Welcome to Episode 41. If you are an inspiring speaker that wants to level up and learn to bring the words out of your head, over your mouth and out to the world then this is a must listen. My good friend George Hendley drops some serious Knowledge Nuggets regarding taking your speaking to the next level. Make sure you have a notepad ready!
Coaching and practice; practice and coaching takes people beyond where they are today to where they want to go.
– George Hendley
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
1. 3 V’s = Visual, Vocal and Verbal
2. Keys to remember when speaking, practical, useful, helpful and everyday friendly to your audience.
3. If you are just starting out as an aspiring speaker then constantly hone your skills for the long haul!
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript
Good morning friends. This is George Henley with the speaker’s Academy. And if you really truly want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine the day podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. You will be glad you did.
Hey, time to shine today podcast squad. I am super privileged to bring you this interview with my good friend, George Hanley. He’s the founder, owner, operator everything or of the speakers Academy. He helps people get the words out of their head over their mouth and out to the world. He’s going to drop some serious, serious knowledge nuggets on you. So sit back, grab your notebook, turn everything else off. And let’s tune in and level up to George Henley.
Hey, time to shine today squad. hope everybody’s having a fantastic day. And I am super stoked to talk to my friend George Hensley. Your heart races, your mouth is dry. Your mind is blank and you haven’t said the first word. George’s company understands that George founded George Henley presentations, a training coaching consulting firm in 1992. His first 19 years focused primarily on serving corporate clients coast to coast. Currently the speaker’s Academy, which George started over eight years ago, has numerous clients and fields such as financial services, law, medicine, insurance, real estate, and many others. So welcome to the show. My man could you please tell the time to shine squad, your favorite color and why
my favorite color is blue. Because the creator put a lot of blue above us and you see I’m wearing it today. You’re loving outside. Not here in Texas today. Unfortunately, we got some overcast clouds, you cloudy skies. But bottom line, typically we look up we see blue, it’s a soothing, calming color. And I have a daughter who has gorgeous blue eyes. And I think of her oftentimes when I look at the blue in the sky too
awesome. And it looks like about 19 years ago, or so. Well, I’m sorry if in 1992, you started the speaker’s Academy. Can you tell us a little bit how you did that or why you did that? If you don’t mind, please?
Sure. Well, I began George Bailey presentations, which is a corporate focused entity designed to deliver what most people would call soft skills training. So back in the 90s and early 2000s, I did a lot of corporate training, traveling coast to coast, working with a lot of clients. Some In the fortune 500, even fortune 50 size, so there were a lot of big guys out there that I was working with doing primarily leadership and communications, and a little bit of change skills management. So it’s always about for me, putting myself in a message that is practical, useful, helpful, and everyday friendly in front of the audience that I’m working with. Now, over the last eight years, Scott, I’ve especially focused on the speakers Academy. The reason I made that shift for simply was, I knew that was always an audience. For people out there who were very fearful of standing in front of a group of people and speaking, right. You probably know that man’s greatest fear is what they call public speaking. But you and I are doing that right now. Even though it’s just an audience of you and me. We are speaking publicly. And hopefully there’s a lot of listeners out there that will appreciate the things that you and I talked about today.
Right? That’s a lot of serious knowledge. And I guess he just dropped us the people. They say that the people have more fear of speaking than death, right? That’s true. True. So you were like not saying that you’re an old man or nothing. This guy looks fantastic if you’re watching on video, but how did you get people then? Because I get asked a lot by my clients that I coach and in even when I started the real estate business as a real estate agent, when I was younger, I was 26 years old. 21 years ago, wow. How did you get them to take you seriously when you’re trying to tell them how to present in front of people to speak with authority and stuff like that? How did you do that to some people that may be older and more seasoned than you?
Yeah. Well, sometimes I tell my own personal story. As a small child, I had a stutter and I really had a difficult time getting ready. words out. And it was through the loving kindness and perseverance of my mom primarily, who over a period of time, she brought out the best in me with a lot of loving support and encouragement, and helped me little by little build my confidence and build my ability to speak my message distinctly, enunciate my words, and get the things out of my head over my mouth, and out into the real world. So she helped me a lot in that arena, Scott, but over the years, I spend a massive amount of time even starting back in high school, taking speech classes, joining Toastmasters, and there’s nothing better. It’s called put yourself in front of an audience and practice, coaching and practice, practice and coaching takes people beyond where they are today to where they want to go. That’s what we do it the speaker’s Academy.
I love that so you hear that squat out of your head over your mouth. out to the world. Yes, fantastic. And the speakers Academy is going to give you knowledge nuggets and tips on how to do that. That’s That’s fantastic. So your What was your aha moment? To start? This? I you kind of answered it before but I want to dig a little bit deeper and your aha moment to start. Let’s just say the speakers Academy.
