Welcome to Episode 221! Erin Mac is a thought leader that helps people create Impenetrable Joy so that they can be calm, have peace of mind, and meaning in their life, NOW! Through an anxiety disorder that had her holed up in her home for a year, she developed strategies she now teaches. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
If your intuition resonates with you go with it, if not forget it
– Erin McCullough
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Is your story creating your reality?. Your story can be your doorway to healing and growth
2. Stop pulling your past forward
3. Progress over perfection
4. Your body is your suit to carry your soul
5. A great coach will help you tap into more than your five senses. They will help you work with your intuition as well!
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Erin Mac with Erin Mac LLC. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today. podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:11
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and we’re Episode 221 with my joy slinger. my really good friend Aaron McCullough. And her stories is amazing. I’m gonna let her tell it, I’m not even going to kind of preface it. But she’s all about really creating your story daily, living with your intuition going with your gut, just a fantastic human being. It’s such a joy and bearing with us joy again, such a joy to have this conversation with Aaron. So let’s sit back relax, break out your notebooks because I literally had like almost three pages of notes when it was all said and done. Because here comes my really good friend Aaron McCullough, let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:00
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad into Scott Ferguson. And I got my girl from the left coast over in Fort land area, Oregon. And her name is Aaron McCullough, you got to check out our website after the show here and it’s Aaron dat dash, Mac calm and check out our about page because their story, which we’re going to dig a little bit into is absolutely amazing. Aaron Mac is a thought leader that helps people create impenetrable, impenetrable joy so that they can be calm, have peace of mind and meaning in their life now, and by the way, that’s a book that’s coming out. And I’m gonna have a giveaway. It hasn’t launched yet for Aaron. But when it does, I’m going to have a nice john Hancock, book set. And I’ll talk about that a little bit later in the show. So make sure you stick around, and through an anxiety disorder that had Aaron holed up in her home for a year sounds a little bit like Howard Hughes. She developed strategies she now teaches and Aaron, thank you so so much for coming on time to shine today. Please introduce yourself to the time shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:05
Oh, I like purple a lot. regal royal? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:12
Looking at your site, and looking at some of the stuff you put out there. I see the real calm blue. Right. But you can see she probably fires up a little red. So you mash those together. 100% I love it. I’m gonna shut up now. And I want to hear the story a little bit about why and you know, things that were happening. And can you just share that with our squad?
Unknown Speaker 2:33
Yeah, I mean, it’s a three parter. So I’m going to try and make it super short so that everybody can get a bit of it. And if you want to know more, of course, you can get me later probably in
Unknown Speaker 2:41
the book a little bit too, right. 100% Yeah, we got Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:47
So it started with an anxiety disorder that came about through talk therapy, I was going to a counselor with a boyfriend at the time. And I had a panic attack. In the first session, I had no idea what it was. I’ve never had one before. And you can imagine I was like what is happening, and thankfully, the counselor, she was really on her game. And she understood immediately what was happening. And through that talk therapy, I basically created an anxiety disorder. By telling my traumatic story over and over again, I’m not against talk therapy, I think it’s wonderful, especially if it’s done in a way that is healing. And you can grow from it. I just happened to go this route. And so as the panic attacks kept going and getting worse, I began to narrow and narrow my life because I was afraid to go out. And so after about eight months of this, she referred me to a homeopathic psychiatrist, who helped me level out all my chemistry. But as I’ll recognize, and use hearing my story later, I didn’t navigate the mental emotional piece. And so now my chemistry is fixed. I’m not, you know, having panic attacks all the time. So I decided I’m going to move to Hawaii and have the simple life thinking that, you know, I won’t get triggered being in this, you know, small town in Hawaii paradise, you know, all the things. And immediately I started a business right out of the gate, literally in 24 hours, the business grew exponentially and became super successful. And so I created all those things again, right stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and about 10 years into my business, a client called complaining and I would get fanatical about complaints when when people would call. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I’ll be right over. And I raced over to my friend’s house to drop my daughter off. And I backed into her driveway. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I sideswiped my car in her husband’s truck in the driveway. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, but I gotta go. So I dropped my daughter and leave come back a couple hours later. And my friend says, gosh, I got to talk to you about Something when you hit my husband’s truck he was under at working on it, he thought it was gonna land on him. And it just rocked me to my core, I thought, Oh my gosh, like, I cannot be this way, this is not acceptable, you know, I must kill somebody because I’m so frantic about a complaint. So I delve headfirst into self development and started going to all these seminars and reading all these books. And, you know, making some changes in my business and in my personal life and things were starting to feel a little better. And then I find myself in like, five years later in the middle of a divorce, and it just leveled me. And after all the work that I had done, or supposedly done in those seminars, and reading all those books, I literally didn’t have any strategies. And so then a series of things happen. I started reading this book, and I had this amazing experience where like, the words popping off the page where, you know, the path is joy, the answer is joy, joy, joy, joy. And I literally, like threw my hands up in the air one day and was like, Okay, I hear you, I hear the answer. But how do I get there. And then I was reintroduced to a gentleman I’ve met through seminar company I worked for, and I went to one of his seminars, and it was a seminar on visualization that he teaches. And I came home and I put it to work, and I, my life just lined up like all these crazy things happen. My business that had been for sale for nine months, went into a bidding war and sold within a week, I met the love of my life and some very interesting circumstances. And then I went back and trained with this gentleman, and then I taught his seminar for a couple of years. And when I got in front of my first seminar, it was like a combination of all these life experiences came together. And I went, Oh, this is what I’m supposed to be doing, teaching people how to find their joy, cultivated daily and live the life that they’ve always wanted to live.
