Welcome to Episode 132 – Jon Dwowskin is a good friend of mine from my home state of Michigan. He is a highly sought after coach that helps companies Level UP and does it in a really unique way that he lays out in full in our interview! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
A life well lived is where you are aligned with your purpose and passion
– Jon Dwoskin
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. JD loves helping people get unstuck
2. If you are stuck and have an awareness that you want to grow and ready to do the work, let us get you in touch with JD
3. Reverse engineer all the small things you need to do every day to compound over time
4. A great coach is a good listener and hears and sees things other people miss
5. Ask your coach and yourself, how you can get back to center faster (alignment)
6. Make sure you respond and not react – be conscious and mindful
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Jon’s Book: The Think Big Movement
Jon’s Linked IN
Jon Dwoskin Experience Facebook Group
Jon’s Instagram
Jon’s Twitter
Jon’s Youtube Channel
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is Jaguar skin with a Jaguar and experience and if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:10
Time to shine today podcasts varsity squad to Scott Ferguson weird Episode 132 with my really good friend, and homeboy from Michigan, john dwoskin, from the john dwoskin experience. This is a coach that sees and hears things that some other coaches don’t really do. And I’m not knocking any of my other other coaches but john is a very special human being. He’s if you’re stuck, he can really help you get unstuck. He reverse engineers his program to help you do the small things and get that habit stacking, like we like to say, and get moving forward and level up. So without further ado, I’m so excited to bring you my interview with my really good friend john dwoskin.
Unknown Speaker 1:05
Time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and I have my homeboy if you’re watching on video, he’s from Detroit got Detroit vs. Everybody Everyone knows that the mitten is my home. It’s like a little brother I can talk shit about them, but nobody else can so but my boy john here he, we go way back probably almost yeah years to the early 2000s. And he ripped through the commercial real estate side of things he was in still is somebody that they go to for consulting. But he crushed it. I believe he was at a company called Marcus and Millichap at that time, and he was absolutely on fire. And even during the Oh, a crisis. JOHN found a way I guess it was called back then shifting now they’re called pivoting. But he called it he found a way to shift and still level up in the industry and I was in the residential side and I literally got sunk and everybody knows that story. Because I didn’t shift the way that john did he thrived during the time. And that is why he has one of the top coaching consulting businesses that’s out there. I mean, john is a friend. He’s somebody that I really look up to and I’ve been stoked and stoked and patient waiting for him to be able to have the time to come on and share with us his company the john dwoskin john dwoskin experience I’m just going to call him JD because I have played Yeah, this is a business coaches I did advisor he’s an author of a fantastic book that I’m going to have a giveaway at the end so think big movement, grow your business big, very big. his motto is think big, and he will show you how to get unstuck and accelerate your growth and john JD, please introduce yourself to the spot. First Johnny What is your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:51
My favorite color is blue. I don’t know why it’s always been blue. I just find it a relaxing color and, and it I feel like it keeps me growing. it. I love it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:02
So john, I JD I know you a little bit. Yeah. But when we get into the origins of, of JD Okay, what you kind of went through a little I told a little bit about your story, but then get it up to, you know, the john dwoskin experience.
Unknown Speaker 3:16
Yeah. I mean, I’ll give a quick, Jess. Well, first of all, thanks for having me on the show. It’s great to see you. It’s always great connecting with you. I’ve always loved everything that you’ve done. You were the first person I called many, many years ago, cuz you were one of the very first people on Periscope. And I had and I really wasn’t sure how to use it. And I called you. And I actually was cleaning out during COVID my wife and I were cleaning our basement and I found this box with everything that you told me to buy for Periscope, but at the time I got it. periscope is like almost over
Unknown Speaker 3:47
a rabbit man. Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:50
So yeah, so you’ve always been, you know, forward thinking in my book, but so just in quick summary, Scott, I’m 48 years old. I started My business coaching company a little over five years ago. And prior to that, in out of college, I started an internet company that I was responsible for, you know, all the sales and growing the sales team, and basically business planning for everybody in the business. And we sold that company two years later to at the time, the largest internet professional service firm in the world. I was a partner in that company for a couple years until my contract was up. And then I, I moved from there to commercial real estate, selling apartments throughout Michigan. And then after six years of that I was just kind of restless. I’m an entrepreneur by spirit. And I wanted to start my own business, but I got offered the opportunity to actually take over the Detroit office, and I did that so I took over August 4 of a weight and the market crashed in September. And then over the course of six years, the office was just flattened at the recession. It was it was just a horrific time, but also a great time to grow and to learn. To lead and to grow my skill set until lead my office at Marcus I was a national, regional, regional, national and regional trainer. I grew my office after the recession to 45 agents about 67 people overall, it was one of the most profitable offices in the company. And and I loved my time there but I wanted to start my own business. And so a bit being a business coach, which I wanted to do since I was 18. My dad gave me a set of tapes by Brian Tracy, the psychology of success, and I thought this is exactly what I want to do. And so I really just was hungry to start my own business. As I was leaving Marcus, I got offered an opportunity to go in and help restructure a company for a year. I did that and then I started my own business. And I love it. I coach people Scott all over the country, C level executives, leadership, people in leadership suite managers and salespeople. So I do one on one coaching. I do group trainings, keynotes, and I write books and I podcasts a lot.
