Welcome to Episode 209!Finnian Kelly is the creator of the Financially Happy movement, a world-renown keynote speaker, and an Intentional Living Guide. As the creator of Financially Happy, Finnian empowers women to connect their money with their spiritual path so they can transform their relationship with money and feel happy and wealthy. As a sought-after speaker & event facilitator, Finnian has been dubbed “the Business Mystic” because of his unique ability to put consciousness into enterprise and inspire entrepreneurs to find new levels of meaning and purpose through their business. As an Intentional Living Guide and as a leader in the breath work field, Finnian helps people ‘love their way’ so they can feel content with a life lived in the now. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Choosing to utilize love over fear is a great motivator
– Finnian Kelly
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Live for progress, not perfection
2. Give yourself self affirmation and lots of compassion
3. A great coach will ask you, ‘what is the question that you don’t want me to ask you?’
4. Live with intention in direction, prosperity, love and well being
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey this is Finnian Kelly from financially happy and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good buddy Scott Ferguson time to shine today podcast
Unknown Speaker 0:12
varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson word Episode 209 with the creator of the financially happy movement, my boy finian Kelly and ralien he served in Australia and I believe his army and please don’t hate me if I’ve missed that or made that wrong. But he’s just a fantastic fantastic human being it’s all about making sure you give yourself self affirmation and lots of compassion and live with intention and all direction prosperity love and well being. This was just such an awesome interview I pages of notes and I know that you will too so sit back, relax because your kids my really good friend finian Kelly from financially happy.com Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson that got me a fellow veteran here although he was with the Australian Army a little bit after me but he’s a total rock star. My boy finian Kelly, you know, he’s has a website called financially happy calm, so make sure you check that out. After we’re done. You’re done listening to this awesome interview with my again my buddy finian Kelly’s the Creator, the financially happy movement, a world renowned keynote speaker and then intentional living guide. As a creator financially Happy finian empowers women to connect their money with their spiritual path so they can transform their relationship with money and feel happy and wealthy. As a sought after speaker and event facilitator finian has been dubbed as business mystic, I’m going to get into that for sure because of his unique ability to put consciousness into enterprise and inspire entrepreneurs to find new levels of meaning and purpose through their business as an intentional living guide. And as a leader in the breathwork field. finian helps people love their ways. They said love their way so they can feel content with a life lived in the now the present being mindful so afinia Welcome to the show. Please introduce yourself to the time decide today. podcast first to squad but first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:14
Thanks so much Scott. My favorite color is yellow and the sun. It’s light. It’s fun. It’s playful.
Unknown Speaker 2:22
You’re in Colorado, man. Are you getting some sun out there?
Unknown Speaker 2:25
We always get some
Unknown Speaker 2:28
Unknown Speaker 2:29
Sometimes it’s melting my snow, which is a challenge. But
Unknown Speaker 2:32
I love it brother. No, I can’t man, I really appreciate you coming on. Let’s get into a little bit of the origin origins of finian here and kind of get us a 30,000 foot view if you will. And then we’ll move into financially happy.
Unknown Speaker 2:45
We could go down a dangerous path here. Scott, my origin story. We’re just talking about I’m a I’m a taxi devil. I actually grew up in Australia. I was born in Sydney, but then soon moved to Tasmania. I was brought up on a farm. And it was a it’s an important origin story. I believe. Where we come where we are now is often where we come from. We all have family of origin stories. And I had a family of origin story, which for a long time served me in a lot of regards because I wanted to keep proving myself I wanted to have success because I was almost running away from my childhood. And it worked brilliantly for quite a long time. It sent me off to the army and became an army officer. I have multiple degrees. I started multiple businesses until the point where it no longer served me anymore because I realized I was running away from something which was really love with myself. And that’s that’s where I’ve been on the journey the last few years which has been pretty awesome.
Unknown Speaker 3:42
That’s awesome. So what was your fork in the road moment Infineon that really said, okay, man, I’m gonna level up myself, and then help others level up.
