Jake is a 20 year old runner, part-time bar back, full time hustler, and host of The Plot Podcast. Born and raised in Jupiter , FL Jake grew up in an entrepreneurial family hit hard by the housing market collapse.
After falling in love with the business world Jake got involved with the business academy in high school and has continued with a focus in marketing/economics in college. Now, through an internship opportunity with Get Connected LLC and his high school business teacher,heI am working to launch my podcast “The Plot”.
I will be doing something in life in this world that can really make a difference and live a philanthropic lifestyle
– Jake Reeves
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A life well lived is a good work/ life a balance and freedom of decisions
2. Always have an open mind, no matter what your age. Become a sponge
3. Jake has a passion to help others succeed
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Jake Reeves from The Plot. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to time to time today podcast with my good friend Scott berries,
Unknown Speaker 0:07
time to shine did a podcast first He squatted Scott Ferguson and I were in Episode 245. With my good friend, actually personal friend Jake Reeves. We are separated in age by a couple of decades with me being older. But this 20 year old is really helping people find their vision to start and operate their own businesses. He’s always grinding and hustling. But he’s also like I say a couple times in the show is wise beyond his years, where he dropped some serious knowledge nuggets. Throughout this interview, they just hadn’t blown my mind. I think that if someone my age was saying it, I’d be like, Okay, that’s cool. That’s great. But man, someone that’s only lived on this earth for barely over two decades. It’s just amazing. So I’m going to tell you to break out your notebooks because he has some serious, serious, awesome tips, points and knowledge nuggets he’s going to drop on Yeah. So without further ado, here’s the host of the Platt podcast my really good friend, Jake Reeves. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast, Marcy squat. This is Scott Ferguson. And I’m doing things a little bit differently here. I went straight to the cover of GQ magazine and I pulled up my boy your Jake reads now me and Jake are a pretty good friends. We’re years apart, like literally three decades apart. But Jake is way ahead of his time and business savvy, business, intellect and whatnot. So I was like, Man, I want to get something a little bit different fresh out to my squad out there. And I’m bringing on literally a 19 year old I believe he’s gonna be 20 here pretty soon. Okay, he’s a 20 year old. He’s a runner, part time barback although I know he’s moving forward from that to he’s, but he’s a full time hustler and hosted the plot podcast and his vision for the plot podcast is to expose his listeners to the ebbs and flows of what it is to start, own and operate your own business and brand. He provides the world with a scope to see each different profession and nowadays handle the trials that come with new opportunities and setbacks. And think about Jake as he’s interviewed like horse jumpers, body builders, other business builders and it’s just I’ve listened to every single one of his shows. I can’t wait to get interviewed on his show. And it’s just Rockstar he’s born and raised in Jupiter, Florida. He’s one of my kava buddies, and you’re not familiar with coffee, I talk about it a lot. It’s really relaxing drink. I call it Xanax and a glass. And when it’s healthy for you, it’s fantastic. And Jake and I see each other a couple times we can pick each other’s brains, you know just how to level up So Jake, welcome to the show. Thank you for coming on. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today. Podcast first describe a first what’s your favorite color, and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:46
I think my favorite color is red. Because it’s like, and it tends to pop out color. Alright, like to grab people’s eyes and and not have sort of like intense, you know, conversation with people maybe when they’re not expecting it.
Unknown Speaker 2:59
Love it, man I love and that’s that’s your personality, too. You’re pretty chill. If you meet this guy, if you’re watching YouTube, girls don’t get all crazy. But he’s like, seriously awesome, straight off the cover of GQ. He’s built like a brick. He’s just a really nice, I’m gonna call him a kid because to me, he’s a kid. But he’s so far ahead. He’s just an awesome guy. So Jake, you’re 20 years old. So there’s not a ton of life that you’ve lived yet. But what got you to the point of saying, Man, I’m going to rock a podcast out to help other people share their story and get it out to the world.
