Welcome to Episode 43. As a serial entrepreneur Josh Tapp has dedicated his life to helping fellow busy entrepreneurs connect with other like minded people to expand and explode their business. Josh is the host of the outstanding podcast The Lucky Titan. Enjoy!
Credit education is key to a healthy financial life
– Matt Seidle
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
1. Do not be scared of your ideal customer. No matter their status.
2. Stay away from cut and paste – people want to work with you (a human being)
3. Leverage joint venture opportunities.
4. Your goal needs to be collaboration to provide value to your customer
5. Become a part of a mastermind group ASAP. You are not alone and what is cool everyone in your group is going to help you solve your problems
6. Live a life of risks. Whether they worked out or not, the wisdom you gain is key.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – hover and click
Join Josh at The Tribe of Titans
Josh’s Linked In Profile
Lucky Titans Facebook Group
The Lucky Titan on Instagram
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Speech Transcript
Hey, this
is john path with the lucky pi did. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Hey, time to shine today podcast squad. It’s Scott Ferguson and I am very excited to bring on my guest Josh tap from the lucky Titan. He helps content creators modernize and scale their audiences. So if you have a company or a online business and you want to level it up, Josh is one of the guys that you definitely need to connect with. He’s an active podcast or you can find them at the lucky Titan on all the podcast directories. And it was a fantastic conversation. We’re going to dive into taking risks to connecting with people to not being a robot and actually putting the human touch into your communication. So without further ado, here’s Josh Tap of the lucky Titan. Let’s level up.
Time to shine today squad I am super, super Uber super, super Uber stoked to have on Josh tap from the lucky Titan. Fantastic fantastic podcaster I pick up so many knowledge nuggets from him pretty much on a daily basis. And if you’ve ever wondering how people hit their lucky break, you actually think it’s luck. The made them see the overnight success or you actually see the work or you want to hear about the work that goes into it then you need to check out the lucky Titan podcast. And he’s also has about it’s helped over 250 audience owner owners, help them optimize and scale their audience from day one helping them instigate an audience collaborate network. So welcome to the show. Josh, please share with our squad, your favorite color. And why?
Blue because I love the ocean. There we go. That’s the most common color that everybody likes.
I’ll tell you what, if you listen to any of my I probably 98% are blue. Some guys have come in red and Red Rock and stuff like that. But Blue Blue. I live point eight miles from the Atlantic Ocean here in South Florida. So it’s like I’m there every day. So that’s awesome. So tell us a little background. Josh, tell us little bit about about the lucky Titan and how you get your origins how you got started?
Yeah, so I actually when I first got started with the lucky Titan, I was running a marketing agency for small business owners. So we actually did Facebook ads for small business owners, which is kind of that, I guess, five years ago, that was the business to be in right. It was a great place to get into because there were no barriers to entry whatsoever. It took about maybe $1,000 to learn how to do it and then you are good to go. grew that while I was going to college and ended up having it buying me out of college I graduated, started my masters. But while I was doing all that I ended up growing this business and started to scale it out. So I got to a point though one day where I woke up and realized I am not doing what I want to do. And I sat down with a mentor of mine. His name is Michael Maitland, if you ever heard of him, multi millionaire guy, and he sat down with me and said, hey, why do you do what you do? And I was like, man, I couldn’t tell you, you know, I’m like, Well, I like money. You know, there’s good money there. I like my customer. You know, I love working with small business owners and and, and I love the marketing. And he’s like, well, the Why aren’t you happy it out? Right? And it came to came to my realization that my problem was is that the relationship I had with people was was wrong. It wasn’t it wasn’t. You know, right for me, I guess because so for some people that done for your relationships, great. But for me, what it was is I wasn’t spending a lot of time Time with customers, you know, building relationships, I wasn’t focused heavily on the marketing side of it, I had to focus a ton of my time on the sales and begging for business. And so I sat down with this guy, my mentor, he’s like, Well, how about you just change? Why don’t you do something else and, and man, that was that was a come to Jesus moment for me. And I was like, Man, I’ve gotta, I’ve got to change what I’m doing. And so we decided to do is I basically sold out all my shares of that I actually only own 10% of versity marketing now. But, and we started the podcast. And pretty quickly, it ended up scaling and growing and people started coming to me to ask for my help with coaching. And actually, right now all we do is run masterminds so I focus on helping people build groups of people to be able to mastermind with them. Right and that’s us in a nutshell.
No, I love it. You had mentioned in one of your podcasts that you can’t really be a coach, unless the other person’s on board. Right me ask you something. How Do you approach somebody to bring them on board? Or are people approaching you more?
