280-Live ‘Unscripted’ Join the Fastlane Forum! – TTST Interview with International BESTSELLING Author MJ Damarco

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Entrepreneur and international best selling author of The Millionaire Fastlane, Unscripted, and The Great Rat Race Escape. Founder of Viperion Publishing Corp. and the The Fastlane Forum, a worldwide entrepreneur forum with over 70,000 users and nearly 1,000,000 posts.

Stop looking at selfish motives and see what the market needs and fulfill it

– MJ Demarco

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. If it makes sense, it makes ‘cents’

2. Remember social media is ‘leased land’. Build a business from a place you can control the results

3. Live with no regrets, you will see it when you believe it!

4. Strive for freedom, make a difference in others lives and live a purposeful existence

5. The market places constantly changes, but human behaviors do not

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

The Fastlane Forum

MJ’s Author Page to Pick Up His International Bestselling Books

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MJ’s YouTube

MJ’s Twitter

MJ’s Instagram

Millionaire Fastlane Facebook Page

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Time to shine today podcast varsity squad This is Scott Ferguson. We’re episode 280 Super stoked to bring you this one with MJ DeMarco, author of three fantastic books. Yeah, The Millionaire Fastlane he had on has unscripted and he also has the great rat race escape. And all three of them are fantastic reads. There’s an awesome book giveaway at the end, I’m giving away each one of each books if you do comment in any of our socials. But MJ is a self made man. I kind of affectionately say gruff. He’s very to the point and I myself really appreciate that and I’m sure you will, too. When you dig into the books that He’s authored, he carved out time he’s a very very busy dude. And he very rarely does podcasts. So interview so I’m very, very, very privileged to bring this to you. So without further ado, here is the creator of the fast lane forum and a good buddy of mine MJ DeMarco, let’s level up. Time decided a podcast horse you squat. This is Scott Ferguson. And you guys reference my friend here MJ DeMarco, in a lot of my Knowledge Nugget podcast stuff that I picked up from his books, The Millionaire Fastlane unscripted and the newer one rat race. And some one thing about my friend MJ here is that he actually gives you steps to in he calls it a framework to actually apply. And if you look at the end of the book, unscripted, which I’ve talked about it what you can actually do with 10, large $10,000 and how to make it work. It works. And I did a whole podcast that I dropped a while ago and how that actually works. Not only does he optimize your wealth, but he talks about your health as well. I mean, I’m if you’re watching on here on YouTube, or Vimeo or anywhere I got he got me into these things called stir. Instead of getting away from the miles and stuff like that the stuff that was hurting my body. That guy knows his stuff internally, externally. An MJ DeMarco is an entrepreneur, an international best selling author of The Millionaire Fastlane and scripted and the great rat race escape. He’s the founder of Hyperion publishing Corp and the Fastlane forum which at that the Fastlane Forum, which I’m a member of, I’m kind of like a voyeur I don’t really get too involved in it, but I pick up so many knowledge nuggets out of this the forum that it’ll be in the show notes don’t go there. Now. You want to listen to the end because I do have a book giveaway for all three of his books that will come towards the end. So you have to listen through. Okay, he’s the forum has over 70,000 users in nearly a million posts by now maybe over a million posts. MJ thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why? Black? Black? Why is that buddy?

I think it’s a it’s a symbol of control and power.

You know what you have that? But you have this like, the way I read your books. Sometimes I would get pissed. I’d be like, Man, he’s so gruff. You so me, but you’re being real. It was like your you and I are very close in age. And we were raised by it’s real. There’s no there was no frickin apps or anything like that it was real. And that’s how I started picking up the knowledge nuggets from the books. I think Black fits you fit you absolutely perfectly. So you might share a little a little bit about your base story as we move forward. And then we’ll get to a little bit more meat and potatoes.

