Welcome to Episode 110: A special guest Lenay Taylor from Transform your life popped on today to share her story of beating cancer and overcoming domestic abuse. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Live your life with purpose and passion
– Lenay Taylor
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Helping others get their physical and emotional pain under control is Lenay’s passion
2. Never give up. YOU are worth it!
3. When hiring a coach ask if they will believe in them.
4. Set goals to accomplish something bigger than yourself
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Renee with transform your life. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today varsity squad Scott Ferguson and welcome to Episode 110. I have my good friend Lynn Nate Taylor, from transform your life. She’s a cancer survivor, domestic abuse survivor and she is taking what she is went through in her experiences and now helping others level up their life. So if you’re going through kind of a hard time, whether facing health challenges or even domestic challenges, please reach out to me I can put you in touch. She’s going to drop some serious solid, awesome knowledge nuggets, reminding you to really never give up in set goals to help you accomplish something bigger than yourself. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, Linda Taylor from transform your life.
Unknown Speaker 1:01
Hey, time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and I got me a friend from up in the Midwest. everybody that knows me knows me knows that I’m from the state of Michigan. The mitten is called and people think it’s cold there, but I’m pretty sure where my next guest is. It gets a little bit colder, and she’s from the great state of Minnesota. Her name is Lenny Taylor and she has transformed your life. She’s has a heck of a story that we’re going to dig into. The Linnea is a cancer survivor and does domestic abuse survivor which I’m really sorry to hear about that. She has three sons and a stepson. She’s emerged from her darkness and now fulfills her life by helping others she empowers people to take control their lives through food, pain control, gratitude and passion and she has some serious credentials backing her up. So I cannot wait. So without further ado, here is Lin a Taylor Lin a please come on to introduce yourself to the time to show It’s time to shine today squad but first, what is your favorite color and why? favorite color is lavender lavender. Yes royal, because it relaxes me. I love that love it brings calmness to me. Love it, love it. So give us the looks like you went through some pain. And here at time to shine today we’re always talking about we don’t want anyone to feel like they have no one. So I think that for some of my listeners out there, well you have to offer. It would be great for them. But give us the origins of maybe the pain that you went through and then kind of like hate lack of a better term a comeback story.
Unknown Speaker 2:40
Right, so
Unknown Speaker 2:45
I’m married for well, together anyway for 32 years with an abusive husband. Maybe not quite so much on the physical side, although there was some physical abuse as well, but it was mostly mental and emotional verbal abuse, always putting me down always. He always came first. So it got to the point where I literally felt like I was nothing and like I was going to fade away into nothingness. Sure. If I didn’t take some action and do something.
Unknown Speaker 3:23
While so what what action did you take?
Unknown Speaker 3:27
Unknown Speaker 3:29
made arrangements to go to a women’s shelter for you. And I spent three months in a women’s shelter trying to get things back together and try to figure out who exactly I was because I didn’t even have a personality left at that time. They just stripped you down. That person stripped you down and made you feel like you’re worthless, and I’m not even breathing air. You were doing a disservice. That’s terrible. And I’m so sorry to hear that. And then you know what I actually worked for a service like As a volunteer in Detroit area for a battered women shelters where I would actually pick them up and put them in a fan with no windows and stuff and take them to houses to where they were safe. It was kind of like a covert operation a little bit, but I’m sure you kind of went through that. What was their kind of first step if you don’t mind sharing with that, to help you overcome? Mainly it was just the actual physicalness of getting out of the house. Sure. Once I was in the shelter, that was pretty much left to my own resources. Right, right. So okay, so what got you let’s let’s take it forward then to transform your life and what was the origins of starting that? Well, it’s it’s been a mission of mine all my life, my degrees in social work, and so I’ve always aimed for helping other people. And I guess it’s just been just kind of come full circle where I had somebody say to me, Well, why don’t you share that story with other people and help some other people along the way? So, yes, yes. Because people need to hear that story because you’re an overcomer, you’re an achiever, you failed forward, if you will, and still still kept progressing. So what do you so are you tell me a little bit about transform your life? What do you guys do there?
Unknown Speaker 5:33
So it’s a it’s an online coaching program.
