Welcome to Episode 112: Quantum Jeff joins the TTST show and reminds us that our thoughts do become things and will mold you into the person you think about most. A true professional and highly sought after coach. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
A life well lived is a progressive realization of a worthy ideal
– Jeff Keim
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great coach will REALLY listen to clients. Not only with their ears, but eyes also. No cookie cutter programs.
2. When wanting to Level UP ask yourself where you are? where do you want to go? What do you think is holding you back?
3. Are you frustrated at being stuck? Call Jeff
4. Remember you become what you think about
5. You have more power by using your mind than anything you do mechanically
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is quantum Jeff Jeff calm coaching and consulting. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and welcome to Episode 112. With my really good friend, Jeff chyme. He made put a quote that I actually put here in the web page and everywhere else that a life well lived is a progressive realisation of a worthy ideal and Jeff lives that he’s the epitome of that he is a very talented individual, he’s an auctioneer. He’s a coach salt in which you know, a coach and consultant like I like to call it. He reminds us to watch our thoughts because what we think about we bring about and we become so without further ado, and spoiling everything that I have. I took pages of notes with Jeff. Here’s my really good friend Jeff calm with Jeff chyme coaching and consulting
Unknown Speaker 1:06
Hey, time to shine today varsity swatted a Scott Ferguson and I am super stoked to have a fellow Midwesterner on today, Jeff chyme. He is located in Toledo, Ohio, and I used to go down there and catch me some minor league baseball games. And it’s also a great little city that you drive through a lot of history there that people do not know about. But Jeff is a quantum leap coach, a consultant and speaker. He’s passionate about helping improve the results you get in the quality of your life using science and psychology to help you reach your most elusive personal and professional goals without taking what might be considered required or logical steps and I’m stoked to hear about that because sounds like we’re going to go a little bit outside the box on the way Jeff coaches Jeff’s electric journey. includes positions as a multi area director for an international sports based ministry and the executive director of a College Foundation in addition to entrepreneurial roles as a series seven registered investment advisor, realtor, auctioneer and business owner always serving others by helping them make sound decisions and realize their dreams. So again, I am super stoked and Jeff if you could please come on introduce yourself to the time to shine today varsity squad, but first what is your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:31
Blue and I don’t know why it’s always been a favorite. It evoke it evokes a good emotion.
Unknown Speaker 2:39
And I I honestly don’t know why but it is.
Unknown Speaker 2:42
It is it makes me that’s mine too. I mean, I got a streak of rad that can kind of kind of, you know goes back to my military days it can kind of come out but I’m literally looking at the Atlantic Ocean here and it’s it’s a little bit kind of dark out today but still it’s nice, nice blue. Nice blue. Give us your origins there. You know how Get started work, you know, let’s kind of take you out of high school, how’d you get started and then work your way in to how you’re helping others to level up?
Unknown Speaker 3:08
Sure I am. I originally wanted to be a financial wizard and thought I was going to be out speaking when I got out of college
Unknown Speaker 3:17
and family ties for any of you younger listeners
Unknown Speaker 3:20
here. I went out to New York, I interned with Merrill Lynch out there for two summers. And that was going to be my track. I wanted to get a pedigree, get my my card stamped really on wall street for about seven years. And then I was going to go down to North Carolina and do finance down to the new Blue Ridge Mountains where they do a whole lot of finance, but they move a lot slower paced. And so all of that was going along swimmingly well until I met my wife, and she was from here in Northwest Ohio, as well. And as soon as I met her, I knew I wanted to marry her. And I knew I didn’t want to raise a family in New York City. So that kind of upset that applecart. Gotcha. DigiKey
Unknown Speaker 3:59
out there. from the Midwest,
Unknown Speaker 4:01
no, I met her here, because I only was interning. I was spending summers in New York. That’s right. Okay. And met her in the January of 1990. So when we got married I kicked around here a little bit you know, finding different things with Dun and Bradstreet as a financial analyst and but her dad is a 40 years in the real estate auction, auctioneer business antique business. And he said to me, literally, one day, he said, you know, son, you ought to learn to make some money with that mouth of yours. And he was totally serious. He was being facetious, but he was absolutely serious. And so I did, I went and I got my auctioneers license, I went, got my real estate license. And I launched into an 18 year career in auctions in real estate, and very rewarding, although it was just something that I knew I didn’t want to do going into my 50s 40s and 50s. I didn’t want to be. I didn’t want the physical labor that came along with an auction business. Didn’t I didn’t know how to graduate that into a gallery business because realistically, because I’m too close to my father in law, he’s about seven miles from here. And