Welcome to Episode 140 – Big Lee Agbohlah is a highly sought after trainer and fitness consultant. We are blessed he stopped by TTST to share his story and to relay his passion to helping others to the listeners. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
It only take 3% of your time during your week to reach your physical goals
– Lee Agbohlah
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. You can prevent taking medication by Leveling UP your lifestyle.
2. A great trainer has empathy and patience in spades
3. When you start working with a personal trainer ask them what is expected of you
4. As yourself what your goals are going to do for you
Level Up!
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Lee’s Twitter
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Hey this is Leah bola with LTA performance. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time assigned today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson.
Time to shine today. versie sweated is Scott Ferguson and we’re Episode 140 with my good friend big Lee at bola. And Leigh is a top elite personal fitness trainer but he doesn’t just handle the fitness side of things. He also gets into mindset and he gets you out of a survival mindset into a thriving mindset. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, big Li ag bola from LTA performance.
Time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and you know, I love health, wealth and mindset. But today we’re going to talk about kind of all three with my good friend Lee egg bola. And that’s last I’m gonna say his last name. I’m just going to call him big Lee. But just imagine looking in the mirror first thing in the morning and loving your body match and feeling energized during the work day and not being reliant on coffee to get you through your day. Imagine being pain free, not having to take a pill to move freely. Imagine having the confidence to conquer any fear in your path. I mean any challenge head on. And that’s what my friend big Lee is going to talk about today. He’s not about the bro science. He’s not all about the crap that’s out there. He brings it on the real he’s a certified strength and conditioning conditioning specialist Personal Trainer with a bachelor in science and exercise. Yes seven plus years training individuals to reach their goals with sustainable success through lifestyle changes. He grew up in Charlottetown Chicago, my Midwestern boy here is currently residing in Texas. And Lee Come on introduce yourself to the time to shine today varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
favorite color? I think I would just go blue. I don’t have like, you know, everyone’s like, I got a certain color blue, or a certain color blue. But it’s like I love blue. Like you know, my car right now is midnight blue. So any type of shades of blue I like is just that’s my favorite color. Love it, man.
Let’s get into the origins where you’re I’m you’re young man. I’m you told me you’re 28. But here’s the wisdom of somebody that’s like 48 the man cares if you go to his social, which all of it’ll be in my show notes. Lee actually goes over exercises. Like I said, he eliminates the the dispels the whole bro science. Let’s get to the origins of Lee if you don’t mind.
Yeah, just for me, and I think I just always naturally been an athlete. You know, I’ve always loved being active, just something that’s natural. I think I do have to thank you know, being a vironment. You know, my dad, you know, he’s always playing basketball. So, you know, I kind of grew up in the gym, you know, I watched him play. My brother’s just like me, we’re sports junkie. So, I always talk about sports. So I’ve been like that since a kid. And so for me, you know, grew up playing sports, you know, went to college played football for a little bit. And so for me is just, you know, always been the athlete. And then once I got to college, I just really learned that my passion was going to be helping others, you know, with their health. You know, I feel like in this country, it doesn’t get talked about enough. But we do have, you know, issues as far as our health where it’s at, you know, we’re too reliant to want to just take medications, but it’s like, we can prevent most of those conditions that we do have through healthy lifestyle. So for me, I just take it as like, why should we have to rely on medications being miserable as we get old? You know, I think we think as getting old, like, we’re supposed to be miserable. And it’s like, No, we should love life, we should live the life that we want. So for me, it’s like, I want to teach people about these preventive measures, so they don’t have to, you know, be miserable of life, and they can be healthy. So for me, I just took it as you know, my passion, and I want to help others with that. And then it’s been that since you know, really college,
love that. And so where did you go to school?
I went to school in Truman state. It’s in northeast Missouri. Oh, nice.
Okay, the show me state over there. Okay, cool, man. So, if you’re going through and now you’re a trainer, what do you think makes a great trainer a coach?
