Welcome to Episode 71! I had the great pleasure of chatting with Dr. Latanya Hughes. She is a true Go-Giver. A coach that listens, not just with the ears, but every aspect to help you Level UP! Make sure you listen closely to her P.L.U.S System! Enjoy!
Know the difference between passion and pain and how to communicate that
– Dr. Latanya Hughes
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great coach must have a great level of diplomacy. Do not have preconceived ideas
2. P.L.U.S. = Purposeful pause – Listen – Understand – Serve
3. Strive to listen and understand what is being said
4. When hiring a coach, ask them if they have ever failed.
5. Leadership is not a function. Leadership is a lifestyle
6. When journaling do it from your heart, head and hand.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Dr. Easton global mentor coach and he really wants to learn how to level up your life. You should be listening to the time to sign today podcast with my friend, Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:11
Hey Tom to shine today varsity squad. It’s Scott Ferguson and I am going to bring to you a fantastic interview with my good friend and kind of a home girl here in South Florida, Dr. latonya Hughes from the global mentor coach, she goes in and helps companies find their leadership voice find that she lets them know that leadership is a lifestyle and not just a function. And she’s going to drop on you a solid Knowledge Nugget. Remember this acronym plus p l u s, I’m not gonna spoil it. But she she brings it out probably two to three minutes into the interview. Make sure you’re taking notes, make sure you’re paying attention. And you’re gonna have your world rocked with my friend here, Dr. latonya. So without further ado Let’s bring her on.
Unknown Speaker 1:11
Hey, time to shine today squatted Scott Ferguson. And I am super stoked because right now as we’re recording this, we’re kind of in the middle of the COVID pandemic, and somebody that helps people level up their life, especially in times of turmoil I’m bringing on for our fantastic conversation and her name is she’s my friend, Dr. latonya Hughes. She’s kind of like a home girl too, because she’s down here in South Florida, which is kind of nice. So even if we are, you know, kind of, you know, forget to be isolated. It’s nice to have an area like this, you know, hang with me, but still, it’s nice, but a little bit about Dr. latonya. She is the authority and global business dynamics with proven results disproves the words, I can’t do it and it can’t be done. She’s a Polish leadership specialist with formal logic In leadership and global consulting, and extensive experience in strategic problem solving, working across all levels of an organization providing extraordinary results, to uncover ways to cut company costs and produce new sources of revenue, particularly in distressed organizations while promoting synergistic teams in wild Those are some solid credentials and Dr. latonya If you could please come on and introduce yourself to the squad but first, please post your favorite color. And why.
Unknown Speaker 2:31
Oh, wow.
Unknown Speaker 2:35
I guess I would have to say right now it’s pink. It changes from year to year right now it’s pink.
Unknown Speaker 2:41
soft pink is caring. Yeah, but it’s also has energy to it. Dark complected so if I can pull it off?
Unknown Speaker 2:49
No, no, it’s very feminine. It’s very um, you know, I feel very empowered. When I wear it. And it just I just like how it just pops. It’s just You know, it’s like,
Unknown Speaker 3:01
fantastic. Love it. I love it. So give us give us some origins, you know, and how were you kind of started and then how you became a doctor and then you know, kind of going into the global mentor, coach, if you could take a seat Oh,
Unknown Speaker 3:15
um, I’ve always been a troubleshooter in my career when I was in management. And so I really just parlayed that experience of helping organizations that I work for, or people on my team to go to that next level to always think be innovative, figuring out ways to maximize returns, I’ve just really good at that. And so it’s just a matter of just taking that and going to the next level, I was in a transition of my life or transitioning out of out of a hotel background. So transitioning out of that and figuring out what the next phase of my life was going to be. So I decided to go to grad school so and pursue a degree in leadership. So I I actually have a doctor, my doctor is in strategic leadership is so I have actual doctorate in leadership. And my concentration was global consulting, because I really wanted to be able to help people on a global scale. So that’s where the global the piece comes in. And I’ve always been into mentoring or coaching in some way again, I did it with employees, I did it, you know, here, they’re everywhere. And so it’s just really taking that and expanding it and helping as many people as I can. And of course, I mean, now we’re definitely in a global economy, we’re seeing it even now more and being COVID-19. But with the surgence of the internet, the information superhighway and the battery between you can really reach so many people without even actually having to physically touch them. And so it’s it’s now my role I find my role is helping people adjust in a time like this where you’ve got to figure out how to how to adjust how to shift How to Change transitioned in a situation like this when you’re probably going stir crazy because you’re not used to working from home or being so isolated. I say that we’re so connected, that we’re disconnected as people. And now we’re learning how to connect with one another in us in a totally different way. And so yeah, people are getting a whole lot of perspective now.
