463- Joy Follows Purpose 😊✨ – Stop Chasing Happiness & Align with Your Values – TTST Interview with Coach Peter Teuscher

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Peter Teuscher is a systemic coach and author. He draws from his experience as an entrepreneur, executive in the corporate world, and world traveler.  Peter’s personal development journey really kicked off when he faced serious mental health issues in his early thirties.  He uses his diverse background and experience to help others discover their highest potential by becoming aware of and changing the thoughts, beliefs and habits that stand in their way.

“Happiness is life’s feedback. When you’re aligned with your values and purpose, joy isn’t something you chase—it’s something that naturally follows.” 😊
– Peter Teuscher

fERGIE’S tOP 5+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. Call It What It Is – Recognizing and naming your struggles is the first step to overcoming them. Awareness creates the path to change. 🚪
  2. Success Doesn’t Guarantee Fulfillment – You can have everything you thought you wanted and still feel empty. Redefine success on your own terms. 🏆
  3. Take Action on Good Days – When you feel even a little better, use that momentum to take small steps forward. Progress compounds over time. 📈
  4. Feed Your Mind and Body the Right Fuel – What you consume—both physically and mentally—affects how you feel and perform. Choose wisely. 🍏
  5. Shift Your Perspective, Change Your Reality – The way you look at challenges determines how you handle them. Reframe problems as opportunities. 🔄
  6. Don’t Believe Everything You Think – Not all of your thoughts are facts. Challenge negative beliefs and rewrite the story in your head. 🧠

Valuable Time-Stamps

[00:03:00]Recognizing Rock Bottom – Peter shares how his personal development journey began.

[00:04:00]Defining Depression – The moment Peter realized what he was experiencing had a name.

[00:06:00]Anxiety & Overwhelm – How anxiety and depression go hand in hand.

[00:07:00]The Power of Changing Beliefs – How shifting thoughts transformed Peter’s life.

[00:09:00]Food & Mental Health Connection – Why gut health impacts your mind.

[00:14:00]What is Systemic Coaching? – Peter explains his coaching philosophy.

[00:17:00]Coaching vs. Consulting – The key difference and why it matters.

[00:23:00]Don’t Believe Every Thought – Why questioning your thoughts is critical.

[00:27:00]Peter’s Definition of Happiness – How happiness is life’s feedback.

[00:34:00]Beliefs Are Not Your Identity – Change your beliefs to change your life.

Visit Peters Site:

Pick Up Peter’s Book: Rethinking Happiness – and the beliefs that guide you

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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript

L. Scott Ferguson: Hey, time to shine today. Podcast Varsity Squatted is Scott Ferguson. And here in South Florida, I reached all the way over to Germany to talk to my really good friend, Peter Teuscher, a personal development guy that I learned immensely from in this podcast. I follow him his journey kind of from rock bottom and crisis to really coming back, leveling up his systemic approaches.
How he’s all about really kind of taking action to kind of get you out of ruts to get you out of just a place of standstill and it’s he has so many knowledge nuggets. I know that I had like three pages. employing or deploying out with my own personal coaching clients.
So, sit back, relax, break out your notebook, so if you like it, please smash the subscribe button or follow us or something like that, just because my sponsors and affiliates really love it and I love keeping in touch with you. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, Peter Teuscher. Let’s level up! <<READ MORE>>

Time to shine today. Podcast Varsity Squad. This is [00:01:00] Scott Ferguson and happy 2025. This is the first, you might get this in February, but this is my first actual interview in the year 2025. And I reached all the way across the pond, all the way across the ocean to Hamburg, Germany. Cause I’ve been wanting to get my good friend, Peter Teuscher on.

Peter is a fantastic coach and he’s a systematic coach and an author. He draws from his experience as an entrepreneur, executive, executive in the corporate world. And World traveler. I mean, he’s from north of the border here. I live in the United States. He’s from Canada on the beautiful part of Canada there in Vancouver, but then he migrated over to Germany, which Regina Huber, I know you listen.

I’m going to put you in touch with my good friend, Peter here as well. But Peter’s personal development journey really kicked off when he faced serious mental health issues in his early thirties, he uses his diverse background and experience to help others discover their highest potential by becoming aware of and changing the thoughts, beliefs, and habits that stand in their way.

And Peter, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. But first [00:02:00] what’s your favorite color and why

Peter Teuscher: my favorite colors is actually blue. And It’s hard to tell you why. I just know as a kid, I always withdrawn to the color when the first time my parents let me decide the colors in my, in my bedroom, I, it was blue, different shades of blue.

