Welcome to Episode 183! Lori Marini is a motivational coach who specializes in empowering women during, and after, their healing journey. Many lose their purpose after a crisis and their fear of moving forward leaves them paralyzed. Lori guides them to their higher purpose on many levels. As a tumor expert, a motivational coach, and more importantly, a breast cancer warrior, Lori has an understanding of what you have been through. She also has a proven record of getting your life back to doing the things you love! The best part is you won’t have to do it alone since she offers 1-1, group coaching, as well as, programs. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Take chances, make life an adventure, find those secret passageways
– Lori Marini
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Do not worry about other people’s expectations of you
2. As a coach Lori understands that the client is ‘really’ in control of their journey
3. Live by the ‘why not’
4. You are either a survivor or a warrior
5. Take chances, make life an adventure, find those secret passageways
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Laurie Mariani, from Laurie Marina coaching and if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:09
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson and we’re Episode 183. With my very good friend, fantastic empowerment coach, Miss Laurie murrini. She is a survivor of cancer. And she has taken what she learned through that survival process leveled up and now it’s helping you level up. And one thing she said about it’s like, find those secret passageways in life, life’s an adventure, find those secret passageways, and that’s something I really took away from this. You want to listen all the way through this podcast because the ending even gets more exciting. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, Laurie murrini. an awesome, awesome empowerment coach. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:01
Time to shine today. bursty squatted is Scott Ferguson. And I have a good friend of mine here from a little bit north of me here and I’m in South Florida. She’s kind of in Mid West Florida. Laurie murrini. She’s a fantastic fantastic motivational coach who specializes in empowering women during and after their healing journey. Many women lose their purpose after a crisis and their fear of moving forward leaves them paralyzed. I have some friends that definitely need to talk to Laurie. Laurie guides them to their higher purpose on many levels as a tumor expert, a motivational coach and more importantly, a breast cancer survivor. So she’s walked the walk squad. Laurie has an understanding of what is she what you’re going through and what she’s been through. So she’s also has a proven record of getting your life back to doing the things you love. The best part is you won’t have to do it alone, since she offers one to one group coaching as well as programs. So Lori, thank you so much for coming on. Introduce yourself to the time to shine today varsity squad, but first, what’s your favorite color? And why? Oh, this
Unknown Speaker 2:06
is a good one. I have to say orange because orange white orange is it’s vibrant and fun. And it makes me happy.
Unknown Speaker 2:14
I’m happy to use that word because every interviewee that I say it says orange, they say fun. It is and you seem like fun. I vetted you out through social and in, in through pod match and how we Yeah, shout out to Alex sanfilippo for putting us together here on through pod match. But orange is like perfect for you. And it’s in your color wheel. Right? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:37
I feel like um, you know, life, especially through everything that we’ve all gone through. We all have our version of crisis that kind of takes us down a couple of notches. And, you know, it’s really given me the insight that you have to make the fun in your life. Yes, be positive, like happiness doesn’t come to you. You have to be generating and you have planned for it. So for me like I actually have an orange chair like I’m just like, rounded myself in color yesterday. I wish I was wearing it today because yesterday I had an orange hoodie because I had done a tough mudder was like that. And I wore it all day. Right
Unknown Speaker 3:17
rock on that. That’s awesome. Yeah, in orange is it fits you perfectly. So let’s get let’s hear your story. I’m very, very curious about hearing the story. Laura Marina here with regards to kind of being a survivor and then taking that and leveling up and wanting to help others.
