Welcome to Episode 70! Want to get some secret sauce to learn how to really live on purpose? Well make sure you tune into my interview with Nancy Clairmont Carr. The Knowledge Nuggets she drops will change your thinking of how to live on purpose . Enjoy!
When you’re not on purpose, staying in the same environment is a sure way to fail!
– Nancy Clairmont Carr
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great coach is being able to tune in and pinpoint the person’s needs.
2. Create a path of ultimate joy, abundance and freedom
3. The sooner you get out of your old beliefs system, the sooner you become free
4. If you are looking for a coach, make sure you are open to the guidance you are given.
5. Take 100% responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens to you.
6. Always raise your consciousness
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Book: Brilliant Breakthroughs For The Small Business Owner (Volume 2)
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Nancy’s The Joy Effect Facebook Fan Page
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Nancy’s Twitter
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Nancy Claremont car with the joy effect calm and there’s a hyphen between joy and effect. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:14
Hey, time to shine today podcast squad, Scott Ferguson and I have got a treat for you today I get to I had a chance to sit down with via zoom because we’re in quarantine right now in social distancing. I got to sit down with Nancy Claremont Carr, a friend of mine for fellow new Midwesterners who have relocated to Florida. She’s a little bit north of me here in Florida. I’m still kind of a neighbor. And she has the website, the joy effect, and you have to check it out. It’s all in the show notes. She talks about raising your consciousness, living on purpose, taking 100% responsibility for everything, and I mean, everything that happens to you. So without further ado, here Is my discussion my conversation with my good friend Nancy Claire my car
Unknown Speaker 1:16
Hey, time to shine squatter Scott Ferguson and I am super super privy to be having a conversation here with my good friend Nancy Claremont car and she is the head brainstorm head everything of the joy effect and if you want to find it it’s joy. hyphen effect calm. Nancy Claremont Carr helps leaders grow their business and impact through conscious leadership. She Sarah shares thought leadership and effective strategies through speaking coaching writing and workshops. As a transformation expert. She intuitively guides achievers to joy abundance and freedom creating the life they desire with least time and effort. Not only that squat She’s a best selling author. And we’re going to have an awesome book giveaway of her book brilliant breakthroughs. It’s kind of like a compiling of different authors or excerpts. and higher consciousness creates higher profitability is fantastic and it’s a must read and I’m actually going to put that just that chapter in the shownotes itself. We’re going to figure out a way to do that. So you can just read her chapter out of there, but we will have a book giveaway at the end so Nancy, my friend, thank you for joining time to shine today. And if you could please say hi to our squad. And first tell us your favorite color and why. Good morning Scott and squad My favorite color is deep coral. I just vibrant coral. You know it’s not pure red, and I wear most most of my clothes. You know, you look in the closet and so Jesse, you kind of have it on a little bit. It’s very, you know, because you’re from up north in Minnesota if I’m correct. That’s correct. Like me, we’re Midwesterners. I’m from Detroit. We moved down here to Florida. You get that coral. It fits Good for you people out there probably like coral, right? Here. They’re like, Oh, it’s lovely. It’s, yeah, it’s vibrant, right? Let’s do like a little Michael J. Fox, like back in time. Let’s start with our origins of where you started and where you are right now. trance transform transforming people’s lives.