So that’s a good question. And the reason I told the story about versity marketing is to answer that exact question. Because when I was doing bursty, marketing, we were spending so much time begging for business. You know, you spent a lot of time with lead generation, you’re doing the sales, you’re trying to come up with all these amazing sales tactics. But then when I started this podcast, I had people come to me and say, What can I pay you to help me with my business? And these are like, I had a nine figure earner come to me and say, Hey, I need your help with this. And I was like, what, you know, table’s turned right. And they come with wallets wide open. That’s when you become a coach. And for me, this is where I get really frustrated with people as everybody tries to just start being a coach. But you don’t become a coach until a student chooses you, in my opinion,
and you have to actually be a consultant almost before a coach and right, give them half of value, correct?
Yeah. 100% and I would even, I would even say one of the things that people and this is kind of what we teach is even more, so than Becoming a consultant. A lot of it’s about just getting around the right people. Because if you become known as the person who gets the right people in the right room, so for us, we build out a mastermind, right? When I first started, we had my mentor come in. So I leverage the fact that he was a millionaire. And we got multiple other millionaires in this room with them. Right? Right. They were talking about how to monetize and scale their audience, which is actually what I was good at. So by reciprocity, I was really cool, even though I was pretty much brand new in the industry. And we were able to leverage that relationship. And that’s when people started coming to me saying, Can you coach consult me? What have you? Right? The difference between being a reporter and a coach?
Oh, absolutely. So you’re really kind of you were, in a sense, what I would say a nuisance because I have people that run my Facebook ads and stuff. It’s a necessity, but it’s almost like a nuisance. You’re like crap, and there’s money that’s going out there. So then you kind of moved over into where you’re having to go out, make connections, make relationships and sales, and so give us our listeners, some tips on how they can kind of dig deep enough in build those relationships with a new people.
Yeah, well, so the first thing I would tell people is to not be scared of your ideal customer. And people guess everybody kind of has their ideal customer like, yeah, be so great if I could work with millionaires, but you know, I’m not cool enough yet. The reality is, is the millionaire people are actually a lot more accessible than you think they are. For us what I decided to do, I was like, Hey, you know what, I want to work with people who I don’t have to be pulling from their mortgage in order to provide a good service for them. Right? Which for us, you know, and this is what’s kind of funny, Scott, you know, you having a real estate background, we worked with a lot of real estate agents. And I mean, that money comes out of their pocket, you know, and whether they’re wealthy or not, they’re like, well, this is like my mortgage money, you know, but with somebody who’s already built a million dollar business, you know, they’re willing to just throw money at whatever they got to do to be able to level it up but most people actually plateau at that seven figure mark. So for most people, if you’re wanting to reach out and and scale a business or create those sales opportunities, I leverage LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the number one platform we both
work with.
Yeah, absolutely. And it’s because what we do is we actually have a system we use to connect with the right people. But I don’t use any sort of automated conversation software which by the way, I’m going to totally call people out for that. Don’t do that. You can start a relationship with automation by say, Okay, this is my ideal customer, send one message and then you need to take over,
right along the line advice, guys, a squad, listen to that. Every everything that I do start with an automated message. I’m like, I’m Josh got one. But then I reached out said, Man, I’m stoked that you’re going to come on. And here is my questionnaire. Here’s my flow. And if there’s anything we need to talk about before, so thank you for saying that to specs. I tried to get that over to them all the time, especially when building relationships they don’t want to already talked enough robots on that handheld and everything they’re doing all day. So I appreciate you saying that
man. Well, and let’s, let’s face it, I mean, if you want to, I guess the problem that a lot of people have is they’re more concerned about bulk relationship. Chips, where what I teach people is how to leverage joint venture opportunities. So your goal isn’t one to one, your goal is from one to many. Sure. So what you should be doing is focusing on not just reaching out to your ideal customer, you’re reaching out to somebody who owns an audience of your ideal customer. So for example, let me give you an example here. So we had a guy, he found us, he came on my podcast, I hadn’t really ever heard of him. He came, joined our mastermind, we became really good friends. And he said, hey, let’s do a joint venture deal. I’d like to promote what you’re doing. I’m like, great. You know, usually people say that they have like, 1000 people in their audience, I’m fine to do that, right? Like, is every single person that we can help? I’m totally in for that. Right? But usually, you don’t get these people with big audiences. And he came to me and he said, Dude, I have over 200,000 people in my audience, and I’ve never sold him a single thing. Wow, I’m just like, are you serious right now that’s green pastures, man if you’re a marketer. And what was funny is so he runs the success motivation inspiration Facebook page, right? And he is a Bunch of followers across all the platforms multimillionaire guy. And you know, he’s never sold anything on these platforms. So he’s like, hey, let’s, let’s sell your podcast on there. And so we literally for free, I had to sell my podcast excuse me, so my mastermind on there, right. But I had to spend a single dollar in advertising. We I went on to his platform, we ended up you know, he just had me come on and teach what I teach here, like on podcasts, and we had a bunch of people come over and join the mastermind. And that’s, that’s like, that’s the reason why I love doing that. Because instead of me having to go out and say, Okay, I’ve got it. I’ve got to reach out to 300 people so I can get 18 of them to meet with me and have those 18 I’m going to sell five, right, right. Yeah. And that’s a process that everybody thinks about. But literally within one hour of work, I sat down and we had like, 10 times that amount come through, because I’ll go ahead.
