359-Gain Confidence and Feel & Look Great in Your Own Skin! – TTST Interview with The Perfect Balance Guru Pam Sherman

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Pam’s passion has always been health and wellness. She was a group exercise instructor and personal trainer for 20 years. As well as a running coach, mindset/life coach and food coach. Pam’s career took a turn 5 1/2 years ago when she got hit by a car while running. Now she has an even bigger reach (thanks to social media) and inspires (mostly) women all over the world to eat better, move more and know that their health is their greatest wealth!

 You rent fast food – It does nothing for you!

– Pam Sherman 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. If you are starting to work with a coach to Level UP your health ask them how they can help stop the bad ‘binges’ that you may have an ‘extreme’ in

2. Work to find activities that will serve you rather than ‘eat your feelings’ away (journal, walk your dog, get moving etc)

3. Your health is your wealth

4. Work daily so that your older self thanks your present self! 

5. So many of us do NOT eat enough. When you are hungry then EAT! Just make good choices! 

6. If your grandmother doesn’t recognize the food, then you probably 

7. Don’t try to change too many things at once – inch by inch it’s a cinch, by the yard it’s hard

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

If you have great content regarding ‘LEVELING UP’ and would like to be interviewed on the Time To Shine Today Podcast Go Here: www.TimeToShineToday.com/guest

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:37

Time to shine the day podcast, Varsity squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:44

This is Scott Ferguson, and I am super uber stoked to bring you my good friend, my beautiful front Pam Sherman, from the perfect balance, and Pam is like a really a no excuses person. She might wake up in the morning.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:56

Not feel like doing it, but she knows she’s got to get it done to get her body moving to get the blood pumping, and the best part about it is she loves to pay it forward and help you do the same.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:07

Like, I’m gonna put the author page in the show notes don’t go there now, but she’s wrote in a ton of books that I can’t wait to dig into, and I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t yet.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:18

But her passion is always been health and wellness. She was a group exercise instructor on personal training.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:22

For 20 years, as well as our running coach, mindset, life coach and food code.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:26

Her career, took a little bit of a term, because some driver decide to plow into her while she was on a little run, and luckily she said, breathing air on this earth, and she’s able to help level you up.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:38

So I’m gonna tell you right now, break out your digital note taker or pen and pad and paper, sit back and relax.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:43

You’re gonna have love this because Pam is coming on a Pam. Please introduce yourself.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:47

The time to shine today podcast for Rc. Squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:49

But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

[Pam Sherman] 12:43:52

Hot pink because because it makes me happy. In fact, if I had to make sure I’d wear it right now.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:53


[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:57


[Pam Sherman] 12:43:59

Hot, pink, bright orange, and turquoise. It’s just the bright colors bring joy and happiness every time I see them.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:03

I love that. You said that because I’m having time to shine today.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:08

Shirts made some of them will be hot pink. So you’re gonna mail.

[Pam Sherman] 12:44:10

Yes, yes.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:11

I’m gonna mail one out to you. You got a rocket in one of your videos with Squat.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:15

If you check her out on Tiktok, Youtube, Instagram, she absolutely kills it, and I again, I’m ashamed to say I haven’t followed her before, but I’ve dug into her, and I was like Wow, so seriously, welcome to the show and I would love to hear your story of where

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:29

You kind of started, Pam, to where you know, we’ll talk a little bit about that accent as well.

[Pam Sherman] 12:44:34


[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:35

But also what really triggered that to help people level up

[Pam Sherman] 12:44:38

I grew up in a family with 2 big brother, so, it was always 40.

[Pam Sherman] 12:44:44

They always had to babysit me. So I was always, you know, tagging along football, whatever.

[Pam Sherman] 12:44:48

And then my dad was actually in the amazing runner in college, and was one of those recreational runners that it was before was popular.

[Pam Sherman] 12:44:56

He ran, which you’d see somebody running in the seventys.

[Pam Sherman] 12:44:57

You’re like, what are they doing? And I asked Why, if I can go for run with him and Arian 2 miles without stopping and felt like a 1 million bucks, I never stopped.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:45:06

Hmm! Wow!

[Pam Sherman] 12:45:07

No, I was never very good, Scott. I was very middle of the road, but I just loved it so continued through college or high school college.

[Pam Sherman] 12:45:15

My girlfriends, and I went to the Ohio State University.

[Pam Sherman] 12:45:18

Where we were not. Yes, we were not good enough to run there, but we decided to run the Columbus Marathon every year, just because we love to compete, and I look back.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:45:19

What guys

[Scott Ferguson] 12:45:26


[Pam Sherman] 12:45:28

I’m like we were young and dumb. We didn’t know any better.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:45:31


[Pam Sherman] 12:45:31

It was a long way to go, but it was fun. An annual, an annual thing.

[Pam Sherman] 12:45:34

We did for 8 years

[Scott Ferguson] 12:45:36

Was that in March timeframe, or when was that? October?

[Pam Sherman] 12:45:38


[Scott Ferguson] 12:45:39

Okay, cause. I always go to the Arnold in Columbus.

[Pam Sherman] 12:45:42

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:45:43

You’re the aren’t sourceary classic. Yeah, I’m sorry. Go ahead.

