Welcome to Episode 95! Krista Moore was told by her superior to ‘sit down and shut up’ Wrong day and time to say something like this to Krista. Krista shares her journey, how to reconnect with your 10 year old self to really Level UP! Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
Be genuinely you, discover your God given gifts and purpose and enjoy your journey
– Krista Moore
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Ask yourself who you were when the world told you what you should be?
2. Who are you at your core? Where does your purpose and passion meet?
3. Let life live through you instead of trying to arrange it all the time.
4. Practice heart work more than hard work!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Krista’s Book: Race to Amazing – Your Fast Track to Sales Leadership
Krista’s K Coaching Facebook Page
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Krista’s Twitter
Krista’s Instagram
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Kristen Moore with K coaching. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:12
time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and this is episode 95. And I got to sit down with my really good friend Kristen more of cake coaching Inc. Kristin was told by her superior, basically unceremoniously one day to sit down and shut up and she pretty much took that as a time to make a really solid change in her life. She will tell you how to be genuine, discover your God given gifts. Also, she’s going to take you back to when you’re 10 years old, and make you kind of think about what you wanted to be before you were told what you should be. So I don’t want to share too much more. But breakout your notebook sit back, relax and listen to the knowledge nuggets and My friend Chris Gilmore from K Coaching drops on you. Enjoy
Unknown Speaker 1:11
Hey, time to shine varsity swatted Scott Ferguson and I we are in about 9575 days of quarantine. And I got my really good friend here. Kristen Moore from Kay coaching. She has fantastic knowledge nuggets that she’s about to drop on all you listeners out there. I vetted this lady out. I’ve been waiting for this interview probably for about 3540 days and she’s has the time and she’s here. And Krista asks more as the president of Kay coaching, Inc. founded a company in 2003 to inspire others to reach their full potential. Today she continues to do that through her book race to amazing, which is fantastic. It would race to amazing your fast track to sales leadership, hosting the crystal more talk show you have to tune into that That will be in the show notes, leading retreats, which we’re going to dive into that and sharing their motivational stories throughout the world through k coaching.com slash speaking. And Krista, thank you so much for making time for us. Please say hello to the squad but first, what is your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:19
Hello to the squad and my favorite color is green green. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 2:27
Unknown Speaker 2:29
it’s how it makes me feel when I’m out in nature or just kind of like running through the grass. I was just playing with my granddaughter yesterday we were running around in the grass without our shoes on and there’s just something about that.
Unknown Speaker 2:44
Is it beautiful. It’s in your color wheel too. I mean, if you’re watching this on our video, is your beautiful red hair. The green would go go with that fantastic but let’s go back to a little bit about your origins where you got started and how you got to coaching In the crystal more business web, Parker.
Unknown Speaker 3:02
Sure. Well, I was in corporate America for a lot of years. And I tell the story around my my boss picked the wrong day to tell me to shut up and sit down. You know, I was at a point in my life where I was stressed, overworked, trying to be supermom traveling all the time. And I was driving into work and just not feeling it. You know, I’m thinking something’s got to change. And that day happened. And when I left, that’s when I left corporate America. And I needed to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I was a major breadwinner, and two kids in middle school. And that was a big turning point for me.
Unknown Speaker 3:48
Okay, so what the aha moment was you just went and told the boss to shove it or did you move on? Or how’d that work?
Unknown Speaker 3:57
No, I
Unknown Speaker 3:58
was the VP of sales for a very large a fortune 500 organization, okay. And when he told me literally to shut up and sit down in a meeting, and he had an anger management issue, and that’s like a whole other story, gotcha. But I, when I left, I just never went back. But when I got in my car, I just, I felt so free, like, Okay, I’m free to be me. And then I just needed to really figure out who I was. And that’s when I went through some real introspection on what was I doing when I was 10? What What did I dream of? What did I love? What are my god given gifts? And what would I do every day if I didn’t get paid? And so I just really started doing that what I refer to as self discovery, and from that is really what launched coaching. And so I started my own business shortly after leaving my corporate job and started it from scratch in the extra bedroom in the house, and that was 17 years ago.