How was his engagement already with having 200,000 people?
That was a funny thing. He had very poor engagement. Okay, and I hope he does. Listen this I’m sorry, Curtis.
So I was wondering like, because I have people that I know that I mastermind with that have, you know, cuz there’s 40,000 plus of you time to shine, you know, subscribers out there thank you again. But and luckily they engage I mean, I’m getting about a 14% open rate on emails that I’m sending out and other people have bigger, you know, audiences like that and so can you tell us maybe what you did without sharing too much of the secret sauce to get him started?
How do you meet like to get to get our customer started or to get that relationship get
his relationship back rekindled with his his audience?
Yeah, I’m always open to give the secret sauce By the way, I hold nothing back. So
thank you for women. Yeah,
yeah. Well, when when you’re trying to create a relationship like that, everybody, everybody’s like black and white. They’re like, they’re either it’s about me, or it’s about you, how much value can I provide? But your goal needs to not be that your goal needs to be thinking about collaboration, who are people that I can collaborate with? Because everybody knows if you’re providing value, you’re eventually going to ask for something Right, right? Um, I don’t I don’t say that’s a dumb method. I mean, you definitely should be providing value to people on. But you should be coming at them with a collaboration sense. So for this guy, right, he promoted me I promoted him. It was a trade. Right before we both have an audience, it was very easy to promote each other. Because if you’re the if you’re looking to create relationships like this, though, I can tell you the exact method we use to connect with people like this. So first off, LinkedIn is beautiful, because pretty much everybody will connect with you. As long as you don’t connect with them, then send them a link right? That’s a big no no, do not send people links unless you’ve asked them can I send you a link but the messaging that I that I do with people is I actually look up specific people again, who own my ideal audience. God so for example, I look for a podcaster who helps audience owners are like content creators, for example. So if they’re a podcast host YouTube channel on or what have you. We I find people like that who have an audience of people like that. So for example, I’m this guy, right? He has the success. motivate Inspiration page, which is a very heavy entrepreneur group. And I saw the group actually spread out of the example because I had already met him, let me share a different one with this guy named Frank Kagan. Right. So Frank, he has a huge networking group all across the US. We were trying to launch another product. I found him on there. And instead of just saying, Oh, hey, like kissing, but you know, I’m saying so everybody tries to do, I gave him a genuine compliment. I went through I read his articles. And this is what we do with everybody takes takes about 15 minutes to do your research on this one person. But I reached out to her I read his articles reached out to him with a message that just said, Hey, thanks for this little snippet. I really love what you teach about this. Would you be willing to come teach that to my audience?
all we did is I use the podcast, which is something you can set up in two hours if you don’t know. It allowed me to meet with him. And in an hour we became friends and we were able to create a joint venture deal and he owns one of the largest networking companies in the US. So there’s people like him that you can Do that with and here’s the thing. He’s he is one of hundreds of them because what we do is out of every 100 people will have about 98 say yes to me, when I use this method. Well,
you’re personally engaging with them. You’re not right, looking like a robot. Right?
Right. Okay. When do you think about that? Okay, well, yeah, it takes about 15 minutes of time to get in with them and everything. But how long does it take you to reach out to 100? People with automated conversations, do an hour sales call all this other trash have to do with this people just to get one sale? Correct. But with people like Frank, I can do that we do a joint venture opportunity. And we’re going to get 10 to 100 sales from him with zero dollar spent and very little time honestly, after all said and done. And so I’m a huge advocate of creating these these joint venture deals because this is the way to grow today, even more so than ads and I’m an ads guy. I understand the importance of Facebook ads. Sure. These deals are what I know this is what helps you scale times 10
love it. I love it. So tell me a little bit Tell me a little story about maybe your worst will call you an entrepreneur entrepreneur moment so far to date that you’ve had challenges that you’ve had to overcome.
