Welcome to Episode 185! Julian Hayes II is an author, an advisor & concierge health coach, and the host of Optimal Health for Busy Entrepreneurs. His advisory firm’s mission is to help entrepreneurs and the elite become superhuman in life and business without the guesswork.
Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Do it for the intention, not the attention
– Julian Hayes II
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great coach is willing to let their clients grow and find their own path
2. Live with a limitless and audacious mindset, push your potential
3. Push your needle by seeking out mentors
4. High performers actually slow down to speed up
5. Patiently execute your plan and when needed seek help
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Pick Up Julians Book: Body Architect (listen to full show for a chance at a FREE signed copy
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Julian Hayes the second with the artifice in life and if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:10
Time to shine today podcast varsity sweater to Scott Ferguson and I got a superhuman individual coming up with Episode 185. Use my really good buddy Julian Hayes the second, he has the website in business, the art of fitness and life.com. He’s just amazing. He dropped some serious knowledge and I guess the one that really stood out to me is do it for the intention, not the attention. And wow, that just blew me away. So just sit back relax, break out your notebooks because here comes my really good friend Julian Hayes the second from the art of fitness and life.com. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 0:54
Time to shine today varsity squatted a Scott Ferguson and I got a super human individual here, my really good friend, Julian Hayes from the build in Nashville, up in Tennessee, but he helps people worldwide. Julian hates the second he gives much to his father and I dig that about this cat. He’s an author and advisor and katzie air health coach and the most in the host of the optimal health for business busy entrepreneurs, which I’m going to want to direct you to there after you listen to his full interview. His advisory and by the way, hopefully you get an interview on there as well myself which I can’t wait, wink wink. His advisory firms mission is to help entrepreneurs and the elite become superhuman in life and business without the guesswork. So Julian, thank you for coming on the time to shine today’s show, please introduce yourself to the varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 1:46
Black? And when we think about black it is. It’s powerful. It’s it has an aura of mystery around it and its sophistication as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:57
You know me it’s slimming. I love it, man.
Unknown Speaker 2:01
That’s another good point. I love it. I
Unknown Speaker 2:04
love so let’s get the oranges to you, Julia man, you’re a rock star. You’re out there helping others level up. I mean, you if you gotta go to his twitter and see this cat. He’s built like a brick. He takes really good care of himself. He walks the walk that he talks. So Julian, let’s get into your story, brother.
Unknown Speaker 2:19
Yeah, well, it started around 1516 years old. I’m playing basketball. And there’s an older gentleman who is running up and down with us playing basketball. Now, granted, I have to say this. He did not outshine me on the court. I was not about to let that happen. But the thing about this guy that was so unique is before that time, I thought that my genes are my destiny. I thought when I get to 30, and after life starts to go downhill from there. Because what I saw was a lot of chronic illnesses, a lot of chronic disease, I saw a lot of a lot of uncles who ended up on dialysis. So I truly thought that that was my destiny, and that I better live it up for this next decade or so. And this guy changed my entire paradigm. And I got to talk with him after and I asked like, What’s your secret? Are you a superhero? Are you x men? Are you muted? Like, what what are you doing? And he said, very simply, it’s the way you talk to yourself. It’s the way you breathe. It’s the food you put into your body. It’s being committed to moving and treating people well. And that was a very boring answer to me. I wanted something a little bit more sophisticated. And it took me some years to really let that idea marinate in. But what he did there was plant a seed. And over the course of time, throughout life, I started taking care of my health more and more and more. And I saw that maybe my trajectory is changing a lot. And so this led me to medical school in New York. And when was in New York, I’m from Nashville, Tennessee. As you mentioned, New York’s a lot different from Nashville just a little bit, a little bit. And so I thought I was weird. I thought I was crazy. And I met some really weird people in New York. But what I also did, I met a lot of people who were really pursuing their dreams, who and everyone had a big dream in New York, everyone’s going to be an actor or winning Tony Awards. And I said, I sat in an anatomy class. It’s a test three hours long. I looked up halfway, I saw a lot of classmates, they’re like sweating bullets, you know, worried about getting answers, right? I just zone out and I think holy crap. This is not what I want to do. Right? And so I finished that year, I come back home. I wake up one random night, I look out the window, and it’s like, that’s it. I’m not going back to school. I’m gonna be a writer. I never told anyone I like to write or anything. This is this stuff. I kept secret. And I’m still going to be involved in health. And I want to coach and up until that point it did now it’s just been fast forward to today. It’s just been a constant evolution of learning, seeking out mentors to keep pushing the needle on potential and my potential.