Sure, I’ll try to be as quick as possible. Yeah, when I was a teenager, I grew up in a a lower middle class family and I hated the existence, you know, worrying about where food was going to come on the table. And I just hated the existence. And I remember seeing a Lamborghini Khun Tosh at an ice cream store. I think I was 1213 years old and a young guy was driving the car. And I figured, okay, well, this is an athlete, you know, this is some type of celebrity or something. And I actually stepped out of my comfort zone and asked the guy what he did for a living at which time he told me he was an entrepreneur. So that’s that planted a seed for me that said, hey, you know what, I can be an entrepreneur. And really, I guess, you know, for lack of a better phrase, get rich quick, because this guy was young. And you know, at that time, you know, I was all about, you know, all about the cars. So that planted the seed for me really early. Unfortunately, it took me almost I would say 10 years, more than that probably I my identity as an entrepreneur really only started to match when I was in my mid 20s. You know, failed at a lot of stuff to the tons of just stupid businesses, got involved in a bunch of schemes and whatnot, ended up starting a company and internet company, founded it on my own with no capital, no expertise, self taught myself everything, sold that at the height of the.com, boom, got it back. When the company that purchased it ended up going bankrupt, but bought it back, ran it for another four or five years, sold it again for another multi million dollar valuation. And at that point, that was, I believe, 2007. I said, Hey, know what, I’d never have to work again, another day in my life. This is fantastic. But what do I want to do now, and it was always my passion to want to write. And that’s when I started writing the Millionaire Fastlane to show people that there’s this alternative way to generate wealth, and actually live a life that is worth living, live your dream, live, your purpose lived your passion, while not having to worry about money. So that’s what I do now is I own a publishing company that allows me to write what I want when I want, without any control, any editorial influence, no publishers breathing down my neck. So that’s essentially the Millionaire Fastlane is the framework that allows people to start businesses that can change their lives in 10 years or less. And by changing your life in 10 years or less, I meaning making millions and millions of dollars to the point, you never have to work again. When to the point, you can say, You know what, hey, I can afford to follow my passion. Now, even though that passion, might not be able to, you know, normally under normal circumstances pay bills. Like, as I wouldn’t have started a publishing company, if I was broke, it was it would simply not be the right business to start, but I can do it now. Because I can afford it. So that’s where the Millionaire Fastlane is this framework, how to use leverage entrepreneurship to create asymmetrical returns, which is you I started my company with $900 and I made over $10 million with that company $900 to turn into $10 million dollars, and I can tell you the stock market’s not going to do that. No, sir. Right? No, that is the essence of my framework, and which is covered in all my books.

I love it. Because you know, I come from Okay, same thing, dad worked on the line of General Motors, you know, when the military get out and have that identity in that mindset. Right. So I know you told a story about driving limos, I believe in like driving these rich people around and feeling it. What was that switch brother? That was like, Shit, I could do this?

Um, well, it was I actually found the idea for my company, talking to a client who was I was driving to the airport, and he said, Hey, you have any companies that are in New York, and are well and so I said, No, I don’t. He goes, Well, I wish you I wish I could find something. So that’s how I that’s how that spurred the idea. And before all that, I was doing all kinds of harebrained stuff. Like, you know, the popular platitude is follow your passion. Sure. That’s what I was doing for the first five years after college and everything was failing. And because it turns out the market didn’t give a crap about my passion, there was no needs for it, there was no I was doing nothing rather than selfishly attacking my own motives. And so that’s when everything switched for me is when I realized, you know, I need to stop looking at me and my selfish motives. I needed to start looking at the market what does the market want? What do they demand? What is what is the value I can provide that someone’s going to open their wallet and say, Hey, here’s 10 bucks I want what you have

Wow, yeah, that’s a Tiffany for lack of a better term that that’s awesome. So actually see in taking a step away from your selfish self and then see what other people can use to level up that’s beautiful. So the Millionaire Fastlane and I’m there every day pretty much just kind of browsing and looking and picking up steps like it’s free squad okay that people out there listening get there after this interview. It’ll be in the show notes. What was the process behind that fasten this is still the same thing that you you’re given given given to your hurt so good.

