean into the best version of himself. That’s awesome. That’s, that’s fantastic. So Bill, what do you think people might misunderstand about you?
Philip Pape: Misunderstand about me? Oh man, I’m not sure. What people might misunderstand about me like maybe they think I’m like every other nutrition coach out there or something. I don’t know. We talked about it before we started recording how there’s these fits, fits, pros and 20 year olds that are just, , right off the street.
And I, I, I’ve been through life. Like I’ve been through life. I have a family. I have a wife, kids. I’ve dealt with things and that, that is experience. You can’t just, you can’t buy it. You can’t, learn it in, in, [00:20:00] in a course. And so you have to get to know me. This is why I have the podcast. So you can get to know who I am, how I communicate.
L. Scott Ferguson: You can dude. Yeah, exactly. Transparent
Philip Pape: as hell on that thing, bro. Yeah. That’s the idea. That’s it. Cause I don’t, I don’t want to sell people on coaching. I want them to come to me and say, Hey, I love what you’re doing. Help me out. Let’s, let’s work together.
L. Scott Ferguson: , I see the passion and you and I are kind of off camera.
It’s like, , I’m an introvert. Like I like, I enjoy kava. It’s a drink and I have a copper bar I go to and I read and relax, but people are like, when I’m out and about, like, if I was to meet you, I’d give you the biggest hug, like, rah, rah, rah. It’s like, that takes energy that kind of comes out.
Like, people don’t understand, dude, I’m an introvert. Like, big time introvert. , and I’ll go out to eat by myself. I have absolutely no problem with that. But I also like you to lean into as many people as possible and help them reach their ultimate human potential. That’s just beautiful. So, what is what’s Phillip’s definition of a life
Philip Pape: well lived?
Man, a life well lived. , I’m a provider and protector for [00:21:00] my family. And so if I, if , a life well lived is where I can look back and say, did everything I possibly could to give them the best life and them meaning not just my, my own family, but really this extended family, that is the world that we interact with.
It’s not just a, , I saw my, my dad go live with a job that he didn’t like his whole life. And I learned from that what not to do. I’ve also been in the corporate world and , had the nine to five where, yeah, it was okay. It wasn’t as fulfilling for me in terms of my purpose. And so having something where I’m just like, so psyched about it every day.
I know it helps people. I know fitness unlocks everything else in life and to be able to make that impact is, is what I’m going for. That’s awesome,
L. Scott Ferguson: man. And you surely do.
Time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. We are back and Philip, you and I are definitely going to meet, man. I’m going to make sure you get down to podfest at least next year or next time I’m in Connecticut. Maybe we can meet halfway or something like that. That’d be awesome. He’ll grab a workout and grab a smoothie or whatnot, but.
Today, I’m going to ask you some questions. You got five seconds to answer them with no [00:22:00] explanation. I promise you they can be answered that way. You ready to level up? Let’s do it. All right, Phil, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Philip Pape: It’s our five second questions, man. Oh my God. Best leveling up advice. Be
L. Scott Ferguson: fit. Love it, man. Sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Time blocking. So you kind of see me walking down the street or you see me somewhere and you’re like, man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums, like what book might you hand me that really helps you out mentally to level up?
Philip Pape: I can’t, man. I’m, I’m blanking out on this one. No worries, man. No
L. Scott Ferguson: worries. Blanking out. No, you’re good. Most commonly used emoji when you text. The muscle, Nicknames growing up in high school. They called me paps. Perhaps because they’re ever smear after. kidding. I’m kidding.
Philip Pape: Yeah. I don’t know if it was a good name or not, but I take
L. Scott Ferguson: it.
You have any hidden talents or superpowers that nobody [00:23:00] knows about until now?
Philip Pape: I’m a good jazz musician. Actually. People don’t know about that. Yeah,
L. Scott Ferguson: dude, you shouldn’t have told me that. That’s awesome. Chess checkers and monopoly monopoly. Excellent. Headline for your life.
Philip Pape: Shit, man. I’m a perfectionist. Maybe that’s the headline. Did that work? I just can’t think of it. Let’s go with
L. Scott Ferguson: it. Dude, I’m hitting that engineer hard. I love this, dude. Any superstitions you believe in?
Philip Pape: I really don’t. Yeah, no, I
L. Scott Ferguson: don’t. So, of course, on your cheat day, but go to ice cream flavor?
Philip Pape: Peanut butter peanut butter
L. Scott Ferguson: cup.
Awesome. So there’s a sandwich called the Paps. Build that sandwich for me. What’s on that, what’s on that sandwich?
Philip Pape: It’s about 90 percent meat, every type of meat. You can imagine a little bit of cheese, some mayonnaise, lettuce. And there we go. It’s on some sort of like fancy role.