[Pam Sherman] 12:45:45

No, no! Fall is the perfect time in the beautiful? Yes, and then, after college, I moved out to California, and my first roommate was a group exercise instructor, and she and I would run and I take her classes, and she’s like, Hey, there’s a class up at the junior college on how to be a

[Scott Ferguson] 12:45:47

Oh, my gosh! Beautiful Midwest Falls

[Pam Sherman] 12:46:04

Group exercise, instructor. I think you should take it. And I was like, Okay, sounds great.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:06


[Pam Sherman] 12:46:10

I was. Probably I was. Yeah. I was pregnant at the time.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:10

Sure, sure.

[Pam Sherman] 12:46:12

I know I didn’t want to work full time when I had kids.

[Pam Sherman] 12:46:16

I did that, and then I thought, well, I might as well get my personal training, certification, because I think women that I have in class might want me to train them.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:22


[Pam Sherman] 12:46:23

And my career is born. I just I want to say it was very lucky, but I have been a trainer my whole life, even when I was a little kid.

[Pam Sherman] 12:46:30

So that was what I was meant to do. I was born with motivation dripping out of my pores.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:35


[Pam Sherman] 12:46:35

So it’s amazing for me to help inspire others on their health journey.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:38

And I love that. So you’re you’re what?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:43

What is your feeling on so we’d wanted to ask you this on competition, like, I know you mentioned that.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:49

You know you you weren’t quote unquote, good enough to make the the Buckeye, you know, cross country team or whatnot.

[Pam Sherman] 12:46:53


[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:55

But what is your thoughts on competition?

[Pam Sherman] 12:46:57

I love competition and as runners, you competing with yourself, I I continue to run after.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:46:59


[Pam Sherman] 12:47:03

I finish doing marathons at half Marathon. I was competing to beat my own time.

[Pam Sherman] 12:47:08

I think. Copy. Yes, yes, and I’m I’m super proud to say my Pr.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:47:08

Thank you. I was wanting that answer, man. Yes, yeah.

[Pam Sherman] 12:47:14

And half Marathon is 140, and I worked very hard for that, and my Pr. In the Marathon is 328, and I worked very hard for that, and it was my first Marathon was a 438.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:47:18


[Pam Sherman] 12:47:27

So it was over an hour. Difference from my very first, Marathon, so competing with myself is the only thing I’ve ever done as a person in a solo sport. Right? That’s the whole competition makes you work harder

[Scott Ferguson] 12:47:33

Hmm right. Oh, my gosh, absolutely I you know I’m 50 years old, and I know you shared your age with me, too.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:47:42

But like it it’s we need that competition moving forward with life.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:47:47

I’m a big believer that that do in the mirror is the biggest you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:47:50

Competition that I have to beat that guy from yesterday, or at least try to keep up and do.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:47:57

I’m competing submission graffling. And it’s luckily there’s just people my age.

[Pam Sherman] 12:47:59


[Scott Ferguson] 12:48:00

If not, I get tore up. But no! Would that be inside like?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:48:03

Who do you train clients with one on one or group setting, or both because I mentioned I heard you mentioned the group Sunny. But where are you at?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:48:11

With that

[Pam Sherman] 12:48:11

I have some local clients that come to my backyard because I have a beautiful Jim that I have such fun.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:48:16

I saw it, and Ig

[Pam Sherman] 12:48:17

It’s so fun, so great. And I also have a private Facebook group coaching program called The Perfect Balance Tribe.

[Pam Sherman] 12:48:26

And it’s made up of women most. I’m 55.

[Pam Sherman] 12:48:27

So most of them 50 are over, and I motivate, inspire, encourage, and we talk about food, fitness, game, strategizing for weekends, holidays, because our society is set up for people to fail.

[Pam Sherman] 12:48:41

There’s crap all around us, and it takes work to to be your healthiest self.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:48:46


[Pam Sherman] 12:48:47

So. So that’s a that’s I do, private and group coaching

[Scott Ferguson] 12:48:50

So when somebody comes to you, maybe in the private side of things, what have you found, or what is?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:00

Maybe some of your secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing to maybe help them find their blind spots

[Pam Sherman] 12:49:01


[Pam Sherman] 12:49:05

99% of people who kind of me want to lose weight

[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:09

No way.

[Pam Sherman] 12:49:10

Way, and my non-negotiable is you have to log on my fitness, PAL, and we have to be friends because I have to see what you’re eating. Period

[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:18

There you go!

[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:20

Accountability, love that I never even thought of that. I’m not.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:26

You know what I’m gonna add that into people that I have for mindset shifts and stuff like that, because diet, which I know you’ll agree with me or lifestyle that you live, that die.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:33

I hate that word, too, but the lifestyle that we live has so much to do with our energy in our mindset, correct

[Pam Sherman] 12:49:40

Correct, and I’m 55 year 50. When I was growing up it was all about deprivation, you know, eating less, eating nothing or I’m telling my clients eat more protein and eat more of each more vegetables.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:45


[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:49

Yes, love it right

[Pam Sherman] 12:49:52

Let’s stay out of the pantry. And I and I want to. I actually want to eat more, to lose weight, not less

[Scott Ferguson] 12:49:58

Yes, I love it, and you know, maybe shop the supermarket, or your whole foods or sprouts on the outside of the aisles, right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:50:09

And kind of strike to live there instead of going those

[Pam Sherman] 12:50:11

You never need to go down the Serialisle. That’s nothing but crap

[Scott Ferguson] 12:50:16

I love it, love it so

[Scott Ferguson] 12:50:22

When someone’s maybe come to you. You’re in that discovery phase, and you you they shared their, you know my fitness, PAL with you and whatnot.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:50:31

Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:50:35

But never do.