Yeah, The Millionaire Fastlane actually sells better today than I released to deliver 10 years ago. And that’s because everything in there is transcendent. Everything in there survives time. It’s very evergreen. Human behavior. You know, hasn’t changed in the last 10 years a lot has changed in the marketplace, obviously. Without and whatnot, but human behavior is not changed. Fastlane is based on principles that will outlast time, which is why it still is one of the most recommended kind of underground books that likely you never heard of, but you go look at it, and it’s sold over a million copies, right? And that’s because the principles in their work and I get emails practically every week from people who have changed their lives and said, Oh, my God, I can’t believe it. I made, you know, $5,000 in one day, which was more I made the entire month at my job. Sure. And it’s because they’re applying these principles, that that it stand the test of time,

right? I misspoke. I’m in the Fastlane forum. It’s free about it. It’s free, you know, to join, what made you what was the motivation to have you set up something that’s so frickin awesome, that absolutely free like your I know that there’s probably other ways you’re modernizing it. But what what click to say, I’m going to start this forum, because I want people to go

well, that again, that was based on a need we just discussed, I used to hang out at another forum. That was pretty well trafficked. And that forum just was overloaded with spammers people selling crap. Sure, MLM opportunities, join my network doubled downline bonus bullshit like that. Right? It was just, there was nothing of redeeming value there, except these low rent money chasing business is not real, genuine enterprises, small business large or whatever. And I said, You know what, I’m not gonna deal with this anymore. I’m going to start my own forum. So I had a pretty big following at that forum. And once they discovered that I was creating my own forum, they actually followed me to my forum, which spearheaded the growth of that, because I’ll tell you right now, starting a forum is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, it was harder than in my study, my other business, it is just interest because it’s a two sided marketplace. And you basically need, you know, two groups and someone shows up, and there’s no one there, you’re not gonna get anyone to gauge. So, again, that was based on a fundamental need in the marketplace. He had a forum over here, that was just unmoderated selling crap. So I said, Hey, I’m going to solve that. And I’m going to do something better. And, you know, and then fast forward today, it’s still it’s still active as ever.

I love it. And so you’re able to, you know, go into the forums where you can kind of ask questions and get answers that pick people’s brains in a sense. So MJ like, is there any good question that you wish people would ask in the forum, but never do?

It? I’m now because they usually ask it. He said, there’s your there’s close to a million posts on there. What happens is they always post the same question that has been answered multiple times. And a lot of times it’s been covered in my book, like, if no, I’m going to follow my passion, well, great. You’re you’re going to be you’re going to be stuck with a million other people who are also doing the same thing. And probably the market need probably isn’t very strong. Or they want to, they’re posting low rent. So hey, I want to do some drop shipping and affiliate marketing. And I’m like this, you read my book, and that’s what you got from it. Right? That it that is not my book says nothing about trading currencies. My book says nothing about crypto, my book says nothing about day trading in stocks, it says nothing about this stuff. And then they come there and they post this stuff. And it’s clear that they can comprehend the book or they didn’t read the book. Sure. Because that is that those are that’s arbitrage type of stuff. I talk about building fundamental businesses that not only change other people’s lives, but it will change your life and in short order.

Absolutely. You do. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future?

Yeah, the very old Yes, sure. Absolutely. It’s

almost 40 years old, so let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double Deuce MJ DeMarco, the 22 year old what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on? The 22 year old MJ to maybe help them level up last year shorten that learning curve just a little bit?

Well, that’s why I wrote the book is because I it was everything I wish somebody would have pounded into my head when I was 22 years old. And the first thing obviously was I said after college, I failed for good five, four or five years maybe after college because I was following my passion. And when and nobody it sounded great. Yeah, I want to do that, you know, and didn’t realize I wasn’t looking at the market for for basically anything that they wanted. I was looking for what I wanted. And that was the evolution of the sense framework, which is the basically the cornerstone of my Philosophy control entry need timescale? That’s essentially what I wished somebody when I was 22 years old said, Hey, this is the framework to follow, if you want, you know, if you want that Lamborghini at 29 years old, instead of never having it, if you want that big house, if you want this, you want this, this is the framework you need to start in, you need to follow in business if you’re going to start a company.

And that’s control entry need and scale, or did I miss one?

Needed need time and scale? Got it? Yeah,

I remember seeing that’s, that’s important. Right? Go ahead and start.

As I like to say, if it makes sense, it makes sense.

