284-Helping Young Women Heal and Level UP! – TTST Interview with Self Love Coach Kaelin Vu

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Kaelin Vu is a life coach, podcaster, and life enthusiast. She provides self-love coaching for teen girls and young women so that they feel empowered to live their best lives possible. Her journey to helping others began with her own challenges.

Now she shares the wisdom she learned along the way of healing herself with others. Her mission with her podcast and life coaching service is to help as many women as possible feel unequivocally empowered to be their authentic selves by connecting with their own self-love.

I sincerely believe that real pain is dying before ever living first

– Kaelin Vu

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Don’t wait to live in pain. Seek help, find answers and focus on Leveling UP yourself

2. Connect the steps in each moment and your future will unfold

3. A great coach listens empathetically to pick up on the emotions to help you

4. When you are in crisis mode, put all your faith in God (or your creator) to help you through your tough times 

5. A life well lived is using your God given talents to help the world. 

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

Kaelin’s Coaching Site

Dear Lovely Universe Podcast

Kaelin’s YouTube

Kaelin’s Facebook

Kaelin’s Instagram

Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout 

Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson Weir, Episode 284 With my awesome friend from the Left Coast out in California Kailyn view, she is younger as biologically speaking, sometimes when I come across coaches that are younger, I, you know, being 50 years old, I kind of look at him and say, How could you really help anybody with such little life experience but my good friend Kailyn is kind of, for lack of better term went to hell and back. She has a fantastic support system, she’s gonna be a new mother, just a fantastic human being that helps younger ladies that might be stuck or really missing out on identity to really help them find themselves and level up so without make sure you break out your notebooks on this because again, she’s young, but I have like pages and pages of notes. And you can just check the show notes below as well. So without further ado, here’s my really really good friend the self love Coach Kailyn Vu. Let’s level up to shine a podcast first responders to Scott Ferguson and I got my sister from another mister over on the left coast of the United States out in Cali. I’ve been so stoked to interview her but I also have been waiting with bated breath because we had some scheduling conflicts. And I want to bring on to rock the mic with you my good friend Kailyn Boo who is a coach podcaster and you have to check out our podcast after listen to this your lovely universe. It’s fantastic. She’s a life enthusiast. She provides self love coaching for teen girls and young women so that they feel empowered to live their best lives possible. Her journey to helping others began with her own challenges which we will get into. Now she shares the wisdom she learned along the way of healing herself with others permission with her podcast, which is dear level universe and life coaching services to help as many women as possible feel unequivocally empowered to be their authentic selves by connecting with their own self love and Kailyn. Thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Hi, Scott, thank you so much for having me on. Welcome. And that was such a nice introduction. I love the enthusiasm.

It’s we’re ready to level up, honey. Let’s do this. What’s your caller has?

First one that comes to mind is Aquamarine. Love it. It’s kind of like a lightest blue ish green. I don’t know. I feel like it’s just a nice color. It has a nice feeling. I got it. Hey, actually, it’s on your poster right behind

you. Yeah, got it. I have. I’m looking at the Atlantic Ocean right now, which is not as nice as the Pacific, which you have out there. But it has that little aquamarine right now that’s kind of rolling in the wave. So that’s beautiful. So thank you so much for coming on. Yeah. And like, again, we had to reschedule and it was totally well worth it. And so like I kind of want to dig in to where you kind of went through in your journey to possibly, you know, to really survive, but then begin to thrive.

Wow, yeah, that so that’s kind of a loaded question. Let’s see where to start. I’ll start the time of say my transformation. With that was when I was 17. And before then I was really living a life of suffering mentally internally. And it got to a point where it was so bad that I knew if I kept tracking on the life that I was living, I was gonna die. And I knew this for a fact it wasn’t like I’m trying to exaggerate. And so I decided I had to make some real big life changes. And that was when I moved into my grandma’s house. And I started focusing on myself, it the biggest change came with a change of mindset. It was when I told myself that I don’t want to live in pain anymore. And then I had to figure out ways to make that happen. So I started going to the beach more started reading more focusing on personal development and focusing on school and work. And because I was occupying my time with these actually productive things now, I wasn’t doing any drugs or hanging out bad friends or wasting my time. I was trying to build something and actually had hope for the future for like the first time in a long time. So

Was that your kind of hang up that you had that part of your journey? Was it the wrong people in substance abuse?