people still associated me with his business. they’d see me after I ran my own auction company and say why I’m seeing you around Jon’s auctions, just because I own my own business. So from there, I became a I became a serious router, sure, financial rep, life insurance agent, dealing in all kinds of investment opportunities, and I did that for nine years. Successful but I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t enjoy every year starting over. And I didn’t enjoy really giving people financial advice when I didn’t know. It’s like, I can’t imagine what financial advisors tell their clients right now. I don’t have to because I’m not a financial advisor anymore, right. You know, you just don’t know where’s the market going? One day it’s up 1000 the next day it’s down thousand. You never know. It’s just nuts right now. But I got recruited out of that. Literally recruited into professional fundraising I’d always raised funds in my community as an auctioneer doing charity auctions, I raised over $13 million for local charities here on Northwest Ohio, southeastern Michigan. So I got recruited to that college as a fundraiser. And the director of their foundation had of their alumni association and things like that. Sure. But it was it was it was just a, it wasn’t for me. And what I found out was that people that hire professional fundraisers don’t know a thing about what professional fundraising is, right? And I also found that academia was not for me, there’s, there’s slow and then there’s really slow and then there’s glacial slow, and then as academia slow, right, very hard to make changes within those organizations. So and then I went through one other stint as professional fundraiser, and again, ran into the same thing. I thought I had vetted it well, but just the same things on unspoken expectations. And when you’re dealing with a, you know, with a board that’s made up of volunteers, and they’re all giving you advice, but they’re not they don’t do what you do are kind of hard to marry the two so I didn’t stay with that and when I found myself you know, there later in life and I was free to do what I wanted to do, I had always followed Bob Proctor. Yeah. And I knew when I you know, once I was free from being employed by somebody else again, and back to working for myself, I knew who I wanted to do and and what I wanted to do who I wanted to do with and that’s how I got involved with Procter Gallagher Institute I
Unknown Speaker 7:39
love that it’s so when you’re going through a lot of different changes with with this which is awesome because you get a taste of a lot and then I mean, I’d love to hear your your the way you do your auctions, too, because I always found that fascinating, but what did your family think about you kind of moving from one thing to another, were they supportive or if you don’t mind sharing that with our screen.
Unknown Speaker 8:01
Well, it depends on who, you know, you say family, that’s a lot of people for my family. You know, my, my close family always just kind of. I was always energetic and I always just had a plan and I always made things happen. So they just they just kind of said, you know, that’s Jeff. He’s just doing what he’s doing, right let’s be doing this year. What’s he doing? What’s he doing now? My wife was incredibly supportive. My wife always and it’s balanced because my wife’s greatest love language is security. So for her to be married to an entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur was very difficult. And but she learned to love it and she learned to love me for who I am and what gifts I bring to it. But you know, my, my father in law was always an entrepreneur and he barely has a high school education, but he’s been extremely successful. So we’re kind of cut from the same cloth which is
Unknown Speaker 8:55
to say You and I are cut from the same sheath because there I would get my hands a little bit always stuck. Real Estate wherever I get my hands on a lot of different things and some of my family be like Scotty and Scott, you know the whole sports metaphor with Manny Rodriguez or Mondrian murals back there that’s Manny being Manny. It’s like Scotty and Scotty. It’s just me and Jeff, you know, that’s a that’s awesome. So Jeff, let let’s let the squad know what makes a great coach.
Unknown Speaker 9:22
Well, for me, it makes somebody a great coach who can listen, I have to listen to my clients. Because my coaching program is not cookie cutter. My coaching program has some some elements that are not changeable because they’re law. They’re operated by laws, universal laws that don’t change, regardless of who a person is socio economic race, creed, color, background, it doesn’t matter. The laws perform the same way. The same way that law of gravity, whether you know about it or not, if you step off the side of a building, you’re going down, sure and All the laws that are that I use in my business are the same. But how it makes me a great coach is to listen to people about what they truly want. And helping them find out what they truly want. They may not know why they don’t want or they may not have the courage to really express what they want because they don’t think they they start kind of discounting it before they ever really give it some consideration. So I think asking questions,
Unknown Speaker 10:27
is probably also listening not only with your ears, but with your eyes, especially if you’re meeting them in person seeing their posture, seeing they’re saying, Oh, that’s great. I love that you said that you’re not cookie cutter. So sure some of us with us some of your secret sauce when you bring a new client or even a prospect in kind of your formula, secret sauce, if you will, of helping them find their blind spot.