Unknown Speaker 5:02
Wow, that that’s also push the needle on your potential. And you’re doing that by seeking out mentors, which in turn, you probably are mentoring people to is correct.
Unknown Speaker 5:12
Yeah, it’s kind of weird. I never thought to be at that stage. But now I get a few people asking questions now about that the similar calling of like, schools, very easy schools very easy for me to take a test and, you know, and but you’re giving up the good to potentially get something that’s even greater Sure, a lot of risk. And especially when you come from a background like mine, first generation, and it’s a lot of pride and say, hey, my son is going to be a doctor one day or raising my son, or daughter is going to be a lawyer or whatever. And then like, you’re going to do online coaching, consulting
Unknown Speaker 5:51
with your family, think about all that.
Unknown Speaker 5:53
So they asked for a drug test. They asked for a drug test, like a lot of friends. And I understand at first I was mad that they didn’t believe in Division I saw and everything, but I have to look at it from their point of view, their son just gave a lot of blood, sweat and tears, a lot of a lot of nice and forgoing partying and a typical college experience, to get the chance to go become a physician. And and now all of a sudden, he wants to just start writing. And I never knew he liked to write and he made a C throughout college and English. And like, what is this? So I understand it was more for they were concerned about me? Yeah, yeah. So I never take offense to that. And then I read the Four Agreements. And that
Unknown Speaker 6:42
really helped as well. Absolutely, man. Absolutely. So you kind of went over your fork in the road moment. That’s
Unknown Speaker 6:48
family. That’s awesome. What your family kind of thought of your choices. So if I’m at a networking event, presence of flesh, which we’re able to do a little bit here in South Florida, but anywhere maybe I’m just zoom in networking. Is there any good? How would I know if someone is would be a great connection? Great referral to Julian Hayes.
Unknown Speaker 7:11
Yeah, the second their life and health is, is pretty good right now. But they, they have this bug in their stomach that that there’s more, there’s another level to get to. And they also know that they’re probably pretty successful right now. And what success also comes to paradox is what I call the dark sides of success. And with that is, their time is in demand a lot more, they have a lot more responsibilities. And that’s less time for themselves. So when it comes to taking care of their well being, they can’t really afford to just hope and guess in terms of is this type of eating going to work? Is this type of exercise plan going to work for me? They need precision, they need certainty. And so that’s where I come in.
Unknown Speaker 7:54
So you’re What do you think makes a great coach? Mm
Unknown Speaker 7:59
hmm. I think oh, man, I forgot the book. Patrick lencioni. I think it’s called Getting, getting getting naked. Yes. And, yeah, very good title. But um, I think one willing to be wrong. And willing to also say you don’t know everything, but then also letting them grow. And not just being there just to give advice, but also to take the journey with them.
Unknown Speaker 8:29
Love that, like, You nailed it, man. It’s like, you don’t want to be a consultant, right? You want to like help them find their greatness and help them find it on their own, in a sense, correct. Am I saying that right, Julian?