Unknown Speaker 3:32
Yeah, so for me, it was like a big, passionate about like businesses and seeing other small businesses succeed, or maybe not, you know, what people go through without, you know, starting their own thing. And I was a kid in high school who didn’t really have, you know, the idea of what he wanted to do. And you know, for some of like, the older viewers out there, or, you know, people a little bit more seasoned than me, you might think like, you know, I’m not supposed to have it figured out, right? But you get a lot of anxiety and you want to you know, figure it out. So I wanted to provide, you know, kids with that place where they could go and they could see, you know, what is this profession do? What is it? What are these people do to you know, have a side hustle, make money or start your own business? And, you know, how can I do it?
Unknown Speaker 4:17
Love that? And the man says, Do you ever get any objections to your age? Because me you know, when you first met me, we were I was an open book, you’re an open book, we just chatted you’re reading a book that was well beyond what I felt you should be reading at your level in life about neuroscience and brain and we’re leveling up but how do you handle any objections to we’ll call them grown ups to like when they come to you and be like, dude, what do you know? Why do you why should I listen to you? How would you handle that objection, bro?
Unknown Speaker 4:47
Like, listen, you know, I might not have like I said, I might not have the years on me. I might not know a lot. But I still have the ability to learn and if you don’t have the mindset, even as like a you know 40 year old 30 Girls, that you cannot, like keep learning, you know, you’re you’re closed off and you’re not going to be, you know, you’re not going to be advancing, you know, further, you know, I might not have the same amount of experience and all that. But now I’m open to you know, learning continue to grow my knowledge as I get older,
Unknown Speaker 5:19
bro. And that’s so true about you. I mean squad like I have the privilege of Jake, coming up to me and like picking my brain a little bit, you know, and I’m, I’m open book with him because he does what we call get you’re asking gear, like he’s always asking question. He’s curious. But he has that curiosity with a humbleness about him and humility, that you want to give them everything you want to give them the world. But then I’ve also heard him in conversations with other people over at Oasis route, and he’s just dropping knowledge nuggets at 20 years old that I wouldn’t even have thought of them. And that that, to me, is super impressive. And he doesn’t let it go to his head in read fits you perfectly do because you’re a fiery dude, sometimes, you know, and I love that about you. And it shows that you want to get after life. But you’re also open to being a sponge and get it rocking. So again, 20 years old, what what happened to you, too, want to be an entrepreneur? Was this something that clicked? I know, you said you’re in high school and whatnot. But didn’t you do something in high school with the academy in high school for entrepreneurship, or something like that, that really kind of rattled your brain and got it going?
Unknown Speaker 6:28
Yeah, so I was part of the DECA for those who don’t know, it’s kind of like, FBLA, it’s a business club, okay, you basically go to these, you know, the whole bunch of events, like throughout the course, you know, it’s a class that goes along with the club there, right. And you go on these, you know, ICDC trip, which is like a career conference, and you do competition. So you basically get, like, a script, or something, and they put you in a room. So you’ll be for one specific area, whether it be hospitality, marketing, entrepreneurship, and they have you sit down, and they give you a prompt, and you get to write out like a business plan. And then they go and interview you, and you kind of make up stuff, you know, on the fly there, and you have an hour to you know, make a business plan. So I think that my upbringing with, you know, my parents being entrepreneurs, you know, you know, being a real estate agent, and you know, owning your own business. And then, um, you know, other experiences throughout like, my work life, I was just like, you know, what, I know that at the end of the day, you know, I’m going to have to work these, you know, not favorable positions on just to make ends meet. Yeah, man. But at the end of the day, I definitely, you know, want to do my own thing and, you know, be calling the shots.
Unknown Speaker 7:42
Yeah, you’re doing what you have to do to so you can do what you want to do, right? And that’s exactly, so this DECA thing, man, is it available in most high schools these days?
Unknown Speaker 7:52
I feel like most high schools have it. Some of them do the FBLA instead. Okay. So they’re both kind of like a yin and yang thing. I don’t know that much about FBLA. Okay. But I would say that, like most high schools definitely have a sort of business club going on there.
Unknown Speaker 8:08
How was it? Was it a competition? Was it score, Jake or what? What’s the story of that?