Unknown Speaker 5:58
Yeah, yes. For a number of podcasts, he’s way to that game way before I was so, john, what did your family think about you kind of popping out of the commercial? Real? You know, the commercial real estate? Where are you? I know you’re being humble, but you did well. Okay. So like popping out of that there was some security, I’m saying that air quotes if you’re only listening, yeah, your family really think about I know your father was supportive, because he gave you the tapes when you’re young. And so yeah, you’re those are thoughts.
Unknown Speaker 6:28
I mean, there was no question. I mean, I’ve always reinvented myself is in business. I mean, I went from college to internet to create an internet company to go into commercial real estate, but my passion My dream is always to create a business coaching company, right, starting a company that coach other companies. So it wasn’t a question of, you know, what, you know, when and why? And it was just a question of when are you going to do it? And so it was time I was about to turn 42 and it was just time to start. 43 excuse me, it was just time to start. So everybody was incredibly supportive 100% supportive on board. And, and you know, I just felt like it was in complete alignment with me and what I wanted to do. I love helping people. I love helping people get unstuck. I love I feel like I can see and hear things that people are missing, that can just give them that little extra something to get back into alignment to to to accelerate their growth and and they see great results.
Unknown Speaker 7:31
Love it. So if I’m out and networking about that, I see one of your favorite books on here is Bob Berg’s a go giver who’s listens and Bob’s a neighbor of mine and Oh, he is. Yeah, he
Unknown Speaker 7:44
lives right down the street. I’ve had I’ve had him on the show a couple times. I love that he’s fantastic. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 7:48
So like if I’m out at a networking event, pressing some flash, which we’re able to do that a little bit here in South Florida, again, coming out of the COVID but like what am I listening for? What am I hearing? They’re saying to make them a great prospect connection, a referral for john dwoskin
Unknown Speaker 8:06
You know, my clients are successful people, it’s very simple. My clients are successful people who are stuck and can’t get to the next level. And, and, and my clients have an awareness where they know they are they want to grow and they’re ready to do the work. You know, so I talked about thinking big and thinking big to me is, is reverse engineering the big to all the small little things you need to do every day that compound over time, that’s the only way to get something to be big, right small changes small growth and that and, and, and understanding compound interest compound effect. One of my favorite books is Darren Hardy, the compound effect I mean, everything compounds negatively or positively. So, you know, if you’re looking at my clients or people who are looking for coaches, advisors, mentors to just it blowed and stay consistent. I
Unknown Speaker 9:03
love it. I love it. Yeah, that’s the one thing is because people will hit those, those plateaus and then Valley out kind of like Yo, yo, stay consistent. That’s fantastic. So, yeah, when you’re in the discovery process and kind of bringing a either an individual or company into your coaching fray, if you will, what is your secret sauce if you don’t mind sharing that you help them find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 9:26
Sure. I’m a great listener. I hear things that people miss. I see things that people miss. I understand what drives people. I understand how to reverse engineer all the nitty gritty and provide not only the vision of what they’re trying to articulate or crystallize it, but then reverse engineer and provide them tools and roadmaps and and and that, that basically get them accelerating their growth. And so I’m an idea person so I can hear what somebody’s trying to do or where They’re stuck, basically articulated into an idea, articulate it and provide them tools, so they can actually get started and move forward.