[Pam Sherman] 12:50:38

How can you help me? Stop from binging

[Scott Ferguson] 12:50:43

And it can go both ways on that benchmark.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:50:48

And what I mean by that like, stop your Twinkie grabs and stuff like that, but also stop your starvation like you almost binge towards starvation.

[Pam Sherman] 12:50:56

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:50:56

I’ve heard you say, not in those words, but like people think that not eating will, they’ll lose

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:01

Yeah, and really, women, I work with mostly when I have a mail client right now.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:06

But they eat because they’re sad, happy, frustrated, lonely board, tired.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:10

I don’t know if a lot of people actually feel hungry.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:16

And it’s okay to be hungry and then eat as opposed to.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:20

Oh, it’s it’s new, and I better eat some lunch

[Scott Ferguson] 12:51:23


[Pam Sherman] 12:51:24

And why are you binging? Is it? You’ve had too much strength?

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:28

Because I know I don’t drink anymore, but in my forward is, if I had one beer too many, it would lead me to overeating every time

[Scott Ferguson] 12:51:33

Oh, my, gosh, absolutely. Yeah.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:36

It’s there’s so many reasons. So, looking at the behavior behind it, my my friend of mine just she’s going back to school.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:44

She’s overwhelmed. It’s her first week.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:47

Classes. She didn’t tell me she binge.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:49

Yesterday I said, Okay, I think it’s because it’s your first week of school, and you’re feeling overwhelmed.

[Pam Sherman] 12:51:52

And she said, yes, so what can you do with your feelings?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:51:54


[Pam Sherman] 12:51:57

Besides each your feelings. Can you, journal? Can you take a nap?

[Pam Sherman] 12:52:01

Can you call a friend? Can you walk your dog? It’s just hard to stop when you’re in that moment like like almost putting on the brakes like, Okay, I don’t want to go there.

[Pam Sherman] 12:52:10

What what can I do with these feelings inside my body?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:52:13

Right in. Obviously, that’s a really an emotional kind of attachment to it. I love what you just said.

[Pam Sherman] 12:52:18


[Scott Ferguson] 12:52:19

It’s like people will say it’s been proven that thirst is a delayed indicator of hydration.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:52:27

I I feel that hunger is also a delayed indication of you actually should be feeling your body now again, what it’s what you put in your body right.

[Pam Sherman] 12:52:39


[Scott Ferguson] 12:52:39

That that makes all the sense. And if you get more, I always must just sort of satiation e foods.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:52:45

You know that that are going to like? I heard you say vegetables?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:52:49

They will fill you with with it in less than that. But it’ll also lead them to building mobile and burning the fat as well.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:52:57

Correct. I’m just asking as a question, really.

[Pam Sherman] 12:52:59

Protein is a most satiating macronutrients.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:02

Boom. Yes, you’re right. Yes.

[Pam Sherman] 12:53:03

5, fiber is the second, and when I tell my ladies who I coach, mostly ladies, to switch from their car base like, just think of an English muffin and butter or peanut butter which you’re hungry and hour later cause you could eat 5 of those to a

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:14


[Pam Sherman] 12:53:17

Protein based practice. I had a woman say, Oh, my God!

[Pam Sherman] 12:53:20

I was full for hours, like I know. That’s what it does for you.

[Pam Sherman] 12:53:24

It keeps you full. So you have less like women. I think, spend so much time thinking about food.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:29


[Pam Sherman] 12:53:30

What’s the next meal when you’re full?

[Pam Sherman] 12:53:30

You don’t think about that. You’re like, okay, I can think about 800 other things

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:35

Within your process or your protocol. You have lack of a better term.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:41

Recipes, or how teach your clients how to shop?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:46

For what they want to make, because a lot of people are all out.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:49

They make it. I I’m a big believer that you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:51

Winners, make adjustments, mediocre people make excuses.

[Pam Sherman] 12:53:54

I like that

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:54

So to make that adjustments. Do you help them with when they become your client?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:53:59

Maybe learn to shop, how to shop, what to have in your cupboard and whatnot

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:03

Well, I I have a digital, my favorite 20 recipes.

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:07

It’s on my website. But I try to really keep it simple.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:54:08

Oh, okay.

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:10

Scott, protein and veggies, protein and veggies.

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:14

I love apples. Nobody ever got fat eating apples. I hate that.

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:17

The Keto movement like villainized fruit.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:54:20


[Pam Sherman] 12:54:21

But when you keep it, my thing is to keep it to real food.

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:25

If your grandmother didn’t recognize it except for I think we need protein powder, because women can’t eat enough protein.

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:29

But if your grandmother didn’t recognize it, you shouldn’t be eating it.

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:32

It should be a very once in a while. Food

[Scott Ferguson] 12:54:35

Wow, I I I have to write that down. Recognize that you shouldn’t be eating it.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:54:41

Wow! That that’s that’s true, too. It’s it’s it kind of on a bridge version or a down lowered version of the Paleo is what you kind of talk about.

[Pam Sherman] 12:54:52

Eating real food. Yeah. Single ingredient food is really always gonna serve you best

[Scott Ferguson] 12:54:58

Love it, love it so have you seeing the movie back to the future?

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:04

Of course.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:04

Okay, let’s get that delory with Marty may fly.