Unknown Speaker 8:11
Yeah, scoring from like, A to F ratio. Oh, F grading scale. Yeah. Okay, how’d you do? I think I got a 90 something
Unknown Speaker 8:20
on a right. Still, no, you crushed it. Awesome. So what does your family think about your choice of like, and again, I know that you’re working in restaurants and stuff like that, dude, when I when I got out of the military, I personal trained in the morning, that I went and did real estate and then I BB I bounced at a bar at night. So it was eventually the bouncing fell off, the personal chain fell off, and I was a real estate agent. And then I built up now with time to shine today, last 12 years and whatnot. But what does your family think about you wanting to be an entrepreneur? I mean, I know your side hustle, but what’s your family? Really think about that?
Unknown Speaker 8:57
You know, they’re pretty supportive of me, with, you know, the podcasts and stuff goes, but at the end of the day, you know, they’re not like completely all in where I want to be, you know, I want to be, you know, I know, it’s like, slow and steady, I got to take steps to get there. But yeah, I want to be able to, like, quit the job and do this and, and, you know, pursue this full time and, and, you know, build other, you know, parts around the podcast that I can’t talk about but, but, um, they’re pretty supportive of it, you know, they’ve had dreams in their lives and, you know, lived long lives so I think they kind of understand that this is not something that’s going away and I’m gonna keep doing it no matter what
Unknown Speaker 9:39
role you’re 20 Okay, and I’ve never heard a 20 year old say slow and steady like hearing time to shine today. We call it inch by inch. It’s a cinch by the artists art. I’m sure I’ve said that. You know while we’re talking but where was it instilled by your parents or the patients or did you pick it up as a sponge like watching your dad rock out real estate deals slow and steady? Your mama their business like we’re Did that come from? Like, that blows me, I didn’t realize stone status 32 You feel me? I was like, go, go go, like, where did it come from?
Unknown Speaker 10:09
Honestly, just like seeing other people do things and how other people have built, you know, content and definitely for my parents, so don’t say my dad, you know, it takes a while sometimes, you know, especially with like, building relationships with people and you want them to, you know, you know, not just fit for business, like you want to be friends with them and have a good relationship. And the business will come. And I think that, yeah, definitely
Unknown Speaker 10:37
like that. That’s so beyond your years, man. I’m so impressed. I am every day and I chat with you that I see. So, you see the movie Back to the Future. Alright, we’re not gonna go back in time, because you’re so young. But let’s get number one Doc Brown at the end psych, where we’re going, there are no rows. So remember, we’re gonna we’re gonna go 10 years in the future. Jake Reeves is 30 years old. Where do you see yourself?
Unknown Speaker 11:04
Hmm, hopefully, I still have a podcast and I’m still you know, on the plot, interviewing people and making connections. I definitely want to be, you know, still in the business world, doing my own something. You know, I’m open to you know, working for people if you know, I have the right opportunity. But I just want to be somewhere where I can grow something that’s going to make a difference. I know that sounds like the, you know, the thing that every kid is probably gonna say, but um, you know, impact is big for us, you know, Gen Z’s are millennials and I want to be somewhere that I can you know, make a difference both you know, philanthropic, Lee and then you know, with the business,
Unknown Speaker 11:43
philanthropically. You’re 20. You even know, that means? I’m kidding. I know, you know what it means you’re always giving back. No, that’s awesome. I love that you come from a place of service, man. And that’s where it all starts. I believe that, you know, you should do what you love in the service of people that love what you do. You know what I’m saying? It’s like they see the passion in there and you will blow that plot podcast. What do you what do you about 20 episodes in or how many episodes in or, you know, Episode, okay, okay. I appreciate the honesty to man. You know, it’s I’ve lived I listen to him, like they’re really good squad. You put it together and you just rockin So, so far in life man who’s had the biggest impact on you the most profound impact?
Unknown Speaker 12:23
Are you talking about somebody? Like I know or,
Unknown Speaker 12:25
yeah, it could be somebody that you admire from afar, never met them. But who do you think it is?