Unknown Speaker 3:36
You know, honestly, it’s, it’s cool. Um, so by education, I am a pathologist assistant. So I have spent over 20 years learning about tumors. And I was working for a world renowned hospital where I was helping them set up their genomic center, their Precision Medicine Center. So my world revolved around working with metastatic cancer patients researchers in physically handling tumor, right, like it’s what I know. So I was in this position, and I was so busy. I never went from my baseline mammogram at 40. So when I went back to my primary care physician at 41, the first thing that came out of my mouth was, I’m so sorry, I never went like I felt like she was gonna scold me, right. And then she said to me worried. They just changed the guidelines to 45. You just bought yourself another four years. And I’m like, I work with metastatic cancer patients every day. I don’t know how I feel about this, but I was like, okay, and I let it go. And I had a dream, right. It was in the back of my mind, but I had a dream where I was riddled with cancer. So I woke up in a panic, I called my bestie and I’m like, you have to make me go and get that mammogram like regardless of what my doctor says like I’m going in high I’d say I don’t know why a mammogram is, like, what first came to mind. But um, I went for baseline, and they called me back. I didn’t think anything of it because anyone who’s had an imaging knows, you know, sometimes if they see something, the images, in fact, great, they’ll call you back and have you do a repeat. So I didn’t think anything of it. I went back, the second day, had a repeat mammogram, and then they put me into ultrasound, again, not thinking anything of it, because that happens. And it wasn’t until I was on the table about an hour and a half later, they and they were measuring my lymph nodes with the ultrasound, that I was like, we have a problem. Because it’s what I worked with my whole life. Like I look at these imaging, I knew exactly what they were doing. And literally, it was that moment where, you know, they have that big blue light up above and that I never understood. And I was like staring at it. And I finally got it in that moment. And I literally made a list of what my will is going to be and what I want to do with my life when I am done with this whole process. And honestly, I was very blessed that in the position that I had, I was working for a breast oncologist. Right, the universe puts you exactly where you need to be like together for you. All right. Oh, so I had about two and a half weeks before within diagnosis to surgery. And, you know, the whole process was really overwhelming. Even though I knew the system,
Unknown Speaker 6:31
Unknown Speaker 6:32
I know, hospitals. I know what a park I know where the doctor’s offices was, I was getting treated where I worked. And I was still overwhelmed by it all. And it’s when I had that moment of, if I feel this way, then how does anybody else get through this. And so it really pushed me forward to being you know, of service to people who are going through a similar experience. And that’s how Lori murrini coaching was born. I knew I had to make a difference without
Unknown Speaker 7:02
you don’t worry. You said that you still had the time between like 45 but was there in the back of your mind a fear because you saw people that are what they’re gonna go through? You know, in squad, if you’re watching this on YouTube, this lady is not even look near 40 you know, so I just had to throw that out there. But thank you. You’re very welcome. But seriously, Laurie, like, was there a fear of like, for lack of better term? Oh, shit, like, I’m scared of what to find out if I have to go through what these people do every you know that I’m shuttling people through again, a lack of better term every day.
Unknown Speaker 7:36
Yeah, that’s a really great question. Um, you know, I was never afraid, because I felt like I was at the best shape of my life. I was doing all the right things. I was eating all the right foods, taking the supplements taking care of myself. So it never dawned on me that, and I had no family history. It never dawned on me that I would be in that position. Right. And so when it happened to me, it was overwhelming. And I was like, How did this happen to me, and then the fact that I knew so much, right? Like, I’m in my life, I’m the person for those around me that when they have a problem, they come to me and I tell them, this is what you can expect, right? So I couldn’t, and I usually gauge how much I share based on the person, like some people want to know all the nitty gritty, and other people are like, Don’t tell me, and I couldn’t filter for myself. And I also needed to be the strong person from my support system. Because if I started to freak out, and I’m the one that they always go to and on the rock, right,
Unknown Speaker 8:45
I didn’t know how they were going to react. So it was it put me in a really tough position.
Unknown Speaker 8:51
Right. Okay. So let’s get into the coaching then. So you went through you battled? You won, correct? Yeah. Yeah. So what is the kind of fork in the road moment that took you to coaching and tell us a little bit about the people that you coach?
Unknown Speaker 9:06
Yeah, thanks. And to put it in perspective, I am now 45. Okay. Well, I always tell people that if I didn’t listen to my intuition, if I didn’t have that dream, where my angels were looking over me, I probably wouldn’t be sitting here today because of how I presented. I have such an advanced cancer, that if I had waited the four more years
Unknown Speaker 9:33
that sorry to say it like that, but it could have been
Unknown Speaker 9:35
100%. So I feel very blessed to have been here and they think that when I work with clients, like I remind them that they really have they’re in control. So we have this thing. We have this distinction that we’re not well, you’re either a survivor or you’re a warrior. So I and the distinction Is as a survivor, you just go with the go with the punches, right? You kind of are like, going, how how do I how do I say this? For me as a survivor, you’re just kind of going with the wind wherever it takes you to shape the lion.