Unknown Speaker 7:02
So what was the book that Joy Joy Joy popped off? Just curious about that?
Unknown Speaker 7:07
It was called it’s called A Course in Miracles. Have you heard of this book? Yes, I have. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. So it’s like 365 passages. And they’re meant to read it one passage a day for a year. I actually stopped about a month and a half in the first month, I was like, Oh, this is interesting. But I wasn’t having anything, you know, a remarkable experience with it. But then when the joy literally was popping up off the page, I was like, and I have not gone back to even see if the word joy is in there. And
Unknown Speaker 7:36
that’s how you internalized and that that’s just awesome. So do you still practice any homeopathic? I, you know, I do use it occasionally. Yeah. Stuff like that. Maybe? Or what? What’s your thing?
Unknown Speaker 7:49
You know, they have these remedies. And I’ve ever taken the remedies. Yeah. So that’s something like that. You know, I mean, it’s I works. I love it. Yeah. Yeah, homeopathy is incredible. I used a lot of it when my daughter was young. Okay. Um, yeah, it just it basically introduces healing to your body and allows your body to create the healing, which is what it’s supposed to do. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 8:11
Thank you, squad, did you hear that your body will create your own healing, especially if you introduce it to things in your mind as well, to things that help you level up more like a medicinal or a homeopathic medicinal level, not the RX stuff. So I love you, thank you so much for sharing that. So then, as we move forward, and you’re starting to help people, what do you think makes a great coach?
Unknown Speaker 8:37
I think intuition, you know, when somebody can tap into, you know, understanding that there’s more to this life than just what we you know, the five senses, you know, when we can hear that gut feeling again, about things. I think that’s super important. I know, for me, in my practice, working with people, I get sort of what I call hits on ideas. And as it turns out, when I say to a client, you know, this is kind of the feeling I’m getting about this thing. I don’t if it resonates with you great if it doesn’t ignore it. Right. And usually they’re like, yeah, that’s 100% and I think the other piece is, you know, somebody who’s still growing and learning, you know, I find it like, I feel like it’s part of my practice is that I need to continue to work on myself so that I can be the best version of me and so that I have, you know, new strategies and techniques and ideas for people. And so I’m always voraciously reading, you know, new ideas and new ways of healing and I think that’s super important. And then just like, you know, what is your intention when you’re working with people like are you aligned with your intention and, and what you’re, you know, sharing with your clients. I think that’s super important. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
And so if you’re in the discovery process and in when you’re starting to take on somebody, what is some of your secret sauce of their Mac? it if you don’t mind sharing that help them really kind of find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 10:16
Yeah, um, you know, I, every single client, I started out exactly the same. And I say, What is your story? Right? If I asked you what your story is, and of course, they tell me all the rainbows and sunshine and all the beautiful things that happened. And now actually they don’t, they don’t tell me all that, right. We? Yeah, they tell you all, you know, they tell you all the trauma, and then not fair and all the things that happened, right. And that’s what I’m after. And the reason I’m after it is because in order to heal and grow, you absolutely have to start and acknowledge with where you are at, is
Unknown Speaker 10:53
not gonna be like, I’m gonna look at your knee. You’re right, I’m sorry. This is coach too. So please go on. I’m sorry. I’m so No, no, I’m loving it.