Unknown Speaker 12:34
Um I would say probably Joe Rogan, maybe? I mean, man, Joe Rogan,
Unknown Speaker 12:45
you can’t get better. Podcasting. That’s awesome, man. So how do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and that date on your tombstone? Which hopefully God willing, it’s way far in the future another 78 years. But how do you want that dash? Remember, Jake,
Unknown Speaker 13:07
I just want to like people to know that I was the guy that, you know, sometimes I’m too much of a people pleaser, but I want to be the guy that you know, to me, like, oh, he was always nice to me. He always kind of, you know, lifted me up when I was down type thing. And, you know, I want to be somebody that definitely, like made an impact. Um, I know that there’s like a lot of things that I want to like, try and do throughout my life without like, you know, ocean conservation and like the environment and stuff like that. I’m pretty passionate about this. So definitely somebody that I like, made a difference.
Unknown Speaker 13:40
Yeah, that’s great. Show that twice. Now you’re very connected to that man. That’s awesome. So what do you think the main plus is to be a leader like what do you think you must have to be a leader
Unknown Speaker 13:55
I think you need to like have sort of like a transcending personality and the sense that you need to be that person that can like level the playing field with people sure and have like multiple people around you, you’re gonna have like different personality types. And I think you need to be both you know, the soft spoken and outspoken at the right times and be able to you know, stand out and you know, have an idea and maybe bring people together and then when people are down or you know, you know you guys are you know down for the talent you need to you know, be that voice that can sort of bring people together
Unknown Speaker 14:32
right? So you have all the different personalities and leaders happen to be you know, they’re looking to you in what in correct me if I’m wrong in hearing this, but you’re you’re in this room with people and you’re are you you’re taking their advice as well because you’ve hired them right to help you and then you take all of that data or advice and then you make the ultimate decision. So you’re open is what you’re saying a good entrepreneur is open to hearing from their subordinates and then putting into action Correct.
Unknown Speaker 15:03
Okay, if you if you’re not willing to, you know, listen to what other people have to say you’re so close minded that like, yes,
Unknown Speaker 15:12
you’re gonna crash and burn you’re gonna frickin fail man. It’s just It is I, I was that guy, you know, I thought I knew it all within real estate No 506 And then when the market crashed no eight, I got slammed, you know, because I didn’t listen, anybody, there’s no humility. And that’s the first thing that pillar that I built in my life was humility, with curiosity, about like, How can I help people through this, but stay humble during it? So I love that you brought that up, man. So what do you think is the thing that people must understand? misunderstand about Jake, the most?
Unknown Speaker 15:45
People, you know, sometimes I come off as strong Sometimes I come on to stuff. Sometimes people think like, I’m a little reserved and critical. I think when I meet people, you know, I try to, you know, figure out as much about them as I can afford, like, sort of opening up to them. And you know, and you know, letting them know, okay, this is who I am type thing, right? Just because I’m a little, you know, I’m kind of like an analytical type of guy. Sure. So I think yeah, sometimes a little too closed off. I’d like to, you know, open up a little bit and meet people more. And then in other situations, you know, maybe I’m, you know, giving them a little bit too much. And, you know, being a little too, Mr. Nice Guy with them. And yeah, be a little bit more.
Unknown Speaker 16:31
Part is hard. Okay, I feel you, man, I feel like Oh, thank you for being transparent on that. It’s an awesome interview, a little discussion we have, because again, you and I talk with two three times a week, you don’t have to say it. So it’s like it we this is an awesome, awesome conversation. So Jake, anything keep you up at night.
Unknown Speaker 16:49
You know, as much as I don’t want to say this definitely, like your past and the mistakes you made. You know, you kind of think about it, and it doesn’t linger. I feel like for a lot of people, like you know, everybody wants to like put that behind them and everything. But those mistakes definitely pop out to you. And you know, it’s part of the reasons why I can’t sleep at night. Also, I think maybe some stuff currently. That you know, you want to do, like, Oh, this is what I want to do that work tomorrow, this is what I want to get done. Right? That’s another thing.
