Welcome to Episode 126: Julie Hruska from Powerful Leaders stopped by the TTST show to help us Level UP with fantastic exercises using visualization! Julie had a challenging early life, but with persistence and a smile that lights up the world blasted through and now helps the elite do the same! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Be crystal clear on how you want to show up to the world
– Julie Hruska
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Don’t sleepwalk through your life
2. Own who you are and live your life without apologies
3. A great coach is all in for their clients
4. Practice visualizing the best version of yourself (listen to exercise on podcast)
5. Practice your alignment of equanimity
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Powerful Leaders – Online Learning Course
Julie’s Linked IN
Powerful Leaders Facebook Group
Julie’s Instagram
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Julie rescap from powerful leaders. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to sign today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and I am super excited to bring you Episode 126 with my really good friend and colleague Julie, Ruth Scott. Julie had went through some pretty challenging times early in her life but she broke through leveled up, she was a fantastic parent and also just a rock star coach. Check out the knowledge nuggets in the show notes and follow along and take notes while you’re listening because Julie spills at all. She’s fantastic. You know, she’s gonna remind you not to sleepwalk through life to be crystal clear on how you want to show up to the world. And etc, etc. She’s fantastic. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Julie ruska from powerful leaders
Unknown Speaker 1:03
Hey, time to shine today varsity squad is Scott Ferguson. And my friend Julie wants to remind you that life is truly a gift. However, most people don’t ever access this gift. They go through the motions sleepwalking through their lives until one day they wake up and ask themselves is this all there is, and that’s why when to bring on, I’ve been there, okay. And luckily I had a coach in my life that will kind of like pull me forward and empowerment coach, and I have my good friend Julie ruska. here that is likes to marry both the health and fitness with a power and performance together so you can level up your life to its maximum and Julie became a certified high performance coach to help people deal with the underlying issues that prevent them from becoming the best versions of themselves. Powerful leaders exist to help awaken empower and inspire people to become the best versions of themselves and you’re in for a master class. here with my really good friend Julie and I want her to come on in her douce herself to the squad but first, Julie, what emoji Do you use most when you’re texting? That’s really nice. I like that question. Hi, everyone. I’m Julie bruschetta. And Scott, thanks so much for having me. And what emoji do I use? I probably use the hugs. Love it. But winky face also great to have a little sass in my text messages. I have to remind people I’m just, I’m just joking around. She’s your high energy. So what what would be your favorite color? My favorite color is red, red. I love red. It’s fire. It’s energy. I love it. I love it. Mine’s blue, because I have this big thing I’m looking at right now called the Atlantic Ocean and I like that I’m a water person. But I have a read to, you know, not a violent one. But like you said, just a go and it’s five And it’s it’s a moving color. I love that. I love that. It’s interesting because turquoise is my other favorite color. When we’re talking about the ocean, I feel the same, I feel like that red and that blue mixin and create that equanimity in life, which I love it just like you marry the yoga and the fitness, lifestyle, vision creating visionary leaders. So it’s that’s awesome to be a lot of fun folks. And make sure you break out your notebooks and take a lot of notes here because we’re going to get deep here with Julie. So Julie, give us the origins then of where you kind of started. I know you’re a Midwestern girl, like I’m a Midwestern guy. So let’s get the origins of Julie riska.