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Since 2003, so you’re working pretty high level in a fortune 500 business. So what did your family think about that transition? Were they supportive? Were they there for you? What were they thinking?
Unknown Speaker 5:11
Well, I think I think they were thrilled that I was no longer going to be traveling and being away. I could be there for dinner, and all of that. But my marriage was on the rocks because I had done so much traveling and wasn’t there for the family and wasn’t working on my personal life. That three weeks after I quit my job, I left my husband. So there was significant change going on in our family. But I have to say that it was it was just an amazing shift. And I hate to even act excited about it because it was really a difficult time. But it was great for everyone. And my daughter who was Now 28 told me just the other day. Do you remember mom that day that you quit your job? And I pretended I was sick? The first day you were home so that I could spend the day with you. Oh my god, I didn’t realize that she actually faked sick that day. But I remember her staying home with me that first day after I had left, and you know, so
Unknown Speaker 6:26
That’s ironic that she was probably 10 at the time he was 1010
Unknown Speaker 6:30
year old
Unknown Speaker 6:33
Unknown Speaker 6:34
Okay, gotcha. So that’s kind of ironic with that. So, while you’re working your way into the coaching business, and you have the experience of 17 years they have right now, what do you really think makes a good coach?
Unknown Speaker 6:50
a great question because
Unknown Speaker 6:51
I thought I had a kind of a coaching style of leadership and I have an executive coach for leadership and development. When I was in corporate America, so I had some exposure to what that feels like, and the impact that a coach can have on someone’s, you know, profession, so I understood it, but I felt like I needed to have my own methodology. So I did go to UNC University of North Carolina for a coaching certificate and curriculum, so that I could, you know, rise out of that with my own style, my own method, love it. And that was important to me. And so it was a combination of my experiences as a sales leader, my experiences of getting thrown into sales management without having any training, because I was a good salesperson, they threw, you know, made me a sales manager. So it was through all of that then I realized that there there are so many sales managers and sales leaders, business owners that need a coach you know, that really need someone to help them move through their careers. And also impact others and you know, really, they don’t need to tell their employees to shut up and sit down,
Unknown Speaker 8:07
right? So if I’m out networking, when that’s actually allowed, again, press and flash meeting people. And I’m talking to somebody, what is what am I listening for to know if they’re a good prospect, contact connection or referral for, you know, Crystal more.
Unknown Speaker 8:28
I think that today in my kind of the evolution of my coaching practice, it’s those entrepreneurs in particular, that are really struggling with health, wellness, stress. They’re maybe not happy, and they’re trying to figure out what’s next. And those people that really have a lot of aspirations and dreams, whether it’s a vision for their company or for themselves, personal And they just need to put it into action. And they want someone to be a sounding board and have great coaching conversations to take them through a process to where they can actually make those changes in the shifts that they need.
Unknown Speaker 9:16
And I love that you say that because it means you’re not cookie cutter. So okay, so with that, I’m going to kind of have a follow up questions like so you bring somebody in there meeting the criteria of they’re struggling with health and wellness and stress, maybe need some kind of stress release, they reach out to you rather than through referral, or whatnot. What is your secret sauce if you don’t mind sharing about helping yourself and them to locate that blind spot to push them through?
Unknown Speaker 9:48
Great question.
