464- Master Your Breath 💨 – Control Stress, Boost Performance, and Level 🆙 Your Life – TTST Interview with Isabel Tew

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Isabel Tew is a yoga and breathwork instructor with over 15 years of experience. She has partnered with organizations such as the Martha Beck Institute, Atlantic Rowing teams, Vodafone, and other Fortune 500 companies, leading breathwork classes and workshops. Isabel specialises in pranayama, has been featured in publications including YOGA Magazine and OM Yoga & Lifestyle, and is author and illustrator of Breath Cards – a beautiful deck of 57 breathing practices.

“Breathwork isn’t just about taking deep breaths—it’s about training your nervous system to work for you, not against you. 🌬️” – Isabel Tew

fERGIE’S tOP 5+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. Master Your Breath, Master Your Life 🌬️ – Most people breathe wrong! Learn techniques to boost energy, reduce stress, and live with more vitality.
  2. Turn Struggles Into Strength 💪 – Anxiety and stress aren’t roadblocks—they’re signals. Use them as stepping stones to a stronger, calmer you.
  3. Breathe with Intention 🔥🧊 – Need energy? There’s a breath for that. Need calm? There’s a breath for that. Use your breath as a tool, not an afterthought.
  4. Small Habits = Big Results 🛠️ – Lasting change isn’t about overhauling your life overnight—it’s about consistent, small shifts that add up.
  5. Move & Breathe Together 🏃‍♂️ – Breathwork isn’t just for stillness. Sync it with movement—walking, stretching, working out—for amplified results.
  6. Ask Better Questions 🤔 – Instead of “Should I try this?” ask, “What if I com

Visit Isabel’s Site

Pick Up Your Set of Isabel’s Breath Cards: Daily Breathwork Practices for Calm, Clarity and Renewal

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  • Valuable Time-Stamps 
  • 00:04:00 – Panic Attacks & Anxiety – How stress led to discovering breathwork and mindfulness
  • 00:05:00 – Mindfulness in Healthcare – UK doctors prescribe mindfulness-based CBT
  • 00:07:00 – Yoga as a Turning Point – How yoga became a daily practice and career shift
  • 00:09:00 – Meditation Overload – 10,000+ hours of meditation led to nervous system imbalance
  • 00:12:00 – Personalized Breathwork – Why breathwork isn’t one-size-fits-all
  • 00:14:00 – Energizing vs. Calming Breaths – How to choose the right breathwork for your needs
  • 00:19:00 – Dangers of Overbreathing – Why some breathwork techniques can cause stress
  • 00:21:00 – Advice to Younger Self – Be courageous and embrace creativity
  • 00:25:00 – Life Well Lived – Courage to follow your heart and prioritize simple joys
  • 00:34:00 – The Deep Breath Myth – Why proper breathing is about depth, not size

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript

L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Time to shine today. Podcast Varsity Squad, it’s Scott Ferguson and I have reached again over the pond to London, England to talk to my good friend Isabel Tew. Breath cards is her game. It is awesome. Breath work is critical in life. Obviously, we need to breathe to live, but the way that her breath cards are set up, you can live with vitality.
We had a fun conversation about kind of digging into her past that got her journey to where she is now and how people seek her out throughout the world to really learn the correct way for breathing, for vitality, to breathe for a prosperous life. Her protocol is actually pretty easy to follow. It can get challenging. <<READ MORE>>

But she, you start where you are. And that’s what the most beautiful thing that I got out of the conversation. So insightful, so delightful, and I can’t wait to bring it to you. So if you like it, please smash the like button, subscribe button. My sponsors and affiliates absolutely love that. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, [00:01:00] Isabel Tew.

Let’s level up.  

Time to shine today. Podcast Varsity Squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I have reached over the pond to my beautiful, stunning, just awesome sauce. Isabel Tew, and that’s the last time you’re going to say the last name and let her say it the next time. But she is a yoga breathwork instructor with over 15 years of experience.

She’s partnered with organizations such as the Martha Beck Institute, Atlantic Rowing Teams, Vodafone, and other Fortune 500 companies leading breathwork classes and workshops. Isabel specializes in pranayama, which we talked about a little bit off the mic. It’s also featured in publications including Yoga Magazine and OM Yoga and Lifestyle and is the author and illustrator of Breath Cards, which we got a free giveaway at the end of this, so make sure you stick around.