Unknown Speaker 5:20
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it’s written in your bio, I mean, distressed organizations doesn’t mean that, you know, you’ve lost money or going through a law. I mean, this is just stress time. So I’m sure people are going to be reaching out to you to be like, Okay, we got to revamp, and like, restructure organization. So what was the because you said, You worked in some corporate world stuff, what was the aha moment that said, you’re gonna take it from being in the corporate world is Sir, you helped and you said, you coach and whatnot. But what was the aha moment that made you push through and say, Okay, I’m gonna do this, and it’s my full time job.
Unknown Speaker 5:54
is probably the same answer as everybody else’s. You kind of get tired of the corporate bureaucracy yet. No and seeing that understanding that there that when you’re in an executive position, you have to make decisions for all stakeholders involved. But when you’re on the ground, understanding that you’ve got to take that information and apply it and so you kind of get sick of the in between a little bit. And I felt like I could be a stronger resource or, or even a better help to organizations as a consultant rather than on the inside because I also found that people tend to listen more to people outside the organization, unfortunately, the nose on the inside. And so I kind of felt that I could also help more organizations rather than just the one that I was working for. I can help more organizations and so I’ve done some stuff. I did, you know, a cultural analysis for, you know, a city government organization because we wanted to see how you know, how things have worked and it was just like, wow, we don’t have any culture. We really don’t have our culture. So being able to provide organizations with those aha moments that can take them to another level or achieve their goals or even again, in a situation where you’re transitioning, and you don’t know where to begin. And that’s the trouble. That’s the struggle and i i don’t know why but I like passion projects, I look for things that you know, distress people in distress situations, people who are I look for brokenness, and I like to take and fix broken things. So
Unknown Speaker 7:31
gotcha. So with you, you know, saying that every company has a different personality to every company has, like I like to say different thumbprint or a snowflake. Not in a political way. A snowflake, every snowflake is different, right? So what makes a great coach to be able to handle or a great leader a great we’ll say, coach for your example, what makes a great coach to be able to handle different organizations.
Unknown Speaker 7:56
You have to be you have to have a level of diplomacy, but you also have to be flexible, you have to be willing to throw away any preconceived ideas that you have. So you know, no, no, no, I think that one of the worst things you can do is, is bring a cookie cutter approach because no two, no two things are like using a snowflake. There’s no two alike, right? I work for an organization that bought an off the shelf system, for instance. And it was a complete disaster fail when I say disaster, because there were it didn’t take into consideration all of the security protocols required. So we were literally checking two people into the same room. And it was crazy because I was staying at the property. And, and I was in the shower, and I guess if I didn’t have that security latch on, a man would have come into my sector into my room. So we were that’s the danger of cookie cutter approaches, because what applies here doesn’t apply You’ve got to be able to go in and really do a solid evaluation. And if you have a preconceived idea of how that’s going to work, you’re going to miss all of the factors necessary to address their needs. So a cookie cutter approach doesn’t work because sometimes you one size fits all is not one size fits all. No, no, that’s like one probably one of the biggest lies out there that you want to try to use. And that just, that just doesn’t work. And
Unknown Speaker 9:27
gotcha. So let me ask you this, like, give me one of your secret sauce techniques to help these corporate corporations or even individuals that you might work with to find their blind spots, find what’s like, kind of bringing them down what would give us like, I asked this to my coaches and leaders and, and whatnot. Like what woody give me a technique that you might use to help a corporation find their blind spot.