Unknown Speaker 8:39
Yeah. Yeah. You know, when we use these words, like advisor, and you’re insulted, that’s professional jargon, and we need people to understand that when they go, but at the end of the day, these people aren’t all the answers, all the power is inside of us. And a lot of times, it’s not that we need to go out and get help. And we it’s more that we want it. We want to grow. We want to grow exponentially. We want to shorten the learning curve. Love that. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 9:05
So what if you don’t mind sharing some of that secret sauce? When you bring somebody who kind of isn’t a prospect that may turn into a client? What is some of that secret sauce to helping them find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 9:16
Yeah, well, it’s to do a very detailed audit of their life, their health, their body, like looking at every single input to their system. So I call the human body, you yourself, you are the system. And there’s a lot of different inputs to that. A lot of times if we’re thinking about health right now, we think just about nutrition, we think about the exercise plan, but what about our environment, right? That’s triggering our behaviors with food. What about what about our relationships? Do we have to buy in from those closest to as to be our support system, right? And not cause that friction. And so that’s one of the things right there. And then also, a lot of times with high performers we’d like to move at a fast pace. Sometimes the very best thing that we can do first and foremost is to slow down in order to speed up.
Unknown Speaker 10:05
Yes. Awesome, dude. Yeah, a lot of it resides in that six inches between your temples, man, you know, the trigger stuff? You know, I’ve learned that through the years as well. So when you’re starting to bring someone on, Julian, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you? But never do?
Unknown Speaker 10:24
Huh? Yeah, you know, I like what will I need to sacrifice in order to get this goal?
Unknown Speaker 10:31
Love it? That’s fantastic. You know? Yeah, that’s true. Because a lot of them think that you’re just going to kind of guide them and just tell them to do this, this and this, but they want to know, you know, the time like you just said there are a lot of people are pressed for time, you know, you’re going to have to sacrifice to different things to make more time, in a sense, you know, you’re going to have to lose a little bit of time to make more time and that’s fantastic, man. That’s awesome. So are you familiar with the movie Back to the Future?
Unknown Speaker 11:00
A little bit with Marty McFly, okay. Well, my movie, my movie. My movie knowledge is not that no problem.
Unknown Speaker 11:06
So anyways, he got a DeLorean he went back in time. So if you could get in a DeLorean, go back to the 20 year old Julian, what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on him? To help him level up, shorten that learning curve and blast through
Unknown Speaker 11:21
two things come to mind. Number one is to patiently execute. And the second one is to go ask for help. That’s a tough one for me to start asking for help. So I’m an only child. And if any, and a lot of things. I’ve been a career student for most of my life, and to get good grades just needs to rely on myself in time. And so it was hard to really go out and ask for help. Because I thought it was saying that I’m weak as a man, I’m not I’m not good enough. So I wish I did that. And my learning curve would have been so much short, because the crazy thing is a lot of these people that we look at as very successful, and everything, they’d love to get back because they know how hard it is to get to where they are. And they know that it takes a village to succeed and where they are right now. They wouldn’t have gotten there without a lot of people.
Unknown Speaker 12:15
I love that you say that. Because mentoring, I do a lot of mentoring myself. And, you know, my mentor told me that, you know, the more you mentor, the more immortal you become. Right? So it’s like you, you pass it on, pass it on there, keep passing it down, pass it down, let’s face test and also patiently execute squad. I mean, that is what we talk about all the time, inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard, you know, like, patiently execute and ask for that help. That’s that. That’s awesome, Julian. So how do you want your dash? Remember, you know, that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date? How do you want Julian’s dash remember?
Unknown Speaker 12:48
Yeah, I read that every morning. I have a folder. It’s the mindset 2.0 folder. That’s the last thing and some of the I’m not gonna read the whole thing on here. And some of those things in my head is that, you know, audacious mindset. Limitless and inspiring to really push your potential.
Unknown Speaker 13:07
Wow. So you said audacious mindset. And push that potential. Wow. Squad, you better be taking notes, because I know that I am. This man is dropping some serious serious knowledge nuggets, man. That’s fantastic. So Julie, what keeps you up at night, man?
Unknown Speaker 13:25
If I can do more, and I want to do more,
Unknown Speaker 13:28
yeah. Is that you know, like, you haven’t done enough A lot of times, right? You’re like, Oh, I could accomplish more, the older you get cuz I’m coming up on 50. And I learned that, that 24 hours in a day is actually real. It’s like all that time management that that’s that’s awesome, man.