So it was just kind of an intuitive thing. I’ve always kind of been drawn to it. Maybe because I grew up on the Pacific and I love the ocean. ,

L. Scott Ferguson: literally looking at the Atlantic. I’m blessed to live on the ocean here on the Atlantic ocean here in Palm beach. But it’s like, I was telling you off, Mike, it’s like 40 degrees.

So it’s like, I’m actually literally watching these kite boarders right now doing their thing. I’m like, dude, you’re crazy. I don’t care how big of a wetsuit, but no blues, my jam too, brother. Awesome. So let’s get to the roots man. I heard some mental. Challenges and stuff like that We can start wherever you would like to but I want to get to the roots because I know you helped level up a plethora of people and Again, i’m super super stoked.

I’ve been wanting to meet you for a while and thank you so much for coming on

Peter Teuscher: Well, I really appreciate having me on Scott and yeah, I guess my [00:03:00] journey kind of started when I was at a place in my life where like, I think a lot of people when they when they face a crisis or they have some kind of a rock bottom moment that forces them to change.

And for me, , I, I was I was in a situation, my brother and I had built this business in Canada. We were doing well from the outside. My life looked great but I would come home at night alone feeling super unhappy and I, I didn’t even know what, what depression meant. I didn’t even know what mental illness or anything like that referred to.

I, I just kind of thought that I I, , I, I just thought that I had some kind of a genetic failure or there was something wrong with me in, in, in the brain. And then I heard this public service announcement that said, , if you’re experiencing these symptoms, you may be suffering from depression.

And that was kind of the first indication that actually there’s a name for, , how I’m feeling. And it’s, it’s not so it, it, it, there is some normality to it. I’m not the only one experiencing this because I, I felt really guilty. I felt really bad. I had. [00:04:00] All the success in my life. I had great friends.

I had all this stuff where you should be happy, , in my mind and then I was, I was really unhappy and that’s when I led me to get some therapy and recognize, , that I’d actually been experiencing depression since I was like, my first memory of it was when I was seven, , in grade two.

So I, I had experienced periods of it throughout my life and I just kind of. Force my way through sort of a functioning depression and and, and so when I got to that place in my early thirties, where it’s like, I don’t know if I can go on with my life like this that’s when I, started making when I had good days.

I started making changes. I started really, taking action to try and improve my situation. I got therapy, a therapist recommended. I go to a meditation teacher. I started reading a ton of personal development books. I actually started coaching basketball. I played in high school and, and I, , all these things I was learning, I was trying to pass on to these young men I was coaching.

And so all of this got me onto the journey to, to where I am right now with a [00:05:00] whole bunch of little twists and turns. But but that was kind of the, the starting point or the Place that I shifted that

L. Scott Ferguson: was it ever kind of like a Do you ever have kind of like an anxiety attack or anything like that?

Because that that’s what happened with me brother. It was like 30 32 Because it’s 2004 That’s 32 years old and i’m sitting in this new office that i’m so proud of I built it out had employees And I sat down on the floor of the office. It was I remember it because it was like this industrial carpet, right?

 Like the kind that because in michigan, it’s just salt everywhere, Bring it in from the snow and it but I just stayed there and I just collapsed and I laid there and I This like crazy feeling came over my body, right? And I’m like, what the hell is going on? Right? And so, luckily, who I was seeing at the time was a therapist.

Right? And, and I’m like, babe, this is happening. And she’s like, you’re, you’re going through an anxiety attack. Everything’s going to be okay. And, , luckily she helped me nip it. Right? I mean like, bam, like right there. But like what was it for the symptoms [00:06:00] for people that aren’t listening that maybe are having them that they can notice it and be like, Hey man, this might be like anxiety and borderline depression.

Peter Teuscher: Yeah, I’ve certainly experienced anxiety at points and where, where you’re just feeling totally overwhelmed with your situation. And it’s just because of the way, , the, the lens through which you’re looking at, at, at your life or the, the things, the tasks that are ahead of you. And so so there, you’ll find a lot of times that depression and anxiety go hand in hand.

And so for me, my, my symptoms were. There were no obvious reasons for me to be, people, it’s, it’s normal for people to be depressed when, , when they have a divorce, when they lose their job, when, , when there’s some kind of major change in their life, I had all these things going for me.

I had no reason to feel unhappy or sad or really down. And so when there are no, , mitigating circumstances that are causing you to feel this way, there, there’s clearly something going wrong internally. And it’s a combination [00:07:00] of. Your mental processes and the, , physical processes. So obviously.