The biggest thing is empathy and patience, empathy and patience, and I tell you the truth, I had to learn empathy. Being an athlete, it’s just like, to do it. You do it, you know? Oh, you know, I felt like I’m kind of the age where I don’t think I was like, maybe how people think kids are nowadays. So like, you still didn’t talk back to coaches. So coaches told you to do something. It was like you did it. And that’s I was raised and growing up. So it’s just like, if someone told me to do stuff, they wouldn’t be like, oh, okay, you just do it. So but learning with people, it’s a lot of people have a lot of different things that they’ve gone through through life. Sure. So you definitely have to understand where they’re coming from, you can’t just think, Well, you know, this is good for you do it, and you’re going to, you’re gonna get the results, it doesn’t work that way. So, you know, being empathetic was a big thing either learned, they said, That’s not naturally I’m not very expressive with my emotions. But that was one thing I really had to learn, then just patience, I think patience is fine for me, because I’m patient with things that I understand that takes time. Sure. And especially when it comes to this, I mean, patience has to be there, you know, you’re gonna have clients that you know, are going to struggle, you know, and you have to be able to help them you can’t get frustrated, and you can’t, you know, just think that it’s gonna happen overnight for them. Because you know, the process, it takes time, so you can expect it like, okay, they’re just gonna progress from day one, like, no, it’s gonna take everyone a little bit different. So you gotta have patience, a lot of people don’t have especially, you know, when I first did it in personal training, you might have to repeat yourself five times. Right? A lot of people they’re like, you know, if you have to repeat themselves, there’s just like, getting frustrated, it’s like, you can’t show your frustration with them, you have to understand, like, understand, you know, and teach them how it’s supposed to be done. So definitely empathy, patience, I think those are two touching. That’s fantastic.
And, you know, it’s funny is that, you know, I told you a little bit about my being a trainer in the past, but you probably forgot more than I probably ever knew about being a trainer. But, you know, I’ve been in the real estate business, you know, for 22 years, right. And like, it was a lot like being a trainer, where you’re not just their trainer, I’m not just a realtor, you’re like their marriage counselor. You’re like, their sounding board for like everything. Because in between SATs, there’s those rest periods, right? Where you’re having discussions with these people, that they probably don’t tell anybody else. Being being attrition. That’s almost like a blessing that you have, right?
Yeah, it’s definitely you know, it, you’re right, it, you might have a title of a personal trainer might have title as a coach, but you’re right, it’s so much more than that, you know, you you do really become you know, like that friend, you really do is not, you know, fake that, you know, you do become a friend, right? They’re gonna tell you, you know, things in a purse, if you got to get to that level, because they have to trust you, right? Because that’s a big thing. So they have to buy and they have to trust you. And once you get to that level, they’ll open up and that’s when you really are able to help them because if you don’t know what’s going on in their life, or you don’t know what they’ve been through, really can help them. So you’re right, you know, they’ll tell you everything that’s happened in personal life, you know, family deaths, like you said, relationships, you know, breakups, all types of things. So you’re right. I mean, it’s so much more than that.
Love it, it. So if I’m out at a networking event, and because you do online coaching, correct?
Yes, I can do online coaching pro I don’t do in person anymore.
Oh, beautiful. Okay, so if I’m out pressing some flash mean, some people, what kind of things? Are they saying to me? That would make them a good prospect contact connection or referral for Bigley.
To me, first and foremost, is their life is busy. That is directly who I help are, those business professionals or lives are busy. So, of course, we know business is important, you know, we all want to reach that level of financial success. And I think the process sacrifice and, you know, their time for themselves is really the issue. So, you know, we think that we can’t do more than one thing at a time, right? So we think if I’m working on, you know, this business, I got multiple businesses, you know, I’m a parent, you know, I, you know, my spouse, and my other things going on my life, that I have no time for myself to be able to, you know, improve my health. And I believe it’s all about balance in life. You know, when we think about balance, it’s not like, you know, a scale where it has to be equal, because that doesn’t exist, of course, right. But it’s balancing to what you know, you want in life. So you know, your work, obviously, that’s gonna take most your time, your time with your family is gonna take a lot of time. And I always like to say this, it takes less than 3% of your time each week to reach your goals. It really doesn’t take that much time. You know, when we think about it, we got 168 hours in a week, if you can give, you know, two to three hours a week dedicated to your fitness dedicated to your diet.
from your health, we cut back on some stuff. So, you know, that is what’s needed. So it’s really about putting a structure in our lives to fit that lifestyle that we want.