L. Scott Ferguson: Nice. My guy, any favorite charity organization that you’d like to give your time or money to?
Philip Pape: Oh, the American red cross. I
L. Scott Ferguson: donate. Thank you. [00:24:00] Awesome, brother. And last question you can elaborate on this one, but what’s the best decade of music, sixties, seventies, eighties or nineties.
Philip Pape: I’m going to go with
L. Scott Ferguson: 80s. I’m hanging, dude. We’re definitely hanging out, brother. Yeah, dude. I mean, the 80s, like, a lot of people, like, I listen when I’m kind of going through a podcast.
Are we listening and building show notes? I’ll listen to 70s, right? Because the storytelling is really cool stuff in that. But the 80s, I mean, let’s think about it, dude. I mean, you got invaded with , you too, Duran Duran, I mean, from everywhere, right? And Bennett work or culture club or whatever. And then you had big hair, don’t care.
He had rap with the DC boys. He had all
Philip Pape: the rockers journey and all those, right? I mean, like speed wagon, everything,
L. Scott Ferguson: everything happened to the eighties, man. Gordon Gekko happened. I mean, everything was the eighties. Great. It’s good. Yeah. Yeah. So my friend, how can we find your
Philip Pape: brother? My podcast, Wits and Weights, and then you can reach me out on IG at Wits and Weights.
L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. And you gotta check out his YouTube channel as well, squad. Like, he absolutely kills [00:25:00] it. Like, there’s a really good interview that I thought was kind of funny also with, The Andy Baker interview that he did on YouTube. He’s a beast and he’s awesome. So, and also Eric Helms, I believe that might have been in the 120s.
It was the, the Eric Helms episode. It was awesome, man. But yeah, check out his YouTube, check out his IG squad and check out definitely go to Wits and Weights, the podcast. It’s awesome. He’s top 2 percent globally in fantastic information and it’s on my must listen to. So. Phil, do me a solid and leave us with one last knowledge.
And I get, we can take with us internalize and take action.
Philip Pape: I mean, you actually just said it and take action because I think a lot of people just don’t take that first step. People try to have the all or nothing mentality, right? And like they try to do everything. Just do one thing, just do one thing today from this interview.
You heard the protein recommendation. Just do that. Are you eating enough protein? Do that. Do one thing, push the comfort zone and you’ll make progress. Love
L. Scott Ferguson: it. And squad, we just had literally a free masterclass with. My good friend Phillip Pape. And I’m like, I have [00:26:00] notes upon notes that I have been typing out throughout this whole thing.
And, , that reminds us that. 90 percent is really mental. You got to get that mental right. And when you get that mental right, you hire somebody like Philip to really bring that body into gear because he’s going to work with you mentally in through your body. Weights, lifting, resistance exercise, keeping your skeletal muscle is super, super key to live in a harmonic life.
And you need to talk to us at least seven times a day about taking action. Take action. One thing I like about my friend Philip here is he does it for the intention. He doesn’t do it for the attention. You don’t see him standing next to Lambeau’s or doing all kinds of jazz. You might see him with a shirt off or something, but hell, if I had that body, I would too, brother, you know what I’m saying?
He wants to really work to simplify the message, to get it out to people, to understand that we all age, , we all have that. Death sentence, but we can push that back unless God takes you in another way, we can actually keep delaying that because our muscles will get into frail, but we need to again [00:27:00] maintain that skeletal muscle tissues, , also, he said something awesome with regards to protein like find your target body weight.
So if you’re 250, And you wanna wait two bills, 200, , get into the 200, , grams a day for your target body weight. Better yet, just let me make a warm introduction to Philip and let him get you there. , he is very detail oriented and his clients mu speak, coachable and really work into the details with Philip, , through tracking awareness.
And again, be coachable. Be ready to change. And if you’re out there, whether you’re young or old, don’t be a dick, , really learn to lean into people. And if you don’t know something like my good friend, Leah Woodford passed on to me years ago, get your asking gear, , cause someone that is so compassionate, like Philip.
, a guy that helped others get unstuck and become the best versions of themselves is somebody that’s out there planting trees. He’s never going to sit in the shade of, and that’s the kind of people that I like to be around. , he’s a solid provider protector and he wants to give you the best life possible.
And [00:28:00] again, take massive action. That’s what my good friend, Philip does. He levels up his health. He levels up as well. He’s humble yet. He’s hungry. He’s a handsome devil. He’s earned his varsity squad here. Time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming out, brother. Absolutely. Love your
Philip Pape: guts. Thank you so much.
This had to be one of the most fun podcasts I’ve ever been on. Great show. You got here. Awesome. Chat
L. Scott Ferguson: soon.
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