, there’s a lot of things that affect your dopamine levels and , the, the, the brain chemistry that, that contributes to the state that you’re in, but there are also a lot of mental processes and that’s, that’s the thing that I try and pass on to people is the, the, the thing that changed my life the most was recognizing that I could change what I believe and think and noticing that when I change my thoughts and beliefs I fundamentally changed my life and, and, and I recognize how much potential I really had.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right. And I mean, thoughts are, are our action that comes from our thoughts, , it’s like we just kind of move forward with it. And, and thank you for saying that it can also be physiological. , because a lot of the, I’m not going to go, I’m not going to get on my, , pulpit here and stuff, but like the food that is sprayed, that is enriched, that is fortified, that we’re putting in our body, man, once I [00:08:00] removed that, it was like a whole new, I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ll still crush some chicken wings and I’ll go out and have some good food, right?

But once I moved, removed the processed, the fortified, the enriched, my mental took off, ? Like, what is your belief on like, the foods we eat also can, , affect the mental?

Peter Teuscher: I was, , over the years, obviously, I’ve learned a ton more about about, , mental health than what I knew back then.

But I’m amazed, , when you look at your microbiome and how that affects your mental health, even being dehydrated can affect it can contribute to depression. So the thing is what your good gut health comes from eating good food, right? So, so if you’re eating massively processed food, if you’re doing a lot of things to disrupt the, your microbiome or not propagate the kind of healthy gut bacteria that can.

actually contribute to depression and other mental health illnesses. So, , I, , when I working as a systemic coach, I look at people their whole [00:09:00] situation. And I look at how the different elements of their life relate to each other and have an effect. And the same goes for your health and, , your mental health and your physical wellbeing.

There are, everything’s tied together. , it’s all systemic. They all have their connections and they all. Have influence on each other. So the nutrition and the food element is definitely a factor in mental and physical health,

L. Scott Ferguson: right? And I think I’ve been blessed to go to Italy a lot, , with, with just trips and whatnot, and I’ve never really seen a fat Italian, right?

And they eat pasta and bread every day, dude. I mean, I know they do a lot of walking and stuff like that, but it’s like there’s Americans do a lot of walking, but when they eat pasta and bread, they get fat. , but there there’s no fort. If I remember going there one time, they have anything to declare.

And I said, no, I’m good. And they went through my bag and they’re like, I had these orange crackers with peanut butter in the middle. They’re like, what about these? ? And I’m like, what about, I mean, like, this is junk. We don’t allow this. And I’m like, I didn’t get it at the time. right? And you just don’t see that many fat [00:10:00] Italians.

I’m sorry, obese for anybody that wants to be politically correct here, but like bigger Italian people, it’s because they don’t allow that stuff. I mean, they have frosted flakes there, but look at the look at the labeling, right? I don’t. Okay, we’re done with that part because I want to really get into your coaching and how you help people.

So how did we kind of lean into being becoming like a highly sought after coach that you are right now, Peter?

Peter Teuscher: Well , when I moved over to Europe, I, , I, I left a business in Canada we ended up selling it, but I, , I made this huge shift leaving family, friends, everything, and, and started new first I backpacked through Asia, trying to figure things out, came to Europe, started working in the, in the corporate world.

And and so initially I wanted to just improve my people skills. I wanted to be a better manager leader of people. And so , I was taking different types of courses along with all the personal development stuff I was doing. And then and then I’ve, I ended up getting taking a one year [00:11:00] coaching course that really was meant to improve my leadership skills and be, because I really believe in leading people and, or, , being a manager that, that coaches people rather than being someone who, who, , tells them, yeah, I’m, I’m all about teach a man to fish rather than, , the whole.

, if you teach something or help people find the answers themselves, they’re going to be more self sufficient and it’ll be much easier to lead them. And, and so through that process of that combination of my own personal development journey and the, the, , learning in the, in an organization to be more effective and help people find their own highest potential.

That kind of led me to where I am now. Although the, the trainer, when I finally got certified as a systemic coach one of the trainers said to me, listen, , with your corporate background and your personal development skills, and now you’re coaching , you would really have a lot to offer people.

And he had his own consulting business. And so he brought me in to start working on leadership training and coaching executives. And so [00:12:00] that was kind of my, I realized I had a lot to give. And so since then, my, my main priority is. I only want to work on things where I feel I can add value and so and so that kind of develop over the years I was doing the corporate job and the coaching in parallel to the point where I, , I could build up enough of a clientele to really focus on that.

So and all the while, I just realized, , the, the, the 2 things I focus on is helping people find clarity and helping people navigate change. And so, and so much of that, I don’t need to tell you this, but so much of that is based on our own inner roadblocks, , the beliefs that stand in our way, our negative thinking habits, , the, the highest performers will be the ones who are the, have the biggest case of imposter syndrome, , and, and so it’s, it’s amazing.