These Breath Cards will change your life. It’s awesome and also a big shout out to my University of Michigan fan, Oleg Lohid, for making the introduction to my really good friend Isabel. Isabel, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself. The Time to Shine Today podcast, Varsity Squad. But first what’s your favorite [00:02:00] color and why?

Isabel Tew: Oh, it’s actually an easy one. It’s blue. Blue. It reminds me so much of the sea.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. I’m

Isabel Tew: just really drawn to be by the sea and it feels like it’s an ancestral connection. That’s right.

L. Scott Ferguson: And

Isabel Tew: the blue background, I mean. Got it.

L. Scott Ferguson: And like, I’m blessed. I’m looking at the Atlantic ocean right now. I’m blessed to live here, but it’s like, I’ve told you off.

Mike, it was like 42 degrees this morning. I’m seeing these kite boarders out there, like flying around. I’m like, dude, it’s no way. So tell me about yourself. Like, this is like super exciting. We aligned so much, like you’re light years ahead of me on. The knowledge of the stuff that I like to kind of dabble into and incorporate into my life.

But like, were you always kind of a Yogi? Were you always into the breath work or does something kind of take you there?

Isabel Tew: Yeah, that’s a good question. I mean, I was always into the into being physical and being into the outdoors So there was a [00:03:00] kind of a like I love to dance I like to do like sailing and running.

It’s like I was always very physical But no, I kind of went into the corporate route was my first job I studied Physics at Durham University in the UK, so probably an unexpected degree from what you’ve heard so far about me. And then I went into like management consulting and data and analytics.

So that was my first sort of 12, 12 years of a career.

L. Scott Ferguson: The fascinating, fun stuff. Yes, yes,

Isabel Tew: some of it is, but it is also a time soul destroying, you know, like it’s most things are yin and yang, but, , getting to the point of the, probably the reason why you asked the question, like what brought me into this holistic and wellbeing world.

Well it would have been mid 20s when I was having panic attacks. Got panic attacks on the way to work, so [00:04:00] struggling quite a bit with anxiety and was in a relationship that wasn’t really Filling me up with much joy. And so the more I went into yoga, the more I went into mindfulness, the more I started to gain some like mental clarity on like, what am I doing and why?

And it became a bit of a slow drip process of re educating myself of, no, it’s fine. Like I used to love art and movement. Maybe I could go back towards that, , back towards what I was always meant to do, but maybe too afraid to try.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. And did you seek help? And I’m saying that in parentheses because you might have already had that because you kind of said you circled back towards it, but like, who kind of really assisted you kind of to work your way out of the kind of the panic attacks, anxiety, and we’ll call it a lot, you know?

Isabel Tew: Well, the first bit of help I mean, for the American listeners there, like in England, we’ve got the National Health Service, the NHS. And I’ve been to the doctors and they actually [00:05:00] prescribed me a course in mindfulness. Mindfulness based CBT and group mindfulness classes. Yeah. Yeah. So that was like the first way in which it was like validated of like, Oh no, like these, these techniques are actually like considered okay by the mainstream population and not just the sort of a hidden group of people I didn’t yet know.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah.

Isabel Tew: So it was that as well as just becoming more and more involved in a yoga studio that was near me and I creating friends and seeing that there is this wonderful community and all these people are getting a lot of benefit from it. So it was a little bit from the medical side. And a little bit from community side.

L. Scott Ferguson: So they actually at the national, I’m just going to call it like the national health organization over there. They actually Believe in and kind of promote CBT.

Isabel Tew: Yes. That’s amazing. Mindfulness based CBT is a technique course that they prescribed. It was

L. Scott Ferguson: incredible. That’s amazing because, like, I [00:06:00] paid for mine for, and it was, , was not cheap.

Well, that, that’s amazing. I did not know that. Learn something new every day. That’s, that’s beautiful. So

Isabel Tew: our health service is not in quite such a good shape as it was that sort of 15 years ago. But they still do. They’re very much a promoter of it. And, and I think it’s an incredible blessing just because it allows more people to know that there were great benefits from it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. And that’s where change actually happens. That’s where I actually felt the change. The thing is the change was always there, but the CBT. really got it to the surface to where the, , from my verbiage could attack, , and then get into very stillness, more of a wellbeing, , and more of a, , like it says behavior.