Honestly, um, I think one of the worst ones was was I already can explain I was with bursty marketing was having that crap I’m not doing what I want to do. Stop you know, waking up not really appreciating my customers. I didn’t like the relationship I was forming with them. I didn’t like have to beg all the time. Um, but there’s actually been five different times I want five different companies and I’m the first four have either failed or we closed out adversity, marketing, right, right. And all of those were your great businesses. I genuinely believed in what I was doing and everything but you know, business, the business cycle happens, you’re going to fail. But the beautiful part is once you failed, you’re never going to forget.
You hear that squad. He just said basically, you’re never gonna find Forget your failures. Like we always say, when you fail, you fail forward, you back up that What’s your goal is with persistence and doesn’t recognize failure. And I love that about Josh. Because if he goes through five businesses and he’s still succeeding, then he’s very easily put in me a persistence. Tommy, Josh, what’s with having five businesses? And some of them were failures somewhere for successes, and now you’re, you’re you’re rolling now? What’s the one thing you know for sure?
One thing I know for sure is, it’s all about trying again, you’re always going to have that next obstacle and it never gets easier, right? Everybody says, Oh, you know, like, I’ll just be happy when I’ll just be happy when and I know, this is super cliche, but it’s, like you mentioned before, you know, if you if you quit, what like if you have a business that fails, then you just quit. You say, I’m going to go back and you know, work corporate america forever, right? You’ve given up right and you’ve actually closed off whether you believe in God the universe or whatever you’ve called closed off the opportunity for you to be able to progress
and receive from tourism want to give you right? Because it’s a 100%.
Gosh, it’s infinite. And the one of the things that’s hard for a lot of people is people think black and white, like, Oh, well, I’m either an entrepreneur, or I’m a I’m a business owner, right. But for most people that the beauty of today’s world is that you can do both. You can start a business while you’re working at very comfortable job in the evening times. And so you know, how everybody says like 95% of businesses fail within the first year. Sure. They’ve actually recently released a study that 33% of side hustles actually succeed.
Wow, that’s beautiful. Now those 95% that fail, I wonder how many quit saying there’s a difference between failure and quit. I mean, failure, you can push, push, push, a lot of people just get tired of the grip because Britain as a monotonous activity. You know, you gotta bite down that mouthpiece and progress every day. I knew about that, and I really And, you know, the stuff that I had to do back in my earlier years, but what’s one thing that has blown Josh, Josh taps mind was the one thing is blowing your mind.
Right now it’s been masterminds.
And if you’ve ever been a part of a mastermind before, I was one of those skeptics. It’s kind of like counseling, right? Like getting therapy. Sure. Like, all those things are like, you don’t really understand the value of it till you do it. Right. And, and for us, what’s been really crazy was getting people into these masterminds So for us, right, we’re bringing in multimillionaires to come join in these these audiences, right. But I can bring a brand new person to here and what’s blowing my mind is that they’re getting these connections and scaling their business 10 times as fast. And for me, that’s what’s been happening for us right you know, I’m still newer in the in the entrepreneurial game. And, you know, the relationships that have been coming and how quickly we’ve been able to scale without spending any money has just blown the doors wide open for us.
I love that. I love that. So the master It’s you do them via like zoom or like
how do you do your masterminds?
So the first one I joined was Tony Robbins and Dean grassy OC Do you know who they are?
Yeah, yeah if you’re listening Oh awesome
i love it Dean is incredible. I love his stuff and I love Tony Robbins is his partner you know and pretty much everything they do they’re just they’re great live right down the street here. So you’re gonna come to your house I wish really incredible stuff right but so for us the first mastermind I joined was by those guys okay, um, and they they basically what they did is they created an opportunity for people newer business owners to be able to come in and, and mastermind as it’s called, about what’s working and what’s not working in their business. Okay, I’m the first time I went to one It blew me away. I’m it’s 10 times better than any course you’re going to take or anything you’re ever going to do and you’re going to leave with 10 times the value because you’re not going One person trying to solve your problem by studying you’re having everybody in the room helps you solve those problems and the cool part is you’re always going to have somebody in that room who has already been through the trial your bit you’ve been through a lot I believe this in everything this isn’t just in business. We actually we’ve helped a couple people do this with like parenting with other people have been doing it with pet therapy and things like that, right? So if you’re doing lots of different ways, it’s all about figuring and talking about your you know, what’s what’s happening in your life, because we’re just kind of hiding behind our computers our whole goal and my whole goal with our company is to get people out and away from our out for behind their computer. So they’re not sitting here trying to accomplish things while hiding in their basement. Right, right.