Unknown Speaker 10:52
Um, it really comes from questioning. You know, you can start out with a client with or a prospect with Tell me where you’re at. Tell me where it is you’d like to go. And then talk about what you think is holding you back. And you keep drilling down on those particular questions. You listen very carefully for the answers. And people will reveal what’s going on and what’s, what they really want and what’s holding them back.
Unknown Speaker 11:20
Love it. So there are very powerful questions. I bet you take each one of those three of where you are, where you want to go, what do you think’s holding you back, you dig deeper on each, all three of those don’t yet really pull out that that blind spot that’s fantastic. That’s that’s markings of a fantastic coach. So if I’m out at a networking event, which fortunately down here in South Florida, we’re about 75%. So we got to get out meet people and press flash and, and, and I do a lot of do a lot of that. So if I’m talking to somebody, and I’m actually listening to somebody, what kind of phrases things that might they say that I would know that they are a great person. Back to a referral or connection for Jeff time.
Unknown Speaker 12:04
Well, it’s really I mean, anybody is a great prospect. But really what it takes is, and to work with me, I have to work with people that are coachable. So it takes, what would be key words are people that are frustrated at being stuck. And they know that there’s more possible, but they just don’t know why they can’t get it. Now, I don’t know. I don’t want the whiners. I can still help them but I don’t want them because they’re difficult to work with. Somebody.
Unknown Speaker 12:34
Learn about that a lot of people would not say that. Thank you for being transparent. Jeff. Go ahead. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 12:40
I mean, you know it I need somebody who’s, you know, who has the first initial assumption to know that there’s something better so not just that the whole thing’s the world sucks. Nothing works. Well. Good luck working with that person, right. But most people, even successful people have A portion of why can’t I get over the hump? Why can’t I really, you know, succeed and why is it not easy? Sure. What’s holding me back? And that that would be the good people for me to work with.
Unknown Speaker 13:15
Thank you. That’s fantastic. Yeah. And I again, I love it that you know, there’s not, you know, you have to be the right horse for the course right? Like they kind of say it’s like you’re not always the right fit. And that’s that time to shine today. That’s how we built this company, is that I’m not the right fit for 98% of people out there, you know, and I have people in my coaching care. So like Jeff here, they can help them level up. So Jeff, let’s get our DeLorean Let’s hang out with Marty McFly. Little movie reference there. Little goes back to that. This is a little post Alex p Keaton. But let’s go out and let’s hop in with Marty and go back to the 2223 year old Jeff time, what kind of knowledge nuggets so you drop in on Jeff, with the knowledge that you know now that helped him level up shortness learning Have a little bit
Unknown Speaker 14:02
absolutely one thing it would be that you become what you think about love it and I would drill that into my head. And I would get get that 23 or 24 year old Jeff Collins studying things like thinking Grow Rich, Psycho Cybernetics as a man thinketh by James Allen Sure. You were born rich by Bob Proctor. And I would soak myself in those and and get myself a coach. Absolutely guys, you know, the thing is those books have been around and books like them for thousands of years, the mistakes I’ve talked about, become what you think about right for as long as there’s been recorded history. So the information is out there. What we teach is not rocket science,
Unknown Speaker 14:51
right? But
Unknown Speaker 14:52
it having a coach to help you identify your blind spots and having somebody there to push you through when you When you just want to fall back in your comfort zone,
Unknown Speaker 15:03
love it. So kind of get your asking gear find, you know, a solid coach, even at that young age. My first coach, fortunately was at 25. And I’m 48 So, like, that’s something that I exactly what I would go back and tell my saw my, my younger self is, you know what, get your asking gear, get your nose in the books, like you just mentioned. You know, and it’s funny that a lot of us that are coaches, Jeff that we, you know, I go back and some of them my friends, especially that erasmia like Fergie, you’re just regurgitating what, you know, something you heard for Robbins or Rohn or something. I’m like, well, they you know, Robbins regurgitated, Rohn regurgitated Earl Nightingale regurgitate, all went back to like Marcus Aurelius. So it’s just how you portray it. And like with your background of having the sports ministry, you know, having the auctioneer You know, you’re able to communicate to people that are ready to level up and that’s, that’s fantastic. Thank you for sharing that. So you did a lot with a lot have different things in your lifetime. What is the big the big thing that Jeff Khan wants to accomplish?