, so it’s amazing. So

Isabel Tew: reflective nature.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Yes. Yeah. I knew you’d have all the right words to say

Isabel Tew: reflective nature. And then I was doing a very physical yoga. So it was power. You’ve [00:07:00] got it over there in America and Baptiste power yoga. It was really where I. I did what became my training, but that’s where I developed my absolute love of yoga.

And so it didn’t really take that long, maybe a year of practicing almost every day before I’m like, this is amazing. And I’ll just do the teacher training. Because it’s fun. I can it’s here. I love it. I want to get better at it It was also actually strangely thinking. Oh, this will make me better at presentation skills at work , I had zero interest in teaching at the time It was just following this wonderful passion of like if you love it do more

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, it did you ever hit like a wall?

While you were practicing that much and the reason why i’m saying it is that Again, I told you my story off mic and I don’t want to tell it again because my squad out there really kind of knows My yoga journey With it, but it’s like I would practice [00:08:00] I was wouldn’t say I was addicted But I would just practice and practice to where Todd my yogi I told you about before had me kind of back off a little bit because I was just going there getting overwhelmed I was crying.

I was just doing things that me with my background my upbringing just never did now. He didn’t Make me stop or anything like that he just kind of backed off the practice because ashtanga is the same asanas and Over and over again, never changes, which I like myself. Other people might not, but I actually like it.

And I practice in a, my source setting, which means there’s no leader, right? There’s, , he, but he’s a yoga coach. It’s super highly. Sought after to get certified through. So he has like eight students walking around pushing you deeper into asanas, which is just awesome. Cause that’s like, I have my own personal, right?

It’s awesome. So like, did you ever hit a wall? Like in it’s something not to say you want to quit, but we’re just emotionally, you’re like,

Isabel Tew: Oh. It wasn’t with physical yoga, like the asana side of yoga. I mean, I was probably practicing [00:09:00] five times a week in a hot studio. That just like worked really well for me.

Felt really, really great. But actually where I did, did hit a wall was with Vipassana meditation. So I’ve actually probably done about 10, 000 hours of Vipassana meditation. I have done something like 15, 10 day retreats, silent retreats. So I’ve gone fairly deep down that meditation route. And for those that don’t know much or anything about Vipassana meditation.

It’s an insight meditation and practically most of it is around breath awareness and scanning your body. So just becoming hyper aware of what’s going on in the body and how you’re breathing and letting any thoughts just, just be and completely ignore them. And so I think it’s Really bizarre and become one of my new like holes of passion of like needing to pour energy into Yeah, because I ended up going to hospital.

I was [00:10:00] hospitalized Because during the meditation practice my body started going into such extreme convulsions I was getting involuntary movements where my whole body would be spasming my arms would be like twitching but not just a tiny twitch And a hospital they were like have you got Tourette’s? I don’t, but something is clearly going very wrong.

So it had a very significant impact on my nervous system. The amount of meditation that I was doing and I haven’t quite figured it out, but just in case anyone is having any difficult time with meditation,

L. Scott Ferguson: I

Isabel Tew: would like to plug that Cheetah House has been an incredible resource. I’m helping meditators in distress and like that really really saved me knowing that there was that resource.

So yeah, Cheetah House. It’s called

L. Scott Ferguson: Cheetah House? Okay. Yeah,

Isabel Tew: like the animal, like the big spotty leopard animal, Cheetah House. It’s quite unusual. Well, I’d say unusual. I mean, not many people talk about the potential downsides of meditation. And I still love it. , I’m not saying all bad.

No, I absolutely love it. [00:11:00] But, with anything, if you do a lot. And potentially done with a less than perfect attitude. It can go down strange places and can cause problems. And so yeah, that’s what I had my like, too much blowing apart moment. And that was actually only this summer. The summer just gone, so what, eight months ago.


L. Scott Ferguson: the transparency on that. Even though someone that I consider kind of a master at her craft can still experience it. That’s, that’s amazing. So, not amazing good, but like amazing. Like it’s crazy that it can actually happen. Cause again, I’m just picturing it almost like a seizure.

Isabel Tew: Like

L. Scott Ferguson: you’re just, , yeah.

Okay, so do you teach the breathwork to people one on one or is it more of group settings and which again We’ll get to your cards in a bit. But yeah, you do you how do you what is the structure of your teaching for breathwork?