Unknown Speaker 9:54
Um, I use my Plus Program. Hey, it’s the With P is the purposeful pause L is listen, use, understand, and then serve. So first you got to take a purposeful pause. Take a moment to stop and think and answer some key questions. And you’ve got to be willing to ask the hard questions. Don’t tiptoe around it. What’s your pain point? What’s the most common complaint that you’re getting? Whether it’s internal or external, like be willing to answer and face those hard questions, and the harsh reality the stuff that you don’t want to do? look yourself in the mirror, look your business in the mirror, look yourself in the mirror and ask questions and one question goes, you know to another, listen, listen to those answers. Listen to your inner voice, listen, and really understand what’s being said. What are you? What are you not just hearing but ask more questions to get full understanding of what’s going on. Once you have those answers, then you can figure out how to serve What do I learn what’s The action steps that go along with that. That’s my plus system. That’s what
Unknown Speaker 11:05
I do. Did you hear that squad that is a fantastic acronym, everybody that’s listening. If you’re not driving, write that down with the pluses with a purse purposeful pause, listen, understand. And during that understanding, I would always recommend as well and I’m sure that your idea Doc, is you kind of paraphrase back to them when they told me what they really repeat back to and when make sure you understand and people love to be understood. Yeah. Last part is what we’re always talking about here is serving and Dr. latonya is a fantastic, fantastic go giver. So if I’m out at a networking event, and or I’m just anywhere well I’m not gonna be out anywhere right now, but I’m out anywhere and I’m pressing some flash or bumping elbows or whatnot while you’re talking to people and what kind of keywords Am I looking for? To know that if I’m talking to a possible prospect contact connection or some you would like to meet? What are they saying to me?
Unknown Speaker 12:02
You’re looking for brokenness, you’re looking for distress, you’re looking for somebody in transition. Again, distress doesn’t necessarily mean you’re out of money. It means like, right now we’re dealing with COVID-19. So you’re looking for opportunities to transition, maybe you’re ready to, you’re looking for a change of venue. This is a perfect time for people who may want to change careers, or transition their business into something else. You’re looking for a way to expand, you’re looking for expansion opportunities. That’s me, um, that’s the stuff that I like, I really like helping people transition out of wherever they are, and maybe where you are isn’t in a bad situation. You just want more, you know, you just want more so I’m looking for brokenness, distress and transition.
Unknown Speaker 12:51
So a lot of this and if I get too personal, just you know, give me a virtual slap here. But as something happened in your life that you went through to make you want to step out help companies like this.
Unknown Speaker 13:01
I had horrible leadership experiences horrible mentoring coaching experiences. And so my passion is to help other people not ever experienced those experience. I
Unknown Speaker 13:13
love that thank you for being honest about that. They’ll tell
Unknown Speaker 13:18
No, I don’t have no problem with that if I’m actually written that in some of the books that I’ve written, was just I just my passion in life is to ensure that or to at least try I know that people, people are going to experience hardship. That’s, that’s, you know, that’s life. But if I can do my part to help people avoid some of the pitfalls and the challenges that I experienced is with bad leadership with with people who, you know, were supposed to be mentoring me, but their interests were more important. That’s what I want to do. Because I just that’s the other side of me as the as the global mentor coach is teaching people how to be a mentor. Everybody wants to be a coach. Everybody wants to be a mentor, but you don’t but everybody doesn’t have what it takes. To fill that role to fill Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 14:01
And if you were to go back in meats back in time, or you know back in your Back to the Future DeLorean and meet the 22 year old who’s not doctor yet meet that latonya Hughes what kind of wisdom or knowledge nuggets are you going to impart on latonya? Nice young latonya what do you what are you gonna tell her?
