Welcome to Episode 55. After crushing the business world Elissa transitioned industries four times. After being told there was no more room to grow within her place of employment, Elissa boldly stepped up, Leveled UP and started ES Strategic Services. In this episode, we cover her journey and she drops killer Knowledge Nuggets. If you are ‘stuck’ this episode is for you! Enjoy!
We owe it to ourselves to find out what we are good at, find what we can contribute and get it out there. Pay it forward.
– Elissa Shuck
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Follow your intuition and do what you love!
2. Always help people find their strengths and develop a better version of themselves.
3. A good coach shows people you don’t have to be trapped in your current way of processing and deciding.
4. Be bold enough and ask people for help. Don’t try to go through this journey of life alone
Level Up!
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Elissa’s Go To Book! – Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins
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Speech Transcript
Hey, this is Lisa shuck of strategic life coaching. If you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Welcome time to shine today podcast squad it is Scott Ferguson and I am super happy to be bringing you my interview that I did with Alisa shuck from ies Strategic Services. And Elisa started in four different businesses got promoted through businesses at time she was told that she went as high as she could in a company. And she just kind of called bullshit and said, Listen, I’m pushing forward. And I’m not going to kowtow to the corporate culture. So she went out started her company as Strategic Services, where she helps people level up their life, find what they’re good at and how they can contribute and get it out and pay it forward. So sit back, relax, break out your notebook. And here comes my friend. Elisa shock.
Hey, time to shine squad is Scott Ferguson with the time to shine today podcast. And I am super privileged to be able to interview you Lisa shock. And if you would like to increase your performance by 70%, an increase in in 57% and improved business management. Would that help your bottom line up? Yeah, it would. So would you like a fun place to work that creates opportunity for employee engagement. So why not ensure the return on investment by including professional development and helping your employees experience experience a sense of purpose alongside those potlucks and ping pong tables Elisa has always loved working during her career. She transitioned industries four times and achieved 12 promotions. Wow, that’s awesome. As a coach Elisa curated all the principles, techniques and tools to help her clients discover their strengths, develop their potential and experience real purpose. So while what strong credentials and she’s a real, she gets results, so, Alisa, come on here and please say hi to the time to shine today squad and tell us your favorite color. And why.
Oh, wow. Hi, everybody. Gosh, I’m so excited. Thank you so much, Scott for having me on. Okay, my favorite color is green. And the reason I love green is because well of course, lots of colors come in and lots of shades but green is very natural. It’s very lively. It’s refreshing. I think it’s just a life giving color. So they get it resonates with me for that reason. And also because you know In a way, that’s that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to help people do life better. So, you know, with green is the backdrop why not
green is a growth, right? It’s like shows blooming and it shows growth. And that’s what you’re hoping people do to increase that ROI a little bit about ESG strategic from the origins. Actually, you know what I digress? Tell us about your career in transitioning four times and then the promotions, then we’ll get into strategic
Okay. All right. Well, the career transitions four times. A couple of those were absolutely my choice in the sense that I set a goal for myself. I knew that. Well, let’s say the first one, the first one I was working in retail, and I went to a job performance review. And my manager was a it was a great review. He was very appreciative hard worker, all that stuff, but you He said, you know, think you’ve gone as far as you can go in this company. That was not the thing to say to me. And within 90 days I was gone, because I just decided, Okay, I love this industry, but I don’t want to hit a ceiling. And so I stayed in retail. But I completely transitioned. I went from someone who worked with people building custom homes and picking out their fine fancy toilets and sinks and cabinet hardware to selling shoes at Nordstrom. Okay, because I saw the opportunity at Nordstrom for growth or opportunity for elevating my career. So that was, that was one transition. Another one was because the company was in trouble. And they downsized about 20% of the workforce. And I was I was one of the people that that got sent out. So that was that was not by choice. A third one was because the company I helped start as a co founder got acquired. And ultimately, they felt they had my role covered in their infrastructure. And so my time there was on a one year contract, and then then I moved on. So, you know, it can be a variety of reasons why people want to transition. And like I said, it could be a goal. But a lot of times, especially nowadays, I think it’s, it’s kind of a forced decision. And and it’s definitely something that if you’re not careful, it can really kind of take you down to your bones. Because a lot of pain and self doubt, if you don’t know how to bounce back.
I love that. So when you transition, there’s always that time where you’re just like, oh, crap, you know, but you’re always forward thinking and failing forward, like we like to say here at time to shine. So give us the origins of strategic please.