Isabel Tew: So there are some group classes. I sometimes mix it in when i’m teaching yoga So [00:12:00] my classic yoga class is power to prana where i’ll combine power yoga with the pranayama Which is more how?

I think more traditional yoga was probably taught. At least one of my favorite Ashtanga teachers, Gregor Mahal, likes to teach it in a similar way. So that’s one way I’ll do it. I’ll also sometimes teach pranayama online, group one to one, most, probably a bit more group at the moment. And then breath work, which we could get into like what breath work versus pranayama is.

That also tends to be more group settings.

L. Scott Ferguson: So my

Isabel Tew: one to one tends to be more advising people of like different practices that might work for their lifestyle and for their experiences. Almost like consulting them of, yes, I think these practices, , try these to couple. But most of my work ends up being in groups.

I just love the energy of being in a group. It really fills me up.

L. Scott Ferguson: There’s not any one. Mold [00:13:00] breathwork that’s going to fit every single person. So like when maybe you’re talking to somebody and you’re working them into the breathwork Is there any like secret sauce if you will that really helped that blind spot to get?

Shown on to put them into the right breathwork exercise Like, how, how does that work?

Isabel Tew: Yeah, there’s a few things. So, in general, we’ll be working with someone around, are they struggling with having, having too much and wild energy? So, like, maybe they’re feeling very anxious, very wired. They can’t sleep type things, and if it’s that sort of thing, it’s like, okay, well, we know the types of practice need to be more of the soothing, calming, restorative, or downregulating things, things that would help the parasympathetic part of the nervous system come in play.

So like, that would kind of be like, that’s one category. And of course, the complete opposite would be maybe someone that’s That’s struggling to get up in the morning, that it’s [00:14:00] like lacking energy, lacking drive, lacking focus, in which case there’s a completely different size. So if we think of the breath cards, which I’m sure we’ll mention other times that the energize ones are for those last people.

If we’re really struggling with energy, we know the energize series of breath cards, those techniques are going to be really helpful. Whereas the earlier group, we want more calming ones.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s amazing, that, I’m so glad to hear it’s not from cookiecutter. Kind of

Isabel Tew: simple though, isn’t it? Right? , what do we need?

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, but it’s just still, seriously Isabel, like, it’s not cookiecutter. Like, you’ll actually shine the light with them to find the right program. protocol that’s actually going to work best for their situation. Thank you for saying that because I have talked to other breathwork practitioners that they’re like, this is my way.

It works every time. And I’m like, dude, I don’t see that actually working, , for some people. No, thank you for individualizing it. So. When you’re there’s

Isabel Tew: quite a few more things just to add a tiny bit more on there of like whether people are more interested in in yoga and [00:15:00] like the yogic approach and yoga language, or they just want something much more say straightforward and like, and just scientific without the, the yoga angle.

Fine. We’ve got slightly different takes on the practice there. And also if people want practices whilst they’re moving, like whilst they’re walking to work or doing their exercise, or whether they just want something that would fit into an existing morning routine or a nighttime routine. So it, there is quite a lot of what’s that person’s life like so that you can make practices that fit in well, rather than becoming an, Oh my God, there’s like another big thing to do.

Right. Right. Yeah,

L. Scott Ferguson: no, that’s what I love is you’re not cookie cutters What I’m saying is that like you’ll actually fit them into the program protocol. This is gonna help them level up their life so when you’re maybe talking to a Prospect we’ll call them that you’re that it’s looking to bring you on to be their breath coach or their yogi Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?[00:16:00]

Isabel Tew: Oh, I wish they would ask me that they never do

Probably I’d like them to ask if If I did do this every day for a month, like who could, , what, what could happen in the sense of, , people, I think people often like, oh, okay, I’ve just, they’ve got to focus on the short term, but I quite want them to sort of to think about how good could their life be if their goal was to, Say gain a bit more energy and in a whole month’s time.

What if they consistently were like that’s but I suppose it’s not about me But that’s the kind of question I would want them to be in in their mind reflecting on to like really motivate them into like, oh my god Yes, I want to do this.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s exactly what I would ask you if I was to do this What can I expect or where can I get to?

with this, , what is the benefits? It’s [00:17:00] really good. I’m sure you’re going to tell me the benefits, but if I really commit, , to this, this, I always say things are protocol. You might call it something else, but if I really commit to it, where are we going with it? Where’s it going to get me?