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:07


[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:09

Let’s go back to the double. Use. The 24 year old.

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:11

Okay. Okay.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:11

No, Pam, what kind of knowledge are you so we call him here?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:15

Time to change what kind of knowledge and I guess, might you drop on her not to change anything you said?

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:18

Okay, no, no, that ha! That happened for me, not to me.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:19

Maybe getting hit by the car, but like, what would you know?

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:23


[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:24

What sat my question. I want to hear about this cause. I I asked right over.

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:27

Yeah, no, that is aside from asking my husband out that is the best thing that ever happened to me.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:28

Please share that a little bit

[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:34


[Pam Sherman] 12:55:35

I was training for my girlfriend, and I used to go to San Francisco to run the hot chocolate run every year.

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:41

It was a 9.3 mile race, and I was out.

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:44

It’s so interesting in hindsight. I’m a morning exercise, or get up.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:55:49


[Pam Sherman] 12:55:49

Do it. This day was in December of 2,017, and my husband.

[Pam Sherman] 12:55:54

I decided to finish the Christmas shopping for our kids went to the Mall, went to lunch, saw a movie, I came home and I went out for run.

[Pam Sherman] 12:56:02

At 30’clock, now in California. It was December, beautiful 50 degrees.

[Pam Sherman] 12:56:05

No wind. I was running. I looked at, got to the 2 miles.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:56:06


[Pam Sherman] 12:56:10

Okay, it’s about 8 15 pace, really happy. And then a pizza delivery guy who took a write probably 25 times a day look left and turned right.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:56:17


[Scott Ferguson] 12:56:20


[Pam Sherman] 12:56:20

And I was right there. So I did put my hand out, and I did eat the windshield, and then rolled off his car into the second lane, and, luckily for me, it was a Sunday cause that’s a busy road.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:56:33


[Pam Sherman] 12:56:34

Nobody was there, and I was able to crawl back to the sidewalk, and it was I it it was a ended up being a great thing prior to that.

[Pam Sherman] 12:56:44

I was a group exercise instructor and trainer, but I think the universe that you need to get out and reach more people on their health journeys because I was in such excellent shape.

[Pam Sherman] 12:56:53

I had started strength training in 2,014. I didn’t break any bones.

[Pam Sherman] 12:56:59

I lost 6 teeth in the process because I ate the windshield, but I didn’t

[Scott Ferguson] 12:57:03

Awesome. It sounds like pain, man. Oh, my goodness, yeah.

[Pam Sherman] 12:57:07

No! No! Well, your body is in shock. So really I mean my my mouth was sore, and I couldn’t eat solid food for 3 months, and it took 2 years to get actually get the teeth back into my head.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:57:19


[Pam Sherman] 12:57:20

But I was running. 6 weeks later I was working out, you know.

[Pam Sherman] 12:57:24

A couple of weeks later, because I cause I’d like to move my body.

[Pam Sherman] 12:57:28

So we

[Scott Ferguson] 12:57:28

And you took that to expand your reach

[Pam Sherman] 12:57:32

Literally at that time it would happen in December, in February.

[Pam Sherman] 12:57:37

My friend who introduced me to her neighbor, who is a website designer, and I was like, I think I kind of wanna reach more people.

[Pam Sherman] 12:57:44

I can’t be in the classroom, and she’s like, sure we can, and I’ll create a Youtube channel.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:57:46


[Pam Sherman] 12:57:48

My daughter was a senior in high school. She’s like, so I said, I want to write it.

[Pam Sherman] 12:57:53

I can write so I want to write a newsletter.

[Pam Sherman] 12:57:54

She goes. Okay. When people sign up, you need to give them something.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:57:57


[Pam Sherman] 12:57:58

So I started writing, started writing, started writing. I give it back to her, she said.

[Pam Sherman] 12:58:02

This is a book I’m like, what are you talking about?

[Pam Sherman] 12:58:05

So you guys just give me 10 more pages. And my first book, The Perfect Balance Guide to Healthy Living, was born.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:58:12

Wow! Hmm!

[Pam Sherman] 12:58:12

I didn’t even set out to write a book, and then I was helping my daughter soccer team.

[Pam Sherman] 12:58:18

I did strength training with them once a week, and the girls would tell me the awful things they would eat.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:58:22


[Pam Sherman] 12:58:22

So I wrote newspaper for athletes for high school kids like you shouldn’t have Taco Bell.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:58:27


[Pam Sherman] 12:58:27

That’s a food you rent. It doesn’t do anything for your body.

[Pam Sherman] 12:58:30

I know I know. So my books came one by one, really in my recovery I never, ever would have thought about writing any books, and it it they’re not big long books, 50 60 pages we get, is there?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:58:32

No, you’re right.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:58:43

Those are the best books. Are you kidding me? Yeah.

[Pam Sherman] 12:58:46

No nonsense. You get actual steps you can take to start getting better, healthier every day.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:58:54

Right. That’s beautiful. And it’s beautiful that you took something that a lot of people would be like.

[Pam Sherman] 12:58:55

That’s it, that’s it.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:00

Oh, I’m life is done, and then turn it into a plus that that that’s fantastic.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:06

So then let’s get in that glory with bar to make fly, but maybe go back to again 22 years old.

[Pam Sherman] 12:59:08

Okay. Okay.