Unknown Speaker 14:25
Ah, know the difference between passion and pain. Wow, how to communicate that. Know how to turn your pain into passion without offending people without shooting yourself in the foot burning bridges, which I don’t I never believed in burning bridges because that was something I was taught but knowing how to communicate your pain and turn that turn that into passion so that people understand the passion and wants to help you understand that it’s okay to say no, it’s okay to transition And change and that loyalty sometimes it’s overrated.
Unknown Speaker 15:03
Love it. And let me ask something with companies that come to you or you’re starting to possibly form a relationship with them, which I know that you just don’t take on anybody you qualify them for, for previous conversation we had, but is there any good questions that you wish these companies would ask you from the get that never do?
Unknown Speaker 15:24
Um, have I ever failed? Really client? Okay. Because that is
Unknown Speaker 15:30
a struggle that is no ego doc. I mean, you are like, no ego right there. A lot of people will say, you know, can I make more money or, you know, like, have you ever failed? That’s like coming to you and be like, you know,
Unknown Speaker 15:44
if you’re, if you if you would ask that question, sometimes the answer that you’re looking for isn’t what the person is not saying. Yeah, absolutely. For me, my answer would be I don’t see it as failure. I see it as opportunity to grow. Yeah, I will turn the question around. Because failure implies that there’s something that I didn’t bring to the table when one of the things that I say, on my website, I tell people, you know, even clients, potential clients is this works. If you do the work does not just on me, right. Failure implies that it’s just what No, this is a relationship. It’s a symbiotic. Do we have we both have a shared responsibility response, that ability? Because you have to respond with ability to what I’m offering
Unknown Speaker 16:27
money, you say that? Yeah. So
Unknown Speaker 16:29
if you don’t respond with ability, then did I really fail? Right? Or was this a learning opportunity? where maybe we the communication was off, or, you know, the effort wasn’t, you know, the level of effort required to get the results that that the client is looking for? Is symbiotic. But again, like you said, I don’t take everybody so I have my pre qualifying questions, because I want to see because if you’re not going to do the work I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna take your money, but that’s a reflection on me. And so I would rather not take your money and let you sit there and figure out when you’re ready to really put in the work to get the results you say,
Unknown Speaker 17:12
I love that. I mean, people will come to me as well with regards to, you know, coaching them and you know, they’ll some I’ll tell them, you know, I failed a lot in my life, but I fail forward, right? I’m always making that extra, that extra yard I speak in sports metaphors a lot. But, you know, also, like you just said, it hits a point that I always tell our squad out there, they’re listening to take responsibility and responsibility is the ability to respond. And that’s just what you said it exactly pretty much like I say it so let me ask you a question here. Let’s take your cell phone out of it right now. To be equation. What are three things that Dr. latonya cannot live without?
Unknown Speaker 17:53
Hmm. My Bible, I still have a flip Bible. I I still use I love a flip Bible books in general I will say that books in general especially my Bible, I still use flip books I I like the smell of pages and I want to be able to highlight and write I will say my journal or notebook notepad and paper I love journaling and writing. And I will say my last thing is quiet time All right, I just like personal quiet time whether I’m sitting by water because we have a man made Lake here where I live at or just sitting out on my balcony or just curled up on the sofa or something just quiet time to meditate and reflect.
Unknown Speaker 18:40
Epsom salt thing called the Atlantic Ocean.
Unknown Speaker 18:43
Yeah. I’m like,
Unknown Speaker 18:48
I’m looking at the Atlantic right here. I can’t even go out to go out.
Unknown Speaker 18:53
But that’s another thing. I love being by water. But since I can’t be by the water, even our pool is full. Sometimes. lounge by beer and just quiet time is essentially a little
Unknown Speaker 19:03
mindset reset sabbatical gotta have
Unknown Speaker 19:06
you that daily, daily or every other day. It’s just, um, but I’m definitely I’m journaling a lot. I read a lot, but just quiet time. Absolutely. I don’t care if it’s just 10 or 15 minutes
Unknown Speaker 19:18
journal with anchor Do you journal with, uh, with typing out your journal? Both? Okay.