Unknown Speaker 3:41
Yeah, so I grew up in a super conservative family, where it was kind of expected of me to grow up, get married, have kids, quit working, raise my kids. That was all I knew, and said I did that I got married at 20 engaged at 1930 having kids in my early 20s, I quit my job. Did that whole spiel, and at 33 I feel like I got hit by an asteroid. Hmm. And I just woke up. And it was, it was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time. But I realized I’d been sleepwalking through my life, I had blindly adopted kind of the life I had been indoctrinated with this very kind of 1950s version of a woman and, and how I should live and, and I don’t want people to take that wrong. There’s nothing wrong with choosing that lifestyle, but it wasn’t for me. And so since that was the whole plan, get married, have kids, raise your kids. Then what? And for me, when I woke up, I started to look around and realize that I hadn’t made any choices of my own. I just done what my parents wanted me to do. And so I had to begin the very challenging task of really Creating my life. And through that I found yoga and with yoga and like, wow, I feel so empowered. I feel so strong, I want to change the world with yoga. And so I did you know, I’m the type that 150% in, when I believe in something, I go all in, and I’ll do everything to the extreme. So I went and got my yoga training. And as soon as I started teaching, I quit my salary job to teach. As soon as I started teaching, I realized Yoga is just one tool. It’s like a bandaid for people’s root issues. And it’s a powerful tool, but it’s not going to help people create sustainable, lasting change in their inner world. And that’s what I was really all about. And so that’s how I got into high performance coaching, because I had to go through the process of recreating my life. And when I discovered high performance living and I did the high performance online training something that Brendon Burchard puts out Oh, baby. Absolutely, yeah. And so he actually is the person that I received my training from to be a certified high performance coach with the high performance Institute, right. And so I went through the process, and I realized this is amazing. I want to share it with the world. So I got the training, and here we are today, helping people recreate their life. I love it. I love it. So what do you think that makes a great high performance coach? You know, I think what sets me apart is that, just like I’m all in, in life, I’m all in for my clients. So I am not satisfied until they’ve achieved the absolute highest performance. Everything that they have everything they dream of, I’m all in there. And also, what is a little different about me than other high performance coaches is that I have a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. Wow. Well Know how to individualize and differentiate. So I don’t just take people through a specific high performance curriculum. I use that as a foundation. But I also added my special sauce. So you’re working on becoming a high performance speaker, for example. Then we’re going to add in speaker training and public appearance, and maybe work on your image. And if you’re working on like becoming the top real estate person in your market, we’re going to work on your social circle, who are you connecting with really working there? So I am not just your standard, you know, I’ve been trained to do this and I teach you that I really take it to the next level always love it. So then, what is that secret sauce, then you’re starting to work with somebody to help them find their blind spots. Yeah, and for me, it always starts with clarity. I think everyone needs to be crystal clear on who they are and how they’re showing up in the world. And so I like to always begin with a visualization. And if you want, we can do it with your audience.
Unknown Speaker 8:13
Let’s do it.
Unknown Speaker 8:14
Okay, so I invite everyone to close your eyes. And the reason I say Close your eyes is because it shuts out all of the distractions around you. So you close your eyes and begin to draw awareness to your breath. Taking nice deep inhalations
Unknown Speaker 8:36
and long, slow exhalation
Unknown Speaker 8:42
and have I relaxed my mind.
Unknown Speaker 8:48
Exhale, relax my body. And as you feel your body relaxing, I want you to visualize the absolute best version of yourself.
Unknown Speaker 9:04
Visualize where you are,
Unknown Speaker 9:07
who you’re with
Unknown Speaker 9:10
and what you’re doing.
Unknown Speaker 9:14
Allow yourself to feel that energy. Feel that emotion.
Unknown Speaker 9:25
And as you see yourself living your absolute best life, what are three words that come to mind? Three words that demonstrate who you are and how you’re showing up in that moment.
Unknown Speaker 9:47
And when you have those three words, I invite you to open your eyes and write them down.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
Wow. And so I want your words. I’m fit, I’m healthy, and I’m a go giver, giver. Okay, so fit, healthy and a giver. And then from there, you have to get really clear on like where you are now, and where you want to go. So that was the vision of where you want to be. And you, you know where you are now. So then I asked you and the audience, right, what are three things you have to do right now starting today to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be?