Unknown Speaker 13:44
Yeah, you know, believe it or not. I don’t really like to sleep. Now. I’m, I’m fairly diligent with my sleep, because I realized that it gives me power. But if there’s ever a day, where there’s a sleep pill, a limitless pill, I will be first in line for it. So I know I can have more time to do things.
Unknown Speaker 14:03
Yeah, that Me too. Maybe I’ll be right in line next to you, man. And I’ll have whatever amount of money that they need to make that happen in my hand. As we level things down just a little bit. We have our leveling up lightning round. Julian we do five or six questions. I’m going to ask you, zero, no explanations. Okay. I just want first thing that comes to your mind. We’ll move on to the next question. You ready?
Unknown Speaker 14:26
Unknown Speaker 14:27
awesome. Let’s level up. What is the best leveling up Julian’s advice Julian’s ever received.
Unknown Speaker 14:33
Do it for the intention, not the attention.
Unknown Speaker 14:36
Oh my gosh, share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. I’m
Unknown Speaker 14:45
playing salsa music every morning.
Unknown Speaker 14:47
I get that movement going. I’d love Love, love it. So other than your own websites, which is the art of life and fitness or to fitness and life.com and of course time To shine today.com my shameless plug what website Do you like to go to to to level up and get rockin?
Unknown Speaker 15:07
Man, I forgot the name of it. But it’s a it’s a hotel. It’s like just a bunch of hotels. I would say wallpaper wallpaper, I think calm or design. Okay, I like looking at design and beautiful things.
Unknown Speaker 15:20
Obviously if you’re watching on YouTube, look behind them and the place is decked out. It’s beautiful. So if I’m in my doldrums just not feeling it. And you’re like Fergie read this book. What’s that book?
Unknown Speaker 15:32
Hmm, that’s a good one.
Unknown Speaker 15:36
I think I like outwitting the devil Napoleon Hill.
Unknown Speaker 15:39
Oh, there you go. Love it. They just did another write up on that. I know I’m breaking my own rule. But they they did another write up on that with Sharon lechter. just did that. So really, it was Sharon lechter. Yeah, literally just dropped. So I have to check that out again. So what’s your most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 15:56
Unknown Speaker 15:58
I think the fire symbol for
Unknown Speaker 16:01
fire Love it. Love it. What’s your favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and or money to?
Unknown Speaker 16:06
Right now? It was the mission and the National mission.
Unknown Speaker 16:12
Okay. Love it. Love it. That’s great. And keeping it local and keeping it real love that last question. You can, you know, kind of give us a reason on this one. But what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 16:29
I wasn’t even born during this decade. But it has to be the 70s All right. How old are you?
Unknown Speaker 16:34
How old are you, brother?
Unknown Speaker 16:36
I’m biologically or chronologically. I’m 34. Okay, logic. Biologically, I’m in my 20s you can bet Oh, yeah. But it has to be the 70s and you know, my dad in green, how the music’s playing. So you got Earth Wind and Fire. My favorite artist is Marvin Gaye. Ice.
Unknown Speaker 16:55
I got Motown bringing in. I’m from Detroit, bro. So it’s like, I love I love my 70s music and I’m a product of 80s. I was born in 72. But it’s like my product of the 80s. So I’m like, so I feel Yeah, all decades. That’s what I my answer is like, I just love music really even say salsa. It’s funny. I used to get hired by a guy in Jupiter, Florida here to actually come into a salsa dancing restaurant, and go take the ladies out of their chairs to get them dancing and stuff. That was some of the funniest times in my life.
Unknown Speaker 17:27
I love that seems like an awesome job. Yeah, I got into salsa because I needed to work on kind of getting out of my comfort zone. Now. I’m a typical wallflower.
Unknown Speaker 17:37
Really? Yeah. never known that from your social man. I mean, that’s a You’re like a brag or anything, but you just seem like you want to give so much great content that people
Unknown Speaker 17:45
yeah, it’s a scale. That’s you just it’s like a mission. You say, Okay, this is where I want to go. These are the skills I need to do. So it’s like a video game. I need to level up this character. So let’s do it.
Unknown Speaker 17:55
Love it. So how can we find you Julian?