And so what do you feel then in your world of expertise and stuff? Are your, your serious strengths?

Isabel Tew: Oh, what are my strengths? Well, aside from the personalization of it, I think that is definitely. For me, I think it’s about the balance. So actually, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what I see other teachers, teachers doing both well and not so well.

And I have one big concern, which of course, in my work, I’m addressing any concerns that I see. So this big concern is with The way in which breathwork, which really exploded since the pandemic the way that’s been taught. So, have you, maybe your listeners, you might have heard of conscious connective breathing, but I’m going to use that as a term that [00:18:00] includes things like Wim Hof transformational breathwork, quadratropic breathwork, and there are many different specific schools of these things.

But just in essence, so people know what I mean when I’m talking about this conscious connective breathwork. It’s breathing a lot right in and out big deep breaths, and you can go on fairly psychedelic journeys with it And I’ll put it out there. It’s wicked. I love it. I do teach it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah,

Isabel Tew: however It’s a bit like caffeine Right, so I think most of us know that caffeine great energizer Until later in the day, there’s a slump,

L. Scott Ferguson: right?

Right, right.

Isabel Tew: And if you get into a cycle of drinking a lot of caffeine very often, then very likely that it starts to impact your sleep. And then if your sleep is impacted, you start this cycle of generally having less and less energy. , you were choosing caffeine because you wanted more energy.

But actually you’re feeling [00:19:00] depleted because you’re in this cycle,

L. Scott Ferguson: right?

Isabel Tew: And whilst the caffeine and the way we breathe are not identical there is some similarity to it And I find a lot of teachers might encourage doing that style of breathing lots breath work

L. Scott Ferguson: sure

Isabel Tew: daily or Yeah, they’ll either encourage it daily or they won’t create a kind of a Restful end and basically the impact of this is that our biochemistry can get really quite unhappy and upset and it can bring us into very stressed nervous system state and we need to change this and so the way that I would like to teach and Recommend any of that more psychedelic Style of breathing.

L. Scott Ferguson: What was that stress state?

Isabel Tew: So it’d be a stress nervous system state, and it would also be related to the biochemistry. So I, I could go geeky into the science, but I [00:20:00] don’t

L. Scott Ferguson: know. So your strength is, is that you can kind of like work different styles where you could go the Wim Hof way, which I enjoy.

I’ve actually met them and did a whole, , weekend with them, but again, it was. Added in the ayahuasca and like everything else. It was like, , no, no, no, no, no. But I love that. I love that. So I got to ask them as we keep this moving along, have you seen the movie back to the future?

Isabel Tew: Oh, I might’ve done at some point, but it’s not like 40 years old.

L. Scott Ferguson: So there’s that guy, Marty McFly, got in a car and he went back in time and tried to get his parents 22 year old, the double deuce, the 22 year old Isabel, okay? What kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on her? Not to change anything, because your trajectory in life is pretty awesome and people need your experience, but what would you drop on her maybe to help her shorten her learning curve or blast through maybe just a little [00:21:00] bit quicker?

Isabel Tew: Yeah, I think I would say it’s okay to be creative. Like, it’s, it’s a good thing rather than I sometimes see it as it’s a, it’s a privilege. But actually like, no, I think I’d now be like, it’s okay to be creative and like go for it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. And

Isabel Tew: I would also say be courageous, like give, give things a go.

L. Scott Ferguson: Like there were

Isabel Tew: times that. I could have maybe started things earlier, but I was just nervous and so, I mean, my friends and family do say I’m courageous, but I wish, maybe that would be the advice of like, you are courageous, just bloody go for it, like, stop waiting around, get on with it.

L. Scott Ferguson: And if you need help, get your asking gear, right?

Like, there’s people out there that you can ask that can really help you out with that. So, Isabel, how do you want your dash remembered? That little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and death date on the tombstone. How does [00:22:00] Isabel want her dash remembered?

Isabel Tew: Hmm.

Oh, it would fill me up with a good smile with this. If it said like, lived a life of peaceful joy.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. That’s beautiful. And you spreaded that to everybody that’s out there. That’s beautiful.