Okay, well Strategic started because I, first of all participated in an awesome survey called Clifton strengths. And I bought a book called Strength Finders 2.0. And yeah, I had that, you know, you had that little code in the back of the book, you go online, you take the test. And it revealed to me my top five strengths, which are strategic responsibility, Maximizer positivity and developer. And everything about that narrative said to me, wow, you know, now I understand why I love helping people. Now I understand why. Always on the teams that I lead, it was all about helping people achieve their full potential, but I knew as a as a leader, that if my people were empowered to do a great job, they were going to make me look good. You know that that was just going to be a byproduct. If they’re doing well. I was going to do well. And so what strengthsfinder do Did was really create a picture of why I gravitated towards that behavior leadership behavior, if you will, in addition to, you know, plenty of other things, Jhansi, Maxwell, other types of books and professional and personal development type things I had done. That was the first thing that really kind of ignited something in me that I need to do something with this. So, I just started to started to look for opportunities to help people. And I came across an amazing tool by a company called PDP global. It was another strengths evaluation tool, but it went way deeper than that. And when I took that, and I had that aha moment, again, that was, holy cow, this is who I am. Now, I’ve got this telling me and I’ve got Strength Finders telling me this is what I should be doing. I just decided to start strategic so that I had a platform and a business. with which to reach out to people and really, you know, coach and develop and, you know, help people achieve their full potential.
Tell us about that first client that came aboard as a strategic that’s always what everyone wants to hear, but it’s the hardest. Yeah,
it is. It is the hardest. Well, no. What’s interesting is I find that if you just did that this is this is what I, I’ve done. I’ll be really honest, I haven’t done any Facebook advertising. I haven’t done any. Everything that happens to me in my in my coaching business happens organically, because I’m putting myself out there and I do like what Gary Vee says, and that’s just adding value. That’s just how can I help people discover something about themselves and do something differently? And so yeah, that first client came to me and said, I think you can help me. I said, Well, what do you what do you want to do? She had a idea of a direction she wanted to go. But she didn’t know how to get there because she had for the most of her life been a you know, working at home mom and doing some real estate and some other things but she said, You know, I have this I have this vision of what I could do. And we sat down together. And I just looked at her and I said, I can absolutely help you. So that’s really where it comes from. is really giving people I think, putting yourself out there not being afraid to do things like this to get on a podcast to do a live and when people see what you have to offer, if it resonates with them, they will come to you.
Excellent. I love that. And what I wanted to kind of share with the squad out there is she’s organically building it. She’s getting out in in giving value to people and not just going and really asking for business. It’s kind of like what she said with Gary Vee, where it’s kind of Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. And so, you know, that’s where, like, I’m always telling you squad that, you know, it’s all about giving, being a go giver and pressing forward with helping people. So at least so what do you think makes a great coach?
Well, what I think makes a great coach is someone who has the ability to show people, their mind, show people how the way they think, and the process they use for making decisions is affecting their life. So it could be that you think you’re behaving a certain way. But in actuality, it’s, I like to say it’s not the fluffy woowoo stuff, because I believe in positive thinking, I believe that believe in you know, a positive mental attitude, if you will. But there’s science behind this, you know, the first the first person I learned the science about how the brain works was Lewis Tice in his organization, the Pacific Institute. And when I was at Nordstrom, so this goes way back, I’m not going to tell you how all day, this goes back. You know, Nordstrom helped us as leaders grow by having us participate in one of his programs called investment in excellence. And this is where I learned about the reticular, activating system and neural pathways and how we have a choice in what we bring into our lives based on our physiology, and based on our approach to things so you know that a good coach shows people that shows people that you don’t have to be trapped in your current way of processing and deciding and whether that is your mindset about money, whether it’s a mindset about your health that you get to decide Another Go ahead.
No, no, please.
Yeah. Another one I really like is the book by Viktor Frankl called Man’s Search for Meaning.
Right over here on my bookshelf.
Yeah, yeah, you know how powerful that book is? Yeah. And again, that’s, that is a process I use in my coaching where you can say to someone, just like Victor says, there is that space. There’s that little space between what you think and how you act on it, or how you respond to it. That if you pay attention to your mind, you can decide what is the meaning of this situation? What am I going to do in this situation? So I love that I love helping people get off the treadmill of thinking that this is just the way life is because it’s the way I’ve always done it and finding a new way.
I’m hearing no cookie cutter approach so you’re actually digging in to everybody’s out. Life for lack of a better term in their situation and then devise in a program for them that is going to help them Excel and grow correct.