Unknown Speaker 10:45
And that’s a change really occurred, Scott, and I think we have this misperception that it always has to be big, massive, sweeping change, right? But once you have the vision of where you want to be, then you can do three things each and every day. To move you closer to that goal, so squad like we always talk about here at time to shine today, you know, I always say inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard, it’s hard. So she just broke down through some phenomenal breathing exercises to come up with the three how you want yourself to appear the world and then break down and do three easy things in a sense, they lead to help you level up. Wow, that was awesome. That was actually kind of I haven’t done that yet. Julie. Thank you very much for doing that. So as we move forward a little bit here, if I’m out at a networking event, which at least for right now here in Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, we’re still allowed to do that process and flash meeting people. And if I’m sitting them talking, I’m shutting up and I’m listening. What kind of keywords are people saying to me that would make them a good contact referral or prospects for you a powerful leaders. Now what I love about high performance coaching is it’s really for everyone. We have this misperception that high performance is only a career move. Then it’s like business coaching. But really high performance is about creating a high performance, lifestyle, like a life that you love. And I help people in the areas of career relationships, emotions and health. So what you listen for is, usually people have achieved great things in their lives, but there’s something missing. So maybe on paper, they have the ideal life, but yet they’re going to sleep at night with a sense of like, Hmm, I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something not right. And so what I look at with potential clients is who wants more? And where can we go from there? Whether your career is thriving, and maybe your relationships are struggling, or maybe your relationships and your career amazing, but you’re 70 pounds overweight, and so you don’t have the energy to get through your day. Right. It really is a process an individualized process of going through a lot of strategy. Thinking with me. And then and then determining where do we need to go? What’s your trajectory to get you where you want to be in life? I love that you said that it’s almost like I, I call it harmony because a lot of people like I want balance, like balance is zero. Like I want, like, you know, I attain it to kind of like my, my good friend James Arthur Ray, you know, he was in the movie, The secret is in the book, and whatnot. But he says, it’s like a jazz band, where you know, like, your financial could be the guitar and your relationships with a trumpet and something else can be the drums, your health can be the drums, but if one of them’s out of tune, then it can kind of throw it off a little bit. So what you do at powerful leaders is really kind of bring that harmony together to help the band sound good, right? I love harmony. I love that I’m a big music fan. equating everything to music. I use another word echogenicity. Wow. I do believe balance is an illusion. If you think about balance, you have things on each side, right? You’re all right, which implies if your business is thriving, then maybe your personal life is going down. And that’s a bunch of BS, right? Like, that’s just not true. You don’t have to take from one to give to the other. Sure. So instead, you’re right. It’s like a harmony. It’s a flow. And maybe sometimes you have to give more to work. And maybe sometimes you have to redirect and give more to your relationships. But it doesn’t have to be this rigid either or, and I think that’s a misperception that people have. Well, that really is so true, too. So when you’re starting to bring on a new client, maybe or maybe even you’re in the discovery process to make sure you guys are right fit. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 14:49
Mm hmm.
Unknown Speaker 14:51
That’s an interesting one. Thanks, David asked me.
Unknown Speaker 14:56
Yeah, a lot of times people don’t ask my personal story. They Don’t get to know me. And one of the most profound coaching experiences I’ve ever had is with a client who said, I want permission to ask you questions. And, you know, there’s a fine line of boundaries there. But also, there’s a lot of misperception people see me out in the world being really positive. And they assume my life is easy. And I have been through physical abuse, emotional abuse. I have been through a lot of crap in the world. I say if you want, we’re good. You know, I’ve been through it, I’ve overcome it. And I’ve stepped forward into being my best self. So I think if people realize that I’m not just talking and putting fluff out into the world, I’ve lived this. I’ve overcome challenges. I have had to make the tough decisions, sure. And ever Every day I’m intentional about waking up and generating positive energy. It’s not because my life is easy. It’s because I choose how I’m going to show up in the world. I love that. It’s kind of like old Tony Robbins, where you know, pain is life, sufferings a choice. It’s kind of like you You love that. I love that. I love that. So, what is one thing that people misunderstand about, Julie?
Unknown Speaker 16:22
I think that’s it.