For a couple years? Yes. And that could have been the end of me. Yeah. Yeah, I

was just gonna say that can ruin you at 17 years old or 15 to 17 years old that’s just breezing here. Yeah. Yeah. Ask your age.

Yeah, I’m 21. Now.

Wow. Okay, you are wise beyond your years. It Oh, my gosh, fantastic. Fan. Fantastic. So you went through this, and you started doing the things that at 20 or 1718 years old that I didn’t even pick up until I was in my 40s with getting into saltwater and getting my body cleansed out and whatnot. I mean, I always kept in shape, but I never thrived. That can what? Did you have a support system that was there? Where was it moving into you say, your grandma’s house.

You know, in the past, I had mental breakdowns to the point where like, I wanted to commit suicide, sorry, and I. And I think when you’re in that low of a situation, and you have to pick yourself up by yourself, you realize that you can do anything on your own. And so for when I was in that situation, I didn’t have a support system. But that didn’t really matter. Because I knew internally that I could do it on my own. And I had the strength to

Wow, where did the strength come from? Was it from God? In because you might have both believers and in my squad knows, I’m a Christian guy, you know, I’m saying so yeah, I can speak freely about whatever, creator higher power, please do.

You know, one important aspect that I actually forgot to mention was when I did move to my grandma’s house, it was so painful. And I think for a long time, I had blamed God, for the things that had gone through. And when I moved to my grandma’s house, I was at such a point, I was having so much pain that I actually was just like, on my knees, and I surrendered to God. Yeah. And I was like, and so instead of blaming God, like, why did this all these bad things happen to me and my life and stuff like that, like, now, I’m just saying, like, I’m sorry, for blaming you, like, Please help me, I’ll do whatever it takes, right. And I think it was surrendering to God and taking the steps and the actions to get to where I wanted to be, was where I was how I actually improved.

That’s fantastic to hear healing, because I, I kind of went through the same thing, went through some crazy stuff, my brother killed himself, my little brother, so thank you for donating, by the way, the Suicide Lifeline, I noticed that you did that. And so if you went through this dark period, and like I even with my coaching clients, I’m sure you do the same. But, you know, like, every day starts in the dark, right? And to get to them at 12am. It’s frickin dark out, you know, it’s not, it’s not like, it’s like not shining, but you fell to your knees during that dark time, say midnight, one in the morning, you know, metaphorically to surrender to God, and he puts you possibly in a position to start responding instead of reacting to life. Does that maybe kind of a correct analysis here?

Yeah, I would say so. I feel that God puts us in the positions and the circumstances that we need, exactly. For our growth. And so whether that is it’s, as soon as I learned this lesson, like really wholeheartedly, I actually started to thank God for putting me through all these situations that were pretty horrible. If you look, I mean, depends what lens you’re looking at it. But it made me into who I am today. And it made me able to have empathy with other people and actually be able to help other people. And so in a way, all this pain and all these circumstances that I’ve lived through, helped give me purpose

right? In you, it resonates so much with what you have on your Instagram. Because I was going to ask you this. But if you’re telling me this part of the story and tell the spy this part of your story, where you wrote you sincerely believe that real pain is dying before ever living first. And that hits home with me now that your story because part of that Aylin died. So you’re able to live and thrive in that it makes so much sense. I literally wrote that down here. Like what does she mean by that? And that’s, that’s Amazing. So then I’m hearing a lot of you started take responsibility. So can I ask you what your definition of responsibility would be?

I would say responsibility is taking accountability for your action, and seeing where you want to be, and making actual steps to get there. Ah,

I love that. I love you. You said it better than I ever could I always say the responsibility is the ability to respond, right? If bits built in the Word. And it’s fantastic. You’re taking accountability, which kind of gives you the baby steps or we say inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard, it’s hard here. So it gives you that inch by inch mentality to create a better life for yourself, and doing that through helping others. So with your coaching program that you have, do you work one on one? Are you more of a group coach?