Unknown Speaker 3:51
So what’s interesting is I’ve always been doing that that’s been part of my true nature of I’ve been always been better, more growth. And I’ve always been sharing that. So as an army officers, you know, like you’re leading people from 20 years old, I was in charge of anywhere from 30 to 100. People from 17 to age 15. There’s a lot of responsibility. So you pass it on. And then when you become an entrepreneur, and you build a financial business, you’re guiding and coaching. But what I really the big aha moment was actually when I achieved my full vision, the vision for my life, I was living in a mansion in a ski resort in Beaver Creek, Colorado. I was married, there’s a lot of really great things going on. I was financially independent. And it was at that point where I’ve achieved everything that I thought that I wanted was the aha moment that I I wasn’t fulfilled. I was actually had time to deal with myself and my life sort of effectively did a bit of a combustion and blew up in that period. And that’s when I was like, Okay, it’s time to it’s time to really get to know myself like stop operating from a place of From really other people’s influences, being the person that I thought that I was, I was, I was using a lot of family of origin stories and a lot of their influence to make my own decisions. And I was like, this isn’t really me. So that embarked on a big spiritual journey. I I spent a few months alone in my house after I separated with my, my ex wife, I then went and walked the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, which is a 500 worth
Unknown Speaker 5:28
mark. Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 5:30
And just went on a big discovery. And that’s when I realized, huh, I had been living a life of intentionality. But it wasn’t my true nature. And that’s where I had to discover. And that’s where I’ve been going for the last four years. And I’ve now been sharing the philosophy that I created and discovered myself with others to really help them live a life of intentionality as well.
Unknown Speaker 5:52
I love it that you said you had to, for lack of a better term, find yourself, you know, I was the same thing. But I had a lot of abandonment issues, child slavery, stuff like that. Right. But did you find yourself pulling a lot of that shift forward? through your journey? And then what was the and that I don’t want to use a hammer? But what was that click that said, Listen, man, this is not serving me. I need to put up there behind me or on my, under my feet and stuff on it move forward? Was there an event?
Unknown Speaker 6:20
Yeah, well, it really was, it was when my I separated. My wife could ask that. Yeah, it really was, it was, it was that moment when I was like, hang on, like, I’ve been very intentional. And this is what I wanted. And it still didn’t work, what’s going on here. And then systematically in those three months, I remember very clearly, I could see two different paths, there was a path of, well, I could distract myself right now and just go be single bachelor, have fun, travel, do all these different things, what i what i did 10 years before. And that would be a lot easier in the short term. But the empath that could be challenging I could potentially be not love myself, not trust women, not be very nice to people very egotistical. And I saw that path. And I was like, Oh, I don’t know about that path. And then I saw this other path, which looked really confronting at the start, it was like, you’re gonna have to sit with yourself and discover everything, it’s been months by yourself and look at everything that where you’re at now. And what could have contributed to that the fact that I hadn’t spoken to my father for 18 years, it was resenting my mother, those body complexes and, and when if I’m faced that perhaps on the other end, I’d love myself, I could find a new partner, I could potentially be Dad, I could be really kind and help people. And it was pretty clear. When I looked at those two parts, well, there was really only one option, because I want to live a really full and happy life. So that was, that was my moment. But there was a number of little moments in that time.
Unknown Speaker 7:53
Right? So, you know, when you’re starting to work with people over there at financially happy movement, and they kind of come to you maybe in a discovery poem, moment or whatnot, is certainly secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing that you use to help them maybe locate and find their blind spots?
Unknown Speaker 8:12
Yeah, there is a lot. So a lot big exercise that we do is called your money story. And we we get into the money, story and money stories, the combination of the family of origin of what how did the the influences as a child, what did they experience? What did they hear? How did that influence some of the decision making of the rest of life? And then also a timeline of all their events? Of what do they remember from like zero to five, five to 10? about their money? And what were the influences? And through that, they can get clear? What are their beliefs? What are their thoughts? What are their behaviors? And what are their feelings towards money. And when they look at it, they realize, well, I haven’t really been consciously making these decisions at all. I’m just a byproduct of of my experiences and my upbringing. And through that they have a real aha moment, because they’re like, what has been serving you here, and some of your money story has been serving you, what hasn’t been serving you? And how would you like to change that? And you do that exercise, and they’re just like, well, we also have this incredible tool called the money saboteurs quiz. So we’ve done like a think of a personality test, we’ve done a personality test of all the saboteurs that show up with money. So there’s things like the child, the procrastinator, The Gambler, the compensator, and we’ve got 12, different money saboteurs. And they do this really awesome psychometric quiz, which is very detailed, and it’s got a lot of research into it. And then they go Here are the top three saboteurs. And these are the behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs associated them and they’re like, oh, wow, that explains a lot. I love it. So
Unknown Speaker 9:53
when, which is true that I saw that on your website, it’s a free test to take, right? Yeah, yeah. It is beautiful. So When you’re starting to work with people finian, and you’ve lived that path, you’ve walked that way, you know, and not so much reinvented yourself, but you level up from where you were. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 10:18
It’s It’s funny, it’s, it’s, I often say, when I do a question I go, what is the question that you do not want me to ask you. And that’s really meaty, because then they realize, okay, they’re going to a level of it’s not the surface level, they’re not they’re trying to impress me, it’s alright, I know that I know, this is the area I need to work on. But I’m just scared to be off. So I would, I would say that it’s like, throw that question back to themselves, and they love it.
