Welcome to Episode 187! Laura L. Bernhard is the host of The Marketing Bound Podcast. She interviews marketing experts about how entrepreneurs can leverage inbound marketing to attract their ideal clients. Laura is currently building Marketing Bound into a hub for inbound marketing resources for service-based entrepreneurs. She also currently coaches,entrepreneurs to build profitable podcasts. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Don’t compare yourself to others on social media. Don’t copy be authentic
– Laura Bernhard
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Great podcasts have great sound quality
2. Always network. Don’t get out networked or outworked
3. Freedom for time is paramount while working on your business
4. Develop great habits to get more done
5. If you are wanting to start a podcast, listen to others that are doing it, but do not copy them. Be authentic with your content
Level Up!
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Laura l Bernhard from the marketing bound podcast and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my great friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:10
time to shine today podcast Farsi squatted a Scott Ferguson and today we’re going to talk to my really good friend Laura Bernhard from marketing bound. We’re gonna get into how to attract your ideal audience to grow your podcast. I’ll tell you what, I visit her site probably pretty much every day at marketing bound.com just to pick up steps to be able to give you my listeners fantastic content in being able to interview somebody that I pick up the steps from, is just even more awesome sauce. So Laura is a really good friend of mine from north of the border in Canada, and she has carved out some of her valuable time to come on and share her knowledge nuggets with you. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Laura Bernhard from marketing bound. Let’s level up. Time to shine today varsity podcast glad it is Scott Ferguson and I got a second take with my really good friend Laura Bernhard here from marketing bound. We I interviewed her before but we wanted to get even more depth. So I’m so so happy to have Laura agree to come in on and basically kind of talking about some of the same stuff but not all the same stuff because she is big news that she’s rolling out with her company marketing bounce and Laura l Bernhardt is the host of the marketing inbound podcast. She interviews marketing experts about how entrepreneurs can leverage inbound marketing to attract their ideal clients. Laura is currently building marketing inbound into a hub for inbound marketing resources for service based entrepreneurs. She also currently coaches entrepreneurs to build profitable podcasts and you have to check out her latest podcast, his latest blog regarding 15 reasons to start a podcast as an entrepreneur and the one before it, I picked up some serious knowledge next to the top 10 possible podcasting mistakes to avoid which I believe number two is one of my things that I have to so you’ll have to go to her her website marketing bound.com slash blog to check that out. But don’t do it until after you hear this. So Laura, welcome back to the show. And if you could remind our squad, what your favorite color is, and why. Well, firstly,
Unknown Speaker 2:27
thank you so much for having me on. Again. I’m super, super excited to go into more depth on everything that we spoke about. My favorite color is green,
Unknown Speaker 2:36
green, and why is that other than being in your color wheel.
Unknown Speaker 2:40
Um, that’s very true, actually, I don’t know, I used to be purple. And then I just kind of like the calmness of the green, the forest, you know,
Unknown Speaker 2:50
it’s like renewing to, you know, as, you know, as we are in day 9650 of quarantine for a lot of places in the United States like green and 2021 is really renewing time, which you and I we’re always renewing, but I think green really fits your you across the board. So let’s get into marketing bottom, like, let’s go into the origins and what got us started with marketing inbound. And, you know, let’s put on our superhero cape and let’s rock.
Unknown Speaker 3:20
Yes. So for anyone who hasn’t heard about marketing inbound yet, I started the podcast, I started podcasting about two years ago, and it was under a different name. And I started that just so that I can expand my network and meet entrepreneurs, which was great, because as soon as the lockdown came in, I was meeting more people than ever, whereas people were stuck at home and not meeting anyone. Right? So I was I was doing this podcast, it was great. But it was purely for selfish reasons, right? I just wanted to meet people. I thought it was interesting. And that’s why I did it. And then as the year went on, I realized like, this is amazing, but I can meet people and help people as well. And I’ve been an inbound marketing for six years now. Why can I Why can’t my podcast be about that? I do it every single day. And then the podcast is another reason to practice it and to keep learning about it. Right? Absolutely. So I’m like, Okay, let’s revamp this podcast, call it marketing bound podcast. Continue to expand my network by interviewing marketing experts about it. But then also helping entrepreneurs leverage those strategies and making it easy for them to leverage it.