Well, I’ve done both, but I really enjoy one on ones. Because I feel like that’s when I get to see the most growth.

Absolutely. So let me ask you something. So within your one on one, you’re maybe in the discovery period, they’re not sure if they want to hire you, you’re not sure if you want them. But is there any secret sauce that you use? Utilize if you don’t mind sharing that? Maybe help them find their blind spot? To where to start from?

Hmm, that’s a good question. I have a really good sense of listening. So oftentimes, when I don’t talk, people actually share what’s on their mind and they go deeper and deeper,

right? It’s like, you know, my mom always said, God gave me two ears and one mouth for a reason to listen more. But also like active listening, which I can absolutely see you’re doing with clients, like you actually listen with all your senses. And I call it listening with your neck where you’re like, really in and trying to really pick up from I love that. I love that. So when you’re starting to work with them, or maybe still in the discovery period, is there Kailyn Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?

Maybe what potential do you see in me?

Love this. You’re born to do that. This this work, man. It’s fantastic. Exactly. How long do you see it taking and what do you see immediate even think that I can get there? That’s what I would ask any coach. Period. You nailed it. That’s fantastic. In squad kill. It is just dropping knowledge nuggets just left and right here. It’s just fantastic. So Kailyn Have you seen the movie Back to the Future?

I’m not sure. I think I’ve probably seen parts of it.

Okay, gotcha. So there’s this guy, Marty McFly. He gets in a DeLorean. And he goes back in time. Okay. So let’s go back to the 17 year old Caitlin. And that’s only five years ago, but still 17 year old Kailyn are four, four years ago. Is there any knowledge nuggets that you would drop on her to maybe help her level up last through and shorten that learning curve, even more than what you did?

I would say I have complete faith in God. Because I believe that when? Well, as a female, I feel like especially but 100% for males, too, we’re very intuitive. And we can pick up on our feelings really well. And when you feel like you’re doing the right thing, when something feels good to you, I feel like you should keep doing more of that. And I feel like when you’re doing the right thing, combined with having faith with God, you’re gonna get to a good place. So Guru says that you shouldn’t worry about your future because you can’t do anything about your future. But if you take the right steps, I mean, this isn’t verbatim, but if you take the right steps in the present moment, your future will unfold. And so I think I would tell a 17 year old Kailyn to not worry so much about what my life is gonna look like and how it’s gonna unfold. And oh my gosh, like, cuz when I was 17, and I had gone through that transformation. And I really started to help myself. That was when I realized I could actually start helping other people as well. And that was when I started my podcast. Well, first it was a blog and then it was my podcast and then it was coaching school and then coaching All right. Okay. And so I think that if I could talk to 17, okay, then I would tell it like, don’t be scared, like, go just do it. And you’ll see how exciting the journey and will be.

Love it. I love it. So what do you feel that your strengths are?

My strengths? Well, I’d say for one, it’s definitely listening. And two, I’m very empathic, so I can pick up on other people’s feelings and emotions. And I feel like that helps me become a better coach, because I can meet them where they are, and ask them the best questions to help them level up. And then I’ll say, I’m very inspiring. You’re pretty positive. And I’m the kind of coach where I don’t necessarily like kick people in the butt. But I’m more of a like, more of a like, stern, but in the, like, loving way, right? And I think that, that helps people that, that need that kind of support, right? Because some people don’t have that at all right? And they’re some, every coach is different, but I feel like my style is very loving.

Okay, I can totally see that. I can totally see that. So, how do you how does Caitlyn want her dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date, your death date, that little dash? How do you want that little dash of life? Remember for you.

I believe that the most important things in life is who you loved, and how deeply you loved. And that the richness of our life depends on how much we loved how much love was in it. So to me, I want to be remembered as someone who loved deeply, as simple as that.