Unknown Speaker 10:10
Love it. Love it. So when you’re bringing people in, in that first conversation, and you’re listening with your your ears and your eyes and in all the senses, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 10:28
You know, the the question that I want everybody to ask is, how can I get back to center faster? How can I get back into alignment? Because that’s the key, right? So when you’re in alignment, you can take action when you’re in an adjustment period and out of alignment. You can’t really move and accelerate to the extent that you know you sometimes we see people are like, God, why is that person like, you know, so successful or why is everything seems so easy for that person? Well, typically that person is with in their unique ability. Their passion and their sweet spot and an alignment. And so when you’re out of alignment and you’re in an adjustment period and you’re trying to figure things out, you you can’t take action as quickly. And so the key is, you know, especially and we’re seeing this through COVID. You know, people are unsettled. People don’t know what to think there’s so many different news elements. And that’s fine. All of us are a little bit frazzled in some way. But how quickly we get back into alignment and how quickly we get back to center. So we can ground ourselves and start taking action on what we need to take, whether that’s from a business perspective or personal. It takes extra effort these days, but but that’s something we all got, we all got to master that. Secondly, I would like people to ask me, How do I master and become a student of my calendar, because we all have 24 hours in a day. I do a ton of coaching on time management. And it is critical that as as people who now have way more on our plates because our kids are home, and this isn’t and this the The other COVID we’re working remotely, we have to become master students of our of our calendar. We must love it. I love it that
Unknown Speaker 12:08
time is. Time is of the essence. So the big cliche but, but it’s true. It’s just some people just get owned by the day instead of owning their day. Right? So let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. You’re old enough. Okay. That is Yeah, let’s go back to the 22 year old JD.
Unknown Speaker 12:27
I went to nursery school with deloreans like, kid I think this goes. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 12:32
what? So? What kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on the 22 year old JD with the wisdom and experience that you have no. Yeah, sure. learning curve a little bit.
Unknown Speaker 12:44
Yeah. So a couple things you never have to be. You never need to raise your voice, right. You can be firm but you never need to raise your voice. And there’s no reason to ever be an asshole. Because there’s no reason to make sure that you receive spined and don’t react, I would say would be my biggest advice and you know, you’re in your 20s. You you react quickly. That’s what children do they react, adults respond. And so I never know. Right? I would have gotten myself I still like, you know, I’m 48 I can still think of things I did in my 20s where I reacted and I said something that was you know, sarcastic and I thought was funny at the time but was really hurtful and those things stick with you and they don’t go away. Yeah. And so really be be conscious and, and, and respond Don’t you know, don’t put yourself in a place where you react
Unknown Speaker 13:34
by honor hunters understand that I’ve been Yeah, I’ve left you know, I kind of liken it squad, which you hear me talk about this is like, like taking a nail and hammer into a wall. And sure you can pull the nail out the hole out of there. So you can Yeah, on people, you know that you don’t know and especially if you’re younger listener here, time to shine today. You know, like john just said, you know, learn in practice to respond, don’t react and before And just don’t raise your voice. So, john, your big leaving and coaching Are you being coached?
Unknown Speaker 14:04
Of course I have two coaches. Okay. Yeah. I’ve always, you know, I’ve always had coaches always, always, always always my, I had one coach for 13 plus years. I don’t know if you knew Jules Rapoport know the name writer. I mean, he was a coach of mine forever. But I’ve always had coaches. I’m a big believer, we all need a minimum of three mentors. I’m a big believer that you know, as as a business coach, I also don’t want to be complacent or ever get complacent. I always want to be evolving. I always want to be raising my frequency raising my vibration so I can help more people. And so yeah, though coaching is a big part of my having a coach is a big piece of my business plan.