Unknown Speaker 3:21
Oh, okay, I can do a quick summary of that. Absolutely. I grew up in North Dakota, went to grad school and got my MBA in marketing, moved down to the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and worked for 15 years in corporate America first with a food company then with flashing for several food companies and then with personal care and ended up in healthcare. So a variety of corporate experiences as a marketing In fact, then I decided, I recognized let’s say this first that I really wasn’t on purpose. I wasn’t aligned with what I needed to be doing and you know, a variety of reasons. I decided to leave the corporate world And just figure it out. Because at that point, I didn’t really know, I was seven months pregnant with my third daughter didn’t know what I wanted to do and just said, Hey, I’m gonna figure this out, I left. And it was the beginning of really being able to speak my truth and kind of going on a path of what I really wanted to do got into coaching, first with health coaching, and was aligned with an energy medicine product company. And then I got into the energy medicine piece of it and started studying energy work, became an energy practitioner, and then changed my focus to realize the impact I wanted to make. I really needed to be working with business owners and leaders who wanted to make a huge impact. And so about five years ago, I focused changed my direction a little bit but had a chance to combine everything that I had ever really done and studied. And you know, that’s when you really feel on purpose. Right, Scott,
Unknown Speaker 4:56
right. So you just you just segwayed right in So was the aha moment that made you realize you were not living on purpose to make that transition?
Unknown Speaker 5:06
Great question for me it was
Unknown Speaker 5:10
many episodes of stressed out being totally stressed out, getting sick about it, etc not sleeping well. And so I just decided I’ve always been like, okay, figure it out, move and do something else kind of person and so I just decided the environment wasn’t supportive, you know, great company for other people but just where I was going, it just wasn’t a great fit anymore. And I kind of always knew Scott that I wanted to do something on my own. And that was the moment when I said, Okay, now’s the time I’m going to do it. might as well do it now. So less than that they say, is good. It was a good time to break up, took just a few months off and then hopped on it.
Unknown Speaker 5:52
If you were to have like, someone like you that you could have turned to back event. Would you have State corporate like meaning like if you had somebody that was helping you level up your life then and gotten your sleep, gotten you maybe into some yoga, maybe more holistic living to where you’re feeling energized, and whatnot, would you stay corporate? Or do you still think you would have made this transition?
Unknown Speaker 6:17
Oh my gosh. Okay, so first I want to tell you I’m getting shivers with that question, which means it’s an extremely powerful question. And it gets to the root of it. When you’re not on purpose. Staying in the same environment is a sure way to fail. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 6:33
Did you hear that? I was ready. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 6:37
It was already doing tons of holistic things. I mean, I was cleaning, cooking and working out and all that stuff. But it was a lot of underlying beliefs and ancestral stuff that sort of comes in with us when we’re born that I really needed to address. I didn’t know that then I didn’t know what the issue was. But if I had met somebody like me back then they would have helped me figured out sooner. It’s okay. We’re all in perfect timing. We follow our you know, we ultimately come to it if we’re seekers of, of helping and being on purpose. Sure. So that was it for me, I just really hadn’t addressed the underlying issues. And that is the thing I help people with more than, you know, your average business coach doesn’t know how to get up that at an energetic footprint level.
Unknown Speaker 7:24
Understood. So you made this change? And how many years ago did you really kind of make that transformation, transformational change, to help people level up? About 20 years ago, so 20 years ago, so but you were in the corporate world? Wow, you look, you guys don’t get to see it on video, but she looks amazing, vibrant and young. So 20 years ago, that means she was in the corporate world for 15 years before that. So what did your family think with you kind of making this jump into this? Like,
Unknown Speaker 7:53
are they like, are you crazy or it’s out? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 7:57
Yeah. Although my husband realizes that kinda don’t follow other people drummer, you know? So we were fine financially I was done well, he’s done well. So that really wasn’t a thing for me. I’ve never focused on the money, Scott. It was more about just doing what I felt called to do. And so I just said to him, Look, I’ll figure this out, don’t you were and he just let him go. And that’s the way he is. Fortunately, that’s why we’re still married after 33 years. That’s fantastic. There’s a secret behind that. That’s,
Unknown Speaker 8:25
that’s a so what do you think makes a great coach?
Unknown Speaker 8:30
Ah, another great question.