And so helping people navigate that and gain a new perspective has been just something that’s been so fulfilling for me. I love that you, you said that the imposter syndrome, because it comes across even as a [00:13:00] coach, I, I feel imposter syndrome, the people that I’m, , blessed to coach the PGA golfers, the MLB, NFL, , in like my coach actually said one time, she’s like, listen, do you link your abilities to your confidence?

L. Scott Ferguson: And that’s where becoming, it’s going to come in. An imposter that, that really sets in when you start saying, dude, why am I coaching this billionaire? Like Chet, like Harlow is three comma guy. I’m blessed to coach him, but who, who am I to coach? I mean, but the thing is, is she’s, she’s had me put together, , my intentions to my confidence.

I’m intending what I want to do in the world. So when she started linking, helping me link my intentions. And then the confidence just soared, whether it be on stage or in front of people. But I have to ask you, you’ve mentioned like six times now, systemic. What is, what is the systemic coaching and how does it differ from maybe other coaching programs?

Peter Teuscher: Well, there are lots of really great, valuable tools that I use some stuff from NLP and, and, and different coaching models, but the systemic [00:14:00] coaching is a, is a set of principles. And so it basically is a holistic approach. So when you a system, when you look at a system systemically, you look at what’s the system at play here.

And so you look at the big picture and then you discern the different parts of the system. So you can relate this to. A work situation or a health situation, anything, right? So you can look at , within an interpersonal situation, you can look at the different people and the relationship they have to you and to each other.

And, and then you, you, you zoom in and zoom out. So you get this big picture and you look at things from different perspectives and then recognizing those relationships that the different parts of the system have to each other. help you find solutions to problems that that are, that are, , that can change for the long term, not just quick fixes, but they are things that you integrate into your life to, to create a change in a, in a meaningful, sustainable way.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s beautiful. So you’re kind [00:15:00] of really digging deep with your clients. I can actually see you in a coaching session, not just listening with your ears, but I call it listening with your neck, right? Like really leaning in and picking up on the different cues that they have, whether verbal, nonverbal, sounds.

Well, that’s verbal. But, , just the different things. I really see that. So, do you work with clients kind of one on one or more group or? What’s your situation?

Peter Teuscher: I do. I, I work with people one on one. I work with I do group coaching as well. , a lot of , companies or organizations will want to have that kind of group coaching, especially if it’s a team and I, I do leadership training.

So helping people. In, in, in all the challenges that come with leadership, , because a lot of people who are experts in their area and then they get promoted to be in a leadership role and then they’re, , nobody’s ever taught them how to, , how to, how to navigate that.

And so but , I really love the the one on one helping people kind of find their. , the answers within them, the potential that they have. So

L. Scott Ferguson: thank you for saying that. Yeah.

Peter Teuscher: Yeah. Yeah. That’s the, , that that’s how I think I had the most value is getting [00:16:00] people to find their own highest potential.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love that. And I love that. You said them find it, , when I coach, I always put if I’m blessed to coach somebody in here in South Florida. I go out to their car. First, I want to see how they keep their car. Organized or not because you can tell a little bit about people that I put them in the driver’s seat And I say this little Mirror right here.

That’s your past. That’s your rearview mirror. That that’s that’s where therapy’s taken care of Like I can’t help you there, right great place to visit and learn from but I can’t help you there windshield big scary Oh my gosh, what what’s going on here? But since 2011 they’ve been putting this thing on the console called the gps.

That’s what I am but like you just said I can’t buckle the seatbelt if you so choose to, I can’t start the car, put it in gear. You’ve got to do that. My superpower is curiosity. I’m going to get, , the questions that are asked and they’re going to take action and see it through. So I think you and I kind of have the same philosophy on, they’ve got to do the work and actually come up with it in a sense.

We’ll help them game plan and say, okay, make a right here, left [00:17:00] here, but we’re not going to say this is how you do it because then you become a consultant. If that’s exactly, I was just

Peter Teuscher: going to say that that’s exactly it. , people who come to a coach who expect answers, , they’re, they’re asking, they’re asking you to be a consultant.

And the thing is, I believe everyone has the answers within them because any answer I’m going to give you is not going to be the best fit for you. You’re going to know what the right answer is for you. I just, I just accompany you there. I help you find that and dig that up. I help you find the questions that are going to.

Either the questions you don’t want to ask or you haven’t thought to ask yourself,

L. Scott Ferguson: right? Love it. Yeah. And that’s, yeah, everybody’s challenge that resides in them. That solution is just a little bit to the side. It’s just, you help them kind of get to it. Because I’ve told people, I went into consulting mode a couple of times and they’re like, came back and like, Fergie, you suck.