Unknown Speaker 19:24
It just depends on where I am, you know, and sometimes more often tonight than not, it’s with old fashioned. Yeah, I’ll do it too. Because it’s, there’s something about the connection between heart head and hand. And so I just, I, it’s just, yeah, and I go back and I just, I have a I have a stack sitting right here. And I’ve recently been going back through them and reflecting back over like, all the way back to like 2005 and I just feel like wow, I wrote that like crazy to see like, oh God, I’ve grown so much like And then itself and then it’s like dreams and goals that I have. I need to revisit that because this is the time you know, this is the time for that. And that’s the value in journaling because you don’t know what’s going to come back around that you forgot about that. But those things when you when you capture them, that’s the main thing.
Unknown Speaker 20:20
Who’s at your mastermind? Meaning?
Unknown Speaker 20:24
You’re pulling this out in Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich. Yeah. Who’s that you’re living or passed on mastermind. Do you turn to
Unknown Speaker 20:35
my mom, thank you, my sister. Because they are some very level headed people and they keep they reel me in.
Unknown Speaker 20:44
They reeled me in.
Unknown Speaker 20:47
I call these people my success team. So my success team, they’re on there. I have a friend named Portia. She reels me and she’ll say, Okay, I’m glad you have vision, but you’re all the way up here. I need you to come down here. So, I have some very important people who are on my prayer team Shinae divine Vincent. They help me bring action. You know, they cast a vision and they give me you know, give those steps but then there are people who play devil’s advocate. So I’m looking for people who not necessarily Yes, people, but I’m looking for a devil’s advocate to say, Well what happens if so I’ve got to have my my mentor, so I’ve got to have a Richard on there. I’ve got to have a Richard on there and and I need somebody who’s going to say no, not because they’re just being ornery. But no, because this isn’t the right time or it’s not the right
Unknown Speaker 21:45
No, because sometimes there’s no has a place, you know, and you got to be able to level up to that no and honor that. No,
Unknown Speaker 21:52
I think the challenge is with because I’m such a visionary leader, and this is for anybody who’s a visionary leader, you have to understand that vision never stops times the vision you get isn’t for you. Right? Like you have to capture it. Because it might be for someone you meet later on. Sure.
Unknown Speaker 22:07
And we’re artists like you know, entrepreneurs and people that do what we do are artists to artists never stop or like you just said, we’re all visionary. So on that tell me what’s your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 22:20
life well lived a life well lived is in the eye of the beholder, and it’s whatever you deem will be the legacy that you that you want to leave behind. If you have not fulfilled that legacy, that one thing that you say that you’re on this earth to, to fulfill, then you haven’t lived a life.
Unknown Speaker 22:40
Love it. Love it. So that’s some strong strong statements, folks. We’re gonna move on. love to tell you behind that, that’s great. But we’re gonna move on to our is we kind of wind things down a little bit yet or level up lightning round. Okay, I’m going to ask five or six questions. Don’t elaborate. Okay, you and I could talk 1520 minutes on each one of those. We talked the other day for like an hour we just got, which is fantastic. But producer in my editor will be like, dude, you have this much time. So top your head and then stop. Okay. Ready? Here’s number one, what’s the best level of advice you’ve ever received? Forgive yourself, love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success
Unknown Speaker 23:28
Unknown Speaker 23:29
Here he go. Other than your website, the global mentor, Coach calm or global mentor coach.com and of course time to shine today.com my shameless plugs. What’s another website you like to go to level up?
Unknown Speaker 23:45
That’s a hard one.
Unknown Speaker 23:47
We just give it that’s fine.
Unknown Speaker 23:52
Well, no, I will say score.