Isabel Tew: Like, and to live it is to model it and to show it’s perfect, not perfect that it’s impossible, but also yeah, if you’re in a state of peaceful joy, it’s very easy to share.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s awesome. Very easy to

Isabel Tew: connect and inspire, so.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. So what

Isabel Tew: do you think

L. Scott Ferguson: people misunderstand the most about Isabel?

Isabel Tew: What do they misunderstand?

L. Scott Ferguson: Are you actually sitting on the ground or under your mat right now?

Isabel Tew: Yeah.

L. Scott Ferguson: I keep on seeing like your legs, I’m like, wait, is this? No,

Isabel Tew: I’m just sitting on the yoga mat.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love this. This is awesome. I’m in a

Isabel Tew: yoga squat.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. This is, that’s amazing. That’s amazing. Anyways, what do you think people [00:23:00] misunderstand about you?

If anything?

Isabel Tew: I think that they see me as very optimistic. So I come, I think mostly I come across very positive and optimistic.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. But I

Isabel Tew: think they misunderstand that I do have plenty of worries. There is plenty of sort of anxious neurosis that I’m working through, but might often be there. And I don’t think, , obviously the people very close to me, I open that door and that window and be like, Oh, look, there it is.

But the people that don’t know me so much, they might just think, Oh, look, it’s, , it’s wonderful and exciting. And isn’t she joyful and energetic? But yeah, there are, there are those. Challenges inside as well. ,

L. Scott Ferguson: I get that too. I’m like a duck on a pond. We’re on the surface. The Fergie’s calm, right?

But underneath, it’s just going and going and going. Just keep me sometimes. I mean, I’ve really, I’m not a big believer in balance myself. Cause you put 10 pounds here, 10 pounds here. It’s balanced. Like I’m more [00:24:00] of a harmony guy, meaning like with my clients, I, , put, say, okay, you have your different pillars of life, whether it’s God, personal, spiritual, family, community, work, money, and each one of them is like, I love jazz.

And each one of them, those pillars is a. whether it’s the guitar or the piano, the horns, like the family might be the horns, personal development might be the guitar and so on, but one of them’s out of tune. Right. It doesn’t sound great, but if we can work on that one pillar together being, , coaching, then we bring that harmony to everything, right?

And that’s, , just harmonize it and I can just see you like working with people and Noticing things that they don’t notice because you’re a noticer. I can already say that right now and they’re really helping them work through That’s just a beautiful thing. That is That’s amazing. So Isabel, what is your definition of a life well lived?

Isabel Tew: Life well lived. It’s one that has [00:25:00] the courage, the, yeah, the courage to just follow what’s in your heart. And it takes so much courage to do that, whether it’s like a massive dream or something so simple. But that to me is the life where I lived. And if I think about it in my own very specific point of view,

L. Scott Ferguson: Sure.

Isabel Tew: Then there is this sort of artiness to it. Like I want to be able to to make art. I mean, part of the Breathcast project was an art project just as much as it was like a breath project because of all the illustrations. I want to, yeah, have. That life well lived is full of art and it’s generally quite a peaceful life like not big holidays and fancy, fancy belongings, but something that’s more maybe like quite an old fashioned simple life filled with lots of art and cooking and being part of a community.

Like that’s, that’s my version. [00:26:00] I actually think that does require courage these days, because there’s so much of the cultural norm is like, how high can you go up a specific business career ladder, right? That it’s, it’s courageous to choose, ah, it’s not on my terms. I want to do it a bit differently.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah.

Yeah. And being able to lean into your ultimate human potential and just be courageous enough to do that. I just absolutely love that. Time to shine in a podcast, varsity squad, we are back.

And Isabel, if we ever meet, whether you’re on Stateside or I’m across the pond, I’m sure we’ll meet for. Bev and talk about some of these questions or probably talk 15 20 minutes on each one of them. But today you got five seconds with no explanations. I promise you they can all be answered that way.

You’re ready to level up.

Isabel Tew: I’ll give it a go.

L. Scott Ferguson: Give it a go. I love it. I love it as well. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Isabel Tew: That you can’t have everything so yeah, [00:27:00] that’ll have to be enough, won’t it? Enough seconds. Yeah, love what you have. You can’t have everything, but you need to prioritize.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Isabel Tew: Meditation and getting up fairly early, about 7am.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. So if you see me kind of like, if you were to see me walking around somewhere and be like, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. What book, is there any book you might hand me to help me?

Yeah, that to read and internalize.