It didn’t work, , because it was my idea, , where when they come up with it and you hold them accountable, then next thing , , the magic starts to happen. And speaking of questions, when you’re maybe in a discovery session with a, , a possible client is [00:18:00] there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Peter Teuscher: Well, the thing that I, I would, I would like people to understand what coaching is because a lot of people who have never been coached before they come in and they think that you’re going to provide them with some solutions and they think that it’s all about providing certain tools and so on.

That stuff is a support mechanism, but like, I would really like it if people asked what coaching is. Because most people who go to coaching don’t even, , if they’ve never been coached before, they don’t even know how to describe it. Right. Right. So, so I think that’s really the, the fundamental question.

Everything else, , figures itself out, but then that helps set their expectations and understand what they’re in

L. Scott Ferguson: for. Yeah. Thank you for saying, ask your coach what coaching is because I mean, like, Tom Brady played a lot of football, right? Bill Belichick never really played a snap at that level.

But, he’s the coach, he helps him see things, holds that mirror up in front of Tom and [00:19:00] says, which becomes an iPad and looking at plays, , like, listen, this is what we’ve got to do to make adjustments. And some of my clients actually get that. They’re like, shit, that’s right, . Bill’s not out there throwing passes, dude.

, so, it’s Tom that was doing it. So, But

Peter Teuscher: that’s, that’s the reason I myself go to coaching sometimes because it’s really, , it’s really hard to see through all the stuff you’ve got going on in your head when it’s your own challenge that you’re, you’re trying to get through. And so having an outside perspective, someone who’s a neutral person.

Who’s willing to ask you those questions, , that you haven’t, that you’re not either willing to, or haven’t thought of that, , that that’s a help for anybody, no matter what, I bet you even like a Tony Robbins would get get it, let himself be coached. Right. Oh yeah.

L. Scott Ferguson: Oh yeah. He does.

I mean, I’m blessed to be one of his opening speakers when he’s in Palm beach. And like he introduces me to his coaches, , that he has his advisory board, and myself, I opened up my whole, , , I have like my, my own entourage of coaches that I have and consultants also that, and I [00:20:00] listened to them, , then the coaches, they hold me accountable.

I need a coach. It’s really going to hold my feet to the fire. And be like, dude, like this, did you get this done, , it didn’t hold me accountable. And I think that a great coach would do that. So what do you feel your strengths are as a coach, Peter?

Peter Teuscher: Well fundamentally, it’s always about knowing intuitively, knowing to ask the right questions.

And so I don’t really have a template, , other than sort of the principles that I work under having a template, I think, gets in the way. So if you have sort of a checklist of questions to ask, or if you have a set kind of regime that you take people through, that’s never going to work for everybody.

And so I find I work fairly intuitively. I had one client who, , and, and talk about being, intimidated working with, with certain people. I had a client who flew me to New York for two days, full coaching sessions. And I was on my way there going, I don’t know. I’m going to fill these two days.

, I know I got enough experience and tools in my back pocket, but but, , when you [00:21:00] think about the, the expanse of buying someone because they trust you. To go to, , from Germany to New York, spend two full days. And intuitively, I navigated that and I was able to ask the right questions.

Sure. Able to provide the right tools. Look, if you, if you learn your craft, you’re gonna know, just like, the a good quarterback or a good craftsman. You’re gonna know the right things. You don’t have to have it planned out. And so, I think just intuitively knowing to ask the right questions and to apply the right tools for the right situation.

L. Scott Ferguson: Absolutely. And B, have the balls, if you will, to call audibles, , in the middle of, in the middle of, there is, well, I’ll, because again, I’ve been on that plane just like you and you’re like, man, what am I doing? Then that imposter syndrome dependency, Ben, and then it’s just the reminder, , link your confidence to your intentions.

What’s your intention? What’s your intention? And then. Turn it on that superpower of curiosity, which I know that that’s yours as well because of how you’ve been talking and how you’re getting to the roots of your clients that you love on and [00:22:00] that you help is the curiosity. It wouldn’t happen without curiosity.

So I totally agree. Yeah. So Peter, have you seen the movie back to the future? I have. Okay, let’s go. Michael J. Fox is Canadian, , that’s right. He is. That’s right. So let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly, right? Let’s go back to the double deuce, the 22 year old Peter. All right, what knowledge nuggets, and we call him here at Times 10 today, what knowledge nuggets might you drop on him, not to change much, okay, like that’s not changing anything because your life is pretty damn good, but maybe to help shorten a learning curve, or maybe blast through, maybe just a little bit quicker.