Unknown Speaker 4:39
Love it, love it and I squad was privy enough to be interviewed by marketing about I can’t wait for my episode to drop. But let’s let’s give the squat out there maybe a definition for lack of better term of inbound marketing what’s inbound marketing?
Unknown Speaker 4:54
Okay, so you can google this until your face turns blue and there will be So many definitions out there for you. But I’m going to give you examples so that you know exactly where I’m coming from first, and then we’re going to go into some definitions if you don’t mind. So inbound marketing is blogging, content creation, podcasting, email marketing, SEO, which is search engine optimization, it’s landing pages, it’s optimizing your website. It’s branding, thought leadership. So all these things that entrepreneurs already do on a daily basis, don’t realize that they’re inbound marketing strategies, meaning that you are attracting customers to you, as opposed to you going out to get them.
Unknown Speaker 5:41
Got it. Right.
Unknown Speaker 5:42
So you’re writing a blog so that when people are typing it into Google saying, How do I start a podcast and your blog pops up? That’s a non destructive way of helping your ideal customer without going out to get them.
Unknown Speaker 5:58
When you say non destructive,
Unknown Speaker 5:59
that’s destructive? Oh, it’s
Unknown Speaker 6:01
a destructive way.
Unknown Speaker 6:03
non destructive. Okay, so you’re not disrupting their day, because it’s not like a billboard or a commercial, where you’re watching. You’re watching your show, and then all of a sudden, like Geico comes up, right? That’s disruptive. Sure. Right, right. Whereas if I’m just typing in looking for information, and my blog comes up, that kind of just seamlessly enters their day. Got it without without being too aggressive. That’s what inbound marketing is. I
Unknown Speaker 6:31
love it. I love it. And I’m privy enough to learn from you. And also, with regards to other stuff that I built. I built so many of those things that you’ve mentioned, but I never knew it was inbound marketing. Right? So yeah, and that’s awesome, Laura, because I mean, during this time, in place that we’re in, it’s like, you’re able to meet people that you might not have ever met before. Right. And, yeah, and I found that I mean, I would have probably never been introduced to you, if it wasn’t for the, the COVID. And so so I love that you’re taking this time, and really leveling up and like meeting people in wanting to get them to level up their business through inbound marketing, which that was probably the easiest and best definition that I’ve ever had. I said that before. But but it it is again, so why, like, give us some mistakes that or maybe fail forwards that you had ran into while you were setting up inbound marketing for your companies?
Unknown Speaker 7:41
Oh, my gosh, what a loaded question. So many of them. Okay. I think the first thing because part of inbound marketing is also social media. So I think the first thing is comparing yourself to what everyone else is doing. So you start seeing everybody on all these social media platforms, they have a blog, they have email nurturing, they have pop ups on their website, they have so many things. And then you decide, oh, well, I’m just going to copy them because it’s working for them. Right. And that’s one of the biggest mistakes you can do. Number one, you don’t know if your audience is on all those social media platforms. So why are you are Why are you on all of them? Number one, right? Number two, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes of that company. Maybe they have more resources than you. And as an entrepreneur, if you’re doing things by yourself, especially, it’s so hard to copy someone else when that someone else has four or five people working on the same thing.
Unknown Speaker 8:44
Right. Right.
Unknown Speaker 8:46
Right. So I think a lot of the time we get carried away. And for example, you know, how many people have asked me about podcasting? And I’ll ask them like, Oh, well, what podcasts do you listen to? And they’re like, Oh, I don’t listen to any podcasts
Unknown Speaker 9:02
or watch their own, but they don’t listen to.