Unknown Speaker 16:09
Well, I want to change the world. But I want to change the world, one person at a time by helping them realize that their thoughts really can change their world. And once you once you change one person, you know, you just rinse and repeat. And before you know it, you’ll be having an impact on a worldwide basis. Love that
Unknown Speaker 16:29
love. It’s like, we see here inch by inch, it’s a cinch, you know, by the yard, it’s hard to get to do things Little by little, even if that’s what it takes, folks. And Jeff, is that when you’re starting to work with somebody, or even in the discovery process, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 16:53
Um, no, because if they don’t ask and I asked them, okay,
Unknown Speaker 16:58
maybe you don’t want them to ask you Anybody you knew your failures, because that’s where I’m going. I want to know how you failed and what you did to fail forward.
Unknown Speaker 17:05
Heck, no. I mean, I think that you have to, you have to be honest with them. I mean, I wouldn’t, but I don’t want my clients necessarily thinking about that. I think there are no failures. Quick, primer just, there’s only life lessons, and you can make mistakes. Sure what mistakes are never mistakes aren’t forever. Right in there. You can’t learn without mistakes. You can’t learn without failing. I think most people are just too timid. If you don’t think you’re ready, great, you know, jump off the cliff and build a plane on the way down. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 17:40
So tell us about a fail something where you failed forward. kept going down on your mouthpiece. Let’s use some sports metaphors. Come on. Come come with a Jeff. Come on. Now.
Unknown Speaker 17:50
The best one I can relate to is I literally was booked on a speaking engagement with another person. It was in my state schedule, and I just completely forgot about it. I mean, it may be a reminder not to walk on the phone or something, but right. It was 45 minutes past the time when I was supposed to be there. Oh, and a book speaking engagement with another person. And I totally, I mean, just just screwed the pooch. And I looked down, and then I looked at my schedule, and I was like, holy crap. I just, I mean, I left this guy hanging and he’s, you know, what do you do in that instance? I mean, I just took a man called up and I’m
Unknown Speaker 18:34
sorry, he
Unknown Speaker 18:35
called up and apologized and said, I would never let it happen again. But Wow. That’s pretty embarrassing that I
Unknown Speaker 18:42
bought I bought in but you still press forward and you still grew your company, which is fantastic. So, Jeff, we talk a lot about the dash here at time to shine today. And I want to know how you want your dash remembered that dashes that little line in between your life day duct tape How do you want your epitaph to read how do you want that dash remember for Jeff calm
Unknown Speaker 19:07
it’s good question
Unknown Speaker 19:12
I think my dash I just want it to be that
Unknown Speaker 19:17
I realized that I was God’s highest form of creation and I work every day to try and become the best that I could be and love those around me and love my neighbors myself.
Unknown Speaker 19:31
Love the golden rule right? Well, I wrote that down I got a bunch of notes here if you have any buddies watching on YouTube me just really bring in I just have terrible lighting because there’s a storm brewing over the Atlantic so no one can see anything I might scrape and I lights are not working. So I apologize people. Jeff, what is your definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 19:55
life well lived
Unknown Speaker 19:58
would be similar to my death. finition of success, which the best definition I’ve ever heard for success, is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. So there’s not an end point. You’re always working toward it. It’s progressive. It’s, it’s realization, you’re accomplishing things. I think if you can live your life like that, to constantly be striving for the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal, you’ll do pretty pretty well.