Absolutely. Yep. I love
that. So you went out you have all these the look on jobs. You had all of those in you went out on your own here with a yes. Strategic What? What did your family think of that?
Well, you know, I have an incredibly supportive husband, he, he is someone that he keeps me grounded, because one of one of my, the things about my nature is I love variety. If you think about Tony Robbins and the six human needs, I have a really strong need for variety. So that could be a really awesome thing because it means I could take on anything that comes my way but it also means that sometimes I can fall into the next shiny object,
scatter, bringing mode okay.
He helps me stay grounded. And he’s really the person that that sees that possibility in me as well. So, you know, and I and I grew up in it with a dad who just said, you know, you can do anything. So, I was fortunate, I didn’t have a lot of pushback from family. When I decided to go on my own, I know for a lot of entrepreneurs, that can be a challenge. And that is, you know, that’s something that, you know, when I work with entrepreneurs, we definitely address that, how much weight Are you going to give to that versus working on your own process of, you know, disconnecting from, from that feedback and and doing, doing what you want?
Wow, that’s, that’s strong. That’s great that you have a family that’s supportive like that. That’s key. And that’s just awesome. So you have had you change industries four times, you’ve achieved 12 promotions. What would the Lisa have today? If she could go back in time and meet the 21 year old Elisa? Or even just write a letter to her? What would you tell her? You’ve experienced a lot. So yeah. Lisa?
Yeah, I would say
you’ve got this, that any challenge that comes your way, you are going to find a way to get on the other side of it. You’re going to find the within yourself, the emotional resilience, you need, the tenacity that you need. And when you stumble, ask somebody for help. Don’t try to go it alone. And a lot of times my help was a book. Okay, this is what I’m going through. I want to be a better leader. So let’s let’s read Jhansi Maxwell’s book, you know 21 essential qualities of a leader So, I fed myself with a lot of things that help I you know, now I have my own life coach, because I want to accelerate my, my career as a coach. So, you know, the best thing is that it’s going to be okay. You can find a way if if you seek out the resources to do that. And yeah, you’ll you’ll come across surprises but usually on the other side, it’s better than you imagined.
So you’re telling her really to kind of set up her own mastermind in a sense for like, I have books that are just right back here that I’ll turn to if I’m in a certain situation. I know what book I’m going to open in Victor Frankel’s sitting right here to my left so it’s like he’s he’s at my my Roundtable. It’s funny that you brought up Man’s Search For me it’s not funny, but it’s it’s amazing that no great minds and whatnot, but you’ve did a lot to get you to the point where you’re at now you’ve hired the life coach, you industries are your growing strategic. What’s the one big thing you want to accomplish in life?
The one big thing I want to accomplish in life is changing lives of helping people realize that you are full of untapped potential. And no one else can do what you can do in the world. So to change lives, yeah, we kind of owe it to ourselves, to find our set, find, find what we’re good at, find the way we want to contribute and and get it out there. So, you know, opening people’s eyes to that, and giving them meaningful transformation. That’s what I want to do. That’s a goal.
That’s funny. We kind of aligned there too. I that’s why I’m kind of moving into the speaking world. Because I want to get out of my head over my lips, and then two words, and that’s what my big thing is. So I think that your your thinking that is well you’re thinking big and you want to help as many people as you can. That’s, that’s fantastic. Okay, so let’s take your cell phone out of it out of this equation. What’s the three things that you can’t live without?
Oh, wow, okay, three things I can’t live without? Well, I would definitely have to say my family.
I would also say,
Gosh, I think cell phone out of it. I would, I would, I need those connections to people. So I think about, you know, I’m old enough to know that there was a time where we didn’t have cell phones as a way to connect with people. So you just have to go out there into the world and connect with people. So I’d have to have a way to get out in and hang out and be with people and interact with them. So that would be number two and number three. Wow,
okay, that’s it. Chocolate or something like that? I’m like chicken wings my third. So it’s like
oh, that’s true, I guess. Almond Roca at Christmas time. There you go that my third one. I had a hard time fighting to get this last year it was driving me crazy.
I love it. I love it. So tell me your definition of a life well lived.