Unknown Speaker 9:04
Exactly. So I’m like, Oh, well, they see it as a fad. Right? They wanted to, you know, jump on the bandwagon, which is okay. But if if you don’t realize how much time and effort it’s going to take, then you shouldn’t be copying your competition.
Unknown Speaker 9:21
Right. So that’s, that’s
Unknown Speaker 9:22
a huge one that I really want to put out there. That obviously we’re all we’ve all done it. At one point, we’ve all copied something that we’re like, yeah, we shouldn’t have done that. We should just focus on what we were working on. Right.
Unknown Speaker 9:35
So how important do you think a niche is to your podcasting platform because, like me, I when I first started getting into podcasting, it was more of because my whole time to shine today, which people know what’s kind of built on affiliate marketing. And companies send me products that I’m blessed to get free products and be able to do a reviews and send them out to my list but I just kind of figured how can I niche in and I was my coach is like this is how you’re gonna build your niche with time to shine today is by interviewing coaches and putting people with the coaches. So how important is the niche when you’re starting podcasting?
Unknown Speaker 10:12
It’s, it can be one of your downfalls. If you don’t spend enough time on it, it is one, it’s the foundation. Because the environment, the industry, the podcasting industry now is very different than what it used to be three, four or five years ago. So people start thinking about like Joe Rogan, they start thinking about, you know, entrepreneurs on fire, these huge podcasts that started so many years ago, and they’re like, I want to be like them. Right. But as we know, those podcasts are more general. The podcasting environment now is not the same. Now you have to target down you have to niche down in order for you to succeed. Okay, it’s just gonna be helpful, especially if you don’t have a large audience to begin with.
Unknown Speaker 10:59
Unknown Speaker 11:00
I started a podcast with no audience, and I created a whole business from it.
Unknown Speaker 11:05
Love it. I love it. And what was the aha moment really to pick your What do you revert back to do podcasts is kind of a passion project, and then you kind of went into business with it, or were you always using your former business podcast to grow that?
Unknown Speaker 11:23
So I started. Sorry, it was it’s the order. It’s the order of things. Right. So I started a podcast for fun, huh? my podcast was generating leads for my inbound marketing skills. Okay. Right. Without me trying. That’s what happened. I got leads. And then I was like, Whoa, there’s opportunity here. Let’s hone into it. So people started asking me more and more questions about podcasting. And that’s when I was like, Okay, I want to help everybody with all inbound marketing strategies. And that’s what the podcast is for. But me personally, I can’t I can’t do it all at once. So that’s when I started honing in on podcasting.
Unknown Speaker 12:04
Gotcha. So if we stick to the because you do, there’s a lot that comes into inbound or into marketing inbound for inbound marketing, but we’ll stick just for right now into podcasting. What do you think makes a great podcaster?
Unknown Speaker 12:20
The content, the sound quality, and the host.
Unknown Speaker 12:27
Okay, man, I hit all three.
Unknown Speaker 12:33
I agree.
Unknown Speaker 12:34
I agree. I it’s funny, we talked about that, because I was talking with my coach today. And he’s like, in part of my thing that he told me is like, he was like, go back and listen to Episode 33, your first interview, and then go back and listen to Episode 177, your last interview and you You’re so many different, like now I have conversations before. I’m always personable and always vibrant. But I was still going off of a script. But now I mean, I’d have like, 10 questions now. I got like, 50 different questions that I can pull from with the way that the conversation goes,
Unknown Speaker 13:07
Yeah, you’re just better at it.
Unknown Speaker 13:09
Yeah, it starts going. So like you said, it’s wraps, right, you know, be with it, and have good content and good sound quality, right?
Unknown Speaker 13:17
I think sound quality is a little bit underrated because people don’t realize that that’s the delivery of your product. You’re in people’s ears. If your sound quality is not there, right. People are not going to listen to you.
Unknown Speaker 13:31
Yes, yes. I love it. So
Unknown Speaker 13:33
yeah, so there’s that. And then there’s the host, like you tune in for the host people tune in because of you
Unknown Speaker 13:40
right. Now. I feel right. Right.