Unknown Speaker 10:46
That’s awesome. You rocked it out you you put the stopper on it, which is concerning that discovery, you actually care, and you’re really trying to pull it out of them. I love that. So what do you think then makes what? Let’s go back? What What is, are you women only.
Unknown Speaker 11:04
So we’re not women only, but we really focus on them. And there’s a few reasons for that is, is that one, the financial industry has not communicated to women very well, traditionally, and there’s a lot of inequality, there’s also there’s a feeling of like, they’re not resonating with them not communicating on the level, and they don’t feel safe. So we believe that if we empower females in general, and we definitely still work with men, but it’s like we’re focused there because we can really nail a message, then naturally, that will flow on through the rest of society anyway, because women really are the decision makers when we look at a lot of in stereotypical ways, and they influenced us. And there’s, I really want to uplevel the vibrational frequency that they have with money.
Unknown Speaker 11:46
Love that. That’s, that’s amazing. Because you’re right, they do kind of, they drive a lot of things. They might not be in the face of the forefront, but they do drive and I and I appreciate you helping out with that. So then breathwork I read a little bit about breath work with you. Is that an important part of the aspect of financially happy?
Unknown Speaker 12:10
Yeah, I’m back. We just dropped out.
Unknown Speaker 12:12
Okay, no problem, we can edit it out. So, breath work, I’m really into breath work. I’m a Wim Hof guy. And also Troy, Casey guy is there if you’re big believer of breath work to help you realize that higher state of consciousness
Unknown Speaker 12:26
breathwork is my favorite tool of life, I see it as a spiritual tool, a physical tool, mental tool, and emotional tool, it really hits all of our well being. And I feel like what it does is it empowers us because we realize when we breath is one of these beautiful mechanisms in our body where it happens unconsciously. But you can also drive it consciously. Unfortunately, most of the time, we just do it unconsciously. Right. And when that a breath is life, its life force, it’s literally the action we have to life to source. So if we can harness that and get it through our body, one, you can cure most illnesses, you can see into altered states where we can actually identify that we’re more than just our ego, our personality, and we have a beautiful connection to source or divine or the universe, whatever we have. And it’s incredible. liberating of energy gets energy in motion back again. So the whole idea of emotion is energy in motion, and unfortunately, get stored in our body. And when we start questioning ourselves and wiring, but we just got to get it flowing. And just say, I love it. It’s been transformational myself and also for everyone I work with to
Unknown Speaker 13:37
do it. I’ve been doing breath work for five years now, like started in pranayama. And my Ashtanga yoga instructor, right. But now, you know, I’ve been doing a little bit a little bit more I got to actually meet Wim Hoff, you know, and Troy, Casey, and actually do some breath work. And the one thing that I’m getting better at now is being able to hit that pelvic floor with my breath. Yeah, really, that’s amazing. So if the squatter listeners that you’re listening, trust me, you know, get with my buddy finian here and give us financial help, because it’s not just about money, don’t let the name of the company quote unquote, fool you, in a sense, but he starts at the origin. We know that you know, you can live three weeks without, without food. You can live a week without water if you had to, but you can’t live more than three minutes without breath. And that’s how important that breath is. infinium Let’s if you seen the movie Back to the Future,
Unknown Speaker 14:30
haha, love it. Okay, so I think we are getting there now.
Unknown Speaker 14:36
Let’s get into that DeLorean with with Marty McFly. All right, man. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Finney and Kelly. What kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop? That’s what we call them here. Time to shine today. But what kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on the 22 year old finnian maybe help them level up shortness learning curve or blast through let me say a little bit quicker.
Unknown Speaker 14:54
It’s quite interesting. It’s actually going to be a counter act to what you just said about little Way quicker and actually be saying, Go a little bit slower. Go a little bit slow, like your life is actually quite long, and you don’t want to rush.
Unknown Speaker 15:10
Unknown Speaker 15:12
The definitely one. Another one would be like really kind to your body. As you know, like military, we’re pretty brutal to our bodies and they’re very important. And just just I would just keep reassuring is like you are just love, you’re perfect just the way you are. And you’re going to learn a lot about yourself and just keep dropping in with self compassion. I think self compassion has been one of the most powerful tools I’ve learned. It’s, it’s about learning that choosing to learn and use love over fear as a motivator is so much more powerful. We think that fear is a motivator for us. But when you look at it, we got rid of corporal punishment in schools in 1960, because we realized it doesn’t work. So why is it that we use fear as a motivator for ourselves all the time, where we literally do corporal punishment on ourself all the time. And that’s something I used to do and now transition to a place of love. And it’s, it doesn’t stop me from doing things, I actually do a lot more and achieve a lot more, but it’s from a beautiful, powerful, strong place.