Unknown Speaker 16:24
It’s that you’ve lived it, what they’re going to go through. That’s easy. People understand my positive energy. And I think they mistake it for shallowness at times. Like I’m just telling people Oh, yeah, go live life fully and joy and, you know, overcome fear, or fear is not real. It’s false evidence appearing real and like that’s true. Everything I say is true. But there is so much more depth to character to me. And I think that that’s what people miss. Yeah, because they see what you Put out in the world and what you put out in the world on social media, like, I’m really I do a lot on LinkedIn, you do your videos. Thank you. But you know, my videos are like, one to two minutes. They’re just like bread crumbs sure of what I have to offer and I think that’s the biggest misperception is that you know, I’m surface and I’m not I have so much depth. Deep. Yeah, I wish people would take the time to get to know that side of me. Show me a piece on it. This might be maybe out of line, but like, you know, folks, if you’re watching, she’s a beautiful woman, okay. In like, but do you ever have clients that look at bat in at the surface of things and say, how can this Barbie doll help me? Do you ever have that app to fight that objection? I do. I do. And it’s, it’s really challenging at times because I’m underestimated. Okay. And one of the things I like to say is your biggest mistake will be to underestimate me. Like, I am so much more than people give me credit for it. And I’ve learned to let that go. You know, there will be people that judge you, they will not hire you build DMU, but they’ll never publicly, you know those people? Absolutely. The not appropriate text messages and did you get enough of those, right? But it’s like, that’s not my drive. And I’m not going to allow the people that underestimate me or the people that don’t think that I am capable to hold me back. I’m out there. I’m connecting with my tribe. And the people that see the light in me are the people that I will help and I will take them far beyond where they ever thought they could go. Yeah, I love it. I believe you just handle that objection. Fantastic. So let’s get in our DeLorean. Cuz this question will be interesting for you. Let’s get our DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Julie which you probably had a baby by then right? If you said let’s go back the 22 year old Julie, what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on her? With the wisdom that you have now to help her shorten their learning curve, maybe push through any any moral compass issue she might have or any other, you know something that’s blocking her. Yeah. Own who you are without apology.
Unknown Speaker 19:29
Oh my gosh, wow. Well,
Unknown Speaker 19:32
folks, I always felt that I had a purpose to empower people around the world, but I Shrunk back. And so if I would have given myself permission to shine my light. At that point, I could have empowered so many more people, and we can’t look back and regret Oh number that is something I definitely wished I would have done is just steps That’s amazing. I know who you are without apology. That’s fantastic. But that leads us into our dash here at time to shine today. Ah, how do you want your dash remember that little line between your life date and your expiration date? How do you want that remember maybe a legacy statement epitaph How do you want that remembered for you? I want people to remember me as someone who uplifted and empowered each and every person I came in contact with, to become the absolute best version of themselves. Well, smart, amazing, amazing. Amazing. So what are three things? Person places or thing? Three nouns that Julie cannot live without. Three things I can’t live without. Is this a fun one?
Unknown Speaker 20:49
on one we can we have fun here. Come on.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
I can’t live without sunshine. Oh my gosh. I love sunshine. I love music can’t live without Music and, and loved ones, you know something that I’ve had to go through a lot as I stepped into my power part of my story was I had to go through and realize that I was in a very toxic marriage and and step beyond that. And my life beyond that really has been a process of deciding who I should surround myself with. What friendships are growth friendships, and what are nice acquaintances to occasionally see but not allow a voice in my head like that. Was that sunshine? Music Music and the right surrounding myself with growth friendships. Community. Gotcha. Yes. So what music or album blowed your blew your mind then who? I really recently. I love the Lumineers okay. You’re weird kids. Like oh, When I was a kid, way back Oh my gosh. I was into like cheesy romance music like Chicago or yo Speedwagon air supply. But then when I got like to high school, it was all about like salt and pepper and use it and have fun like that was in the conservative world that I grew up with. That was like whoo my dad actually took a CD of to life crew out the window of my car. He literally pulled it out of the CD player which TVs were like brand new back then. threw it out the window. It could have been another car. He’s like, rap is crap. This is terrible for your brain to like crew was a little bit beyond though Julie. My dad is pretty cool. Stuff like that. But if you would have heard oh my gosh, you know, I haven’t listened to it and so long I’m sure it still would be shocking. Oh my gosh, yes, it was like that, that, unlike that risk taking, I didn’t I didn’t do anything bad. I didn’t drink in high school. I didn’t do drugs. I didn’t have sex. I was this good little girl. So you hear this music and it’s like, ah, and you feel it right? energy. And it’s like, there’s another world out there. If you’re willing to go there, and I didn’t go there until my 30s. But back then it was just like that little awakening. But it will. So what’s your definition of a life well lived? Ooh, that’s a really good question. A life well lived to me is where my career and my relationships, my health are all in alignment and congruent with the best within me. Well, you got equanimity equanimity across all those playing field. Yeah, where really is, you know, people ask me like, what’s your brand? And like right now I’m sitting at my office desk and this is where I create my videos. I don’t have a brand. I’m just me. Right? And that’s what I love about my life. Right now you’re getting the same person you would if you met me at a restaurant, or if I am a keynote speaker.