Peter Teuscher: Well, the first thing I would point out is don’t believe everything you think, , a lot of, we, we have so many thoughts every day and a lot of, we all have this inner critic. We all have this narrator that, that, , is talking about and commenting on the life that we’re living. And the thing is, if you believe everything that inner voice says, it’s no wonder that you’re scared to take the next step, or you’re unsure about what the right thing to [00:23:00] do is, or you feeling anxiety.

And so I, I would say, , be willing to question the thoughts that you have. I’m not saying don’t trust yourself, but but I’m saying, , reflect on the question, the thoughts that go through your head and question, are they true? Do they support me? Are they beneficial to me? And I think that’s some fundamental advice that I would give the younger, younger me.

L. Scott Ferguson: And also what I always say when I’m asked this question is to get my asking gear like ask as many questions as I can because if you’re young, there’s people out there that want to help, but like, , I stalled myself because my ego or whatever, , and I stalled and that was probably that led to the anxiety attack, , in the borderline depression, even for myself.

How does Peter want his dash remembered? That little line in between his incarnation date and his expiration date, his life date and his death date. Hopefully it’s way down the line, but how does Peter want his dash remembered?

Peter Teuscher: Yeah, it’s interesting. I’ve been asked before about legacy [00:24:00] and , I, I think fundamentally what I’d love to do is, is to inspire people with my words, right?

So whether it’s my writing or whether it’s just the, the conversations I’ve had with coaching clients, I, I I, I don’t really feel like I I’m here for a period of time. And when I’m, when I’m done, I’m not that worried about how people remember me. I’m more concerned about whether people remember where it came from or not.

Did I have an impact? Did I create some positive change in their life? Even if they never remember it was me, whether it was the, , the kids I coached or whether it was a coaching client or just someone in passing that, , I, , that I said something positive to I, I just, that’s the legacy that I’d like to have without even having it tied to me necessarily.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s awesome. You’re doing it in spades, which I can tell, , even with even on your social and whatnot, you’re such a, like, have you read the Go Giver by Bob Berg? I haven’t, but it’s a good book to add to my list. Yeah, it’s a solid [00:25:00] book. It’s solid book. It’s just about give, give, give and also be an opener reciprocation.

So, Peter, what do you think people might misunderstand the most about you?


Peter Teuscher: think the a lot of times people will , I’m, I’m a big guy. I’m, I’m, I’m almost six, five and, and, and they’re always surprised that I’m I’m quite soft spoken and I’m, I’m really quite laid back. So sometimes appearance , it And then I think the other thing is because I’m because I’m, I’m so kind of go with the flow a lot of times when I do, like, outside of coaching, if, if someone, if, if someone really pushes me too far, then I’ll, I can draw the line.

I just, it takes a lot. So I think sometimes people are, especially when they’re, I’m in a negotiation or something in the past when I was in business. People would, would kind of think oh yeah, he’ll let this slide. But I always knew when to draw the line. So it was that creating respect without [00:26:00] without always having to bang on the table sort of thing.

I think that’s the thing that surprises people the most about me. And they, they don’t see that side of me that often, but when it comes out, I can bring it out when I need to.

L. Scott Ferguson: Thank you. Cause I’m, I’m six, two. I go about two 35. I’m pretty well put together like yourself. And like, first thing, when we walk into rooms, they’re like, is he a bully?

Is he that guy? And then I’m the first guy I’m from the Midwest, man. I’m going to give you a hug, but. I can become Mama Hen, too, to protect my business, protect my clients, and everything else. That’s awesome. So, what is Peter’s definition of a life well lived?

Peter Teuscher: Oh, well, , my topic is happiness in a big way.

So it’s just living your authentic life. So you, , you, nobody can tell you what happiness is. It’s something you figure out for yourself, but I think happiness is this feedback life gives you when you’re living in alignment with your values and your needs and, and you’re seeing life in a clear way.

That supports your happiness. So a life well lived, it’s just staying true to those values and and, [00:27:00] and following that path. And, you get so much more out of life by giving than, than you, than you do by receiving. And so I think that’s the thing that’s become so clear to me. And, and that’s why it’s so fundamentally important that everything I do, I find a way to add value.

L. Scott Ferguson: The value add man. That’s the, you’re, you’re amazing brother time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We are back and Peter one of these days you never know We might meet in the flesh sometime.

We might run into each other whatnot And I’m sure we’ll talk about some of these questions for in depth at length 15 20 minutes we could talk in each one of these but today you got five seconds and I promise you with no explanations And I promise you they can all be answered that way you ready to level up I’m ready to level up.

Here we go. All right, Peter. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Peter Teuscher: In one sentence.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah

Peter Teuscher: You can do it.