Unknown Speaker 16:11
Love it. Love it. So how do you want your data to remember that little line in between your life date and your expiration date? You know, like that, like life and death date? How do you want that little dash remembered finian stash.
Unknown Speaker 16:24
intentionality like that’s, that’s the big one, like my actual parent company’s intentionality.com. And financially happy is one element on there. And it’s this idea that you can really be if you can decide how you want to feel, and then go about creating the circumstances and experiences to actually feel that that’s living a life of intentionality. And there’s really four main pathways. There’s, there’s direction, which is all about, where am I going and what’s the path I’m on. There’s the prosperity path, which is all about financially happy, it’s about being happy, more money and feeling good about it. There’s the love path, which is more love and relationships, and then there’s the well being path. And the idea is that you need to be intentional in each one of those areas. But the cool thing is, you enter through one doorway. And if you become more intentional in relationship with money, you’ll be surprised that you’ll have more intentionality, with your love and with the well being and it flows through and that’s that’s really what I want to be remembered for. And that’s how I show up each day I look at it each day is a new opportunity to be to live a life of intentionality.
Unknown Speaker 17:27
You know what I love about what you just said, Brother is that you didn’t say balance. You know what I’m saying? Like balances zero, I’m hearing more harmony, almost like a jazz band, like direction is the guitar prosperity is the trumpet. You got love with the drums and well being is the guitar and if one of them is out of tune, it goes off that harmony, right? It’s like, do you want to pull them together, but your strongest one can help pull the other three? All right, I hear that right.
Unknown Speaker 17:54
I love that. I’m gonna use that if that’s right, Scott, I love it. Sometimes Sometimes it’s the drums have got to start. It’s there and see focus more in that area. And then it’s time for that. I love that. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:05
I got that. James Arthur raised a friend of mine who’s in the movie, The Secret and I got that from him. So I want to give him all the credit. You know, we all regurgitate stuff we pull forward. But I
Unknown Speaker 18:14
love original thought in our bodies. Scott were
Unknown Speaker 18:17
exactly beautiful. Hey, Vivian. What keeps you up at night,
Unknown Speaker 18:26
I don’t have that much to tell you the truth. I’ve come I’ve become really good with sleep. And I’m very good at shutting off at the end of the day. So I have a very intentional practice an evening routine, which helps me just sort of rewrite it and go, tomorrow’s a new day. So that definitely helps. The only thing that sometimes slips in is is this idea of being a dad and like, Am I am I in a position where I’ve like cleared enough of my stuff to be in that place. And I definitely experienced that, like I, I thought that I thought I was ready to have a child in my 20s. And if I had Looking back, I would have been like, wow, I would have passed on a lot of stuff. So that’s, that’s probably a little bit of a backdrop over there.
Unknown Speaker 19:09
I feel you I feel you so then who’s had just a quickly on this answer who’s had the most profound impact on your life? It’s, it’s
Unknown Speaker 19:19
interesting, like, I’d have to say, my dad who I didn’t really have a relationship with because I was running away from a hostile relationship. And of course that influenced me. Good. No, good. Yeah, my ex wife and my current partner they would really be really be the three because you’re pulling it
Unknown Speaker 19:41
you’re pulling it forward in an awesome way and not negative way. So that’s, that’s awesome brother. So what is your than definition of life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 19:52
A life well lived is that you you get to the end and you have no regrets. And what that means is it’s not going to mean that you don’t have Hard challenges and you don’t do stupid things. But you’ve you’ve actually, you’ve processed it, and you’ve had the uncomfortable conversations. And you’ve gotten to a place where you feel in harmony with life and are really in love with life. Like that’s, that’s success means Are you in love with life, it doesn’t mean you have to have this level of materialistic achievements. You don’t have to have done this. It’s just like, you could be just a simple being in love with life and that’s that’s what you see those people you see those people and you’re just like, wow, like yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:32
rock. Yeah, dude, but I’m the same way man. I like have an awesome woman. I have an awesome Pitbull. I got a paddleboard. I got my jujitsu. And that’s all I really need, man. You know what I’m saying? And it’s like the rest of it is icing. I love that. Hey, we are back with my good friend. Vinnie and Kelly. And I have a it’s almost like a tongue twister little bit of finian Kelly from the financially happy movements. I got a fall over my apps. But listen, man, we’re gonna move into our leveling up lightning round. Okay. And you and I could talk 15 to 20 minutes an hour on each one of these questions. We got five seconds. Five. All right. All right. So no explanations. finian just fire the answer to me. All right, brother.