Unknown Speaker 11:07
Yeah, and so and then the point is, beyond the story is getting people to understand, like how often that story is creating their reality. And so you know, getting space from that story. And eventually, I mean, the goal is that that story is just a story. And it doesn’t affect your daily life. I mean, there’s the parts, of course, I’m not working on the things that are working out, we’re only working on the things that aren’t working out. And so, you know, those parts of the story that are you know, I mean, I truly believe that, you know, we’re here for spells spiritual development, for self development, whatever you want to call that. And those parts of the story hour is the doorway into the healing and growth. You couldn’t I mean, if you didn’t have those things, then you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t know where to start and there wouldn’t be anything to work on. And so when you understand that, that’s what they are, and not who you are, yes, then you can move forward from there. And when you do that, then we create a new story. And then I use that new story, in a visualization process that 100% that’s where I found my joy was in the visualization process. Because if you can put yourself in the day in the life of everything you ever wanted, and start your day in that place, that’d be a pretty spectacular place to start. Amazing.
Unknown Speaker 12:32
It’s amazing. I can’t wait to add you to my gratitude journal to just to start with that, because what you’re doing and you said, we walk, so similar paths, and I’ve definitely got collaborating on a few things moving forward. Trust me. So during that discovery, period, then is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do? Um, gosh, that’s a good question. Nobody’s ever asked me that before. It’s time to shine, baby. Let’s get into it.
Unknown Speaker 13:06
There, it’s less about, I mean, I would love for them to ask me questions about, you know, how do these ideas that we created a young age, how they manifest this, you know, perception in which we’re living this reality, right. So, you know, I’m talking about beliefs, specifically, understanding, you know, how, like, the depth of how that affects people. You know, often I touch on it, and sometimes people get lost in some of the, you know, words around it. I mean, sometimes, like, my clients, I’m explaining to them what’s going on with their brain and why they’re having this reaction and, and what it means. And I can see they get deer in the headlines, right? So I try to break it down into smaller pieces. But for those that are listening, just know that you created beliefs at a very young age, that made these decisions for you about what is right and wrong. And how you set people up in expectations. And so when you have these things in a wallpaper of your life, and you don’t realize that they’re running the show, it can be really challenging and make any you know, positive change, because you’re still looking at the past to create a new future. And what we need to do is let go of the past find some space from it, create a new future and then in their new strategy and ways of being in order to create the new because you can’t create the new from the old says,
Unknown Speaker 14:48
gotcha. That’s so true. A lot of people will pull that path forward. And we say here even with my clients, and I see here on the podcast that the windshield is so much bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason. You know, you You can put a little fun things back forward. But you have all this right right in front of you. They like you said, through visualization, you can really create and manifest whatever that you know what you want. That I thank you for really, really clarifying that. So I’m probably a little bit older than you. I’m coming up on 50 So have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yes. 50 so while you look phenomenal squad if you’re watching looks nowhere near anyways. If you go could go back in time with Marty McFly and that DeLorean in meet the 22 year old Aaron. I don’t know if his makala but the 22 year old Aaron, what kind of knowledge and I guess we call them here time to shine today? What kind of knowledge nuggets? Would you drop on her to maybe shorten their learning curve blast through and level up?
Unknown Speaker 15:54
Well, I mean, I think this is the ultimate of importance. Because this was my experience just in general, up until about five years ago, I really thought I was my thoughts. And I really thought I was my emotions. And when you think your your thoughts and your emotions, it creates this roller coaster ride of a life where it feels like everything’s challenging and overwhelming. And when you can understand that your thoughts are what you use to create the reality and not, and that you can actually have, you can control the thought part. Sandy, I understand that piece, I thought that all of my thoughts were just, you know, I guess sort of random or, and now I recognize that I can insert thoughts. And I can stop thoughts. And so when you can be in control of those things and recognize that. And then also I didn’t understand what my emotions were trying to tell me. See, I just thought I was my emotions. And so how I know you’re not your thoughts, and you’re not your emotions, is that you can think of thoughts. And tell me what that thought is. So who is that, and you can have an emotion and name that emotion. So who is that? That’s who you actually are. And so when you can understand that and that these are the only things that you actually can control in your life, versus what most people’s experiences is trying to get people and circumstances to fit into their, you know, beliefs, the rights and wrongs that make them feel good about life. Right? When I can show you that you can control the thoughts and the emotions and choose the ones that you want, then it’s a very different experience in life right then if you are intentional about what you’re creating versus being at the mercy to your thoughts and people and circumstances that’s, I’ve never heard it said better that you you can tell your thoughts for one. And that you can choose your thoughts to create your circle.