I love it, love it. Hope you’re taking notes squad, because it’s like, again, I’ve read the books. But again, to actually hear it come out there offers authors Malda is fantastic. So him she how important then is to companies that are growing to legitly grow because I didn’t see any scale or any growth until I really started building an email list. And I don’t spam them. Like I built I was one of those people with affiliate marketing where I did Click Bank and all these other digital products that got me started. Okay, got me to learn how to write a blog and write entries and whatnot. And I built it up now to 150,000 plus subscribers, I’ve got, I’m looking at the Atlantic Ocean here, and I have a whole room over here full of swag for that people send me for product demonstrations, and, you know, review it and send it out to my list at really good prices. But how important growing a company, obviously, you probably have a huge list. I mean, I texting list, email list, how important is for a company to grow list?

Oh, it’s absolutely critical. And the word list can be used interchangeably, basically. And then that falls into the sea of my sense framework, which is control. A lot of people focus their efforts, you know, hey, I’m going to build this huge YouTube channel. And they have you know, half a million subscribers. Well, that’s excellent, you know, congratulations. But they don’t own their list. They’re building on leased land. Yeah. So I mean, that’s a great channel, right? Eventually, you have to port that channel into your own asset that you can monetize, list, that is your own. Like for me, I spent all my I spent very little time on social media, because it’s leased land. I’m not there to build Facebook’s platform. And a good example is you don’t you want to start. Here’s one, I remember working my butt off trying to get my Facebook group, you know, to this huge number I get up to 155,000 people and you know what, Mark Zuckerberg, he shows my posts to 300 people 300 people, right? 5000 people, he’s gonna show my posts to 300 people, right? That is why you have to control your assets. Now you can use Facebook to as a channel to port those people, those customers potential customers into your own list into your own platform. That’s why I spend all my time on the Fastlane forum because I own it. It’s my asset. It’s not Zucker, right. Matt Robles. Is that Instagrams, right? So

you are freaking awesome. Thank you for validating my thoughts on what I put out to my spot, I say the exact same thing. I actually leverage these YouTubers or Instagramers that have followers because they’re a lot of them are making zero money or very little, and I actually build my list off of theirs, right? I asked him, Hey, here’s 100 bucks, you think you could run this and it lands on a splash page are added to my list. And I haven’t gotten shut down. My complaints are next to nil because the content that I put out to my list is solid. You don’t but you like you said I can troll it. Because you know they could shut down YouTube you took you get bought by frickin somewhere in China or whatnot. And then they have to totally come. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So MJ. How do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date your life? date your ducks on your tune from? Hopefully its way down the road? But how do you want your dash remember brother?

Well, first of all, I want to live my life with no regrets. And, and for me, it’s somewhat scary because I think to myself, I pinch myself every morning when I wake up. I can’t believe this is the life I created. In fact, I just told my wife the other day as I was looking around my house or this huge house, beautiful house, basketball court, indoor gym, home theater. I mean, it’s literally a hotel when I don’t need to leave. And I and it was weird because I got into the shower yesterday and I looked around and I said I can’t believe that this is a product of my own creativity of my own ingenuity. I didn’t I didn’t get it on the ground floor. I’m company and vice president of operations I make a big for you know, make build. This is all because something I took from nothing to something. So for me that dash is being able to leave something that’s going to outlast me you know when I’m gone the Millionaire Fastlane will continue on my other books will continue on. Hopefully I will have a some non some fiction book stories hopefully those will be out there living

you need to write a business parable, bro. I’m telling you, you would crack you would rock that. I’m doing it now. Okay, oh, you

did great rat, the great rat race escape is a business

parent. Right? Right. But there’s something like a condensed one, like I can just see you just blast it out. Because I’m writing one. Now with the help of a couple of parable authors like Bob Berg and, and stuff like that and getting it done. No, it’s you’re right. 100% Yeah, you’re right to do so. What do people misunderstand the most but enjoy? About Me? Yes, but you have no

idea because I don’t pay attention. Okay. You know, it’s funny, I I don’t look at my bad reviews on Amazon. I don’t I don’t pay attention to trolls. I don’t read the comments. Mostly I try to avoid all that stuff, right? Because it’s just a reflection of someone else’s either ignorance or their own self worth or what not. I used to do that to improve my writing, which is, which is what you want to do at some point is to really see what people are saying that could fundamentally improve what you are doing. Like I remember, early on, some of my critics said I was just too verbose, you know. And part of that for me is because you just saying it once is not enough. You need it drilled into your head, because people don’t understand that they want to they want to frame something in their own worldview. And their worldview is inaccurate. So therefore the results they get are also inaccurate. So, but for the most part, I don’t pay attention. Because I’m living my best life. And it doesn’t matter what Joe Blow in Arkansas says, I mean, some YouTube comment was living in his parents basement. who disagrees with me, I don’t care his opinion changes nothing, nothing. Dream,