Isabel Tew: Oh, yeah. What’s on my mind? Martha Beck’s books. So The Way of Integrity was the first one that got me into coaching. Excellent.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Your most commonly used emoji, if any, when you text?

Isabel Tew: Oh, definitely the heart. The

L. Scott Ferguson: heart. Yeah. Love it. Nicknames growing up?

Isabel Tew: Iz. Izzy.

Izza. So there’s different takes on Isabel.

L. Scott Ferguson: Any hidden talents and or superpowers that you have that nobody knows about, maybe until now?

Isabel Tew: Not many people know I’m excellent at making sushi.

L. Scott Ferguson: Really? Okay, then we are definitely good friends. [00:28:00] Alright.

Isabel Tew: Love it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Chess, checkers, or monopoly?

Isabel Tew: Ooh, I’d like them all, but right now, chess.

I’m being taught how to play chess.

L. Scott Ferguson: Nice. Headline for your life?

Isabel Tew: Letting kindness lead the way to peaceful joy.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s awesome. I knew you’d nail that one. Go to ice cream flavor?

Isabel Tew: Pistachio.

L. Scott Ferguson: Awesome. There’s a sandwich called the Izza. Build that sandwich for me. What’s on it?

Isabel Tew: Oh, give me a good sushi sandwich.

Oh, nori paper. I like the tuna when it’s, well, obviously the rice, but slightly seared tuna with a lot of sesame seeds as well. So that would be a

L. Scott Ferguson: little wasabi. Dip it in there.

Isabel Tew: Maybe freshly pickled on.

L. Scott Ferguson: We are friends to the end now. I love it. Favorite charity and or organization you’d like to give your time and or money to.

Isabel Tew: Well, I have put a lot of time and money to the Vipassana organization, which is an education charity. But having had a very difficult [00:29:00] time this summer, I’ve kind of put it on pause and maybe watch this space for next year.

L. Scott Ferguson: Understandable. It happens. Absolutely. Last question. You can elaborate on this one a little bit, but what’s the best decade of music?

60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s?

Isabel Tew: Oh my God. I am absolutely awful at music. My music knowledge is just an embarrassment that I can’t comment.

L. Scott Ferguson: Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. It’s like, I would get like, like my, my decades, like eighties, just cause I graduated high school in 1990. Right. And so the eighties is this thing, but all the invasions from everywhere, including great Britain.

, you two from Ireland, you had like met at work coming from Australia. It’s like, I just love the eighties. It’s kind of my jam. So how can we find you, my friend?

Isabel Tew: You can find me with my name, isabel2. com.

L. Scott Ferguson: Spell that for me.

Isabel Tew: I S A B E L and then T E [00:30:00] W.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it.

Isabel Tew: Isabel2. com. Find me there. Got events, got memberships, the Breathcards deck.

Just have a chat. Yeah, loads of it. And

L. Scott Ferguson: you get, if you, when you opt in, you get Three free digital breath cards and videos and we’re gonna get to these breath cards now because they are friggin amazing And it’s like you hold it in your hand. You kind of follow directions And by the way, are you doing videos for each card ever or like what?

What’s your story with this because I would well I would invest on that in RP to be able to hold the card have the video Next to you maybe on the card have a QR code watch it on my phone while you’re walking me through it That would be freaking awesome, but Is there, like, the cards are awesome. Yeah, you’ve

Isabel Tew: kind of read my mind, or you’ve, like, read where I’ve been going recently.

Oh, have you? Okay. So the rep cards only came out in the autumn. They were very new. They’re awesome. Yeah. And they, yeah, so much fun making them, all these different techniques. [00:31:00] Yeah. That just explain in the most simple of ways. How to do a breathing exercise and what the kind of benefits you’ll get from it.

L. Scott Ferguson: I mean, the, the squat, if you’re watching on Vimeo or YouTube, I mean, that just breaks it down to where it’s not elementary, because it’s not easy, squat, the, the, the, the, the, but it is so simple that you can follow it and it will change your life. Just the oxygen saturation, the, the, the nervous systems that slows down, or if you need to empower in a workup, she’s got the, Breath work for that.

So if you’re watching that just see it and pick them up because I am also Going to do actually I’m gonna do it to box giveaway or to a deck giveaway for my good friend with Isabel here and I just got to figure let actually let’s put izzy izzy Why if you put izzy in any of our social I don’t care if it’s linkedin pinterest text it to 561 440 3830 Just izzy if you put it in there the first two people [00:32:00] that do it I’m going to buy you a box of the Breath Cards.