Unknown Speaker 18:04
I say it but that that was so articulate. Thank you so much. So how do you want Aaron’s dash remembered that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date? Your life date? And how do you want people to remember Aaron? Or how do you want to be remembered within that dash? Yeah, she has such good questions. I love this making me think,
Unknown Speaker 18:30
Oh, you know, I really just want to be in service. I feel like I it’s like I got this pot of gold. You know, after all these years of struggling and challenge and, and things xiety disorder and anxiety in general, I’m overwhelmed and stress. Like, I feel like I finally kind of hit the jackpot in terms of recognizing that this life is beautiful now, in this moment, and if I can impart this information and get as many people to recognize that their life can be this beautiful in every moment. Now, regardless of the you know, things that you know, like we’re not on our deathbed thinking like, I wish I had amassed more cash, I wish I had, you know, more I had worked more or you know, I have more things. Were thinking like, you know, I wish I’d have deeper, more meaningful relationships with people and that’s what I hope that I can impart is that this like the predominant experience you should be having as one enjoy. And if it’s not what you’re experiencing? Then please keep seeking. If this doesn’t speak to you, for me, there’s people like you and others out there that can help you. And it’s absolutely like, I mean, the universe is divine in its creation of all the things like all of the challenges are for our benefit. They’re the biggest gifts, so us for us to be able to, you know, understand what’s going on. Yeah, on a deeper level, and instead of, you know, having the experience that everything is difficult all the time, when you can shift your perspective to these are gifts, and doorways into where I can grow and heal. When it’s a much different experience, it’s
Unknown Speaker 20:23
so is Aaron it’s like, you know, the universe or God or whoever that your believe your Creator is, wants to show out big time for you. You know, it’s just you have got to understand that the bigger the challenge, I love the challenges myself, I had to grow into the lobby my challenges, but I want bigger ones, I want bigger problems. And that’s what I really coach my clients to do. And everybody out there listening, you know, I’m always talking about that is you want to get have big rounds, I mean, death of a loved one, and you know, stuff like that sucks, right? But like, you want to be challenged. And thank you put that out there. It. Okay, so what then keeps Aaron up at night?
Unknown Speaker 21:05
Um, you know, I’m always working on myself, you know, it’s constant evolution. You know, there’s a couple of things that I have been working on over the last probably year. One is this body image deal. I think it’s especially challenging for women. You know, we do see a lot of images of, you know, sort of the unicorn, you know, we’re all super skinny. And that was not my body type growing up, and, and for whatever reason, but I had several family members that were sort of hung up on body image as well, that played a huge role in my life. And so that’s something that I’ve been working on for quite some time. And I’ve definitely made a lot of headway in terms of recognizing that, you know, this is just a suit to carry my soul. And when I’m unhappy with it, you know, it’s some of the kind of the brain default stuff, right. So it’s like, disrupting, you know, those thought patterns and going, Yeah, that’s just not important. You know, as long as we’re healthy, and we’re thinking healthy thoughts, and we’re eating healthy food and moving our body, then this ideal of having to be perfect, which I think is extremely difficult for a lot of women, this idea of being perfect. Yes. Yeah. So, you know, navigating some of that recognizing, you know, we were talking earlier about, you know, constantly learning new things. I just took this energy class not that long ago. And I realized something about boundaries. You know, a lot of people will say, Oh, I’m going to set a boundary around that. But that’s actually going the opposite of that, you know, I love it. Yeah, the idea is to be neutral to recognize that, oh, there’s a boundary I didn’t set there. And so I’ve compromised myself, but it’s not a you stay away kind of thing. Like, let me put up a wall, right. It’s like, oh, let me recognize in myself, where I didn’t show up fully for myself.
Unknown Speaker 23:22
I love Yes, exactly. I mean, the boundaries, like you said, be neutral. It, but let them come so you can learn from that experience. Right? Yeah. 100%. So then, what is Aaron’s definition of a life well lived?