right. And a lot of people get butthurt because like you said, their self worth or so like, they have the green eyed monster like they’re envious of shit of what you’ve accomplished. And their self worth is is not there. So they at last lash out and I make two new year’s resolutions. You’re one make someone smile every day, which I’m good because I’m a frickin goof. And two is unless I’ve hurt you, disrespected you or anything like that. I give zero shits about what you think about

period. And my favorite is Oh, you got lucky. Right? Okay. Okay, well, here if you think I got lucky, why don’t you start your own forum? Yeah. And let’s see how that goes. They discover after a week, they’re talking to themselves and no one’s there. That they can’t do it? Or how about this? How about you write a book and spend nothing on advertising and sell a million copies? Let’s see you get there too. I mean, so it’s just so ridiculous. Yeah. If people don’t want to learn, and you hate you, if you fear what other people are gonna say you’ll never be successful. Right? Right. You will always you can donate food to the hungry, you can cure cancer. And you’ll still have some idiot out there. Who’s going to criticize you. You know, he, he’s this he’s that he’s, you know, whatever.

Yeah, no, I feel Yeah. So what if anything keeps me up at night?

Um, I sleep pretty well,

to getting there. I was not that great. But I would start thinking about the next day way too much. And I see that you don’t probably think like that. It’s not that you don’t care that you’ve accomplished what you wanted to during the day. And you see,

I’m very I’ve I’ve gotten very spiritually oriented, not religious about living living in the now. And recognizing that the past is a conscious of mental construct. The future is a mental construct. So I sleep very well. Very gratuitous. I have gratitude. I mean, every day I wake up and I just I pinch myself. So there’s not a lot that’s keeping me up at night. Sure. That’s about it being acceptance rate. I don’t like to stay to the country way things are going I don’t like I don’t like how COVID was handled. I don’t I mean, there’s a tons of things I don’t like, but that’s life, right. You have to learn to accept what is right and there Actually, I have a family member who, whose absolutely is depressed is because he is trying to control everything in his life that cannot be controlled. Right? You know, someone, someone commented negatively on the Instagram post. Yeah, I mean, if you’re gonna live your life, because everything is not going to wait to the way you want it to, you’re going to be miserable for your entire life, you have to learn to let things pass through you the things that you cannot control.

It’s so true. Like, so many people have a foot in the past foot in the present. And they piss on the right foot the past foot in the future and piss on the president, you know, and they think that what, you know, happen to them is happening to them, and they just I get it and that what you’re doing with your books, it’s if they’re willing and open there, they can change that mentality. And thank you so much for doing that, bro. So if you if we take out anything electronic, any cell phones, computer, laptop tablets, you take out any of that and take out family, this question, what are three things that MJ can’t live without?

Freedom? Okay, absolutely freedom. And that’s the ability to, I was just thinking, last time I got up to an alarm clock was probably three years ago. And that’s because I was holding a conference and I was speaking at like, eight in the morning. So I had it, I had to get up the ability to make a difference in the lives of other people, ie whether that’s one person a dozen, or hundreds or 1000s, or whatever. I can’t tell you how gratifying it is the hairs hair somebody from Eastern Europe or India, or Korea that your book has changed her life. So having able to make a difference, and that’s actually they’ve done studies on these things. They’re having autonomy in your life, which, to me translates to freedom, and having a purposeful existence are the two fundamental markers for happiness. Yes. And that’s why I look at my life and say, well, that’s why you’re happy because you’re free to do whatever you want. Right free to contribute to the lives of others. And no, I guy always says, These people want to change the world, but they haven’t learned how to change themselves. Yes, alright, change yourself first, you know, and become the person you need to become in order to change the world. I heard a statement the other day and I didn’t I did not originate this. I don’t know who said it. So pardon me for not crediting it but if you don’t build the business, the business builds you Yes. Because the person you have to become to create this enterprise whether it’s a small enterprise with a few employees or this huge enterprise with hundreds of employees that’s going to change you fundamentally Yeah, and then you can change the world so back to your question I’ve got off track here was freedom you find purpose and did you ask for three