Unknown Speaker 17:58
Like you said, the home base is the artifice in life.com. And there you’ll see the links to the podcast optimal health for busy entrepreneurs. And you’ll also by the time this is released, you’ll be able to see a to join me for my private newsletter. It’s going to be called I think superhuman Insider. So Wow. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 18:17
how about that? Any books you’ve written? You said you’re an author?
Unknown Speaker 18:21
Oh, yeah. It’s a book called body architect. It’s I think it’s like I call it like a fitness origin story. I read it a few years ago.
Unknown Speaker 18:27
Okay. And can you find that?
Unknown Speaker 18:30
It’s on him? Yeah, it’s on Amazon.
Unknown Speaker 18:32
Okay. All right, Scott. What I’m going to do is I’m going to give out a free Is it a print copy. Also, it is alright, squat. I’m gonna give out a free I’m gonna buy it have it shipped to Julian he’s gonna john Hancock it and hopefully he’ll pick up the postage and mail it out to you. But the first person that replies on either Twitter or LinkedIn Facebook fan page for time to shine today, we’ll get a free book from Julian, I’d be happy to send that out to you. And Julian will sign it for you. So Julian, leave us. Hold on. Tell us about your podcast, man.
Unknown Speaker 19:05
Yeah, so it’s called optimal health for busy entrepreneurs. And it’s the marriage of what I call science and business. So we’re talking health on air, but we’re also having entrepreneurs on there as well to talk about their day in life and how to keep themselves going. Because as an entrepreneur as a high performer, health is not just physical, then it’s a lot mental. It’s a lot of emotional. It’s a lot of relationships. So it’s a lot of that in there. So it’s a little different than probably the typical health podcast. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 19:35
I love it. So leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you can help that will help us that we should internalize and take action on
Unknown Speaker 19:44
Hmm, yeah. today. I think what the way the world is right now it’s to you got to stay focused on your mission, really know your mission and stay focused on what you’re building right now. Because there’s a lot going in the world right now, and sometimes that can make you feel like you don’t have any control or that you don’t have a lot of power but if you really step back and look at the big picture and look at your goals, you you have all the power in the world to make it happen still, lava and squad you’ve been basically given a free masterclass by my good friend here, Julian Hayes the second from the art of fitness and life.com. You know, he’s a superhuman human being,
Unknown Speaker 20:28
you know, he’s also believes in humankind human kindness, he will remind you that your genes are not your destiny, that you need to level up the way you talk to yourself, the food you eat, that your movement and how you treat people, if you do those things, you can attain your greatness every single day. He wants to make sure that you push them that he pushes his needle by mentoring, you know, you know that there’s always another level. And if you know that there is and you’re stuck, let me make a warm introduction to you. And Julian, I can do that he thinks that a great coach is willing to be wrong. But he’s also willing to correct that wrong. And he will also help you find your own path. He’s not a consultant or an advisor, he’s going to help guide you. So you can make your own decision. You want you to paint patiently execute again, like we say here, inch by inch, it’s a cinch He wants you to patiently execute. But while you’re executing, if you’re stuck, ask for frickin help reach out to people. Don’t be too proud, because they can help shorten that learn learning curve. You know, he’s limitless. He wants to have that audacious mind and he wants you to push your potential. And this one just stuck out man cuz I got like two pages of notes here, people. But listen, man, do it for intention, not attention. That is the most humble thing anyone’s ever said. And the 185 interviews that have did so far that is fantastic. Make sure that you look out for his superhuman Insider, his newsletter that’s coming out. Most of all, stay focused on your mission. And Julian, you’re the epitome of a go giver. You’re leveling up your health, you’re leveling up your wealth. I appreciate you carving your valuable time to come on the time to shine today. podcast. You’ve earned your varsity letter here. Thank you so so much for coming on my
Unknown Speaker 22:07
friend. Thank you so much. And also thank you for your service as well.
Unknown Speaker 22:10
I appreciate it, brother. Talk soon.
Unknown Speaker 22:12
All right, peace. Hey, thanks
Unknown Speaker 22:14
so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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