L. Scott Ferguson: You

Peter Teuscher: can do it. Yeah. Yeah the best leveling up advice i’ve ever received is that I [00:28:00] have far more potential than I believe

L. Scott Ferguson: I do. Yes All of us do man. I love that. It’s freaking awesome. So share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success

Peter Teuscher: Oh, the biggest habit, I think meditation when I learned to meditate in my early thirties that changed my life because I, I recognized that my thoughts don’t have to control me.

I can actually get separation and I’m not my thoughts. I realized that I can be the observer of my thoughts and it just gave me so much more control of. How I see the world and how I navigate the world.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Yes. The observer that that’s amazing. So other than your book, which we’re going to get to here in just a little bit, rethinking happiness, what other book has really kind of, if you saw me and man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit, what book might you hand me that really had an impact on you?

Peter Teuscher: Wow. There’s so many. I think the one that I quote most often is probably Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. He’s got so much [00:29:00] great stuff in there and that I always come back to as a coach. Love it. Your most

L. Scott Ferguson: commonly used emoji when you text? Just a smiley face, actually.

Nicknames growing up.

Peter Teuscher: Oh I used to be in high school. They called me Eiff because of the Eiffel Tower. I was a big

L. Scott Ferguson: guy. Gotcha. Gotcha. So if you could stay one age for the rest of your life, gather physically, physically stay one age for the rest of your life, keep all the wisdom you’ve garnered and gather more wisdom.

What age physically would you stay for the rest of your life? And don’t lie.

Peter Teuscher: It would be like 35, right in

L. Scott Ferguson: my

Peter Teuscher: mid

L. Scott Ferguson: thirties. As long as there’s a three on the front of that and you and I are good buddies. Then you have any other, you have any hidden talent or superpowers that nobody knows about well until now.

Peter Teuscher: Well, I don’t know if there’s any superpowers, but not many people. I don’t let many people know hear me saying, but I was with some basketball [00:30:00] friends in Japan and we went to a karaoke night. And they were all quite surprised. Brought it on the mic! My man!

L. Scott Ferguson: Chess checkers or Monopoly?

Peter Teuscher: I would like to say chess because but I’m not good at it.

So, I would say Monopoly. Okay, very cool. Headline for your life?

L. Scott Ferguson: Ugh. Awareness allows change. Yes. Go to ice cream flavor. I

Peter Teuscher: like the combination of strawberry and lemon.

L. Scott Ferguson: Wow, you can

Peter Teuscher: have

L. Scott Ferguson: that, brother. Then again, I’ve never tried it, so I can’t say that. But It’s

Peter Teuscher: the gelato

L. Scott Ferguson: in Italy, man. You gotta go for that.

Love it. There’s a sandwich called the Eif. Build that sandwich for me. What’s on the sandwich?

Peter Teuscher: Well, I like whole grain bread. I like I like different types of cheeses. Some tomato pickle, a little mayo. All right.

L. Scott Ferguson: Were you looking for food ingredients or life ingredients? Exactly. Food ingredients.

You got any meat on there? No, I, I stopped eating meat 25 years ago, [00:31:00] but

Peter Teuscher: but yeah, only, only because it just seemed to fit me better, but I love cheese, you know,

L. Scott Ferguson: cheese is good, especially if it’s good cheese. Not the process. Yeah. Excellent. Some good stuff over here. Favorite charity and or organization you’d like to give your time and or money to.

Peter Teuscher: There’s an organization in Germany called Children’s to translate it into the English. It’s it’s they’re, they’re called SOS Children’s Village and they they, they work with, there’s two things I like to support it’s, it’s animals and children because both can’t really take care of themselves.

So so that’s, that, that’s the one I like to support. Thank you for

L. Scott Ferguson: doing that, man. That’s fantastic. And the last question you can elaborate on this one, but what’s the best decade of music 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s.

Peter Teuscher: I, I tend to be drawn to the nineties actually yeah, yeah, the eighties I, I, I always kind of am a little negative on the on the eighties and my, my wife’s younger than me, but she loves the eighties and she’s kind of brought me back to a lot of the good stuff from that era.

But yeah, I think it’s, it’s the nineties [00:32:00] music ties you into a certain era and I think. It was the end of the 90s where I was kind of coming into my own. And I think you know, recovering from a lot of things, I think maybe, , music

L. Scott Ferguson: puts me back there. Absolutely. I’m an eighties guy. I mean, I graduated in 1990 from high school, so it’s like.

I’m an 80s guy, but like I, when I’m actually working on stuff, I put the 70s on because I like to hear stories being told through music. Right. And like, the 70s was a lot of great storytellers from Gordon Lightfoot, , Prochi and all those Canadians, , but no, so how can we find you, my friend?