[Pam Sherman] 12:59:11


[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:12

Is there anything that you might tell her to maybe help her shorten a learning curve, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:18

Maybe blast through, maybe just level up just a little bit quicker

[Pam Sherman] 12:59:21

Well, this is in the eighties before the Internet, and some young people aren’t even know what that means.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:26


[Pam Sherman] 12:59:27

At 22 I was my heaviest.

[Pam Sherman] 12:59:30

We didn’t know anything about nutrition. I was a marathon wonder, but I ate like crap.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:31


[Pam Sherman] 12:59:34

I’m in college, I’m meeting fast food, Eddie Mcdonald’s.

[Pam Sherman] 12:59:38

I carried next to 35 pounds, which didn’t help my marathoning at the time at all.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:42


[Pam Sherman] 12:59:42

I would tell myself the same thing as start eating more real food and stop eating less.

[Pam Sherman] 12:59:48

Oh, my God! Boxes of craft, Mac, and cheese back in the day

[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:51

I know. Ramen Noodles and Mac, and she’s all there.

[Pam Sherman] 12:59:55

Oh, my God!

[Scott Ferguson] 12:59:55

And then the the Vienna sausages, those, for some reason I really took to those math.

[Pam Sherman] 12:59:59


[Scott Ferguson] 13:00:01

Oh, my! Gosh!

[Pam Sherman] 13:00:04

I? Okay, I would say that. But there’s one other thing.

[Pam Sherman] 13:00:06

Kim, how deep can we go here?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:00:06

Sure as deep as you’d like

[Pam Sherman] 13:00:09

I, grew up in a super emotionally abusive household, I would have told my 22 year old self to break up with my parents at that time, and not wait till I was 42.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:00:20


[Pam Sherman] 13:00:20

I would have said, your mental health. You’re gonna be crushed for 20 more years unless you do something about it.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:00:27

Yeah, yeah, with my father. I love him. We’re best friends.

[Pam Sherman] 13:00:28

Now, so I should

[Scott Ferguson] 13:00:31

We speak twice a week. We text all the time it, but he and he hears me say this on the show.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:00:38

Yeah, but he, he! He! Worked in the line at General Motors, you know, and it was like we didn’t have that identity, you know, for for that mindset.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:00:47

And luckily I hung out with people that I became a poser, really, just to kind of fit things that was good at sports and whatnot.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:00:55

And they, I just I grasped down to that right, and I didn’t break up with my father, but I really separated myself for a little bit to get to somewhere, but then I got myself.

[Pam Sherman] 13:00:58


[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:06

I just didn’t have new, but I got too big for my bridges and lost everything and the first person that was there for me was Dad.

[Pam Sherman] 13:01:13


[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:13

You know. So he was like here’s 300 bucks for those new tires and that’s where we really started rebuilding the relationship with that. So.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:21

But I understand that if you have a background that pulls you down, you gotta just, you know, cut loose hopefully.

[Pam Sherman] 13:01:25


[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:28

It’s not forever for people. But you do have to kind of cut that loose. I 100% understand

[Pam Sherman] 13:01:32

There was no talk of mental health back then. There was No, I I didn’t have any mentors to say, Hey, you don’t actually have to live like that.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:34

None. Are you kidding me

[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:39

Right. I’m sorry that for some reason I attracted them, but I get it.

[Pam Sherman] 13:01:41

It was

[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:46

If I didn’t I would have been the same 100.

[Pam Sherman] 13:01:47


[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:49

How do you want Pam your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:53

Your expiration, and hopefully, it’s a long ways down the road, but your life date and depthy.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:01:56

How does Pam wander, dash? Remember.

[Pam Sherman] 13:02:01

Helping inspire people on their fitness, journey, and help journey every single day

[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:08

Yeah, yeah, and live. You know what it? What is it? 100 and 8 years is is a 1 million hours or something like that.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:17

Right 1 million hours. That’s what I would love to to main to reach.

[Pam Sherman] 13:02:18


[Pam Sherman] 13:02:23


[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:23

You know I would tell Susan you’re 7 years older, so you gotta live 115 you know.

[Pam Sherman] 13:02:28


[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:29

We just kind of laugh about that no, that’s that’s beautiful.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:31

I love how you’re quick and concise, and know what you really want.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:35

But I also think that you’ve really kind of are gonna be sliding across home play.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:38

Bumped and bruised. No, that you did the world, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:42

It’s just a fantastic indeed. And what do you think then?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:45

Because I, we walk in kind of the same shoes. You like a sister from a different mister. Right?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:02:51

You know. What do you think? Then people must understand, misunderstand about you the most

[Pam Sherman] 13:02:57

Well, that I’ve always had it easy, and I try to post every Thursday like I have struggled with my weight myself.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:01

Yeah, thank, you.

[Pam Sherman] 13:03:05

Couple times in my life, and people would be right. Now. Go! Oh, you got it easy.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:09

Right, right, yeah.

[Pam Sherman] 13:03:10

You don’t ever see. Everybody struggles at, and you don’t know anybody’s backstory.

[Pam Sherman] 13:03:15

Everybody has struggles. It’s

[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:15

No, you don’t. Yeah, yeah. It it in recognize that you know that the luckily no, I went through some stuff in the military Ptsd whatnot.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:27

And I’m able to now be brought into the mental hygiene part of of the and you know, just understanding that everybody has a backstory even before Afghanistan.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:37

You know they’re they’re they’re pulling forward into the future.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:41

And so many people have a foot in the past a foot in the future, and they piss all over the present, right and that’s where you really just want to keep them neutral and keep them, you know.