Unknown Speaker 8:34
Being able to tune in and pinpoint what it is that person really needs. So obviously listening really what’s not just listening, though, depends on the skills of the coach. There’s some really great business coaches out there who understand strategy. And there’s some great people who understand mindset. And there’s lots of people who can do lots of different things. And those are really, I think, really critical pieces. So A great coach, to me, helps me understand what I need to move forward. What is not just today’s idea, but where do you need to be going? What is your optimal path and your purpose. So being able to understand that so that you can not just set goals for today, but that you are creating a path for ultimate joy, abundance and freedom for you and whoever you’re working with? Well, so having the skills to be able to pinpoint that is to me, number one. So
Unknown Speaker 9:32
you’re saying really, there’s no cookie cutter process, you actually get to find people. So how do you find people’s blind spots on?
Unknown Speaker 9:41
Okay, so that really gets at what my expertise is. And that’s intuitive guidance, I’m able to tap into their subconscious and pinpoint their energy patterns that are imbalanced, whether it’s something that they, you know, they were born with, or that, you know, we come in with about 90% of our beliefs and the other 10% or happened in the first six to seven years. So really being able to pinpoint what are the beliefs that are driving you, which creates the thoughts, the patterns, the results. That’s part of it. And then there’s a lot of other underlying energetic patterns we have that are just beliefs that create roadblocks. Sure. And so being able to say, what do we need to move out of the way for you energetically? And how do we do that is what I focus on, in addition to business strategy, and you know, health, particular So, to me, that’s probably where I’m a little bit different, well, way different than most business coaches.
Unknown Speaker 10:38
Absolutely. Yeah, you’re, you’re definitely not just the cookie cutter run of the mill coach, it sounds like you really dig deep with your prospects, which will turn into clients in great relationships. So if you were to be able to go back and talk to the 22 year old Nancy Claremont car which might have been Nancy Claremont that so if you were to go back and talk to her went back in time or even wrote a letter to her, what would you tell her?
Unknown Speaker 11:10
Oh my god, this is great. I’ve done this. Okay, so this is great Scott. We need to talk offline.
Unknown Speaker 11:16
I would tell her that the sooner you get out of your parents belief system, the sooner you will become free. Wow, that is strong. Wow. Yeah, cuz we’re all kind of programmed like you know, it’s funny. I read, read. shad homesteaders. What you say when you talk to yourself, it’s a fantastic book. And he said that children are told no an average of like 135,000 times between ages eight and 12 or something where they’re rarely told Yasser given explanation so I can see where that programming can be pulled forward. So what is your secret sauce? If you will, which I think you explained it a little bit. But is there anything that you do maybe specifically to dig into that pattern and try to move them forward out of it?
Unknown Speaker 12:10
Yeah, very specific. I’ve been trained in multiple different energy practitioner work, you know, systems. And I work a lot with developing higher consciousness in people. And that is really about removing those negative energetic patterns. reformulating beliefs that are supportive. It’s all based on intention. So when people tell me what they’d like to do, or we I mean, we have pretty deep conversations in the first session that we ever meet with and and I actually do a free consultation for people for 30 minutes, and that’s on my website. So that’s in the show notes too. Yeah, that’s a gift I give to people and so they can, they can check me out to see if I’m, you know how they feel about it, but I’m really grounded on very down to earth. And it because of the the journey I’ve been on Scott, it’s like, I know the questions that are going to unleash this information, right just like you do in the in the field urine when you’re doing real estate or whatever field you’re focusing on at the time, right? And so really being able, using the energetic methods that I use, I mean, I’m able to get trust pretty quickly with people. They see the results not only of my other clients, but it’s a it’s a feeling that people have pretty quickly when I start working with them. I am I am all about their success. If something positive doesn’t happen there I have not succeeded. So it’s about Win Win outcomes. Now you know how that works. I love it. So tuning into what their real needs are and what their blocks are through some of the energetic processes and I guess I just enjoy your long time. For questions you probably ask them to Well, it’s more than that. It’s more than that. It’s it’s stuff that comes to me. I mean, when I’m talking to somebody, I go into my family Okay, God, I mean, just get downloaded downloaded stuff constantly. So
Unknown Speaker 14:11
that’s, that’s gonna fail and how you push through.