Love that love that. And you went through the early part of your life bumped and battered and bruised, but you still metaphorically slid across home plate and scored, which is fantastic. So then what keeps Kailyn up at night?

Hmm, I would say right now it’s the baby kicks

in my stomach. Okay, you brought it up. So Squatch she is the reason why we rescheduled it was because back I think was December ish. Maybe we, we had it on the books and ready to rock but she was not feeling too good. So she’s got a baby due here in a couple of months. So anyway, so that’s keeping you up at night a little bit. Maybe anxiety of being a mother even though you’re very confident person.

Yeah, yeah, there’s definitely some anxiety. It’s a big life change. You know, it’s my first kid. And so I’m really, I’m really excited. But there’s also going to be lots of unknowns. Yeah. So but yeah, I’d say mostly the baby kicks. But I mean, if we’re talking about like, mentally, I think the thing that probably keeps me up at night, as much as like, you know, like, if we’re going to talk about things that we wish we could work on, I think it’s probably staying more in communications, my family, and my loved ones. Because if I really, you know, think about it. I was just reading this article yesterday about this guy who his son died. And he was a he’s like a CEO. And he was really busy, like, throughout his son’s life, and he wishes he was more there for his son. Yeah, he was just in his article he was talking about, like, how I forgot the exact terms that he was using. But he is something like it’s later than you think, right? That we should do things now. And so sometimes I wish that I was more in connection with my, my little sisters, or my niece, or my, you know, die, grandpa, or my grandma. And these people are really important to me.

In you, it goes right back to who you loved and how deeply deeply you loved. I mean, I love it that your stand for lack of a better term consistent, you know, it stayed really on point with what your virtues are and whatnot, so that that’s fantastic. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about Caitlyn?

What if people misunderstand? Hmm. I mean, the first thing that comes to mind, for me at least, is that people can change. Because if someone were to know me from when I was like, 16, they would not know the real meat, they would know. Well, maybe that was the real meat back then. But people can definitely change. I think that’s what people need. to not need to but should understand they should be open minded. Sure. I think that when people go into different phases of their lives, especially like having kids like that definitely changes someone.

I love it. I love it. So let’s, let’s take out of this equation or this question. Anything electronic that includes cell phones, computers, it tablets. Other than that, what are three things Kailyn can’t live without

my dog. Okay. What kind of dog? She’s a chihuahua Pomeranian. Oh, next slide. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, yeah. I mean, my family category. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah, definitely my family and I would say also like, my extended family, you know, sure. Like, my, my boyfriend’s family. Love and then and then, and then my boyfriend. They’re my home. They’re my everything.

Gotcha. Yeah. Like, I always say, like, you know, my, my, my fiancee, you know, my pads and then chicken wings, because I love turkey. I’m a snob. So it’s like a third thing I can’t live without I love my chicken weeks. So, Caitlin, what is your? What’s your definition of a life well lived.

a life well lived to me is when someone truly okay, I truly believe that every single person has a God given talent or gift. And I believe that a life well lived is someone who expresses that gift to the world, and helps to make the world a better place.

Wow. That’s fantastic. Yeah, in to me. I’m taking notes. I’m sorry. To me, if you’re not utilizing your gifts you’re sending and I don’t mean it in a religious connotation. Okay, I believe that sin the word sin comes from the Greek root word of cine. And which means missing the mark. Right? So it’s funny when my clients I’d call him out and be like, you’re sending you know, the ones that have worked with me for a while they get it because they know they’re missing the mark in life. They know they have a gift, and they’re not expressing it in the way to help others level up and including themselves level up. So I love how you answer that because that’s exactly basically my definition as well. Time to shine today podcast varsity spot, we’re back and I with my rockstar, coach and podcaster Kailyn Whoo. And Kailyn you and I will probably do this one day, but you and I could probably talk an hour on each one of these questions, but you have five seconds with no explanations and they can all be answered that way. Okay. Okay, let’s do this. Let’s level up. Kailyn what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Take accountability. Yes, sure. One

of your personal habits contributes to your success.

It’s like giving myself grace.