Unknown Speaker 10:16
Unknown Speaker 10:16
Yeah, warrior, you prepare yourself for that battle, right? Like, educate yourself, you surround yourself with the good people, the experts, those that are going to support you, and you move forward, and you just handle whatever comes your way. Right? And that’s the mindset that we work on. You know, and we don’t allow victims, right, like, okay, it’s happened to you now, let’s get you through
Unknown Speaker 10:39
it Next, like inch by inch. It’s a cinch, right? We’re gonna do it in baby steps, but we’re gonna do it.
Unknown Speaker 10:46
Right. It’s like, and it could mean like, you have to live your life one second at a time. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 10:52
Thank you for saying that. Absolutely. So what do you think makes a great coach? Hmm,
Unknown Speaker 10:57
Unknown Speaker 11:00
I think listening and I think, you know, as humans, we always want to be like, Oh, I think you should do this. But as a coach, we’re there to listen. And we’re there to listen for your greatness, right? Well, what we were there to listen for your dreams and your passions and the things that you may not recognize for yourself. And we guide you to finding those on your own. So we’re not consultants, right? We’re not I’m not there to tell you what you should be doing. I’m there to hear I’m there to listen, for what
Unknown Speaker 11:32
I love that you said, You’re not going to tell them what to do. You’re going to listen and drop some knowledge nuggets. That’s what we call them here. You know, to help them maybe find their path. Did I say that correctly? For you?
Unknown Speaker 11:44
Yeah, 100%.
Unknown Speaker 11:45
I love it. I love it. So when you’re bringing a client in, or maybe even a prospect, and what is some of that secret sauce over there, if you don’t mind sharing to help them find their blind spots?
Unknown Speaker 12:01
Unknown Speaker 12:03
first and foremost, is creating that rapport in that safe space that they feel that they can talk to me. And through that conversation of them just sharing their life with me, we’re, we’re able to identify areas where they’re stuck, right? A lot of times the complication is, I don’t even know why I’m making any plans, because I’m probably just going to get a reoccurrence in six months. Right scan. And so we get them beyond that, like, you know what, I think get hit by a bus tomorrow.
Unknown Speaker 12:36
Unknown Speaker 12:36
I mean, I don’t make the plans. And so people really struggle with that. And we work on that. And then from there getting beyond that barrier, you know, the world’s their their oyster.
Unknown Speaker 12:48
I love that. Laurie, I love it. So, to piggyback on that question, when you’re first meeting somebody, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 13:00
Oh, I’m usually it’s never about me. Right? It’s always about them. If they want to hear about my story, and how I was able to, you know, reinvent my life, recreate myself after several life crisis, you know, like I had, I had gone through my experience, I was in the middle of my healing. My dad got diagnosed with multiple myeloma, so I had to go and be caregiver from him for him. And then I moved to Nashville, because my boyfriend was there. We got hit by the tornado, and we lost our home, right? Like, it was a really rough year, and then COVID hit like COVID is happening, and then we’re moving home. Right, right. It’s one of those things that if they asked me, like, how do I do, how did I do it? I would just tell them, you know, I just had a belief, and I haven’t thrived from just wanting an amazing life. Exactly. And I deserve it.
Unknown Speaker 13:57
I love that.
Unknown Speaker 13:58
I think that that’s what I wish that they would ask me.
Unknown Speaker 14:01
Good. Good. I love that. I love that you say that. And that there is that? To keep planning and then to keep to keep moving forward no matter what your situation is. So what do you think is something that people might misunderstand about Laurie the most?
Unknown Speaker 14:17
Unknown Speaker 14:20
well, that’s a really good question.