[Pam Sherman] 13:03:50


[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:50

There, and I I just watching your stuff that I believe that’s that’s what you do.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:56

You keep them neutral and in the moment a lot you might correct in that.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:03:59

Or am I wrong? Okay.

[Pam Sherman] 13:04:00

A 1 million percent. Nobody can change what’s already happened.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:03


[Pam Sherman] 13:04:03

We can’t worry about what’s gonna happen. All we have is today

[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:07

Yes, love it and with by, even with like coaching clients. Pam.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:12

I I say, you know the river mirrors small for a reason.

[Pam Sherman] 13:04:14


[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:14

Right for that you know. Pass is a great place to learn from it.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:18

Just don’t live there. No, maybe even if it was good, you know, there’s so much more that huge dashboard that’s ahead of you.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:23

But you ain’t getting anywhere unless you eyes on the road.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:26

Put it and drive and go, because so many people intend to do stuff or decide to do stuff, but they never take action, and with that, what is some of the protocol that you use I’m sorry it’s military.

[Pam Sherman] 13:04:31


[Pam Sherman] 13:04:39


[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:39

I say, protocol, you know what kind of protocol do you use to?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:04:43

Maybe take them, make them, you know, like 20, Robin says, take that massive action on their life

[Pam Sherman] 13:04:48

Well, I find, with people’s health the worst thing they can do is try to change too many things at once.

[Pam Sherman] 13:04:54

Think of like the neutral solutions I’m going to give up carbs, stop drinking wine, doing our hour of cardio blah blah blah!

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:01


[Pam Sherman] 13:05:01

No, you’re not let’s let’s have it.

[Pam Sherman] 13:05:02

Stack with your health. So take one thing at a time, excel at it, and then take the next thing.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:06


[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:09


[Pam Sherman] 13:05:09

Number one thing for people is sleep. If you do not sleep enough, you are going to crave sugar.

[Pam Sherman] 13:05:15

The next day. You’re not gonna exercise. You’re not gonna want to make a nice big salad because you’re feeling lazy.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:20


[Pam Sherman] 13:05:21

Get your sleep under control first foremost. Always

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:23

Yes, this little gadget here, this aura ring.

[Pam Sherman] 13:05:27

I have one too.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:28

It does mean, locked it on sleep now, because you know, I I was bad, and Susan was like, I’m getting this because I say it works and it does.

[Pam Sherman] 13:05:35

I love it.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:36

Because now it’s like, you know, I’m up at 4 30, and I’m on the jujitsu mats, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:42

By 6, 3 mornings a week, and if I don’t get that 6 and a half to 7 for me, as I found it gets my score into the I need.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:49

Then I’m just junk, you know, for the day, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:05:54

Sleep is paramount. Thank you for saying that that

[Pam Sherman] 13:05:56

Yeah, I love my aura ring. I that’s the first thing I get up.

[Pam Sherman] 13:05:59

I’m like, what’s my score this morning?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:00

Right me me, too. I love it, I love it so. What are 3 things that Pam can’t live without

[Pam Sherman] 13:06:09

Exercise, coffee.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:10


[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:13

There you go!

[Pam Sherman] 13:06:14

Walking, my dog

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:15

Love it. What do you put in your coffee

[Pam Sherman] 13:06:18

And I I assume you’re not talking about family, you know, because, of course, I love my family, my husband and my kids.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:22

Yeah. No, no, that’s that’s a given air, water, food, family.

[Pam Sherman] 13:06:24

Okay. Okay. Okay, I like, Nut pods. Creamer. We.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:26

Yeah, right.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:29

Really, okay.

[Pam Sherman] 13:06:30

It’s a it’s a coconut almond base creamer, and it’s thick and yummy, and I mean I would love to drink heavy cream, but it I’m 55.

[Pam Sherman] 13:06:39

I can’t afford to drink heavy cream with my coffee

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:40

Yeah, hey, I feel you. Same here, I love you. A heavy whipping cream, accepting.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:45

When Susan made all this stuff for Christmas, I was like a little thing, a heavy whipping room.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:49

So until that was gone. But have you ever tried lairds

[Pam Sherman] 13:06:53

I do. Larry’s is delicious. I use that when I travel I bring it with me when I travel

[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:54


[Scott Ferguson] 13:06:56

Okay. Good. Good. I just was wondering because I was gonna turn you on to that because I absolutely love it.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:07:02

Beautiful. So then, Pam, what is your definition of a life while lived

[Pam Sherman] 13:07:09

A life well lived, is doing what you are so passionate about doing.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:07:14

Yes, right?

[Pam Sherman] 13:07:15

And and not saying, I I find so many women saying, I wish I could, or I hope I have.

[Pam Sherman] 13:07:24

You gotta do it. And and my tagline is your health is your wealth, and that because when you do not have your health you don’t have anything I saw my dad died from Alzheimer’s.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:07:25

Yes, yes.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:07:32

You can’t. Yeah. Good.

[Pam Sherman] 13:07:36

My husband, or my father-in-law died of obesity.

[Pam Sherman] 13:07:38

Their quality of life was terrible, and I think too many people don’t think about the feature like my, I’m 55, my 65 year old self thanks me for what I’m doing today.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:07:40


[Scott Ferguson] 13:07:48

Oh, my! Gosh, wow! So your older self thanks you for your presence.