Unknown Speaker 13:42
And then the content will that’s what got them interested in the first place. They’re tuning in, because they also want to learn,
Unknown Speaker 13:48
right, and they want to know,
Unknown Speaker 13:49
yeah, did you know that 75% of people tune into podcasts to learn?
Unknown Speaker 13:55
Oh, absolutely. I feel that that’s what it is. I mean, cuz still, there’s so many other streaming services for entertainment, right? You know, it’s like you, you can go to Netflix, Hulu, I mean, the list goes on and on. But for podcasts, it’s more of an educational format and it’s you hit that nail right on the head right on the head. So if I’m networking and I weren’t able to do it here in South Florida, where we can go press flash masks, of course, but like, you know, if I’m not working on zooming or LinkedIn or whatnot, how do I know if someone’s a good referral contact or connection for marketing mode?
Unknown Speaker 14:31
Well, firstly, their your conversation with them, see if they’re personable if they’re talkative. Sometimes they reach out to people and thinking that I want them on marketing bound, and then they just don’t want to talk while I’m like, okay, not not the best candidate. But definitely so if you can have a conversation with that person, but also if they’re an inbound marketing expert on any of the topics that I mentioned before.
Unknown Speaker 14:57
Got it. I got it. You’re talking blah. blogging, content creation, email marketing, branding, etc, etc.
Unknown Speaker 15:06
Yeah, it stems into so many different things. Right? You can that can be YouTube videos.
Unknown Speaker 15:10
Absolutely. Right. And I gotta tell you like my social following is not as good as it’s going to be December 31 of this year like I’ve got things lined up and planned because I didn’t even want to go social I love being intimate with my list. It’s To me, that’s where it’s at. But now I’m doing speaking engagements and yada yada it to where I have to have the social. So it’s a you know, I’m kind of outside my comfort zone, in a sense as well with that, and I’m just stoked and ready to rock. So
Unknown Speaker 15:39
that means you’re growing, rowing, always progressing,
Unknown Speaker 15:42
never regressing. That’s, you know, I was interviewed a little bit ago today on a podcast and someone asked about, you know, what’s your biggest pet peeve. And I’m like, progression. It’s like, growing, it’s like, you know, I mean, I’m coming up on 50 years old, I look at myself now versus 35, I look a lot different, a lot more few of these great things. If you’re watching on YouTube, you know, it’s either, you know, you can progress and be leveling up all the time, or you can stay the same and get fat and die. You know, that’s the way that you know, he has to be even in business and growth. And speaking of that, like through your journey in like, we’ve talked about this before, but let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Okay, from Back to the Future. What kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on? We won’t see your age now. But like the the younger, lower Bernhard to help her level up blast through, and you know, shorten your learning curve
Unknown Speaker 16:36
to things first, to start networking like 10 years ago. So right now I’m 27. Okay. And let’s say about 20. I wasn’t thinking, I didn’t understand that knowing people is super beneficial. Like, like knowing you. I’ve learned so much all the people I’ve interviewed on the podcast I’ve learned so I’m at a different level than I was before the podcast. I’ve definitely leveled up because of my podcast. Right,
Unknown Speaker 17:07
right. Oh, absolutely. Sure.
Unknown Speaker 17:09
So that’s one thing. And then the second thing is to just start. I’ve had so many ideas in my head for 10 years, and then never acted upon them, like Laura young, or what were you thinking? Well, you weren’t. So yeah, that’s a really big one. For me. I
Unknown Speaker 17:28
love that you said that to just start I liken that to during the time you were kind of sinning. And I’m not saying in a religious sense, if you go back to the Greek origin of the word sin, it’s missing the mark. That’s all singing is. So you’re like you’re singing into something. You’re almost being selfish with the content that’s in your head that you could be helping people level up, right. Yeah. And that’s what I love that advice that you would tell that 1718 year old Lord be like, don’t get out without network, you know, in starts in, just start, I love. I love that you’re very transparent with that. So we get into our dash and that little line between your incarnation date and your expiration date. How do you want Laura’s dash remembered?