And you help them awesome, that’s beautiful. So
if you have a new client that’s coming in, you’re in the discovery process with them. What is some of the secret sauce that you Li use to help them find their blind spots?
To me, it’s really that initial conversation, you have to find out first and foremost, what is your goal? And why is it important to you? So if someone says, you know, first what their goal is, it might say I want to lose 30 pounds? Is it really to lose 30 pounds? Does anyone really care about a number? No, it’s what is that 30 pounds going to give you? Is it going to allow you to have more energy throughout your day so you can be more productive, and your job, you have more time for your family have more time for your other stuff that you want in life? Is it going to be able to give you the look that you want, where you have that confidence, where you’re now happy with the body that you have? Is it going to allow you to have that lifestyle that you want, where you can live a long life, where you can be there for your grandkids and the rest of your people in your family? That’s what you really want. So a lot of times people are not going to give you that answer right away. I want to lose 30 pounds, but it’s like I really have to find out. What is it that you want? Right? Because that’s the thing, that is the biggest thing, we have to find out what you want. And why is that important? Once you cover that, then we can get to the other things we can get to you know, why you feel like you don’t have time, you know why you feel, you know, hey, the other stuff that’s going on, so you can really get into that. But first I have to find why you know why find a goal? And then you can set the systems around it. Right? Yeah, keep that goal. Right. Awesome. So when you’re first meeting with people, Lee, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do? Yeah, I really feel I feel like I have to ask the question, of course. But I feel like you know, what is it that you want for me? You know, what is it that you want me to do? Because that is the biggest question that needs to be answered. Because what you expect from me, I want to surpass what you even expect, because I believe in giving more value than that’s even they’re expected. Because that’s what’s so important. So, you know, I think a lot of times when someone’s going to work with someone, they’re like, okay, yeah, I want this, I want that. But they’re not always saying that. And I think those important, you know, to me, communication is so important. It’s like, we need to cover everything that you want. Because then that’s the way that you know, I’m going to be able to deliver on that. So, you know, sometimes I think, you know, people think well, the trainer, you know, yes, we you know, we are the expert, but it’s about giving you what you want. Because ultimately, you’re hiring me to change your life. Absolutely. I mean, I’m not one that’s like, okay, you’re going to do this, because this is the way of doing it. No, it’s what’s going to be best for you.
Right? Because you listened.
Yes, listening is key. A lot of people don’t do it, but you got to listen. But, you know, once you find that out, then you know, that’s the best way I can help because it’s like, if I don’t know what you want, you know, I’m going to give you some things that is going to help you but you might need something else, you know,
right? How important sleep.
Oh, gosh, sleep is so important. This is definitely undervalued. You know, we think especially as entrepreneurs, I think you could test this how many entrepreneurs are said we don’t sleep, you know, you don’t need you know, sleep, you know, Money Never Sleeps, you know that that’s the thing that we were like, Oh, we don’t need sleep, you know, we sleep for the week, right? And it’s not true, you know, because your body is going to run better with sleep, you know, with you not sleeping well is going to cause a lot of your issues that you’re going on with you know, sure, you know, 85% of adults rely on coffee each day. Right now coffee is not bad for you know for you. But it’s like if you feel like you can’t go through your day without coffee, there’s probably something else going on. Right? underline and sleep is a big thing. Because if you’re recovering properly, your body’s gonna run better. You know, people don’t think of when you’re missing sleep, what else is that gonna do to you, you’re gonna be hungrier. So when you’re trying to lose weight, you’re not gonna be able to lose weight because you’re right, you’re gonna have those cravings that guarantee ease as you get as you get older. The reason you’re you’re not recovering because it’s helping you recover and just have that energy out the day so it’s like sleep is so important of certain hacks that you help your clients with as you bring them in if they have the problems with sleep. Yeah, to me, the big thing is we have to cover what’s kind of going on with their sleep. So for me specially because we are in that age where we have to be on our phones all day. So it’s known you know that blue light is going to be bad for you. So you really shouldn’t you know, be on your phone or really TV hour before you go to sleep. That blue light is going to disrupt your sleeping habits. The reason why you wake up in the morning is not just because well you slept as the light and everything is going to wake you up eventually. So we have to you know, remove some of that lighting. You know eat not eating two hours before you go to bed is going to help You know, if you are someone that naps, I can tell you I used to nap all the time. Once I got back to college, it’s like you go back to being a kid again. Yeah, at this time you got a nap. So I was so used to napping and a trip I cut off myself even napping, because I was like, I want to improve my quality of sleep at night, right? Yes. Don’t you go to sleep like that? Yeah, very well, when you wake up, you’re like, man, I got more energy. Right.