[Pam Sherman] 13:07:49

Because I’m gonna feel great at 65

[Scott Ferguson] 13:07:54

Self. Wow, that’s that’s amazing. It it that that’s you.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:01

You live, the the you walk, the talk, and I see it, and I’d love that.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:05

You put it out there on the platforms that’s just a blessing.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:09

It’s funny you said. Your health is your wealth. I the my company in 2,008, was called Healthy Wealth.

[Pam Sherman] 13:08:16

Stop it.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:16

Today, right? I still own the URL right, but I was getting like, for lack of a better better term shadow band, meaning, like the the search engine, saw wealth in it.

[Pam Sherman] 13:08:27


[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:27

And so what? I switched it because I’ve always owned time.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:31

It was time to shy personal training. Time to shine.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:33

This I had all of those under time sign, and my coach is like just call it time to shine.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:38

And then so once I switched it and moved all the content over.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:41

It was like things were getting noticed. It’s just too bad, because I still own help you.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:46

Well, today, one day I’m gonna relaunch that that’s awesome and squad we’re going to take my good friend Rock Star.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:52

Extraordinary air, fitness, mama, awesome sauce do I?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:08:57

Leveling up lightning around just as soon as we get back from thinking our sponsors and affiliate time to shy today.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:03

Podcast first, you Scott, we are back in Pam. We will hook up, live one day, and enjoy a couple of coffee.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:08

Because I am right here with you in mine, and we’ll have to discuss a few of these questions.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:13

We’ll probably talk about twenty-thirty minutes, but today we’re very strict about this 5 s, with no explanation, so they can all be answered that way.

[Pam Sherman] 13:09:15


[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:22

You write a level up that’s do it. Pam.

[Pam Sherman] 13:09:23

Ready or level.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:26

What is the best, lovely enough advice you’ve ever received

[Pam Sherman] 13:09:29

Find your why, and go after it.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:33

But share one of your personal habits that contributes to success.

[Pam Sherman] 13:09:37

Daily exercise.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:39

So you see me kind of walking down the street, or any event you just think Fergie looks like he’s in his dull rooms outside of the books that you fantastically authored. What book much you have

[Pam Sherman] 13:09:50

Can’t hurt me. By David Goggins.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:51

David, I know. Dj, he’s our good guy. Awesome.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:55

What’s your most commonly used, Emoji, when you text

[Pam Sherman] 13:09:57

Definitely Smiley face.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:09:59

Hey? Nicknames growing up, hey, love it! Just checkers are monopoly.

[Pam Sherman] 13:10:02


[Pam Sherman] 13:10:07


[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:08

Me, too, right there with you. So when you do this, what is your got to ice cream?

[Pam Sherman] 13:10:15


[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:17

Flavor me too. We we are so good. So it’s a sandwich called the Pam.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:21

My whammy build that sandwich for me

[Pam Sherman] 13:10:23

Okay. Toasted Sourdough

[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:27

There you go!

[Pam Sherman] 13:10:28

Goat, cheese, fresh Basil, slice, turkey.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:30

Good friends. Yeah. Hmm. Nice.

[Pam Sherman] 13:10:35

And a little bit of garlic. Aoli toasted in a Panini press.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:38

Oh, yeah, there you go, and you stop! Love it! Love it, love it so.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:45

Favorite charity and our organization. You’d like to give your time or money to

[Pam Sherman] 13:10:48

Boys and Girls Club of America.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:50

Thank you. Good call and last question. You can elaborate a little bit on this one.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:54

But what was the best decade of music? 60 seventies, eighties, or nineties.

[Pam Sherman] 13:10:57

Eightys, 1,000

[Scott Ferguson] 13:10:59

Yeah, I know. It’s, you know, with you probably graduate what?

[Pam Sherman] 13:11:04


[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:04

85, 86 85. Okay, I was 90.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:07

So it was like we had the, you know, the the invasions from U 2, and Duran Duran from out of the country you know you have the kind of wrap with run Dmc.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:18

And the BC. Boys. You had the big hair don’t care you know you had the blam rock metal right?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:22

Everything just happened. And it’s funny family songs today.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:27

Use hooks from the songs in the Eighties like, it’s crazy, right like flow rider or pit bull.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:33

I’m like, wait a minute. That’s a haz take on me.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:35

It is soft, right? It’s awesome. Yeah, we’re good.

[Pam Sherman] 13:11:36


[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:40

We’re gonna be good friends. I love this. So, Pam, how can we find you, my friend?

[Pam Sherman] 13:11:43

Okay, my website is the perfect balance. Guru Tiktok and Instagram is Pam underscore Sherman.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:11:47


[Pam Sherman] 13:11:53

One and that’s really where I do the most. Oh, and my Youtube channel is Pam Sherman, the perfect balance where I have loads of videos.

[Pam Sherman] 13:12:00

I have stretching playlist. I have a 10 min playlist, and before people go 10 min, Scott, 10 min is better than 0 min.

[Pam Sherman] 13:12:10

Every day of the week.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:12:11

Hmm! I love it, I love it

[Pam Sherman] 13:12:13

So I have. I have lots of things to help inspire, and I always bring my tiktok over to my Youtube because I don’t know who my Youtube audience is.