Unknown Speaker 23:38
Gosh, I feel like I’m living it honestly. I I mean, I it’s like, you know, I have a very specific color ritual or practice in the morning, that starts you know, I talked about that visualization, I do visual visualization, meditation. And then I do something that I read something that speaks to my soul, or sometimes I’ve just listened to somebody that speaks to my soul. And when I start that way, it’s like, no fail. You know what I mean? It’s like, I’m just in the zone immediately. And then everything from there. The other thing that I do is I, you know, I love what I do for work, but I don’t, I intentionally do not fill up my schedule. I do not want to be working all the time. Right. And even though it fulfills me and I feel great about it, there are other aspects of my life that I love to I have a 13 year old daughter, who I love spending time with. She’s such an amazing soul. And I have friends and family that I want to spend time with and their activities that I like to do besides that, I just feel like you know, this, nine to 540 hours a week is just I mean, it doesn’t make sense, right? It’s like, you have 24 hours, eight of it. You’re supposed to be sleeping right? Eight of it. You’re supposed to be working and then everything else has to fit into the other way. Right, that seems like out of balance already. You know, and I know that some people don’t have a choice, necessarily, but I think you know, now with people working from home and things like that, there are some other ways to sort of navigate all these hours, I think work will become more project based. Yes, you know, so that you don’t have to, it’s not that I have to be here because who can focus for eight hours? That’s ludicrous, right? Love. I mean, like, focus, like, be 100% in with whatever you’re doing? No way. I can’t even do that with the things that I and I love what I do 100%
Unknown Speaker 25:36
I’m there with you. And I’m like a 60 70% guy. I mean, I understand that the passions that I have, but I understand you only have so much energy, and how will you how much you can put through because everyone wants that perfection instead of progression, you know, and, hey, it’s Scott Ferguson here, and we’re back with my really good friend Aaron Mac, an awesome sauce, thought leader and we’re gonna move into our leveling up lightning round and Aaron. We I’m gonna ask you five or six questions. You and I can easily talk an hour and every Yeah, yeah. You got five seconds. Okay. No, zero explanations will beat you. I’m kidding. But no, just all of them can be answered quickly. So you ready to level up? I’m ready. Let’s do it. Aaron, what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 26:24
That you can quiet your mind and that’s powerful.
Unknown Speaker 26:29
Yes. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 26:34
only doing things that create joy for me and stopping things that feel tedious.
Unknown Speaker 26:41
Yes. Other than your website, Aaron dash mac.com that’s Aaron with an E. errand dash mac.com. And of course, time to shine today.com that’s my shameless plug. What are the website does Aaron go to to level up? I tend to go to mind Valley quite a bit, right. So you see me You’re like man, Fergie’s just not his energy’s off for using the doldrums. What book is Aaron handed me to level me up.
Unknown Speaker 27:12
Oh, it’s a toss up. It’s the toss up is between a new earth by Eckhart Tolle a yes. Or the seat of the soul by Gary’s a cop.
Unknown Speaker 27:23
I will have to look that one up. And I will put both of those in the show notes squad. Aaron, what’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? I am three one is the kissing like blowing the kiss.
Unknown Speaker 27:39
The peace sign with the fingers. And, and just the heart emoji.
Unknown Speaker 27:45
Love it. And don’t friggin lie to me on this one. Okay. You and I the same age. But if you could stay one age, physically, physically for the rest of your life, keep the wisdom you’ve garnered in computing. Wisdom. What age? Yeah, physically, physically, would you stay for the rest of your life? I learned like 3940 I love it that you put a three in front. Thank you. I love you for that. I say between 2832 just because I competed in combat sports my whole life. And it’s like, I can get out of bed a lot. Thank you for being Yeah, any favorite charity or organization like to give your time or money to
Unknown Speaker 28:28
several I have my own First of all, and so I spent a lot of time energy in that. But also, I love UNICEF. I also like Gosh, I’m forgetting it right now the one with the animals where you sponsor the animals, Susan Sarandon, or something like that, or no, what is it called? Oh, gosh, I’m having a moment.
Unknown Speaker 28:51
I will put it in there. Okay. No problem. Last question. You can elaborate a little bit on this one. But what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s? Oh, I like the words are. I’m gonna go 60 Wow. Okay, very cool. You can’t have like a hippie chick thing going on? You know, I see your social. I mean, Scott, if you watch her, she’s beautiful. She kind of looks like who I had a major kind of crush on back in the 80s. But any Linux from the love, love, love. Love that. So how can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 29:34
I think the best way to get me is on Instagram. I love Instagram. What’s your handle? I add It’s uh, Aaron VRI n Mack ma si LLC.