Unknown Speaker 14:14
Okay, great question.
Unknown Speaker 14:18
I was thinking about that before we got on and for me it wasn’t a single incident as much as I had a
Unknown Speaker 14:29
learning that
Unknown Speaker 14:31
by taking 100% responsibility for every single thing about me, including my actions and my results, that that was the only way I was going to really succeed at there’s no looking outside of Nancy to blame or anything like that. And so when that changed completely,
Unknown Speaker 14:55
the trajectory changed.
Unknown Speaker 14:57
Okay. So instead of placing blame You. So get out, took it on, and then move forward through that and push through. That’s fantastic. So what’s your definition of a lifelong live then?
Unknown Speaker 15:10
Oh my gosh, having been able to live your purpose and impact the world the way you want to impact it. And that’s not always clear with people. Sure. So for me, and it doesn’t have to be a grandiose thing. It’s different for every person. And that’s really important to know. So. So when I work with people, it’s not to give them what I think they should do, but what I’m getting their higher self is thinking they should do getting them. Love that. Right. So if you were to take your cell phone out of this equation, what are three things that Nancy cannot live without?
Unknown Speaker 15:49
interaction with people
Unknown Speaker 15:51
of the community, which we’re not having too much because both This is Pete and this is being recorded on March 31, rolling or social distancing. But
Unknown Speaker 16:00
you know what, Scott? I mean, for me this interaction is exactly I’m doing more zooms now than I ever have, which is fantastic. So that’s how I do most of my work. And so for me, when you show up and you’re totally present, right, video, to me, there’s a really deep connection there. So, so that for me is is very satisfying. Um, another thing I really can’t live without is being out in nature. I do like a five mile walk every day it just, you know, and that’s probably one of the things I love most about being in Florida. It’s predictably beautiful, right? It is human. And then the other thing it’s just, I love good food and good time. Oh, I’m a good cook. And so I love to cook and eat healthy delicious food. So those are the things I focused on I would say being with family you know, all that good stuff.
Unknown Speaker 16:51
Travel. That’s, that’s awesome. So yeah, food, nature, in walks and community. I love the story. And so like, Is there any question that you wish that people when they came to you since you are I’m trying to figure out how to ask you since you don’t just ask powerful questions, you pick up the intuition, you pick up their energy. Is there any good question that you wish people would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 17:20
Yeah, sometimes people come in with these preconceived notions of will usually based on fear. And many people aren’t really willing to hear the truth about the situation. And so I think a great question to ask or tell what however you want to say at any coach is, look, I’m here for help. And so, you need I am asking you to tell me whatever your expertise is, because I’m here, I want your help. I’m paying you and I want to move forward. So really being open to the guidance you receive from whatever coach or person you’re asking. Help from So I love that. Yeah, classic.
Unknown Speaker 18:03
So what are we going to do is we’re going to move into what I call my level up lightning round. I’m gonna ask five or six questions. We could talk 1520 minutes on each one of them, but I gotta for time constraints, we got to keep it at like five to seven seconds real quick and you think given me super Knowledge Nugget filled concise answers with everything your fantastic interview. So thank you. But are you ready for lightning round? Sure. Here we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 18:33
I guess that what I said earlier was to take 100% responsibility for every single thing you do and that’s very difficult for most people. Most people are in denial about why they’re in their current situation. Beautiful. And so taking an inventory of really what’s going on with them.
Unknown Speaker 18:49
I love it. Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 18:54
Okay, I every single morning and more often than that, I go I have My little learning time which I’m pretty sure you do and most people who move forward quickly do what are my intentions and then the key thing I do is I asked for support from my guidance to make it happen and do the things I can’t do here’s what I can do I actually have a little t chart. This is what NASA can do. This is what I need help with and it’s the things you want to move mountains with is not enough to do that.
Unknown Speaker 19:23
Fantastic. Exactly can’t do it alone that love that other than your own website the joy hyphen effect and of course time to shine today calm What’s another website that you’d like to go to to kind of level up and get fired up?