Unknown Speaker 24:27
Unknown Speaker 24:27
am just me. You do you boo. That’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 24:30
I have a lot of peace with that because then I never have to pretend. Fantastic. So as we move wind things down just a little bit here. Julie, we’re going to get into our leveling up lightning round. You and I could talk for 15 2030 an hour on each one of these. We have five seconds no explanations. Got it. Ready. Yeah. All right, Julie, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 24:53
Raise your ambition deepen your discipline.
Unknown Speaker 24:56
Well, hold on. I’m gonna digress here raise ambition. Deep indiscipline. That’s fantastic. And I’m just having tons of knowledge not get sick. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. Hmm, clarity, I always make sure each and every day I wake up and I’m clear, and if there’s anything that I’m not clear about, I resolve it before I get into my day, beautiful, beautiful, not the book you’re reading now, or the flavor of the month. What is the one book that stands out to you like the travelers gift by Andy Andrews and also the go giver by Bob Berg are two that if someone’s like, if you like skadam in the doldrums, I’m like, please give these a read. They kind of really help turn it around. What’s your book? The motivation Manifesto, Brendon Burchard. Well, I have it on my bookshelf right over here. I tell you god, it’s the motivation Bible. Like I go through that daily method open. Love it, love it. Okay. What age physically with the wisdom that you have Now, would you like to be for the rest of your life? Like, I’m 30 I’m like, I’ll be 50 soon so it’s like 32 is my jam like that’s where I was like, physically unstoppable ready to rock coming into a prime still needed to learn a lot but 32 is mine What’s yours? You know, I’m 43 right now, and I feel like I’m just stepping into my power and my fullest expression. So I say right now or maybe even next year, okay? That to say that the rest of your life which you’ll be just fine there, okay, so favorite organization or charity you like to give your time and or money to locally I support man a food bank, which brings food to children. food insecure homes, okay. And in my area. That’s one in four families. Well, okay, and what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s Are 90s Ah, oh, yeah then 90s where my high school college years I feel like that just takes me back. Got it. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 27:10
Julie, how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 27:12
And I live on LinkedIn. That’s a social media platform of choice. It’s Julie ruska hr r us K is my last name. And then my website is powerful leaders calm because I believe that every single person is a powerful leader and it’s just about tweaking their life a little bit to help them you know, set them on fire and become the absolute best version of themselves. Love it, love it and everybody out there time to shine today versa. You’ve literally had a masterclass. I mean, we had an exercise that we did you know, with my good friend here, Julie, who wants to help you sustain change in your inner world. She’s all in for clients. He’s definitely not cookie cutter at all. She wants you to be crystal clear on how you show up to the world. Just kind of rewind back to that exercise that we did. And I’ll even put a marking in here for that. But go back to that. And then kind of come up with those three words and then inch by inch. It’s essential. Remember, use that daily kind of to, to move forward. If you’re working with a coach, whether it’s Julie, which I hope you do hire, or anybody else, you know, ask for their personal story, how they did they go through the trenches, what did they do to level up, you know, and own who you are without apology, and always raise your ambition and deepen your discipline. And Julie does just that. She’s humble. Yes, she’s hungry. She levels up her health. She levels up her wealth. She’s part of the time to shine today. varsity squad. Thank you so much for coming on. We’re grateful. We’re blessed. Thank you so much for having me. This has been lots of fun Scott. I love it. Thank you, Julie. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New gym real estate. Real Estate excellence can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in Nugent comm if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today comm slash guest If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I hurt radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And then until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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