Unknown Speaker 29:46
Got it. Squad. It won’t show up as amakhala it’ll show up as Joyce linger, because he’s all about slinging that joy. So, tell us a little bit about that book that’s going to be coming out and I believe it’s called in pension in Pentre to suck at that one. penetrable joy, calm and peace in your life. Now tell us a little bit about that book.
Unknown Speaker 30:04
Well, of course, it starts with my story, obviously a little more in depth than what we’ve just talked about. And and then we go into so there’s parts on beliefs like what sort of run the show behind the scenes emotions, what are they? What are they signaling? How do we sort of get control over those? And then the last section of the book is really about strategies like what can I do moving forward to create these experiences, to let go of the past to create the new experience that I like to create and understanding what that process looks like in terms of healing and growing?
Unknown Speaker 30:43
I love that you’re giving them processes, Aaron, because you even when you read that book that had Joy, joy, joy popping out to you, right? Yeah, there was no, I don’t believe there are really that many processes to really find it. And I love that you’re going to have a story. And then you’re going to be empathetic and look through other people’s eyes while you’re writing this and give them steps. Thank you for doing that. And squad. We’re going to have a free book giveaway because when it launches, Aaron’s going to let my team know I’m going to purchase a copy and I’m going to have her john Hancock it to the first person who comments Joyce slinger on and that’s s Li n g er in any of our social at time to shine today, whether it’s instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, anywhere you see my friend, Aaron’s interview here, and I’m gonna have her send out a signed copy. Hopefully, she she might pick up the shipping for me, which should be awesome. Other than that, I probably just send it for free. Yeah, that’s my girl. That’s my joy slinger. So joy leave us please pretty pleased with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 31:53
I’m going to repeat something I said earlier to do. What I’m going to tell you is if the predominant experience you are not having in this life is joy. please seek it out. Because it is possible to be enjoy right now before or without the car, the house, the relationship, that stack of cash, the whatever it is, you’ve been waiting for, to create that experience. I’m going to tell you right now, the location is not external. It is internal, the journey is internal. And if you will hear what I’m saying there are so many ways to create that in your life
Unknown Speaker 32:34
right now. Yes, absolutely. And like she just said, right now Scott, I have a page and a half a notes that I have just from my really good friend, Aaron here. And she is the joy slinger that I think I’m going to need the actual interview interview with the joy slinger. amakhala, you know, and she is all about Joy, joy, joy. And she picked that it popped out to her from a book. And she didn’t really see processes, so she kept seeking. And she was always inch by inch. It’s a cinch. She’s not trying to be a yard by the yard. It’s hard. She was very systematically bringing in internalizing things that will help her she believes that a great coach can help you tap into more than just your five senses. Get into that gut feeling and work with your intuition and align with your intentions. You know if you if the intention if it resonates then just go with it go with flow Don’t try to block it keep moving forward. And is your story is creating your reality create space to work with to towards your goals. So a lot of times your stories squatted Is this what I got from a good friend Aaron, the story can actually paralyze you in a sense. And really, you can use that story hire someone like Aaron I’d love to be a introduction, warm introduction, Aaron, that she can help you work that story as a journey toward towards your goals. And again, I’ve said it before inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard, it’s hard, you must have the intention to move forward. She believes that we are all here for spiritual and self development. And she will tell you to stop pulling that path forward especially the things that do not serve you bring the good memories, those collection of memories and like we say, overlap your happiness here. You know, she will remind us that thoughts and emotions can be a roller coaster, you know, use your positive powerful thoughts, your create your new reality as you move forward and that will help immensely. You know, you She said that you can tell a thought which that really stuck out to me is so simple, so basic, but she you can tell a thought out loud, tell them, get it out, get it out in journals, get it out to your coach, so they know she’s gonna be remembered as someone who’s been in service to people and showing people that they can level up in meaningful relationships and joy. She also reminded us a body it is a suit to carry our soul never heard it like that. But it’s friggin true. And thank you so much for saying that. And again, progression over profession. Perfection is how we say it. And that’s what Aaron does every day not only with their life but the other people that she levels up. She’s healthy, she’s wealthy, she’s humble yet hungry. She’s always going to be part of our time to shine today varsity squad. Thank you so much for coming on. I’m so blessed. And I cannot wait to collaborate with you in the future.
Unknown Speaker 35:19
Oh my gosh, thanks so much for having me. I love being here. Love your energy. And these platforms are so important to having these conversations are so important. Thank you so much for creating that. Awesome.
Unknown Speaker 35:33
We will talk soon. Love your guts toxin. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 in online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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