So those are little few hacks that definitely help your sleep. I appreciate that. Like, you know, I if I do anything I do by narrow beats in both of my ears, you know, I’m in for like, 15 minutes, and I’ll sit where it puts you in that beta wave, you know, where it’s like you’re, you’re, you’re actually repairing your body, because you’re almost into a an alert. REM, it’s the craziest thing. And you should try sometime if you have it because it just totally rewires me, you know, and I do it no later than like, 130 in the afternoon. If I do it later than then I’ll be wired all night, if I do it a little bit earlier. No, that’s great that you brought up the sleep packs, I appreciate that. So we talked a lot about the dash here at time to shine today. And I want to know, my squad wants to know Lee, how you want your dash remembered. And what I mean by that is, you know, that little mark between your incarnation day and your expiration date, your life and death date? How do you want people to remember Lee’s dash
just fell off swaying someone that they can respect. You know, to me, respect is something of course, like I said, you got to earn. So I want to be respected as someone that you know, always told people, you know, factual stuff, you know, especially in the industry, the fitness industry, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. There’s a lot of people, you know, sometimes that are just care about the money side, but I really do care about people, you know, it’s cliche, and it sounds corny, but it’s like, Yes, I could do this if I didn’t get paid for it. Because I love it. I feel like this is something that’s so important. So I love people to remember it by that, you know, I was, you know, honest, you know, humble person that wanted to help as many people as you can, you know, I feel like there’s, like I said, so many issues that are going on that can be fixed through these healthy lifestyle changes. So I want to be able to impact as many people as I can, you know, sure, obviously, you know, you know, when you’re first starting off, you’re not as known, of course, so not as many people know about you. But you know, by the time I leave my imprint, I want to be one of those, you know, figures that everybody can remember, that’d be like, man, he changed you know how we do things because he was able to impact so many people and I really believe I will be able to do that you will have source over time. So I want people to remember me like that, you know, I do want to have that type of imprint in life.
Love it. So what are three person places or things you can’t live without?
Person places or thing either one
you know all they can all be things it could be people we’re
all definitely
it’s hard cuz I felt like I got picked both mom and dad. Families good. That’s a family baby. Yeah, family. His family one can I guess it was a family. So definitely family very important for me. Definitely cannot live without my family. I’ll tell you friends is number two. There you go. Um, for me, definitely having those friends in your life that are positive. You know, that’s the big thing I’m big on is Tony you got to have that positivity in life and yeah, you know, having other people that make me be better. And help me grow is really important. And I guess place Chicago hometown without it. Yeah, it’s home and always will be home. Love. Oh, man. I don’t live back there. But it will always be my second home
a long night in Chicago. I actually did my internship at the Board of Trade, which was just blast you know, I lived in Oak Park kind of like Southport Belmont streets there. And I had a blast and she got love love love Chicago. So what do you Lee is a definition of life for lived
semia life Oh live is accomplishing what you want out of life and then helping others I think we can just like to me You have to help others. I think that is something that you know, you have to be able to impact more than just yourself. And I do I mean like I said obviously fitness for me makes it easier, you know with help to help people but you know, even like you said in real estate you know you can help as a real estate help other people you know, it was whatever your career is, you know, you could become that mentor to help others because it’s like why you know, hold those secrets for yourself like help others and never meet like I want to accomplish of course what I want out of life. So to me, that’s when I know that I have made a difference. Beautiful,
beautiful. I love it. You are absolutely. So as we wind things down a little bit. We like to go into our leveling up lightning round you and I could talk 1520 minutes on each one of these topics. But you got five seconds. First thing that’s off the top of your head. Alright brother, they can all be answered. All right. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Stay positive.