Peter Teuscher: Oh, the best way is through my website. It’s peterteuscher. com and it’s spelled, the last name is spelled T E U S C H E R so peterTeuscher. com and I write a weekly blog there and that’s where you can book me or, or find a link to my book.

L. Scott Ferguson: Excellent. Now you just, perfect segue, tell me about this book that you authored, Rethinking Happiness and the Beliefs That Guide You.

Peter Teuscher: Yeah. So So the book is meant to help people find more authentic happiness. People come to me for [00:33:00] coaching sometimes and they’ll say, , I’ve, , I’ve got the family, the kids, I’ve got the career. And for some reason I’m still not happy because they’ve kind of checked these boxes. And, and so what I try and do is help them figure out where, where they’ve not necessarily where they’ve got wrong or what, what they’ve missed.

And so the, the, the book is set up as a, as a coaching book. So at the end of every chapter, except for one, there’s a list of questions that you can ask yourself to help reflect on the different topics. And so I look at it systemically, , all different elements of your life. Where your beliefs affect the way that you’re making choices and the way you’re seeing the world and and essentially helping you curate a belief system that will help you live a happier

L. Scott Ferguson: life.

I love that. And, and Squad, I’m ashamed to say I haven’t read it yet. I’m actually going to pick it up and read it on my flight tonight, but I am also. Going to do a two book and two Kindle giveaway for the first people that puts, [00:34:00] let’s put tower for the Eiffel tower. Let anyone that puts tower in any, I don’t care if it’s Pinterest.

I don’t care if you text it 561 440 3830 email it. Wherever you put it just let us know and let us know if you want the kindle or The the paperback version and I will definitely get that out to you and peter if you could Please leave me with one last the squad with one last solid That we knowledge nugget that we can take with us internalize and take action on

Peter Teuscher: Absolutely.

I think my focus is on beliefs, and I want people to remember that, , your beliefs are not your identity. They’re not something that’s etched in stone. So if there’s a belief that’s not Serving you learn to change it and make sure that it’s going to lead you to the To your potential and to the life that you want to live

L. Scott Ferguson: love it and squad I just I don’t know about you, but I kind of had a free master class It was in a really laid back fashion, by my good friend peter Teuscher who in this journey He really faced a lot of , his version of [00:35:00] crisis, It’s forced him to kind of a rock bottom situation which really forced change upon him , he looked at life as I can just see him.

He’s probably like a When he’s going through that time, he looked like a duck on a pond, where he looks chill on top, underneath, man, those, those, paddlers are just going and going and going, and he sought help, , because he reminded us that depression and anxiety can go hand in hand, , it doesn’t have to be a major change for depression to keep in, to creep in.

That’s one thing that he, , Kind of put out there that really hit home with me because I was very successful at the time printing money blah blah blah But I was depressed in a sense where the anxiety just really kicked my ass , they started finding through his own exercise and the own people that he would talk to Finding clarity and that helped him navigate the changes that he needed They said the systemic is a set of a holistic approach where and holistic is not foo foo Look at me herbs and stuff like that.

It’s a whole being squad. I mean sometimes you need the meds That’s part of holistic too, right? [00:36:00] But yeah, , it’s it’s a food we put in us what we put in our mind , and if you’re going to work with a coach, or maybe you’re in the discovery period, or hopefully it’s Peter, ask your coach what coaching is, and they better have a damn good answer for you.

, and a good coach is not going to use a template. He’s not going to be out there going, Oh, you do this, do this, do this. No, he’s going to be like my good friend, Peter. He’s going to be super curious, ask powerful questions. It’s going to instill action. I mean, Peter’s out there planting trees. He’s never going to sit in the shade of, I can just see him like right now.

He does things for the intention. Not the attention. He’s super humble, a nice guy. I would definitely have a brain grenade or two with them or a coffee or whatever they drink over there in Germany. , and he wants us to remember that, , don’t believe everything that you think don’t listen to yourself.

And like with my, especially if it doesn’t feel right, I’m a big believer in talking to yourself. , he wants you to be authentic. And that happiness is the feedback that life is giving you right now. Be happy. Pick up his book. Or listen, put that in there, [00:37:00] Tower in there, and I’d be happy to do the book giveaway.

And lastly, beliefs are not your identity if they’re not serving you. And if your beliefs are not serving you right now, please, please, please let me make a warm intro to my good friend Peter, who levels up his health, he levels up his wealth. He’s earned a Varsity Squad letter here at Time to Shine today.

Thank you so much for coming on, Peter. I absolutely love your guts, man.Peter Teuscher: Thanks so much, Scott. It’s been amazing being with you. Yeah, chat soon.

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