And because they’re just awesome, they are life changing. I can’t wait to dig into mine. I mean, again, I do breath work a couple times a week, Scott, which I’ve talked about. I did podcasts about it. But now I get to, like, actually kind of take my breath work with me and not have to go see Todd. I love you, buddy.

But I don’t have to go see you. I can actually do this from the comfort of my own home. Hotel room since I’m speaking 34 times this year. I can get it. Just take them with me and they’re just amazing

Isabel Tew: I’m gonna level up with you as well scott. Let’s hear it. I can also offer For those that get the breath cards for the two two gifted there I could also give them a year’s free membership because in the membership, I’ve also got the videos What?

Almost all the videos are done. I’ve done 80 percent of them So there’s a few more to be added in the next few months But there’s a video that I’ve made for each breath card. I will happily also Give two [00:33:00] free memberships and thank you I’d also give you a code to give all your everyone in the audience if they want to Access it 25 off.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s that’s beautiful here. That’s why you get two people Get the the free breath cards, which i’m purchasing. She’s offering the videos to go along with them and also if you’re late to the game, which I’m sorry we should get going on it now, but , she’ll give the 25 percent off the membership.

So thank you for doing that. That’s just absolutely amazing. So as we wind down, Isabel, please do me a favor and leave us with one last knowledge nugget that we can take with us, internalize, and take action on.

Isabel Tew: Great. So there’s a myth about deep breaths and big breaths. So when most people say Take a deep breath do it now and what happens in your body probably

L. Scott Ferguson: quite

Isabel Tew: a large breath

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, right.

Isabel Tew: That’s not the goal. [00:34:00] The goal is when you’re trying to find more relaxation Which is when most people say take a deep breath Yeah

L. Scott Ferguson: to

Isabel Tew: actually allow your belly to soften and allow the breath to come low to come deep into the belly and To be nice, gentle, and light. It’s about sinking the depth of your breath, not the size, not blowing up like a big balloon.

You can feel like a nice stretch, but that’s not going to bring relaxation. Relaxation comes from softening the belly, allowing the belly to expand with the inhale, but very slow, very gentle, very peaceful. And after about three breaths, you’ll probably feel 50 percent more relaxed than you did before. So that’s my top tip.

Whether you’re driving, walking, you can do it in any situation, in a meeting, with a friend, whatever. Super easy, super valuable. I do it all [00:35:00] the time.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s grounding and it’s really like Expands kind of the diaphragmic area if you go in it, right? Yeah Very cool and squad. You just got a free masterclass on breathe breath work and also how it can help you level up your life and coming from a lady that was always physical and outdoors and she got kind of Sucked into the corporate route, , and found out that, , along with that comes, some panic attacks and anxiety, which kind of really helped her circle back into a kind of more of a holistic, , lifestyle, , she personalizes her.

Breath work to the individual, which I absolutely love that. She’s not cookie cutter. , She loves to harmonize and stay away from stress, like not stay away from stress, but invite the stress and be able to make friends with it in a sense is what I kind of got from this, , conversation with my good friend here, her life well lived.

To Isabel is the really the courage to follow what’s in your heart, , and that the myth about the deep breath Don’t breathe to expand your [00:36:00] whole upper body everything breathe in like I do this thing It’s kind of weird But I actually tighten my butt kind of thing which really kind of grounds me and then breathe into my diaphragm And just in slow, slow, slow, and like, again, just pick up her breath card squad and be just become a member as well.

Because a lot of that’s going to be taught in there. And I’ll tell you right now is crazy affordable. I had it on the screen. If you saw it, if not, I’ll put a link in the show notes for you to go get them. And again, don’t forget the first two people that put Izzy in there. They’re going to get a giveaway and she’s going to gift the videos with that.

And then after that, anybody that listens to this, we’ll just tell her and she’ll give the 25 percent off on the membership as well. And Izzy, thank you so much for coming on. You level up your health, you level up your wealth. You’re absolutely stunning. You’re so fun. Your energy is just infectious and I’m so blessed that we’re connected.

Thank you again, Oleg, even though you’re a Michigan fan. Love your guts. Have a great day, Iz.Isabel Tew: so much.

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