Love it. Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Working out every day. Love it, love
it. Go figure it out.
Not the book you’re reading now or not the flavor of the month you’re seeing out there but what is there one book that kind of stands out to you that if I was in the doldrums, or what I’d be like for you read this book,
The slight edge and I just thought, yeah,
you know what? Funny check this out. Man. This is I’m pulling this off my screen. That’s my shiny Penny, bro. From the slight edge. I actually remember this shiny. Yes, I keep it on my monitor. It is a reminder for the shiny social bomb ass book. I have the author coming on in October, November. We’re working on it, which is gonna be awesome. He doesn’t do interviews. So he’s like, kind of coming up. Anyways. What is the most commonly used emoji when you text?
A laughing laughing emoji? The upright
or the side?
Just off right.
All right.
He got to be really funny.
All right, Bobby. So Hollywood actor or sports star? sports star Ron Matthew, you’re gonna say what’s your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money to?
I would say
why am I losing
a finger? I don’t know why I was going blank on that. But
it’s okay. It’s all good. vaguely. Alright, last question is a little harder. And you can explain on this one. But what’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s 1990s because
I assume a 90s Baby 90s Baby love it
loving Lee How can we find your brother?
Well, you can find me at my website ot performance 365 comm I have my you can add me on Facebook. My name Leah bola. And at my Instagram, Coach Lee underscore performance, or also connect with me on LinkedIn, same thing, my name, beautiful, beautiful. And folks, all of that will be in the show notes as well. You’ll be able to find them right away. And if you want a personal introduction to Lee, reach out to me and I’d be happy to make that for you. Leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want us to take with us internalize and take action. Just do one thing today that’s going to make a difference. You know, don’t feel like you have to do so much at once. That one thing you do will become a habit over time and then you can start to bring other habits in your life that are going to make a difference. So don’t feel overwhelmed. It just takes take that action taking an action will make the difference. I love
that in squad we just had our mind blown with basically a free masterclass with our top trainer Lee. And you know he I have a whole show like full of notes I took with my man here. You know, he’s a passion of helping others with health. He doesn’t want you to live in a survival mindset. But a thrive especially as you age, you know, so you want to get with somebody like Lee that’s going to help you get out of the survive but thrive mindset. You know, believe he believes in empathy and patience. He believes in what we call here at time to shine today. inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard, it’s hard bite off a little bit every single day. That’s why we’re always saying inch by inch is essential. If your life’s busy and you need balance and harmony, give me a call. Reach out to me to reach out to Lee in the show notes. You know, he reminds us that 3% if you just give 3% of your time each week to your goals, how much you will love love, it just compounds on top of itself. So there’s so many hours a week 3% is like three hours peeps. So don’t make excuses, make adjustments and level up. You know, if you’re working with a coach, you know, ask them what they expect from you. So they feel you you’re staying on the same wavelength, if you will, you know, he always leaves giving more value than what’s expected. So we over delivers, which is fantastic, especially in a trainer because a lot of trainers, they just grind people through and they’re on to the next Li is there for the long run, you know, in again, one thing a day will make a difference believe is a big believer in the compound effect. And that all keeps adding up and adding up so Lee, you know he levels up as healthy levels up as well. He’s humble yet he’s hungry. He’s always fired up and you’re part of our squad now. Lisa, thanks so much for coming on brother.
You’re welcome. I got one thing to say that came to my head Salvation Army. Think of why but those are. I donate some my clothes and I just it.
Yeah, it’s all good man. I
was like, wow, I can I think awesomely appreciate you, brother. Thank you. I appreciate it. All right.
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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