Unknown Speaker 18:12
Oh, this is always a tough one. Because my mind goes like 1000 miles an hour. And I’m like, Oh, well, I can be remembered for this. And this. And I think my I think my response is that I don’t know if I want to be remembered personally. But I want what I built to be remembered is for generations and generations.
Unknown Speaker 18:34
And to make you absolutely what you’ve built almost extinct. And I say that in the most respectful way. It’s like you look at where we come with, like the B two bomber that bombed like Hiroshima and zeigen want us to work. But like now that it made it was great for that. But look at what it progressed to. It’s like you want to be that stepping stone of progression? If I heard that, right, correct. It’s like we remembered, but almost remember, like in a museum, that’s how I want to be remembered. It’s like, I want
Unknown Speaker 19:03
to be like, on that guy. It
Unknown Speaker 19:06
was it was cool. He helped me. Yeah. Laura, what keeps you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 19:11
Oh, my thoughts.
Unknown Speaker 19:14
Just like endless. If I had to be specific, it’s usually about marketing bound and how I’m going to grow that to its fullest potential. That’s what’s usually on my mind right now. Because I have great plans for marketing bound not to just be a podcast, but to really be a resource in that hub for service based entrepreneurs, where they’re doing all these inbound marketing strategy strategies by themselves. I want marketing inbound to be that hub where they can go learn by themselves and implement immediately. So I’m always thinking like, Oh my gosh, how am I going to do that? Right? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 19:53
so you’re setting up the program now for people to come into marching band and kind of learn to podcast are you teaching that Well within it, which we’ll get to that a little bit later. But just briefly, are you doing that?
Unknown Speaker 20:04
Briefly? That’s a separate course.
Unknown Speaker 20:06
Okay, gotcha. So, if someone comes into marking bound, and you’re in a kind of a discovery period with them, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 20:21
Unknown Speaker 20:22
on the podcast, right,
Unknown Speaker 20:24
any part of inbound marketing?
Unknown Speaker 20:30
That they would ask me. I always go back to them. I’m always like, Well, what do you need help with?
Unknown Speaker 20:41
I’d be like, let’s say they can ask me anything. You’re the guru. And I’m coming to you. But tell me about a frickin fail of yours. That’s, that’s I always ask whoever it is. And that’s what I’ll tell them. My feels like straight up. When I started, especially my executives that I coach, and stuff like that makes you human. I’m glad that there’s someone out there like you that’s out there helping people, you know, level up. So what is your secret sauce then to help and allow the people that want to level up their inbound marketing to find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 21:14
So how I help them, right? So right now, I’m doing that through the podcast. And hopefully, I’m thinking service based entrepreneurs, they have a lot of things to do. So I’m trying to make the podcast episodes shorter, so they have time to listen to as many as possible. Right. And so that, and so that it’s actionable advice, so that they can implement it while they’re listening to it right after right, and then eventually building that to blogs. So if people want written format, or want to refer to it, they can always go to the blogs, and then eventually webinars so they can have access to the marketing experts, and then like, unlimited possibilities, right. And then that’s also where the podcasting course comes in. And that’s where we have specific courses on specific topics. And the one that I have right now is on how to launch a podcast for service based entrepreneurs.
Unknown Speaker 22:10
Love that. And when is that launch? That is launched? Oh, it’s launched? Yes, you
Unknown Speaker 22:15
can do it. It
Unknown Speaker 22:17
is going in the shownotes. People. Gotcha. Gotcha. So what’s the one thing that people misunderstand about Miss Laura the most? Oh, my
Unknown Speaker 22:27
goodness. Um, I think my creativity,
Unknown Speaker 22:33
Unknown Speaker 22:33
Because, for me to get to a good idea, I have to go through like 1000 bad ideas. And I’m just like, Don’t worry, guys, I will get to that good idea. You just have to let me go through the process. Go
Unknown Speaker 22:46
through it.