Unknown Speaker 23:54
Okay, great. Other than I’m sorry, other than the Good Book the Bible What is a goat? You know, when you’re reading right now that’s influencing you. What’s that book that’s sitting on your shelf? That is like, boom, I gotta go to that if I’m in the doldrums and picked up or something just stands out.
Unknown Speaker 24:12
I gotta see, I’ve got to gotta be Jim’s goal wasted on Jesus.
Unknown Speaker 24:16
Love it. I know, I know that book. So that’s, that’s awesome. Okay, what’s your favorite charity or organization that you’d like to give your time or money to? Or about the church? Beautiful. All right, last question. This is a tough one. What is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 24:39
I gotta go with ah
Unknown Speaker 24:44
I’m gonna have to go when
Unknown Speaker 24:49
99 is
Unknown Speaker 24:50
okay, I think the nine is great music came out of there. Alright, as we wrap things up, Doc, what? Leave us the time to shine squad out there. Leave us with one Knowledge Nugget that you want them to take with us.
Unknown Speaker 25:04
I will say this understand that leadership is not a function. Leadership is a lifestyle. It is a reflection of your unique footprint. It is who you are in this earth. So when you go out every day of your life you’re leading someone, whether it’s yourself, your family, your community or on your job, know that your leadership who you are, how you’re presenting yourself to the world is a reflection of just that.
Unknown Speaker 25:30
It’s fantastic. I love that and how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 25:33
You can find me on my website at www dot global mentor coach calm you can find me on LinkedIn Dr. latonya Hughes Facebook Dr. latonya Hughes and Twitter to you underscore classified
Unknown Speaker 25:48
why you know why in there
Unknown Speaker 25:52
with your Instagram so I’m gonna have it all the show notes.
Unknown Speaker 25:56
Yeah, Instagram is classified ladies are the wide
Unknown Speaker 25:59
though. Those that are listening out there that are going through kind of distressing situations and whatnot. Dr. latonya has gave us an opportunity for three months of one on one coaching for she’s given only exclusively to the time to shine today podcast squad of $975. So that’s 325 bucks a month.
Unknown Speaker 26:18
I got a deal for you now.
Unknown Speaker 26:20
Oh, do you? I’m sorry. Come on, Bring it.
Unknown Speaker 26:24
Bring it to my doctor. I am cutting that down to 720
Unknown Speaker 26:28
Wow. 720 Yeah, so we’re looking at 720 that is $240 a month. Yeah. Right. So that’s my third. That’s eight bucks a day. Yeah, get one on one coaching. We got Listen,
Unknown Speaker 26:45
you got to help right now during COVID-19. You know, it’s really it’s really hard people. But this is the time to invest in yourself. You know what I mean? This this is the time to really take time to invest in yourself. Invest in your business and get the gifts the help you need to go in the right direction. And so I’m not trying to break anybody’s bank. That’s just not who I am but I did want to find a way to be able to help people eight
Unknown Speaker 27:09
bucks a day people listen to that it’s you know yeah that’s like if you were out working at Starbucks coffee read two times a Starbucks before dollar coffees. All right. All right time to shine squad, you’ve just been had some serious serious knowledge nuggets dropped on to you by my good friend, Dr. latonya. She brought up the plus with a purposeful pause, listen, understand and serve. She journals from her heart head in hand. So it all just kind of flows out to you. She can go look back and really learn from her past as well as maybe spark some interest in something that she’s doing look for inspiration, and that leadership is a unique footprint, always leading. So it’s very important and as we see out here in time to shine today, we want to stay humble. We want to stay hungry. We want to level up our health, level up our wealth and doc you are The epitome of that. Thank you so much grateful to have you as part of the squad. You can’t go anywhere else now.
Unknown Speaker 28:06
You’re here. Okay, I’m here. You got me. You got me. We will talk to you soon, Doc.
Unknown Speaker 28:12
Absolutely. Thanks so much.
Unknown Speaker 28:14
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcast, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends How to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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