Unknown Speaker 14:45
Love it, love it. And like we as we talk squat about, you know, john is talking about coaching. I have coaches myself, I have two coaches as well. And I also have a solid mentor that’s been with me over 20 years, you know, he always tells me to mentor as well because the more You mentor, the more immortal you become, the more a forward everything that you have. So, john, we talked a lot about the dash here at time to shine today and I want to know how you want your dash remember that little line in between your life date and your expiration date? How do you want your legacy statement? epitaph? How do you want your Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 15:19
you know, I just want to be known as a kind person. You know, I mean, I I’m disciplined I work I mean, I work hard. You know, I do what I say I’m going to do. I always follow through i and i and i really believe that when you when you leave your ego at the door, and you can just be a kind person while you’re also driven and work hard. And you know, I don’t know if I’m a Type A but I’m sure a B plus, you know, a in some things B plus and others but but I just yeah, I mean, I just want people to say that I was a kind human being
Unknown Speaker 15:59
why it I love it, though that definitely remember you about that, john, I know I do. I know that you’re you have an ultimate go giver heart and that’s just something that’s why I wanted to kind of reach out to you have talked to Yeah. Hey john, what are three nouns that you can’t live without person places or things you can’t live without?
Unknown Speaker 16:18
You know, I would say, you know, the persons are, you know, my wife, Joanna my kids, Jacob and Aria. My place is my home. I’m kind of a homebody. Me too. You know, I mean, I’d like to I’d like to kind of be home and things I can’t live without, you know, I i’m not saying I don’t like nice things. I do. 100% I do. But I guess the one thing would be I guess my computer. Yeah, because I can I can work anywhere, you know, anywhere and and talk to anybody on my computer. But outside of that, I mean, I love nice things. But at the end of the day, the people And the place is is what keeps me every now solid yeah I
Unknown Speaker 17:03
love that answer. So what would be your definition of a life well lived
Unknown Speaker 17:10
a life well lived is I think a life where you are in alignment with your passion, you are living your passion I feel like I am in alignment with my purpose and I think if you can live your purpose and then and you can live it with with a kind heart and and you can do something to help the world while also making money right? I don’t think making money is a bad thing. I’m a I’m a very conscious capitalists where I can, you know, that was hard for me initially like how do you merge, you know, having a kind heart with you know, just capitalism and wanting to make a lot of money right. So, but I but I figured that out and I think it’s and I think that you can have both you know, you can live a kind life you can You can you can, you can be heart centered, and have a very strategic mind. And you can still make a lot of money because the more money you make, the more people you can help. Absolutely. And so, you know, to me, that’s, that’s important.
Unknown Speaker 18:14
No, I love that you know a lot of people kind of fashion money with with being selfish, you know, if you’re wanting to make a lot of money, and for some people that can be true, but I kind of look at money like the when we’re on aircraft and we’re not ready to take off and that stewards like hey, put that mask on, before you help somebody else put the mask Yeah, more money that you have, they have the mask, and you can help more people that’s out of line. That’s how I feel you’ll never change my mind about that. So john, is we want things down here a little bit. We’re gonna have going to our leveling up lightning round. And yeah, you and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each one of these but you got five seconds my producers over there on the screen. 555. Literally, you can answer these in a blink. So okay, Red Rock. Let’s do it. All right. What’s the best level blowin up advice you’ve ever received.
Unknown Speaker 19:03
Believe in yourself
Unknown Speaker 19:05
love it. Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 19:09
Meditation three cold every day.
Unknown Speaker 19:11
Gotcha and outside of your website and also time to shine today calm that’s my shameless plug outside of those two what is a website? You go to the level up?
Unknown Speaker 19:22
Um, you know I that’s a that’s a hard one because oh I Harvard Business Review.
Unknown Speaker 19:28
Okay, gotcha makes sense for you. Yeah, yeah. So not the flavor of the month not the book you’re reading right now. You have a plethora of books you got to go read folks. You got to read John’s. I’m digressing from my own lightning round here. But you had to read John’s favorite books was him and I had the exact same books on our bookshelves but if you pick one I’m in the doldrums, bro. I’m like
Unknown Speaker 19:50
yeah, john. You don’t need to be leveled up. Well, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 19:53
enemy. So I’m to one is the Four Agreements. Okay, which is one of my all time favorites and thinking grow rich. There you go. The Bible was I like your Bible. I love it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 20:06
Yeah. So what is your most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 20:12
When your thumbs up? Thumbs up?
Unknown Speaker 20:14
Johnny? If not the not wisdom wise but age wise, what age would you be physically for the rest of your life?