Unknown Speaker 22:47
You got it. You said the exact word. There’s a protocol and process to any idea that gets launched. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:53
I love it. Please,
Unknown Speaker 22:54
let me go through the process.
Unknown Speaker 22:56
So what that is Laura’s definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 23:03
I think it’s Freedom, freedom of your time. And that’s why I love helping entrepreneurs, because all entrepreneurs are doing exactly what they want to be doing. They’re getting paid to do exactly what they want to be doing every single day. And then when they don’t want to do that. their free time off whenever they want. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 23:26
right. Like the marketing boughner. Like those parts. It’s like stuff that I suck at. Like even in my real estate side. I should be, you know, prospecting, listing, selling, negotiating and closing and like, I’ll find myself kind of digging into other parts, and I shouldn’t and luckily, I have an awesome coach, Jared, that’s like Fergie holds me back. It’s like you have someone to do that. Yeah. And that’s where delegation is really huge. So outside of your electronics, what are three things Laura Bernhardt cannot live without
Unknown Speaker 24:02
my glasses. I can’t see. True. So true. Like, as soon as my glasses are off, oh my god, I have contacts on right now. But once those bad boys are off, I am useless. Yeah, I have minus five prescription so I really need that. Oh
Unknown Speaker 24:20
my gosh. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 24:22
so definitely my glasses and an extra pair just in case. I’m music.
Unknown Speaker 24:27
Okay. What’s your genre? Oh, just
Unknown Speaker 24:30
about anything. So it can be like 70s 80s 90s or like, Taylor Swift. Like there’s, there’s no really in between. It’s just a little bit of everything.
Unknown Speaker 24:41
Okay, the third
Unknown Speaker 24:46
probably books if I can have more than one so that I’m not bored.
Unknown Speaker 24:51
But your boyfriend’s in the same room?
Unknown Speaker 24:54
He’s not.
Unknown Speaker 24:56
It’s fine. This is just between me and you and everybody listening
Unknown Speaker 25:00
I love it. I love it. I can’t wait till yours that part that’s no books are huge books are huge. Like they say like, not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. And that’s the bottom line is true. Very good. So true. Awesome. So when we come back, we’re going to get right into leveling up lightning round. And Hey, everybody, we’re back. And my friend Laura is going to go through a leveling up lightning round. And you can answer these in five seconds or less. You and I can talk to each one of them for an hour. Maybe more. You and I easily, but you got five seconds with no explanations. Can we do that? Yeah, let’s all right, let’s level up. Laura, what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 25:46
Just start off it.
Unknown Speaker 25:48
share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 25:52
Unknown Speaker 25:54
other than your own website, and of course, time to shine today.com shameless plug. What’s another website? You’d like to go to the level up?
Unknown Speaker 26:02
Unknown Speaker 26:03
YouTube love it. This is so you watch Family Feud. You’re looking down at certain it’s like that. Sorry. Laura’s my friend squad so I can kind of resonate a little bit. I think it’s funny. I love it. I love her. So not the book you’re reading not the flavor of the month. What’s if I’m in my doldrums like for you read this need to level me up.
Unknown Speaker 26:26
Archie Comics.
Unknown Speaker 26:29
We thought we’ve tagged about that. That’s awesome. What is Laura’s most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 26:37
This face
Unknown Speaker 26:39
a smiley face with the eyes.
Unknown Speaker 26:41
Unknown Speaker 26:43
Unknown Speaker 26:44
what’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to
Unknown Speaker 26:49
the Children’s Hospital in in Montreal.