Unknown Speaker 14:25
I’ve never really thought about that. I think you know, I think it’s hard. I’m a very creative person. I mean, Orange is my color, right? Try to always see the silver lining. I always try to like, oh, let’s I live by the Why not? Right. When somebody asked me why my response is always Why not? And I think people take it as if I’m being maybe aloof is the word like that. I am not understanding and I’m not being compassionate towards the right,
Unknown Speaker 15:01
Unknown Speaker 15:03
It’s not that at all. It’s that I see the greatness that they’re able to have for themselves. So if I’m not a stand for them, then how are they? Right?
Unknown Speaker 15:13
So, you’ve saw the movie Back to the Future, right? You’re in my generation, basically, because I’m 48. So, okay, so let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 2223 year old Laurie, what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on her to maybe help her level up shortener learning curve and blaster.
Unknown Speaker 15:33
So ironically enough, at that time, I was pre med. Right, I was in college. Well, I had just graduated with pre med and I had started PA school. Okay, I had, I had at least made that distinction of, you know, what I wanted to do when I grow up? Sure. And I think the nuggets that I would tell them is, don’t worry so much about what others people, others people, expectations are a view, like, have a have a mind of your own, and start thinking for yourself for what you want your life to look like. And, you know, I come from a really traditional Italian family. My parents are immigrants from Italy. Um, I knew I was going to college before I knew what college was, you know, very traditional, like, you have to be married. You should have kids like all that, right? And they still look at me to this day, I don’t have children, and they still look at me like, what did you do? Right?
Unknown Speaker 16:31
Me too, man. I’m 48 and I don’t have any kids. So, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 16:37
I think that like, um, you know, people have expectations of what they think that your life should look like, right? You know, really long time to break free of that.
Unknown Speaker 16:48
Love it. And so, how do you want your dash? Remember that little line between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and death date? How do you want Lori’s dash remembered?
Unknown Speaker 16:57
She lived courageously love it.
Unknown Speaker 17:01
Yeah. Love. So
Unknown Speaker 17:04
yeah. And then she wasn’t service, right? Because it’s truly my heart.
Unknown Speaker 17:08
Yeah, you do. And it’s proof across the board and everything that you’ve said and what you do that that’s phenomenal. So what is your definition of a life well lived?
Unknown Speaker 17:19
Honestly, it’s to, to take the chances, right to go I. So we we played Mario Kart every now and again when life gets too rough. Right? Right. You, it’s because it’s fun. And as I play the game, I always look for the secret passageways. Right. And I’m always excited when I find when and I’m like, Oh, my God, this is amazing. And it dawned on me when I moved to Tampa and I’ve always lived in the city, right? I’ve always been a city girl. And my boyfriend turns to me, and I’m like, oh, let’s go this way. And he looked at me and he’s like, Oh, you just want to go find another secret pass? Yeah, I’m like, because that’s how I find adventure in my life in everyday life. I think that that’s what, that’s what it would be like, find the adventure for yourself.
Unknown Speaker 18:15
trailblaze like for yourself. You might not trailblaze For everyone else, but you trailblaze for yourself. And you find like the adventure in life. That’s fantastic. So we’re going to as we wind things down here just a little bit, we have our leveling up lightning round. Okay, you can add you got five seconds answer a question with no explanation. All of them can be done. We got a deal on that. Got it. Got it. All right, here we go. Ready to level up, Laurie?
Unknown Speaker 18:38
Unknown Speaker 18:39
let’s do it. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Be yourself. Love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success, success,
Unknown Speaker 18:50
Unknown Speaker 18:52
other than your own website, and of course time to shine today calm my shameless plug. What is the website you go to to kind of level up and you just kind of for some good knowledge.
Unknown Speaker 19:03
Tony Robbins or Robin Sharma.
Unknown Speaker 19:05
So I know how you might answer this, but you might answer it with something else. But if I’m in my doldrums, and it’s not feeling it, and you’re like Fergie read this. What’s the book?
Unknown Speaker 19:15
Oh, whoo.
Unknown Speaker 19:19
Oh, this is a hard one. Um, the art of Racing in the Rain. I know. It’s not a one of those
Unknown Speaker 19:29
movies. At least I know that that’s
Unknown Speaker 19:32
even more phenomenal. And it’s because it makes me laugh that every time The dog says, If I only had thumbs, I could get outside and go chase the squirrels, right? It’s like this one thing that has stuck with me my whole life.