Yeah, you said freedom make a difference in lives of others and purposeful existence

and health are you say you said Yeah, can say health? Yeah, so we’re taking away a lot of

our Givens you know, people will sometimes and say well, oxygen gravity Yeah, no shit. Time to shine today podcast, Mercy squad. We’re back with my author and I consider him a good friend somebody that I really almost like a mentor, but nobody that I really confer with I just go right back to his books. MJ DeMarco, and MJ, we have a leveling up later on you and I could probably share a couple brain grenades or a cup of coffee and talk about each one of these questions for an hour each but you have five seconds with zero explanations. You ready? Five seconds, five seconds, Man Zero explanation. All of them can be answered like that.

I’ll try There you go.

Got it. Let’s level up. It what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Um, focus on the market instead of focusing on yourself

beautiful. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

And never never seeking out seeking out information and accepting that you don’t you don’t know everything.

Beautiful, beautiful. If other than your books. What books do you like to dig into if you saw me and said all right, Fergie’s, right all my blocks as soon as doldrums look look like your hammer.

Well, I don’t read a lot of business books because I just think they’re full of crap. But one of them I recently read that I thought was particularly she was die with zero by Bill Perkins, who essentially, it makes the case that at some point, you want to start spending your money instead of saving it so you can derive life experiences. And I don’t agree with everything in the book, but it was Really, he did a good job of explaining that there’s a threshold there that you need.

I’ll throw that in the show notes. If you can stay Don’t lie to me on this adventure if you can stay one age physically for the rest of your life, keep everything you’ve garnered their wisdom regarding continue to gain knowledge physically. What age would you stay for the rest of your life? 33 Thank you. I always say 20 to 32. So thank you for putting a three on the front of that. And the nicknames growing up. I’m sorry, like, nicknames growing up.

Cow, cow, cow and cognise.

chess or checkers. Chess. All right, favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

Um, Peter,

beautiful, beautiful. Thank you for saying that. Last question. You can elaborate on this one a little bit. But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 70s 70s. Alright, I’m right there with the 70s and 80s. I graduated 1990. So it was like I kind of had that 70s with my mom and dad. And then the 80s is so revolutionary. I love it. I love it. So MJ, let’s get into that a little bit more about how people can use the Fastlane forum to help them level up and also the books that you have out. And squad, we’re gonna do a giveaway, and each one of the three books, and I just want you to put, ah, let’s say Fastlane in any of the comments whether it’s Pinterest, Instagram, it actually Fastlane and then a name of one of his books, whether it’s unscripted, great rat race escape, and the first one The Millionaire Fastlane just say, Yeah, so we’re gonna anybody that puts those in the comments on any other social, I will purchase a book and MJ has agreed to Hancock and sign it. And I’ll pay for the postage to get it out to him. So let’s talk a little bit about your favorite book of the three which one isn’t?

Here’s an interesting thing is I’ve changed so much over the time that when I read The Millionaire Fastlane because I wrote it. 14 years ago, I didn’t recognize the person who wrote it. Which was me, because I’ve changed I mean, the concepts that are all the concepts still stand the test of time, but so every new book I write is my favorite. Simply because it’s more of a reflection of who I’ve become. But if you ask the general public, usually they’d like the first one. Because it’s the rised and it’s also when I was you know, also younger and a little bit more braggadocio. Firstly, for me, I, I didn’t like I didn’t like, just like the way I came across 1415 years ago, because