Unknown Speaker 20:29
Absolutely. And you know, you keep progressing and moving forward. And with that you’re serving people, right, you know, pretty much that whole time and making things better. And I just feel, you know, my mentors taught me the more you mentor, the more immortal you’ll become, you know, and I think that like what you just said, with the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal in knowing there’s no end point, that means you’re progressing the whole life. That’s fantastic. I love that Knowledge Nugget in the squad is to they’re going to love that. Okay, so as we wind things, Down here a little bit, Jeff, we move into our leveling up lightning round. And what it is is five or six questions. And you and I could have a 1520 minute conversation each one of them but you have five seconds you ready? This question? All right. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 21:20
That your thoughts become things Be careful, very careful what you think about and realize that whether you know it or not, your thoughts are becoming things
Unknown Speaker 21:30
and they go into action. Absolutely share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 21:37
I’m reading readers are leaders. Speaking of
Unknown Speaker 21:41
that? Yes, right readers are leaders love that. Love that. So on that note, not the flavor of the month now. What’s your reading now? What is the go to book that you you would have somebody to level up their life thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Napoleon hills, the Bible is sitting right here. Probably right on your bookshelf as well. What’s the most commonly used emoji when you text? Thumbs up? Yeah, I was gonna say you sent me like three of them. So I figured that as much. Okay, how about the if you could be one age for the rest of your life? What would it be? My current age there’s no better place than here and there’s no better time than now. And now baby. That’s right. Thank you isn’t sure? What’s your favorite charity and organization you like to give your time and or money to?
Unknown Speaker 22:29
Rotary International very beautiful. And last question, what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 22:39
It’s a tie between the 70s and 80s. And I don’t find it out. But
Unknown Speaker 22:44
so transitional man, you know, that’s like our mind and yours generation. You know, where you have the 70s where you could go discotheque you could go, you know, some fire stronger. Yeah. You know, that’s absolutely, absolutely. Jeff. How can we find you
Unknown Speaker 23:00
best place to find me is on LinkedIn. You just go to Jeff’s LinkedIn calm is the best way and then it gets right to my LinkedIn. You can DM me You can message me there or, you know, other ways to get a hold of me.
Unknown Speaker 23:13
Okay, no problem. I’m going to put all of that in the show notes. And Jeff, if you could please leave the time to shine today squad with one last Knowledge Nugget. You want them to take with them internalize and put into action.
Unknown Speaker 23:26
Yeah, one last nugget would be realize that you have more power by using your mind than you’ll ever have doing anything mechanically. And you need to spend some time learning how you think and how it’s affecting your life and realize that you have a lot of control over what happens. You really shouldn’t pay any attention to circumstance or conditions outside of you. All your answers lie within you. And I would recommend getting a coach whether it’s me whether it’s somebody else, work with somebody, the best app athletes in the world all have coaches, all of them, right? Yeah, all of them. Look at somebody like Michael Jordan, you know where he was NBA MVP Defensive Player of the Year won the slam dunk competition. And Doug Collins was his coach. He did well, but he didn’t do well for his team when he got with, you know, with Phil, and got, you know, some transitioned into not being that he was still the star but it wasn’t all about him scoring and they started running the triangle offense. That’s when they went and won six championships.
Unknown Speaker 24:29
Yeah, I hate him though. It’s okay. I’m a bad boys guy. But no, I respect the heck out of john, and I feel I was going to get it but I just can’t throw him too much. Especially after he’s ripping my bad boys. on there. You know what I’m saying? It’s when they will talk about how the bad boys brought in Chuck Daly.
Unknown Speaker 24:46
Good coaches talk about Chuck Daly.
Unknown Speaker 24:48
Yeah, yeah, he you know, Michael Jordan’s the goat and he’s the best ever. You know, it’s funny I’m having Tim Grover the wrote the book relentless on here. That was Jordan Colby. Doing Wayne Wade’s all of their strength and conditioning coaches. And he’s just he wrote that book relentless, and I had to get him on. He’s coming on in two weeks and the stories that even told me and in our discovery interview were, were amazing about Jordan. So it’s real, a lot, a lot of fun. But listen, squad, you guys just had a mastermind class pretty much for free from a gentleman who knows that he’s God’s highest form of creation, he’s always living a life of progressive realisation of a worthy ideal, knowing that there is no end point and the point there’s, you have more power using your mind then you do anything, you know, mechanically, you know, supportive wife and family which is helps him try different endeavors. And he excels in each one of them. A great coach listens to what he truly wants. You know, if you’re frustrated, stuck, you’re ready to kick ass and not sit on your ass. You really want to level up a guy like Jeff is the person You want to call? He’s humble yet he’s hungry. He’s fired up. He’s leveled up in Jeff, you’re part of our squad now and thank you so, so much for coming on.
Unknown Speaker 26:09
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 26:10
Have a great day. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guests. If you like this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Brown. The same and until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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