Unknown Speaker 19:36
There’s a wonderful website community for higher consciousness comm tons of different people in all walks of life who have programs some free some paid that people can get help from.
Unknown Speaker 19:49
Love it. Give me a book, your go to book not one that you’ve just read your book that you’ve put them yet. Someone’s like in the doldrums read this. What’s the book
Unknown Speaker 20:00
Well, there’s no question Napoleon Hill, Napoleon hills Think and Grow Rich.
Unknown Speaker 20:04
I like the current version by Sharon lechter.
Unknown Speaker 20:08
Yeah, read Sharon’s. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:10
that’s my favorite. She’s contemporized it and made it in today’s environment which is much higher conscious
Unknown Speaker 20:17
of it favorite org organization or charity you’d like to support with your time or money, or both
Unknown Speaker 20:24
people who are reengineering their lives. I do a lot of pro bono work or free energy counseling, free coaching with people who are in that position. They’re trying to change careers, and I give them my expertise in that area.
Unknown Speaker 20:39
Love And last question, the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s.
Unknown Speaker 20:46
Oh, gosh, probably 70 There you go. We could definitely hang out.
Unknown Speaker 20:51
Love it because it’s such a mix of just classic rock disco has everything coming out of the hippies into it’s just I love the seven And yeah, absolutely, you know, I have millennials that work for me and I’ll be playing you know, Sega will be on in the background or Steppenwolf and there’d be like us this and they’re like we really like it. It’s like I grew up listening to this dream and a weird stuff in the air in my house. You know? No, my parents are doing it. It was a it was a lot of fun, but leave us with one knowledge nuggets, which I think I know what you’re gonna say. But leave us with one Knowledge Nugget that you want the time to shine squad to take from our interview.
Unknown Speaker 21:32
Yeah, without a doubt, the higher you can develop your consciousness level, the easier life becomes you’re guided intuitively, you make the biggest difference. You have the most joy, abundance and freedom and so whatever you can do to increase your consciousness level, become a conscious leader in your own. When we start with ourselves, right? We must lead ourselves first. But raising your consciousness is the number one advice I give to people in whatever way you can do that.
Unknown Speaker 21:58
Love it. Can we find you Nancy?
Unknown Speaker 22:02
You can email me Nancy at Nancy Claremont car comm you can go to my website, the joy hyphen effect calm that fails Nancy Claremont car.com we’ll get you there too.
Unknown Speaker 22:13
I love it. I love it. Yeah And folks, what we’re going to do is there is a kind of about a two to three week editing timeframe but when I put this podcast out on all the directories, the first person to email me back that I can send to the email to Nancy so she can verify it is going to get a free book from called brilliant breakthroughs for the small business owner. And if you go to page 43, you’ll have Nancy’s excerpt on higher consciousness creates higher profitability. It’s a fantastic read actually the whole books a fantastic read. I did it in a weekend. It’s just fantastic and squad. We love to level up in surround ourselves with people that are humble. That are hungry, that are leveling up their health leveling up their wealth, they take 100% responsibility and understand that in the word responsibility as we always say is the ability to to respond. And you’re taking 100% responsibility, and you’re always raising your consciousness. And Nancy, you’re the epitome of that. You are now part of our squad, you can’t go anywhere. So thank you so, so much for coming on, and sharing your valuable knowledge nuggets with our squad.
Unknown Speaker 23:27
Thank you, Scott. I so appreciate and I can see there’s a lot of like mindedness here, which I love the work you’re doing. You’re reaching people at a time where energy is coming in and shifting the planet. Yeah, so stay tuned to Scott stuff. It’s great.
Unknown Speaker 23:42
Thank you so much, Nancy. Talk soon.
Unknown Speaker 23:45
Okay, thanks a lot.
Unknown Speaker 23:46
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New gym real estate, real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today comm slash guests. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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