Unknown Speaker 9:51
First, it’s three. It’s three phases. It’s three steps. And first and foremost is what were they doing? When they were 10 years old, who were they before the world told them who they should be? What did they love? What were their dreams? What were they great at? And that doesn’t mean that they need to all of a sudden start doing that again. But it’s why and how and how that makes you feel and what what was it about horseback riding that you, you know, loved and so it’s being able to, number one, understand and get clarity on Who am I at my core? Where was I? What was I doing at that innocent age and 10s metaphorically, but at that innocent age of where purpose and passion met, and then there was social pressure and influence and people you know, telling you, you should be a doctor, you know, because your dad was or whatever. So, that that’s a big part of my, my programming process. Okay. And then I call that kind of clarity. Just getting clear. around that. And then the second phase is looking at all your life, your experiences, your highs and lows, the lessons learned and really looking back at your life journey, okay? And when were you at your highest and lowest and what what relationships were important to you? And so we kind of deep dive into your life’s journey. And from that, we call it playing connect the dots. And then we say, Okay, how can we go backwards to move forward with more purpose and passion and meaning?
Unknown Speaker 11:37
Unknown Speaker 11:38
it’s just been phenomenal. It’s, it’s what what really, really resonates with everyone is that there is a connection. And I’ve interviewed thousands of people over the years on this subject and have these really cool stories. And there’s, you know, a lot we know about some famous people, but just everybody One sure has something that they can shift or change,
Unknown Speaker 12:05
to feel more meaningful,
Unknown Speaker 12:07
to have more purpose and have more joy in their life.
Unknown Speaker 12:11
That’s, that’s, that’s phenomenal because you’re not only listening with your ears, but you’re listening with your eyes and all the senses to really pull them forward. I have a question on that, though. There’s a thin line, I would think and correct me if I’m wrong of navigating their past because if it were in their past, it can be really ugly for some people, right? So what is your, again, secret sauce, if they you stumble onto something that you kind of pull them out of that just to so they continue with you on the right, the right spiral, not the the upward spiral. Like what what do you do if you run into a situation like that?
Unknown Speaker 12:49
Well, I have run into that situation and ran into it really early on. So let me also say that not everybody’s 10 year old was happy, right? I mean, there’s trauma. And there’s way more than we know, we all have our crap right.
Unknown Speaker 13:06
Unknown Speaker 13:08
I like the way that you frame that question because what I learned early on, is I’m not a therapist. And some of this stuff is therapy. Like whenever you’re going backwards like that, like often it’s like, so tell me about your childhood. I think it’s important. This is a good segment to tell you that. Where this 10 year old self concept came from was just a compilation of a lot of things. But one of them was when I was having a crisis in my entrepreneurial journey, went to a therapist, and she asked me, What were you doing when you returned? And that was at the same time, I was publishing my my business book, somebody stories of my 10 year old self in here. Sure, my publicist said, oh, there’s another book in here about this whole 10 year old stuff. So this is kind of How it all came up. But I, we had our first retreat last June in the south of France, gorgeous retreat center, it incorporated the B 10. Again, the 10 year old self program along with yoga, and the therapist was there, and I could not have done it without her because there was some trauma immediately surfacing in that group. Good. I’ve had since then, many retreats where it doesn’t get that way, but I feel like the secret sauce is the combination of having some, you know, professional therapy there. It’s like a great combination to have a coach and a therapist like yeah,
Unknown Speaker 14:40
and not be afraid to reach out of your comfort zones in a sense, and like my good friend, Leah Woodford, you know, says Get your asking gear kind of ask, you know, for help in different areas. I love that. So let’s get into with Marty McFly, let’s get in our DeLorean. Let’s go back to the 20 to 23 year old I don’t know if it was more than but let’s go back to 20 to 23. Oh, Krista, what are kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on her to help her maybe shorten learning curve to level up a little faster?
Unknown Speaker 15:12
Unknown Speaker 15:15
I’ve done a lot of reflection on this because this is what I do. And I wouldn’t change anything. And I know that that, you know, I would say I just wouldn’t I mean, I got married at 23 way too young. But look at the outcome of that. It’s just my wonderful children and where I am today. And so it’s all part of my journey. It was all part of the lessons that I needed to learn and my lifeline to be sitting here talking with you today and sharing with others. So the one thing you know, someone says you ever have any regrets? I really don’t have any regrets, but I want people to also realize that it’s okay. For example, when I was 20, I had a television talk show In college, I was going to be the next barbara walters. And that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up. But my path didn’t take me in that direction. I ended up in sales and sales leadership for, you know, 19 years.