Unknown Speaker 19:44
Gotcha. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?
Unknown Speaker 19:48
a smiley face?
Unknown Speaker 19:49
Yay. Okay. You can’t say your age now. But if you can stay one age for the rest of your life physically, and still have the wisdom that you’ve already gained and still continue to gain wisdom. What’s the Physical age.
Unknown Speaker 20:02
Oh, I say that I’m always going to be 25 forever. But if it has to deal with being comfort in my own skin, I’d probably say 31
Unknown Speaker 20:10
I say 32 men you and I are Kindred awesome. What’s your favorite charity or an organization? You’d like to give your time and or money to?
Unknown Speaker 20:19
Oh, such a good question. You know, anything that’s I love the Special Olympics.
Unknown Speaker 20:27
I’m a hugger here in South Florida. You and your boyfriend got to come down me and my girl we go in and hug. It’s it’s fantastic here and they’re starting to open it up. They said in June, the Special Olympics that will be in West Palm is actually going to allow us to go out and hug. So it’s just going to be awesome. So last question. You can elaborate on this one a little bit. But what’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 20:48
Oh, my goodness. I love all music. So this is like all of the above. Yeah, I have to say if I want to be in a good mood. I’d probably go with like, 90s Yeah, they’re super fun, but I really I really love 70s music too.
Unknown Speaker 21:05
I do too. Like when I’m chilling and working. I have I Heart Radio stuff. That’s awesome. Thank you so much for getting to the lovely enough lightning round. So how can we find you Laurie?
Unknown Speaker 21:17
Oh my goodness. So everything about me is available on my website, Lori marina.com you’ll see my email address my phone number because I actually answer the phone you can call me and then just info about me and like what I’m up to in the services. And then I also have a book coming out called women who boss up and it’s focused on women who have gone through crisis and especially like the health crisis, and how they actually got through that with a positive mindset. And so that’s also information on that is also available.
Unknown Speaker 21:50
I love it and Tom is loving Gypsy soul still your website too. I just want to make sure Yeah, all right. Okay, very cool.
Unknown Speaker 21:57
Very cool. Loving Gypsy soul is who I am as a being but people got kind of confused as to how to find it because they couldn’t really spell it because there’s so
Unknown Speaker 22:05
gypsies a tough word. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:08
well, I made it easier. And I just did Laurie maria.com that redirect.
Unknown Speaker 22:11
That’s what we’re gonna definitely put on there. So leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action on Laurie.
Unknown Speaker 22:19
be unstoppable. Like Don’t let life circumstances stop you from living an amazing life. Because this is all we got.
Unknown Speaker 22:29
is phenomenal. And squad. You’ve just gotten a free masterclass from my really good friend, Laurie murrini, who you know, he serves others of going through what she’s been through in that have been someone that actually walk the walk to go to is just fantastic. I’d love to make a warm introduction. If you’re a female that’s really looking to level up your life, there’s going through some hard times Lori’s the person to, to talk to you know, she wants to remind you that you can be a survivor or a warrior, take the warrior out be a lion, not a lamb. You know, there’s a lot of lambs out there very few lines be that line. So you know, also good coach listens and relates as empathetic, and she listens for greatness that’s within you, to guide you to find that grace, she’s not going to tell you what the hell to do. She’s just going to help you guide to get you there. She wants to create a safe place to share and also during your time of turmoil of keep planning to keep moving forward. You know, she wants you to live by the Why not? You can ask yourself why why the hell not get afterlife level up. Don’t worry about other people’s expectations of you be yourself. Walk your journey live your life. Okay? You know, she wants to be remembered as someone that lived in courageously. She wants you to take chances and find those secret passageways go and live life like the adventure it’s meant to live and she’s going to remind you to you are unstoppable. This life only comes around once and live it so Laurie, you are phenomenal. you level up your health, you level up your wealth, you so giving you’re 100% epitome of the go giver. Thank you so so much for joining us if you’re carving out some valuable time because I know you’re a busy person. Thank you so so much, Laurie.
Unknown Speaker 24:15
Thank you because this was truly an honor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 24:19
Talk soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by saying Putting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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