Yes. In prayer. That’s what I would say too. So other than the good book, if you see me I’m walking around like turkey looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. What book would you have me to level me up?

How many miracles by stare at Wild

Wild beautiful, beautiful book. Awesome. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Smiley happy face. It’s like the blushing cheeks

Love it. Love it. Nicknames growing up.

KK keh keh. Oh, my mom called me Kitten

chess or checkers?

I’m horrible at chess. I gotta be honest. So check that right

there with you. I love it. What’s your go to ice cream? Flavor

Hermo on the on the cone.

Love it. So there’s a sandwich named after us called the Kinnelon. Boo. What’s on that sandwich?

I’m out that’s probably an Impossible Burger.

I love it. Love it. So if you have a time machine and time travel was real. Would you take it back to the past or take it to the future?

Oh, I wouldn’t. I don’t think I would get in it to be honest. Thank you every single moment,

I love you, man. We are definitely on the same page. So what’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

So right now I’m donating to children’s International. There you have Have children all over the world. And I donate but I think it’s $36 a month to each child. And I helps them with, I think food, clothing, education, and access to like electricity if their house doesn’t have it, and I might be a little wrong on some of these, but like, for the most part, it’s, I know that they definitely help with education and clothing.

Beautiful. And we’ll put that in the show notes. Janet, please. Thanks. Okay, so last question. But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s 90s or 2000s? Early 2000s.

I like the 90s. Okay, very

cool. Very cool. Awesome. Awesome. Fantastic. I, I’m an 80s kind of grew up in the 80s. So it’s my jam, but I love the 90s too. So Kailyn How can we find you?

You can find me at dear love the universe on Instagram, okay, or do your love universe.com for my podcast website, or Kailyn boo.com For my coaching.

Love it, love it in all of those squad will be in the show notes. And Caitlin do me one last salad, please and leave their squad with one last Knowledge Nugget they can take with them, internalize and take action.

Okay, internalize and take action. I would say the most powerful thing that you could do every single day is to listen to your heart, your heart will guide you and your inner guide. As a coach, my job isn’t necessarily to tell you what to do. I feel like that’s more of a consultant my job is, is to help you help you figure out the solutions to your own problems by asking you really good questions, right. But if you sit in that silence, and connect with your heart every single day, you will guide yourself to exactly where you need to go and take action from there.

I love it. Because that’s what coaching is all about. People think consulting and coaching are the same. And I coach people that have super high net worth or celebrities. And it’s like I couldn’t consult them on that. But I can through powerful questioning like you do have them come up with their own kind of solution where they think they came up on their own, you know what I’m saying? So that’s a perfect analogy of a coach and squad we have literally got a free masterclass with my good friend kealan foo here who you know, until, you know, at 17, she lived a life of suffering, you know, she found God and she realized that she didn’t want to live in pain. And she started to focus on herself and started taking responsibility and accountability by taking care of her body, taking care of her mind and really looking to serve others and she’s became such a servant leader, she gives complete faith into God. And, you know, take the correct steps in the moment because so many people like to have a foot in the future foot in the past and pee all over the present. But if you do things in the correct steps in the moment, then your future will unfold. That’s what my good friend kealan said here. You know, she’s a coach that really listens intently. She’s empathic so she can pick up on your emotions as well, which is just a fantastic, we’ll call it a talent to have, you know, and she will be remembered as someone who loves deeply and wants you to be remember that as well as how deeply you can love somebody can really level up your life. You know, life well lived to her as somebody who truly has somebody that has a gift, and you’re expressing that gift to the world. And that’s what she wants you to do. And lastly, she tells us to listen to your heart. It’s really wrong. And you can call it intuition. You can call it call it whatever you want. But it’s something that Kailyn does in spades and she helps other people do the same. And can when you level up your house, you level up your wealth. You are humble as all hell, but also hungry for better in life. You’re gonna be a fantastic mother. I can’t wait to see the little little guy come out. And thank you so much for coming on. I love your guts. And we can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future.

Thank you so much, Scott. It’s been such a pleasure.

Yeah, I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest if you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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