Unknown Speaker 16:14
But, you know, in my
Unknown Speaker 16:16
business, I said, You know what, I always wanted to have a television talk show, right? And I pretended I had a television talk show. So I’m going to have one and that’s when I created the crystal Moore Show.
Unknown Speaker 16:26
Right in it. I circled right back to it. subconscious mind ready to be released at the right time.
Unknown Speaker 16:33
And I right, you know, the right time. So I, you know, I think I think if there’s anything learned, I would say, just let life live through you. Wow, instead of trying to arrange it.
Unknown Speaker 16:51
Nice. So, you’ve, you’ve accomplished a lot You mean, you have the talk show you have your client base. You’re very welcome. perspective, is there anything big, big thing that Christa really wants to accomplish before she transitions?
Unknown Speaker 17:08
Yeah, it’s a perfect question for me at this time because I’m going through a transformation myself. So Kay coaching is doing great. We’ve been in business for 17 years. And we have a membership site with over 3000 people that online learning and so I’ve got this, you know, the company’s running on its own, so to speak, I want to concentrate on on myself and I’m looking at rebranding, more of this hard work instead of hard work, as I put it, where I want to go deeper with my clients and it borders on like life coaching a little bit and I’m a business coach. I’m an executive coach. So it’s kind of a strange transition for me, but I want to do it powerfully and gracefully transition into for the next 10 years. Something That is more coming out coming out as you know they’re growing
Unknown Speaker 18:05
just like your color green you’re blooming you’re growing blooming and growing right that I love that so it’s time to shine today we I make any every one of my clients and students the then we talked about their dash a lot Okay, you have your life date and your death date that dash that’s where everything’s lived. Okay. How do you want that dash to be remembered for Chris How does Krystal want her dash to be remembered? during the time that truenorth
Unknown Speaker 18:38
your epitaph if you right,
Unknown Speaker 18:39
and I
Unknown Speaker 18:43
really having impact in terms of inspiring others to be their best to be them, not somebody else to not give up and be you And live let life live through you.
Unknown Speaker 19:03
Unknown Speaker 19:04
yeah, I think I’m more about the impact that people have and that I can have on them than really anything else like when they are done go giver speak. No, I love it when someone comes up and says that I changed their life.
Unknown Speaker 19:22
It’s fantastic.
Unknown Speaker 19:25
So let’s take your cell phone, computer, laptop, tablet out of everything and just quickly tell me three things that Krista can’t live without. Outside of those.
Unknown Speaker 19:38
My granddaughter, oh, she’s almost two and she’s five minutes from me. I could not live without her. Um, I don’t think I could live without my quiet time. Okay. Like I like Chris to time, whether it’s relaxing in the bathtub, whether it’s going for a walk in nature. And really the other thing is this face serum from CLARIN, it’s like, gold and I wear it every day and every night Your glow
Unknown Speaker 20:21
in it works.
Unknown Speaker 20:22
So good. I love it.
Unknown Speaker 20:26
Love that crystal, what is your definition of a life well lived them after everything we’ve covered.
Unknown Speaker 20:33
Wow, that’s a deep question, isn’t it? You get
Unknown Speaker 20:36
down here a time to shine.
Unknown Speaker 20:38
A life well lived is being able to discover your gifts and your God given gifts and your purpose at some point, whether that’s early on or later in life, but a life well lived is the journey and the experience. is to get to that moment. And, you know, there’s so many people that just let it that don’t pay attention to that.
Unknown Speaker 21:09
Okay, touch into that dash, there’s so much journey in that, that life that they could be living. You know, that’s, that’s why I’m writing a whole book about the dash right now. That’s fantastic. You have been also, we’re gonna get into our level of lightning round as we wind things down here. Five or six questions. You and I could talk for 15 2030 minutes in each one of these topics but you got five seconds to answer first thing that comes to the top of your head. Okay, ready? Yes. Here we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Go to management school that share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 21:48
I do FaceTime with my girlfriends and do a high impact training every morning.