Unknown Speaker 17:22
I love it in you kind of combat those thoughts with the slow and steady that you talked about a little bit earlier. Like, Hey, man, we have to take it inch by inch. Do you do that? Or does it just still keep you awake, bro.
Unknown Speaker 17:34
I’m definitely like, I I’m gonna have to take this one, like step at a time and calm myself down. But definitely get a little bit of anxiety thinking about like, Oh, these are the things I got to do tomorrow.
Unknown Speaker 17:47
Wow, awesome. Do that. That’s awesome. So what is one thing that is just blown Jake’s mind?
Unknown Speaker 17:54
Is honestly, just to see how quick you know, how quick people can be to, you know, switch up on you? Or, you know, become people’s friends. You know? Yeah. It’s crazy. You know, the people, you know, would have thought would still be like my good friends and stuff or your rider guys, right? Yeah, people. Yeah, they’re not right.
Unknown Speaker 18:18
How do you handle that loss? I know it’s not a loss like a death. But then you think you came up through the ranks of high school, junior high, Whatever, dude. And then all their sudden they’re not that right or die? Like how do you handle that at your age?
Unknown Speaker 18:30
Honestly, it kind of stinks. But at the same time, no. Overtime, definitely, like I had to learn this, but you kind of just figured out like, if they’re not showing up for me anymore, you know, I can’t really show for them. Sure. I’m gonna have to, you know, invest my time and other things and other other relationships.
Unknown Speaker 18:49
When you see them you’re not a dick or anything. You just know that you’ve kind of moved on, right?
Unknown Speaker 18:54
Yeah, you kind of it’s kind of like a smile and wave type thing, right? Yeah, man. I’m definitely gonna like and there’s still as people, you know, see my public and I’ll catch up with them. It’ll be great. Right? But then there’s others and it’s like, right, yeah. A piece of you know something so what I’ve noticed
Unknown Speaker 19:13
like Ron I was like, you’re aging and that I was older than you you’re way ahead of me. But like when I was coming up it’s like people had the crab in a bucket kind of at you know attitude like you know, you’re in a like, you know, you’re trying to climb out of that bucket and they’re trying to pull you back in right and like you know if you ever seen the those crabs and I had to deal with that I deal with it to this day, you know with friends they see me and they think that I feel that I’m too good for them but I’m not it’s just I kind of moved on I’m all about progress and in helping people so you’re going to see a lot of that just trust me as you come up bro you’re gonna see a lot of us just be prepared for it. So Jake, let’s out of this equation. Let’s take out our cell phone or computer anything electronics. Alright, what’s three things that Jake can’t live without? US Use can it be a place? You can? It can be anything, brother.
Unknown Speaker 20:04
I would say the gym definitely cannot. That’s my like, my, my knees my time, my space to not talk to anybody and to just get the work done. Sure. Um, cheese things I can’t live it I would say good book. Definitely. Yeah, I need that that time to. That’s definitely important.
Unknown Speaker 20:27
And I’ll just answer it for you it’s carbon problem with Fergus, so we’ll just call it that.
Unknown Speaker 20:38
I’d say he’s maybe my running shoes. Alright,
Unknown Speaker 20:43
Ronnie, let’s throw your family in there too. Awesome. Awesome. So, Jake, so far in 20 years? What is your thoughts? What do you think a definition of a life well lived is
Unknown Speaker 21:01
a life Borderlands definitely is one where, you know, you have a good work life balance. You know, a lot of us are focused on that, this year with COVID and everything. Good work life balance, you know, the ability to, you know, travel and make, you know, free decisions for yourself. Definitely, to be free and to move freely within, you know, our society. I think if you’re able to, you know, make your own decisions and move freely within the world, and travel the world and you know, start your own business and you know, or work for somebody if that’s what you want to do. I think that’s, you know, I probably my definition of
Unknown Speaker 21:43
freedom, right, brother. Freedom. Do you know don’t hurt anybody that freedom to do you want, man? That’s awesome, brother. That’s awesome. So hey, time to shine today podcast. versity swag. We’re back with my good friend Jake Reeves and Jake, you and I have talked an hour or so about each one of these questions. But you got five seconds with no explanations. You ready to rock? Let’s do it. Man. What’s the best leveling up advice Jake’s ever received?