[Pam Sherman] 13:12:20

So I figure, might as well share as much as I can

[Scott Ferguson] 13:12:20

Right. Thank you. Still have 2,500 subscribers on Youtube.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:12:26

That’s amazing. That’s good. And they’re getting engagement.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:12:29

So that that’s beautiful. Tell us, maybe by one of your books that really stands out, that you love to give out as a gift, cause squat!

[Scott Ferguson] 13:12:38

She has 8 books that she’s authored here and they’re all fantastic.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:12:42

They’re all quick reads, and they’re all chocolate of no knowledge.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:12:45

Juggets and information you can implement right now. But what’s that?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:12:47

One, Pam, that you really love

[Pam Sherman] 13:12:50

I’m having trouble between the perfect balance workbook and the 3 M.

[Pam Sherman] 13:12:55

Daily Journal, I find that it’s too easy not to think about your health, and both of those make you think about your health on a daily basis.

[Pam Sherman] 13:13:04

What’s your motivation? Are we going to move your body?

[Scott Ferguson] 13:13:07


[Pam Sherman] 13:13:07

And are you going to be mindful in your eating if you put those things together?

[Pam Sherman] 13:13:12

That makes an incredible day. So I probably the 3 M journal is, gonna I’m gonna say, is, gonna be my favorite

[Scott Ferguson] 13:13:15

Gotcha so squad. What I’m gonna do is I’m gonna purchase a perfect balance workbook in the Daily 3 M.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:13:21

Journal for the first person that puts in Pammy landing into.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:13:26

I don’t care if you text it to us. I don’t care if it’s on pinterest Instagram, my good friend Pam got me good going on to Tic Tac. Now, which will be launched this weekend for me anywhere.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:13:37

You put that in I will have, I will love to purchase it in Pam, if you don’t mind just John. Ha, ha! Ha!

[Scott Ferguson] 13:13:42

And packing it, and just send it out. That’d be fantastic and have to be one last solid and leave us with one last knowledge target we can take with us, internalize and take action out

[Pam Sherman] 13:13:53

I think it would be amazing when you wake up every day to start the day with gratitude

[Scott Ferguson] 13:13:59

That’s I have each one of my coaching clients eat a gratitude sandwich every day.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:14:07

You know what I mean by that is, you know your first line, which is bread.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:14:11

It says, you know your intentions, your wins from yesterday, and who you’re sending good vibes to the middle, is your concerns for the day, and then I have them list 14 things that they are absolutely grateful for underneath, and then it like a sandwich squeezes it out

[Scott Ferguson] 13:14:27

so I love that you have people wake up and lot people to wake up with gratitude and that’s just, you know, fantastic and squat we just had.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:14:34

I just had a fantastic fun conversation, with my good friend Pam Sherman, and Rock Star author, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:14:42

She grew up with 2 big brothers, so she had kind of that sporty background, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:14:46

She had motivation. She’s born with motivation, just bleeding out of her pores, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:14:50

She believes in competition with that person in the mirror.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:14:54

Don’t be afraid to do that person from yesterday, because she said that our society is set up for people to fail.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:00

You work daily to towards your healthiest self, and if you need help with that, let me introduce you to my good friend Pam, you know she will remind us not to shop the aisles at grocery stores, or your health food source stand the Perimeters where food actually rots if

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:16

It’s just there too long. Get into those, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:20

It’s okay to eat when you’re hungry, it’s just don’t writes your food, which I love, that like you’re reading Taco Bell Mcdonald’s, you know, once a year.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:27

Okay, I get it. But still you’re renting that food.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:30

It’s not doing nothing, for your body. There’s no return on investment that that will help you.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:37

With that, you know, in basically, she said, if grammar doesn’t recognize it, don’t eat it, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:44

And if you want some really good ideas, go to a website for her favorite recipes.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:48

And besides her CD. Hawkins asking her hubby out getting hit by the car, was the best thing that’s ever happened to her.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:15:57

You know. She expanded her reach. With that, you know, and if you don’t know something, or you want to get leveled up, you don’t know who to turn to remember.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:16:06

You could always get your asking here. Ask for that help. Reach out to me, and I’ll put you directly in in touch with Pam.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:16:13

She also will remind you. Don’t look to change everything like now in at once, because if you are overweight, like I have been, and even Pam mentioned she’s been.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:16:23

It didn’t take her a month to put on that weight, or me.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:16:26

A month to put on that way. It took time, so remember is, I always talk about inch by inches, a cinch by the yard.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:16:31

It’s hard, right? Just do it in incremental times of your day, and what you’re doing now, if you’re 2535, if you’re 25 years 35 year old, self is thanking you or not so much thanking you for what you’re doing with yourself so make sure that what you’re

[Scott Ferguson] 13:16:48

doing today? Your older stuff is going to thank you. And lastly, wake up with that attitude of gratitude.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:16:55

Remember, your vibe attracts your tribe. If you are waking up, and you’re feeling gratitude, you’re going to attract those people and that’s what my great friend Panda.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:17:05

She’s planning trees. She’s probably never gonna sit in the shade of.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:17:07

She levels up her health, she levels up her wealth. She’s funny, fantastic, beautiful, and she’s earned horror.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:17:15

Varsity squad letter here at time to shine today.

[Scott Ferguson] 13:17:17

Thank you so so much for coming out. I absolutely love your guts, pan

[Pam Sherman] 13:17:20

It’s been amazing. I I have a new bestie.

[Pam Sherman] 13:17:23

Thank you.

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