Unknown Speaker 5:37
It’s eight weeks long, and we go through some, we start with the simple stuff. I think food is something simple, a simple area where people can start to take minimal control of themselves and once they start getting that confidence behind them. It allows them to open up and start addressing some other areas in their life as well. Beautiful, beautiful, so If I Okay, then if I’m out, let’s go, man, hold on, let’s take it back. So you go with food. And then what else do you go with? What would be the next step? And so you’re and then we go into pain, physical pain, like chronic pain. Mm hmm. And then I go through some gratitude things with people, okay? To kind of turn things around and make it a little bit more positive. Sure. And then then we start exploring passion. Ah, gotcha. And then you try to have them kind of, so I liked that process because you’re really getting their their temple, their body, right, in a sense, and then you’re getting their their pain under control, whether it’s emotional or physical. Correct, correct. And then you’re going to find their passion. So what are you doing with your clients then to help them find their blind spot, which for them would be their passion? What are you doing to help pull that passion forward to them? I’ve got Some exercises and some different some different things that we go through. And we do it in a group. So it’s nobody really feels like they’re threatened. It’s it’s people sharing together. And yeah, so it’s eight weeks is the group is eight weeks long. Yeah. Okay. And is it all done virtually? Or is it done done on zoom? Oh, beautiful. And how long have you been doing that? Let me about a year and a half now specifically on this group, okay. Okay. Do you ever find yourself in like not confident? Or maybe some of your past demons pop up or does your hubby now kind of make sure that he levels you up when you start feeling now because it’s impossible to go back? I mean, I have a story similar to that, you know, orphanage growing up having nobody and I and I get it, but sometimes it really surfaces and then I like that it’s absolutely so how do you overcome That one, it kind of rears its ugly head. I just have to try to remind myself of the things that I’m grateful for. There you go. Have an attitude of gratitude, right? So say you have like maybe your clients put together like a gratitude journal or do something and then the daily basis, that’s great. That’s part of my daily routine that I think that is the boost for to my success. So if you were if you I’m sure that you remember the movie Back to the Future, right? Yeah. Okay, so if you and I were to hop into Marty McFly, his DeLorean right. And you were to go back and see the 23 year old LeMay what kind of knowledge nuggets or advice if you will, would you give her with the knowledge that you have now?
Unknown Speaker 8:46
Don’t give up.
Unknown Speaker 8:47
Don’t give up love it.
Unknown Speaker 8:51
And you are worth it too. Right? It’s like you no matter what anyone ever says about you. Still progress level up and move forward. I love it. I love and love That was short and to the point as well, that that’s fantastic. So you started, you know, transform your life and how long ago Have you guys been doing this? About a year and a half now? Okay, gotcha. Can you do with your hobby right? What’s his name? So I can stop calling them hubby? His name is owl. Okay, so you and Al started this company then together or was it you and then our out that work? So al and I together we run a company that’s more in the digital marketing space. Okay, and then I do the coaching part myself. Oh, beautiful, beautiful. Okay, gotcha, gotcha. So, if I’m out, like meeting people, either virtually or as we get back to where I can press flash and meet people, you know, networking like I always do, like what kind of key words or phrases am I listening for from them, that would be a great referral, or a great connection or great prospect for your company. Sure. There’s something like I’m sick of this. I need something to happen, I need something to change. Okay. So it’s basically they’re kind of stuck and don’t have the answers correct. So they’re looking for I gotcha. I can hundred percent 100%. Appreciate that. So we talked a lot about our dash here at time to shine today, in the dash is that little line that goes between your life date and death date. Okay, so how do you want your dash to be remembered? Maybe your epitaph, like, how do you want that remembered? When people think lynnie Taylor, how do you want them to remember you? I think just as somebody that’s always there to help others. A total goal giver. Gotcha. So what books do you read? I read. I read a lot of business books and I read a lot of biographies
Unknown Speaker 10:57
that people
Unknown Speaker 11:00
A lot of dead people that say dead people. Yeah, I do a lot of dead people. I’ll tell you what, there’s so many knowledge nuggets you can pick up from dead people that are sure. That’s for sure. So then let’s take out your computer, your cell phone, your laptop, your tablet, whatever. What are the three things that lenay cannot live without? My family love it. My face
Unknown Speaker 11:30
and the internet.