Unknown Speaker 21:14
Unknown Speaker 21:14
Let’s do this. Let’s level up. Vinnie. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 21:21
live in the now?
Unknown Speaker 21:23
Yes. Sure. One of your personal personal habits contributes to success.
Unknown Speaker 21:30
I set an intention every morning while a smile to activate my happiness.
Unknown Speaker 21:35
Love it. Love it. So other than your own website financially, happy, calm and of course time to shine today.com my shameless plug. What’s another website? Fenian goes to the level up.
Unknown Speaker 21:48
Dr. Joe dispenza.
Unknown Speaker 21:50
Okay, beautiful, beautiful. So if I’m in my doldrums you see it like the energy from Fergie’s just not right and you what book are you handing me to help me level up?
Unknown Speaker 22:03
The Power of Now?
Unknown Speaker 22:04
Yeah, you go baby. Like you’ve said that a lot. Live in the now love this. Love this video. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?
Unknown Speaker 22:12
Thumbs up. I love it.
Unknown Speaker 22:14
I love that right? So Don’t lie to me on this one. Do not friggin lie to me. All right. I lied. Physically, physically, if you can say one age for the rest of your life, keep all the knowledge you’ve gained and continue to garner knowledge. What age physically would you stay?
Unknown Speaker 22:33
Think about 28 Yeah, dude, I
Unknown Speaker 22:35
always say 20 to 32. So and I’m coming up on 50 next year, so I would take this just because it’s a lot easier for me to go to bed at that age, bro. Yeah, that’s it. So your favorite charity or an organization like to give your time or money to
Unknown Speaker 22:52
give it a lot different ones is rallies for children in Boulder.
Unknown Speaker 22:59
Love it. Love it. Love it. Last question. And you can elaborate just a little bit on this one but what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or
Unknown Speaker 23:06
90s 60s for
Unknown Speaker 23:10
Unknown Speaker 23:11
All right. All right.
Unknown Speaker 23:12
Let’s sell baby Music Man.
Unknown Speaker 23:14
Yeah, great music. I mean, how can we find your brother
Unknown Speaker 23:19
so I’ve created a link for you guys intentionality comm slash podcast there’s some awesome resources there for you and that’ll be the best way and then you can you’ll see me and get on the email list.
Unknown Speaker 23:31
Did you already do the Facebook masterclass I have but we have you make sure you keep me informed of that and so I got a squad of a 90,000 subscribers be very interested in what you’re going to be talking about brother. Okay, awesome. So leave us if you don’t mind with one last Knowledge Nugget that we can take with us internalize and take action on
Unknown Speaker 24:00
I would say get on your path and choose to live a life of intentionality dude,
Unknown Speaker 24:05
you’ve set intention on mindfulness a lot and I frickin love that squad. You just got a free masterclass with my new could good buddy, my tazzy devil who you know what he ran away from his childhood childhood and just tried to think that it was just going to disappear. But he is pulling a lot of that forward until he really got his lack of better term shit together, you know now, he believes it’s progress, progress, progress, not perfection, you know, be intentional with your actions. You know, he’s gonna want to know your money story, your family of origin, your timeline of events, and the thoughts and behaviors towards money. If he can get those he can really help you level up. So get to his website after you’re done. Listen to the show. And be take that take that quiz and he’s going to really get to have the money saboteurs are just the saboteurs that is holding you back. He wants you to really go slower and we use here a little quote from john wooden the awesome back basketball coach. He says Be quick, but don’t hurry. Take your time, be ready. Be mindful. He says that a lot. You know, he’s somebody that’s kind to their body, you want you to be kind to your body and that’s physically, you know, have self out self affirmations and self compassion with yourself. You know, use love over fear. And also live with intention. You know, you have the four different direction, prosperity, love and well being and they want to get those into harmony that doesn’t want balance balances, we always say your time to shine today is zero. We want harmony, liken it to that jazz band that we always talk about, you know, he wants you to live your life and you get to the end with no regrets. You know, he wants you to go through the hurdles. He wants you to plow through them. If you’re going to fail, fail forward, you know, live in a harmonic life. He wants you to live in the now and he wants you to stay mindful at all times. And finian You’re so humble yet you’re so hungry. you level up your house, you level up your wealth. You’re Fantastic. Thank you for coming on. You earned your varsity letter here. It’s time to shine today varsity squad. Thank you. So
Unknown Speaker 25:59
thanks, Scott. Loved it.
Unknown Speaker 26:00
Talk soon, brother. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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