Unknown Speaker 21:55
That is beautiful, staying accountable have your mastermind that’s phenomenal. Other like Other than your own book, okay? And now flavor of the month book, nothing like that. But that one book that might be sitting in your library that if I didn’t know you and you came to me and said, Scott, I think you need to be reading this book. What is it?
Unknown Speaker 22:14
Elizabeth Gilbert Big Magic.
Unknown Speaker 22:17
Really? Love that that you’re not I’ve heard of that before. But you’re the first one ever on my podcast will say that’s fantastic. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you’re texting somebody?
Unknown Speaker 22:27
And the little yellow face with the blowing a kiss?
Unknown Speaker 22:33
Okay, your if you can be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be? Jerry, I knew you’re gonna say that. That’s why I added if you look at my notes, I added that question. All right, just was testing you there. What’s your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money to?
Unknown Speaker 22:51
I like dress for success. Beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 22:54
Yeah. Yeah. And last question is kind of a toughy. What is the best decade Music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 23:03
Definitely 70s
Unknown Speaker 23:04
you’re gonna hang out sometime. Love it. Love it 70s 70s rock. Alright, so how can we find you Krista?
Unknown Speaker 23:12
You can find me on LinkedIn. And also on the Chris two s more Facebook page. I do a lot of posts there. Today, it’s K Coaching calm. Okay. And five months from now it’s crystal more dotnet
Unknown Speaker 23:29
got it. I love it. And also will you always still have crystal more talk show? Are we still going away? Gotcha in squat all over. Everyone. Everyone say two o’clock beautiful. Put that in your calendar squad. And so
Unknown Speaker 23:43
I wanted to mention to this live at two o’clock on Wednesday, intentionally. I want people to take 30 minutes out of their workday, kick their feet up and experience the show. It’s available on YouTube and go to stage.
Unknown Speaker 23:59
Yeah, I watched Come see which ones I watched the last one you did? I think it was Miss Mattie or something like that. Oh, yeah, I did watch that one. And Wendy, Wendy Wendy Wilson or Wendy Thomas. Thomas. Yeah, watch both of those. They’re they’re enjoyable, they’re informative. They’re fantastic. So do me and all that all of these links folks will be in the show notes below and every podcast directory and on my website page as well that will be dedicated to Christa. Crystal please leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want the time to shine today’s squad to take with them and turn allies in maybe make part of their credo.
Unknown Speaker 24:43
Sure, um, something that I learned is, I mean, I’m passionate about learning, developing, growing, you know, constantly doing that. And there’s a variety of ways, but one thing that I’ve learned is that a retreat type format For experiential learning can really create transformation. So I would encourage anyone in their industry to look at retreats within their industry or maybe it’s personal retreats for personal reflection, but we’ve got to get away from our cell phones in our computer. Thank you gotta retreat, and that’s going to make shifts in life.
Unknown Speaker 25:26
Love it. So get out there and get away from the technology and really get in tune with yourself and with Krista Moore. She’s so humble, yet so hungry. She has some powerful questions that you can ask yourself what would you every day if you even didn’t get paid? If you’re struggling with health, wellness, stress, reach out to K Coaching What? Ask yourself what what you basically what your 10 year old self I want to leave that to Krista but really get with her regarding your 10 year old self because it’s fantastic platform. That she has asked yourself who you are at your core. Let life live through you. I have notes just coming out of my ears here. You know heart work more than hard work. Just be genuinely you and discover your gifts God given purpose and enjoy your journey. And Krista, thank you so, so much for coming on the show. You can’t leave us now. So we really, really appreciate your time and we’re grateful and blessed.
Unknown Speaker 26:25
Thank you so much, Scott. I really appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker 26:27
Excellent. I know. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guests. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts Google podcasts Stitcher. Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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