Yes, the speakers Academy. It was technically born in the spring, early summer of 2011. And I went to do what I’m going to do this again today, I get out and speak to a lot of networking groups. I was going to speak to a rather large robust networking group over 50 people there, and I realized I needed to offer them something beyond the message of the day. So I put together or just a one simple one page flyer and said, if you have a desire to increase your confidence to build your skill in speaking I’m going to be holding multiple sessions. whereby you can get in and learn the basics and practice in a safe environment. I immediately out of that group of I think, 50 to 55. People had 13 people said, I’m in. And away we went. And we began, we began that process. I over a period of months and years, refined it and refined it and refined it doing a lot of my own study, drawing from my own years as a trainer in the public arena. And from doing that, I began to build, shall we say, my own voice and my own methods that I knew would work for? Anybody?
Love it, George, what makes a great speaker?
What makes a great speaker? Well, I look at several things. Scott, I look at several things. I talked about what we call the three V’s and the fourth v. The three V’s that I refer to all the time, from a delivery perspective, this is about delivery or the Visual, the vocal and the verbal, the visual, the vocal and the verbal. And there are 11 core skills that we roll under those three V’s, those 11 core skills 500 to the visual. The first is a tiring grooming attire and grooming how you groom yourself how you attire yourself, what do you put on, that captures someone’s attention. So right there, they judge you before you’ve opened your mouth. Secondly, they look at how you posture and position yourself and they’re and they’re able to see a level of confidence, or perhaps not, and they begin to recognize you stand tall, you sit erect, you hold yourself as someone who’s got his stuff together. And right there it exudes that you’re showing power in what you’re doing with your body. Third, and the visual is your gestures. You’ve seen me already doing some gesturing because I’m alive. I’m dynamic, I want to hold your attention which I’ve gained it. And so I’m going to use my entire body in my gesturing mechanisms to show you I am alive. I want to connect with you more than through my words, but through what I do in my body as well, the fourth in the five, the five aspects of the visual, his facial expression, and facial expression will show you again, is this person really saying and showing the same thing? Or is their message coherent? Is it together? Are they smiling at the time they’re talking about a very sad story? Something right there. Right. And finally, the eye connection. A lot of people talk about eye contact. I’m talking about eye connection. Eye connection means you don’t just glance at someone’s eyes. You really lock in you hold their eye connection with you. And it says I am confident I am focused on you I want to make sure I connect with you in a way that is memorable and helpful for you. So that’s just the visual alone, we can go into the vocal and go into the verbal how much further you do want me to go? Well,
you know, I don’t want to give your course away for free here. So
Sharon, that squats, you hear those analogies, the visual, the vocal, and the verbal and the broke down just a little portion of the visual. But the way George does is he doesn’t complicate. He sounds like it makes it so easy. So if you know what he said earlier about practicing practicing, coaching coaching, it can actually you can actually perfect or is will say level up your professional speaking or being able whether you’re speaking to a crowd or even to your loved ones to exude that eye contact and that being comfortable. So let me ask you something Who?
Let’s even take it back, George. What would you Tell
the 25 year old George Henley
you’re in it for the long haul big guy.
You’re in it for the long haul. Learn to see with a vision for the future and be patient in doing the work every day. I just read and I’m actually rereading a really terrific book by James clear don’t know if you know the author, but he wrote now is already a million copy bestseller. It’s called atomic habits atomic habits, yes. Okay. And it is a marvelous piece of works. Got it. It really put some things together in a very simplified way. But over and over again, he shows that it’s all about you show up, you do the work and then the next day you do it again and the next day you do it again. Athletes recognize you Don’t go out and practice one day a week. Artists in any arena, whether they’re painting a picture, whether they’re doing music, whether they’re doing acting, they realize it is a craft you work on and work on and work on. And you never truly perfect it. You’re always looking to get better and better and better.
Excellent. So your letter to your younger self would be the long haul. Mm hmm. Beautiful. And then also the atomic habits. I have that on my diet. So I’m looking at right here. I kind of looked it up on Amazon to read so that will be my next read. That’s good.
You’ll love it.
Tell me something. Leave your cell phone out of it. Huh? What are three things in life you cannot live without
my Bible, my wife and my family.
Wow. Those are all fairly close. That’s That’s awesome. And you answered it. So quickly, you hear that squad that’s conviction right there. Sometimes I’m not knocking any other interviewees, but sometimes they think about it and he just said his Bible so he has his faith, his wife, and his what was the third one? I’m sorry, family,
your family. And that includes my children, my siblings, the bigger picture family. And it’s funny you bring that up because I’m going to be in another podcast tomorrow. And they said prepared to answer this question. And Okay, that
was one of their questions. So I’m thinking okay, there’s my answer.
Boom. Gotcha. George, what’s your definition? I think I would probably gets it but I’m gonna let us tell our squad. What’s your definition of a life well lived,
a life well lived.