Unknown Speaker 26:53
Love it. Love it. And last question. You can elaborate. We kind of went over this a little bit. But what do you think if you had to pick one is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 70s? Okay, why
Unknown Speaker 27:08
Unknown Speaker 27:11
That’s awesome. It was funny. Like we turned on the disco channel. We drove nine hours up to Savannah, me and my lady did over Christmas. We turn on the disco channel for like an hour and a half. And we were you know, she’s seven years older than me. And I’m 50. So it’s like, or fortigate. You know, she’s seven years older. So it’s like our genre is like right there. And we’re like Saturday Night Fever. Big. It was awesome. So
Unknown Speaker 27:32
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s a lot of new songs, new remakes coming out? songs in the 70s and 80s. I’m just like, that’s because they’re timeless.
Unknown Speaker 27:41
Yeah, Earth Wind and Fire. They’re redoing September. I just heard that. It’s crazy. What? Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 27:46
hear that one.
Unknown Speaker 27:48
Yeah, I forget who it is. But it’s somebody from today. actually kind of liked it. But so all right back to the serious here. But how can we find you love?
Unknown Speaker 27:57
Oh, yes. So everyone can find the blogs in the podcast and marketing bound.com and you can find me on Instagram at the Laura l Bernhard or just on LinkedIn. Laura L. Bernhard.
Unknown Speaker 28:10
I love the URL marketing bound. Like did you did that just come up in your search? Or did you have to like get that from somebody just curious.
Unknown Speaker 28:18
The website?
Unknown Speaker 28:20
Unknown Speaker 28:21
the URL?
Unknown Speaker 28:21
It it didn’t exist like I got it.
Unknown Speaker 28:24
Are you kidding me that right hand your frickin genius finger is. So leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you’d like us to take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 28:40
You can get so much more done when you develop good habits. And that can be a better nighttime routine getting up earlier. spending less time on your phone. But once you develop those good habits you can really see greater success love
Unknown Speaker 28:59
habits that you said and it’s funny like the phone like one of my last podcast interviews Pablo Gonzales from content with Pablo, I believe he says that you we scroll the height of the Eiffel Tower every day. If you really think about it, I mean, the Eiffel Tower is not a super tall, you know, but it’s tall enough but still you’re scrolling that much. And like his whole tagline is we create thumb stopping. It’s awesome, you know, but he said that? Yeah, it’s awesome. And you’re clever in squad we just had an awesome conversation and quite a bit of a masterclass with my really good friend Laura Bernhard from marketing bound. You know, she’s you know, if you’re a content creator, email marketing, splash pages, branding, blogging, etc. Let me make you a warm introduction to Laura to see if she can help you level up in those areas. You know, she’s going to remind you don’t compare yourself to others on social media. Don’t copy be authentic Be your own self in remember inch by inch, it’s essential people by the yard, it’s hard. So don’t try to copy somebody else that has 135,000 followers in just grow your own self at your own pace, but just be consistent in keep that creative mind open, she’ll tell you great podcasts are consistent, the sound quality is on point. And of course, the host me is on point to it. I can joke here because I love my Lord. And she if she was younger, and she wants to remind you as well as to start networking, don’t get out networks are out. Worked. Bottom line, that’s how I always live, my life is don’t get out worked out network and also should remind you to just start get those ideas out there. Because if you’re holding them to yourself, that’s the bad side of selfish, you want to get them out there because you don’t know whose life you can change and help level up in their dash, he’s going to be remembered as somebody that is put together a platform how people level up, and she’s going to be remembered for it, and there’s going to be a progression from where she might leave off. But what she did is going to be critical to it. You know, freedom of time is what to strive for. And it’s people like Laura’s company that can help you that and help you level up and times that commodity we never get back. And she will help you with that. And lastly, she’s gonna say develop good habits. You know, you’ll get more done if you develop good habits and like she said maybe getting up early, getting off the screens earlier, getting to bed earlier, having some fun, maybe even talking to family members more and socializing. So, you know, she’s consistently leveling up Laura’s not only my really good friend but now she leveled up or health levels up or wealth. She’s just fantastic. She’s such a go giver. We’re blessed to have you on Laura, and all seriousness, I love you guys. Thank you so so much for coming on.
Unknown Speaker 31:49
Thank you. Hey, thanks
Unknown Speaker 31:50
so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting that. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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