Unknown Speaker 11:32
We took the computer out. I know we took the
Unknown Speaker 11:35
computer up. I didn’t take the internet out.
Unknown Speaker 11:39
What do you uh, how about your favorite food but what kind of food I mean, those three things I was asked if I was to start a colony on Mars. It would be you know my my lady Susan my dog stitch and chicken wings from a place called Sparky. What’s your favorite food though?
Unknown Speaker 11:55
Probably pizza. Oh, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 11:56
yeah, you got a good one there Minnesota.
Unknown Speaker 11:59
Yeah. And we make our own as well. I bet it’s
Unknown Speaker 12:02
over. What is the weather like up there anyways? It is raining today. Yeah, so shouldn’t temperature though?
Unknown Speaker 12:10
Unknown Speaker 12:12
70. Okay, well, it’s not that bad. It’s just random. Not too bad. No, no, we had a very long winter.
Unknown Speaker 12:21
So if you were to lose everything again.
Unknown Speaker 12:25
What would the first thing that you would do to rebuild? Where’s those quick answers today? Come on.
Unknown Speaker 12:34
I’ve been preparing but I didn’t prepare for that one.
Unknown Speaker 12:39
So, listen to my shows. Yeah. Ready for them? Yeah. Let’s see. I’d have to I’d have to do some work on me again. Okay. start feeding your mind feeding your Yeah, that’s the that’s the thing. I because I’ve lost everything. one’s really bad obviously in the real estate because that’s my day job as a real estate agent and lost everything and that’s that’s the first thing that I would probably do is dig back into my go to books. And Christian author name Andy Andrews. He wrote a book called the travelers gift. That’s my go to book it’s like I get into that one really deep. You know, even now if I’m having like a bad week and like man, something’s just not right. Something’s that click and I kind of get back in there. Now books about him kind of going. He his daughter sick, he loses his high paying job, he wants to commit suicide. He runs into a tree and all sudden he wakes up and he’s talking like Harry Truman a day before we dropped the bomb on Hiroshima Nagasaki, right. And so Harry kind of gives him advice about taking responsibility. Then he goes and sees King Solomon for wisdom and and Frank for courage. So it’s the greatest book ever for me. So I just remember there’s those different people that like I said, I love to read dead people, you know, they kind of bring you forward. That’s fantastic. So it’s if you are, you’re meeting the new people that you want. Bring in you’re kind of in the discovery process. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask but never do? I guess I wish that they would ask if there was somebody that believes in them. Yes, thank you. Yes, that I get that I’m like, they want they need to be raw and honest. When I first meet, you know, the people that I bring into, to time to shine today coaching in I want them to ask me for my failures, but also, is it okay for me to be blunt with them to tell them that one, I love them and two, that they’re worth it, you know, in three, I mean, are they going to be ready? Because there’s gotta be some tough love in there. They’ve got to dig deep, especially with what you’re doing, and then what you’ve been through. So if you weren’t doing what you do right now, what would you be doing? I can’t think of anything else. Good. That’s the best thing in the world. I love that. I love that Linda. So as we kind of wind, you don’t know Hold on a second that you listen to my shows which Thank you very much. What is your definition of a life well lived then it’s somebody that has lived with purpose and passion. Love, right writing these, I’m taking some notes from you today. Love it. Love it, love it, love it. So last question really kind of is what is the big big thing that you want to accomplish in your life? Ah. So, several years ago, I was challenged with that. setting that goal setting a goal for to help something or to accomplish something that’s bigger than yourself. So my goal is that once I reach a certain point, I am going to start a foundation to We’ll find a cure for type one diabetes. Yeah, there you go.
Unknown Speaker 16:04
love that.
Unknown Speaker 16:06
I love that, you know, accomplish something bigger than yourself.