Unknown Speaker 20:24
What age would I be physically for the rest of my life? 25 I’d
Unknown Speaker 20:29
say between
Unknown Speaker 20:31
Absolutely. What’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time and or money to. So I’m really, I love
Unknown Speaker 20:40
a couple charities. I’m on the board of Hebrew free loan, which gives interest free loans to people in need. And I’m also a big fan and do a lot of work with Imerman angels, which is a one on one cancer support. I’m a cancer survivor. And so they pair you up with somebody who is actually going through the same level of something, whatever you went through, it’s called the merman angels. They’re they’re amazing, amazing organization.
Unknown Speaker 21:07
So yeah, someone that is that say let’s say they’re going to testicular cancer so someone that’s remission that conquered it will go back and kind of help mentor, the protect me.
Unknown Speaker 21:18
I write I had testicular cancer. charity.
Unknown Speaker 21:21
Yeah. And I knew that I’m sorry. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 21:23
And I have mentored a lot of guys. Yeah. I mean, I was fortunate I, you know, a little bit of radiation and was was healthy and fine and able to have kids and all that. So but I but I mentor kids through the ages organization.
Unknown Speaker 21:38
Yeah, that’s, that’s fantastic. JOHN. Yeah. Last question. What it’s kind of tougher, but what’s the best decade of music 6070s Oh,
Unknown Speaker 21:45
my God. I would say, you know, I’m an 80s kind of kid, but I wouldn’t say that. That was the best. I go with the 70s. So yeah, me too. Yeah, I go with the 70s. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 21:58
he said we had the big care. Don’t Carry at. came aboard. Yeah, Mondays is what I’m always like I Heart Radio 70 station.
Unknown Speaker 22:06
Yeah. 70s is great.
Unknown Speaker 22:07
I love it right? Yeah. How can we find your brother?
Unknown Speaker 22:10
Well, anybody can call me on my cell phone 248-535-7796 I answer my own phone every turn every call text email, and I don’t leave anyone who calls me but our clients same day. It’s a it’s kind of a non negotiable policy of mine. And my website is john dwoskin.com. And all my information is there I mean, my email my my phone number, my podcasts, my blogs, my Forbes, I mean everything that I do sits there and you can connect with me on all social as well.
Unknown Speaker 22:41
Love it. And john, leave us with folks all that will be in the show notes and dwoskin is spelled DWOS k i n. So but yeah, but john, leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget. You want the squad to take with them. internalize and take action on
Unknown Speaker 23:00
You know, my parents always used to
Unknown Speaker 23:03
teach me that you can learn from anybody older and anybody younger and that has always grounded me to be very open to learning from everybody. And so, I think that’s really important. I learned as much from my kids. I learned as much from you know, people like the young entrepreneurs that I interviewed two weeks ago I interviewed 18 of them on my podcasts to people who are you know, in their 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s so I just love learning from everyone. And and don’t shut yourself off and leave your ego at the door. I
Unknown Speaker 23:40
love that and
Unknown Speaker 23:41
you just had really, if the free masterclass for my homeboy, my guy JD here, john dwoskin, who makes caddy me an idea person. He will help people businesses get unstuck he sees and here’s what’s missing. He doesn’t only listen with his ears he listens with his eyes. And he will help you reverse engineer get back from the big picture into what we call here time to shine today, inch by inch. It’s a cinch by the artists heart. So he’s going to take it and break it down and help you reverse engineer and get back in alignment. So if you’re asking yourself, how can you get back into alignment faster? JOHN is your guy. He’s a master of time management. He’s going to remind you to be firm, but never raise your voice so stay committed, but there’s no reason to raise your voice because you can hurt people in that in Yeah, tell you to do that by responding in that reacted. He’s going to be remembered as a kind person. He lives he lives he walks his talks, his walks his talk, whatever how that goes. alignment with his passion and purpose. And most of all, learn from everyone. Yeah, the no matter what their age, check your ego and learn and john is so humble
Unknown Speaker 24:50
yet hungry. He levels up his health levels up his wealth. You know, you’re part of the time to shine to diversity squad. JOHN, thank you so much, brother, Scott. Thank you, man. I always ask I always enjoy talking with you and I love your just the energy that you bring to everything. And it’s been it’s hard to believe that I’ve we’ve known each other about 20 some years, but it’s it’s an honor and a privilege to be on your show. Thank you so much. Thanks again, Johnny. We’ll talk soon.
Unknown Speaker 25:15
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you like this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating Tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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