They’re able to get out and gate engage and like I like to say press some flesh every once in a while shake hands, meet people and think that way. I love that. Hey, Josh, what are outside of your cell phone? What are three things that you cannot live without?
My wife
love it. Yeah, def definitely not a thing but person. So that’s so that’s a really good question. The things I can’t live without my mic is definitely one. I’ve got to have a mic at all times. Because you never know what’s going to happen. man that’s that’s a good question. You’re stumping me pretty good here.
though that’s not that’s not my what I want to do, but I’d like to get to my squad because they hear me a lot. You know, you know, three or four podcasts a week and they hear me a lot I like to hear what other people I actually think that one thing you could do that was your mastermind, you know, the people that you’re, you know, rely on you not relying on you’re able to pay it forward a lot but you’re also gaining a lot of wisdom and knowledge nuggets from them as they pass them down to you. That’s That’s fantastic. What you’re, what you’re doing is, is just awesome. And so with that being said, your family man, you love to give you’re a go giver. What is your definition of a life well lived
Honestly, I think a life well lived is one where you take risks. And you can look back and say, Man, I took so many risks.
Right and you say you whether they worked out or not right in right, but hey man I got after it. bigdata my mouthpiece. I’ll just move forward. All right, Joshua, I do have one of those level up lightning rounds. About five or five questions. You and I could talk for 20 minutes each on these lists limit to like five to seven seconds. Perfect. Ready? All right. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Create joint venture partnerships,
theory of it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
I am a daily routine and I wake up every single day at 630 some people are a lot they rise earlier than that, but for me, it’s it’s the routine the
rise would love it. Other than your own website, the lucky Titan, and of course time to shine today.com What is a great internet resource you can recommend to our squad
eo fire calm Jamie
okay recommend a book and why just in five seconds so give me a book that you’re it’s your go to you’re feeling drums you know feeling bad doldrums what book Yeah.
Talk like Ted by Carmine Gallo.
Know what very few people here to that but I know it I’ve read
it that’s also changed my life that book did
all right last one you’re the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s
Oh, I’m a 90s child. All right,
brother. Awesome, cool. Alright before we end leave us our squad with a knowledge nuggets you definitely want them to take away with them.
With everything we’ve talked about today. The one thing I hope that you will take away from this is that you need to go out there and you need to take risks, be willing to get a platform to stand on. If you don’t have a podcast. You don’t have a Facebook group you don’t have any sort of thing that you’re building an audience on. You’re losing in business I don’t care how successful you are because you’re leaving relationships off the table right or on the table whatever you want to call it. So definitely make make the opportunity make time even if it’s five minutes a week that you can dedicate to something make make time to have have an audience
or Josh we know who can find you on the lucky Titan calm also on LinkedIn. But where else can we find you? Are there any events or masterminds or anything that you want to share? We’ll put them all in the show notes for him
yeah awesome. So everything we do actually runs through the lucky Titans calm so the lucky Titans calm some people forget to put in their coupon of the the beginning of starting a business. Right? Right. But one of the best places I like to send people is if you’re just if you’re getting started and you know a lot of your listeners are still like in the job realm. Come join us over in the tribe of Titans. So it’s the lucky Titan. or excuse me, it’s tribe dot the lucky Titan. calm. And you can access that through the lucky Titan calm as well. But that’s just a free community that we have. We actually don’t host it on Facebook or LinkedIn or anything is a proprietary social media platform that we’ve built to help you build high level connections.
I’m going that and Oh, awesome. Sorry. Yeah, that’s that’s awesome. Any, any other events or places? Oh,
yeah. So I mean, that’s just definitely the first place to go. If you do want to join us and one of our masterminds, you can check us out at the lucky Titans calm slash, ah, g which stands for audience hyper growth.
Gotcha. hg. Alright, well, Josh, this is awesome in a squad out there. Get yourself a platform to stand on. You know, whether it’s a podcast, a website, we’re always talking about leveling up our health or wealth, right. We’re talking about staying humble and staying hungry, all in the service of people. And I am super stoked that Josh you’re part of our squad now like it or not, you’re here to stay. I like everybody. Get over to the lucky Titans calm now and join at least his free tribe of tribe of Titans. Correct Josh? Right. Yeah, get joined at least there. Okay, and then go back to my Facebook group, and then put tribe of Titans in there as well. And then that’s hashtag tribe of Titans all over social media. So again, man, I’m humbled. Josh, I’m honored to have you on. And thank you so much for taking while more than enough of your valuable time brother.
Yeah, Thanks a ton for having me on.
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest If you liked this episode, Please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting that. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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