Knowing that you have done the will of God. Love it.
Now, different people will have different definitions of how they define God. I’m okay with that. Bottom line is the recognition that there is something that is much, much bigger than us. And when we are in tune with that, then we’re going to be able to deliver services, with kindness, with appreciation, with a focus that it’s not about us, but it’s about the receiver and what we’re able to give him or her in the moment.
I love that if you have you read, have you heard of the author, Bob Burg?
Oh, I know, Bob. I know Bob
personally, wow. Yeah, Bob’s my neighbor, family friends or anything like that. But we’re, we’re we live close to each other in Jupiter, Florida. But it’s funny, I’ll even you know, take it down. Right here I have this five laws of stratospheric success that sits in front of me and what you just said about your true worth is determined by how much you give in and how much you take in payment and but also with his Go
giver if you’ve ever read
from the go giver,
right? Well, there you go. That’s, I love that book. So anyway, I’ve known Bob for decades now.
Yeah, fantastic guy. And what one thing that people don’t realize is that there’s that fifth law of receptivity. where, you know, I always give the analogy that, you know, you look at a plant that you have in your house and you breathe in, what you breathe in oxygen and you breathe out carbon dioxide and the plant breathes in the carbon dioxide result oxygen. So there is that law of receptivity, a lot of people are they’ll say, Oh, just give, give, give, and I don’t expect anything in return. I’m not saying I expect it, but it’s going to happen anyways, because it’s all
to a year. Absolutely.
You know, God is going to always provide for me and no matter what circumstance I’m in and my listeners know that, you know, I’m a man of faith and that’s, you know, that it is other people that aren’t I’m good with that. I’m a curious I’m a curious person. I’m just I’ve just lived by the Matthew seven judge, not so but I love That you were convicted with the will of God that makes me happy. And I know that will it make a lot of our listeners out there in our squad happy. All right Bob. We’re going to finish up here with a little bit of a lightning round. Okay super you and I could talk for 2030 minutes and each one these questions by the end of the seven second answer from you. Are you ready? Ready? All right, here we go. What’s the level best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
The best leveling up advice I’ve ever received is
be patient with your growth process.
Love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Reading every day, usually the Bible but more than that to understood
other than your own website, and of course time to shine today calm. What is another great internet resource for people to level up their life?
Oh, yeah. Well, I deeply appreciate the work that Michael Hyatt has done in in, you know, because he’s also a man of faith and he’s he’s a rare bird. Well, I shut up some Michael Hyatt and what he’s done with his work,
all of it smart guy outside of atomic habits. They said, What’s a book that you go your go to book if someone’s in a predicament you hand them the book outside the Bible as well. Yeah. What do you hand them?
Oh wow, I’ve got a vast library so I really tried to find more specifically what they need and but I go back to the classics. I go back to the classics over and over again. I mean, something as simple as Dale Carnegie’s book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. There you go, because you can’t go wrong with that kind of information.
Love it. And last question, what’s the best decade of music? The 6070s 80s or 90s?
obvious answer is the 60s.
We had the king himself early in the 60s we had the beat I mean the Rolling Stones the beach boy. All of the great genres really began in the 60s but I love it.
I love it. Okay, so before we end leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that our squad the time to shine today squad can take them
every day is a day to practice and become
better. Wow. That’s a huge bomb right there. That is awesome. So George How can we find you and or do you have any events or products that you want to tell our our squat about that will be in the show notes guys and gals that are out there everything will be in the show notes to go to and get some fantastic content.
Yes, well, I have my own website or I have the website of the the speakers Academy www dot the speakers Academy com that’s out there. I’m also a big proponent and on LinkedIn every single day
yes, I read your
bio is like I have to get this guy on.
There you go. So I’m out there I’m using that it’s it has become a really strong leverage piece for me. But bottom line, I tried to get into places and spaces like I tried to get into the public sphere, because I want to make sure that I’m touching people where they’re at, you know, that’s just kind of what I do how I work.
All right, squad that’s the th e at the speakers academy. com make sure you read it. It’s fantastic his latest posts are you ready to lose or gain? I’m sorry, are you ready to lose or gain ready to gain lose and ready to gain that was it through me I was a little tongue twister there are you are you ready to lose are ready to gain Love it. Love it. So squad. We’re always talking about surround ourself a top five up to stay humble who stay hungry who Daily level up their health, they level up their wealth, all with the premise of serving people. And George, I am so stoked to have you as part of our squad right now. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on. I’m humbled and honored to have you on here. The knowledge nuggets that you put upon us is just it’s fantastic. So thank you so much.
My pleasure, Scott. I enjoyed to be with you.
Thank you so much virtual Buffett, mom. Oh, there you go. Thanks so much, George. Take care. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nutrient calm. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting that. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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