Unknown Speaker 16:11
That that’s huge. I mean, it’s about you because it’s your life but something that you can accomplish something that’s going to make you legendary or immortal. A lot of people like they asked me Scott, what do you I’m like, I want to be immortal. But the only way I can be immortal is to mentor as many people and help as many people as I can, because they pass that forward and pass it forward, and then it kind of comes back comes back. we’d all like a library named after us or something like that. But, you know, I just want to build it. That’s why I mentor as much as I can. I encourage people to mentor as much as they can. And then people like you that are out there just so special and critical to helping people level up. So you leave obviously with, I’m not gonna say without even trying to try it every day, but it’s just like you seem like you just have such a big go give her spirit that you’re going to leave that behind if you just keep going and going and going. So That’s awesome, Linda, thank you. Thank you so much for sharing that. So we’re going to move into our leveling up lightning round. And you and I could talk 1015 minutes and each one of these questions but we’re going to do five second answers. First thing that comes to your head okay? So when you’re texting people what emoji Do you use the most? smiley face smiley face love it love it. If you can be one age for the rest of your life what would it be
Unknown Speaker 17:29
5050 love
Unknown Speaker 17:31
it love it. So what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 17:39
Never give up.
Unknown Speaker 17:41
You said that already. I love it. I love that’s what you would have told you the 23 year old and a two as well. I love it. Love that. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. do at least one thing every day on your business. Love it. Work on the business. Not so much in it. All the time. They’re beautiful. So your favorite charity and or organization you like to give your time and or money to? Well, that will be the one that I make the type two diabetes. Yep, type one type one. Sorry, type one diabetes, what’s the difference? type one is the juvenile. Gotcha. Okay, so two of my sons have type one diabetes. Oh, you know what? Yeah, we’re gonna ask this last. You know, let’s, before we get to this last question, so how did your family deal when you had to go through with what you went through?
Unknown Speaker 18:36
I’m sorry for not even asking that.
Unknown Speaker 18:46
I’m gonna say nobody really knew about it.
Unknown Speaker 18:48
Really? You hit it that well, huh? Yes. Wow. You know, you’re amazing. Thank you so much for sharing that stuff. And you know what, one thing about you is that you see my I don’t know you that well, yeah, but you seem like someone that’s very extraordinary with their commitments like you’re so committed to what you’re doing, you’re always giving that extra service. So thank you so much for, for even sharing that. I mean, someone that went through what you went through is just, it’s heartbreaking, but same time Look at you now. You know, you’re kind of brought it forward. So our last question is what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 70s? You and I can hang out and eat 70s rock? Yep, yeah, you go. Okay, that is an awesome music because you kind of come out of the hippie phase of the 60s and you get some awesome bands on. Yep, absolutely. Love it. Love it. Love it. So how can we find you living? Um, I’m on Facebook. Facebook is underlay haul Taylor. Okay. And then LinkedIn, of course, and Twitter also. Okay, gotcha, gotcha. And all of those will be in the show notes below. lynnie Please leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you would like to time to shine today’s squad to take with them internalize and make happen. Just know that there’s always somebody out there who doesn’t believe in you. That is fantastic and spa That is so true. You know, we have people out there that we’re blessed. And I’m blessed to have connected with Renee that actually wants to accomplish something bigger than herself to just start rocking the Type One Diabetes to help those juvenile children to fight that just bombastic disease. She’s a person listed purpose and passion. She always she lives by almost our credo here at time to shine today where she doesn’t want anyone to feel like they have no one And what’s nice about her not nice but what is impressive about her she’s walked this walk she’s been where some of you might be in an abusive relationship. Find Your voice reached out to time to shine today and we can put you in touch with an A, or get in touch with Linda a. If you’re listening to this, look in the website, the show notes, all our information is going to be down there. So we’re talking to somebody who went through a very verbal abusive relationship came out on top and all she’s doing is helping people that’s the epitome of a time to shine today. varsity squad member team member she levels up her house she levels up her well. She’s so humble yet hungry. Lin a thank you so much for coming on today. You’re amazing. You’re part of our squad now. And we can’t wait to keep and connect with you.
Unknown Speaker 21:36
Thank you for having me. You bet. Bye now.
Unknown Speaker 21:39
Bye. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in Nugent comm if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on topics Today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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