Unknown Speaker 22:10
Cheese. Don’t care about the haters.
Unknown Speaker 22:14
That’s perfect. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. I better morning. Love it. Love it. So other than your podcast and of course time to shine today my podcast what other podcasts you’d like to go to the level of?
Unknown Speaker 22:30
Ah, shoot Joe Rogan podcast there
Unknown Speaker 22:33
you go, baby. That’s enough said right now. Hope you’re gonna. So if you see me I’m walking the cab. I’m just looking like in my doldrums man. Is there any book you’re handing me to help you level up?
Unknown Speaker 22:45
Yeah, um, the power of now?
Unknown Speaker 22:48
Yeah, my dude put that in the show notes down here. Right. Awesome. Perfect. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?
Unknown Speaker 22:58
Probably you know the regular laugh cry emoji
Unknown Speaker 23:02
works about chess or checkers. Daggers so is there any? You may not be into it now? But is there any organization or charity that you’re passionate about helping?
Unknown Speaker 23:16
Oh, I’m so excited when it’s 1273 a two.
Unknown Speaker 23:24
Thank you, bro. You know, my little brother took his life and, and they actually sponsor my show suicide life prevention. Which is awesome. Really appreciate that. So last question, Jake. What is the best decade of music 6070s 80s 90s or 2000s?
Unknown Speaker 23:43
I’m gonna say it’s tough. I’m I’m gonna go 80s
Unknown Speaker 23:50
Really, dude, you know, we hang out. You got the big hair don’t care, kind of like the 80s and stuff right now. So Jake, how can we find your brother
Unknown Speaker 23:59
Instagram at underscore Jake Reeves. That’s er II as you’re gonna find me on Anchor Spotify, Apple, the plot podcast. And you’ll see a little 80s Retro little title that says the
Unknown Speaker 24:14
PA? Yeah. Do you design by the way?
Unknown Speaker 24:17
Can I design by the way? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 24:20
So tell us a little bit quickly not too long. But tell us a little bit about the plot pack and I don’t want to give too much away. It’s gonna be in the show notes and I want people to go there after listening to this.
Unknown Speaker 24:30
So um, like Scott said, I’m basically about interviewing entrepreneurs, business owners, creators, people that are definitely you know, leveling up their life. And you know, I just want to the first season is all about getting into the nitty gritty of these people. So as I bring more people on more creators, more entrepreneurs, I want to see you know, who they are, you know, what, like, what they’ve done throughout their lives and how you know, they’ve handled setbacks, and then they know what they’re doing moving forward. And then as I go on I plan on you know, switching up the questions a little bit and then you know giving you know more of like a deep dive into you know their business and you know, the things that they’ve done you know, throughout their journey so friggin
Unknown Speaker 25:11
deep right to the point that I love it, man. I love and squad you just had a masterclass with my young buck friend, my little brother from another mother, Jake Reeves, he has the plot podcast, make sure you tune into it. You know, he has a passion to see others succeed. And you don’t hear that that much from somebody that’s only been breathing Earth on this breathe air on this earth for two decades. You know, he always want you to remember to have the ability to stay humble. And always learn and level up. And remember that it’s a slow and steady raise it’s inch by inch. It’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard especially a lot of kids his age want the now they want the instant gratification. Jake’s willing to put the work in the grind now so we can shine later. And that’s what I love about this kid. He’s a go giver. You know, he’s soft spoken, but he’s also outspoken, he’s working that that fine line in between that work life balance, and he wants you to always be free to make your decisions. And Jake man, it was awesome to have you on I’m stoked about this interview. You level up your health, you level up your wealth. You’re humble yet you’re hungry. Thanks for coming on. Man. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future. Brother.
Unknown Speaker 26:18
Thank you so much for having us.
Unknown Speaker 26:21
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine
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