I feel Yeah, I was printing money from Oh, 3207. And then when the market dropped in real estate, I lost it. You know, literally, I mean, my story is, you know, I lived homeless. I was a real estate broker and I printed money, right, sir. And a clients said, Hey, we’re moving to Florida get out of Michigan. It’s not from Detroit, right? I’m getting out of Detroit. We’re moving to Florida, and they wanted me to short sell their house and squad short sales just owned more than without his work. And so they laughed, and I literally turned the power on using another friend’s name in the house. I squatted there. And then that’s when I rebuilt everything and start building time to shine today. And that was oh nine. So it’s crazy. And I didn’t have your book and I don’t know how I didn’t. It would have helped out a lot because I needed that I was handed a another book called The Travelers gift by Andy Andrews. Great book, the business parable, dude goes, loses his job daughter’s dying, he wants to kill himself. So he runs into a tree and he wakes up in 1942 with given Oh, Harry Truman about ready to drop the bomb news all about making a responsibility. Then he meets like, King Solomon for wisdom and Frank for being happier. It’s an awesome book that really started to change things and stuff. So wow, it’s great book. It’s a fun business parable if you ever want to pick it up, it’s called the travelers gift. A lot of fun. Anyways, I just bogarted your time here. I forgot what we were talking

about. My favorite of the three books, which is usually it’s usually the last one I’ve written.

Oh, really? Okay. Yeah, gotcha. And it’s funny I read I read a scripted first, right. I did and then Millionaire Fastlane and I am not gonna lie I’m only about three quarters of the way through the rat race. So you call it the rat race but great rat race escape. So that they’ve their their life changing squad there. It’s their their books that like, again, he’s gruff. So just get ready about it. Don’t get butthurt by it, because it’s a guy who we had him kind of walked a similar path with kind of the lower middle income and that really having that identity set up in our minds, that it’s that it’s almost okay to be rich or that’s okay to be wealthy. Because a lot of people are set and you’re going to have a lot haters, which MJ if you go through the, his, his reviews, you’ll have a lot of those. And that’s just the crab mentality where you know, you’re trying to get out of that rat race and people are trying to pull you back in to their comfort zone. So that’s just me. This is awesome news. I know I’m rambling. It’s just I’ve been waiting on this one. Mmm fun man keep Oh, yeah, it’s just been fun. It’s been fun is could you do me a favor. And leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize it take action.

No one cares about your personal experience, they only care about what you can do for them. So if you offer something that someone wants, because they find it cheaper, more convenient, more problem solving whatever, they will give you money. And if your story identifies you have a story that this is where that violates that is if you have a story that people can identify with, you can also sell more. And that’s so that’s the power of story. So if you if you want to have all these selfish narratives, make sure that story ties into your customer, where they can identify with dead story. Because all things held equal the person with the better story or the company with the better story we started this company, you know to save the whales we started this company to do X, Y or Z then you will have an advantage over the company who’s just out there to make money.

Love it. Love that in squad. We literally I kept my guy here in too long here even agreed to 30 minutes and gave us 40 And I just am so so appreciative of of MJ we got a free masterclass guys, I mean, this is a guy that had a passion to write, and you want to show an alternative way to generate wealth and live with purpose and meaning. Okay, he wants you to stop looking at your selfish motives and see what the market needs fulfill it. Okay, don’t forget about the control entry need time and scale. Okay, make in the USA says make sense. Make sense? So that’s make SCN se makes CMTS Okay, remember that social media is leased land. So it goes back to the first it was his control. You don’t control your social media. Just start building lists start something that you can control and put out that great content, like MJ says saves lives he’s gonna be somebody that lives with no regrets. He’s gonna this thing about MJ right now he I don’t know if you realize this, but he’s planting trees that he’s never going to sit in the shade of. Okay, squat and think about his plant trees. He’s never gonna sit in the shade up. Because what he’s doing is evergreen and I even I teach that to my clients. Evergreen Summit is going to be around a long time, if not forever, okay, he’s basically somebody that doesn’t want you to, you know, live with a foot in the present a foot I’m sorry for the past for the future and piss on the president wants you to live now. And to be happy and just level up. He believes in the freedom making difference in the lives of others, and living a purposeful existence, you know? And he he left it with what I call with them, what’s in it for me, okay? You people don’t care what you can do unless it really serves them. Unless they’re family and whatnot, then they might care in a totally different way. But they are looking for something provided for them. Make sure it’s of great value and it makes sense for them. So don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle, make it work and that’s what my guy MJ does. He levels up as healthy levels up as well. He’s humble yet hungry. And he’s earned his varsity letter here at time to shine to the podcast RCS but thanks so much MJ for coming on. I love your guts, brother. And I just can’t say enough. How blessed I am for this interview, bro.

Thanks for having me, man. I really appreciate it had a blast.

Awesome chatter. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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