Oh wow. A life well lived is a life of no regrets. One of those. One of those transitions was a company I worked for we were the US division of a German company. The German company had gotten acquired by an English company. And the future looks really bright. Like we thought, Oh my gosh, we’ve got all these great resources. It’s going to be amazing. Well, the German company was purchased because the market was in tough shape. And ultimately what happened is the parent company shut operations down worldwide. Well, we had a chance at that moment, myself, the president of the US division. You know, he called me and said, Okay, I just got, I just got let go. So here we are, I want you to start a company with me. Let’s do this thing. I mean, this is like, you’re probably going to be the next one to go. So the life of no regrets is I had no idea where we were, you know, how we were going to get the money for that company, how we were going to get it going. But in the end, I knew I had I knew I had to go for it. And I knew I would find the resources within myself. So for me, that’s a life well lived, where you take the chances that resonate with you, and you believe in yourself. Because when you have that belief for yourself that translates to other people. And that gets that opens doors. That’s that that’s your brain working for you that when you get a vision of it then your brain has a way of creating harmony and and opening those doors and opportunities
for creation together right?
Yeah Yeah, absolutely. I
was gonna cut it end there but I gotta ask you something you have had made all of these transitions and person told you years went as high as you could in a company. What do you think is the one thing then that people misunderstand about Elisa?
Oh, gosh, that’s a good one.
I think they may be Miss understand the depth with which I believe in people.
Oh, shoot here that squad. That’s amazing. Wow.
Because I think the times that I’ve been exited out that were making a mistake they didn’t know they were making, because they didn’t know. They didn’t have a clear picture of how I how I elevated the room. And by doing that, that how I brought people up to us to a level of excellence that they didn’t even know they had in them.
Okay, and so we’re gonna move in that that’s amazing that that’s fantastic. I even wrote that down the depth with which he believes in people. That’s amazing. Okay, let’s move into what we call is we wind stuff down the lightning round the level up lightning round. Okay. Okay, so you and I could have 20 minute conversation on each one of these questions, but you got 10 seconds and I’m gonna time you. I’m kidding. All right, seriously, seven to 10 seconds. So are you ready? Yep. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
The best leveling up advice I’ve ever received is to look at your past accomplishments and relive them in the current moment.
I love that Okay, I’ll share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
One of my personal habits is every day I wish I could say it was every morning but at least at some point during the day, I write down four transformational thoughts. What the question I ask myself is where is the transformation today and I write down four things,
love it, other than your website and of course time to shine today’s website What’s one other website that you go to to level up your life or LinkedIn love it.
That easy.
There you go outside of Maxwell and Viktor Frankl recommend another go to book that you that you would pick up
ah I love Tony Robbins, awaken the giant within. It’s an older book. Sure. It’s ridiculously thick. But it is it’s powerful as implement half of it, you’re going to change life.
I’m sorry, I’m digressing away from lightning round. I same thing in 1998. I picked it up. And it just it changed everything it did. It’s amazing. So pick that book up. It’ll be in the show notes, show notes people. favorite charity organization you’d love to support
Hmm, you know, I, I did a little bit of work. For an agency. One of my goofy things I do is volunteer doing some marketing and different kinds of creative that’s my creative outlet on a platform called katchafire. And a recently, an organization that I did some work for was called the one life Foundation, Philadelphia and they help they help families help generations of people. Get out of poverty and homelessness. It’s an incredible organization. All right, last
one. What’s the best decade of music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
Whoo. I’m gonna get in trouble for this one.
Well, you know, I have to say 80s I can’t help it. I’m a huge YouTube fan. They’re probably my favorite band of all time. They were, you know, that’s their, that’s their decade. I think when they
Yeah, I probably gonna have to say 80s
There you go. I’m a product of the 80s 70s and 80s. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, me too. Me too. So before we end, leave our squad with one Knowledge Nugget you want them to take take with them?
Okay, that’s a good one. Let’s see. Let me think I
guess the Knowledge Nugget that I would leave them with is that your thoughts? Create your results. When you think something, and then you end and that thought creates a good feeling. That good feeling leads you to actions that will take you where you want to go and get the results that you want to get. It. There really is. And again, like we said earlier, it’s not the power of positive thinking. But it’s that internal motivation that you that you can change your mind you can decide
where you want to go. And that
squad That’s awesome. So thoughts, create your results and the good thoughts, create good feelings, which will take you where you want to go. That’s fantastic. Okay, so how can we find you?
Well, you can find me on LinkedIn as a Lisa shuck. I also have a page on Facebook. My page name is strategic Elisa and then my website is E S dash Strategic Services calm you can find me there I’ve I’ve got a blog and on there where I post articles how to deal with a difficult boss you know
do your shoes help your confidence you know some it’s
great I’ve read a few of them some really good things
like that so yeah those are the places to find me and I would I would absolutely love to connect with with anybody that reaches out.
I love that in a squad Listen, we just got some serious serious knowledge in August dropped on to us by my friend Elisa and she’s a loves and believes in helping people she’s a total go giver she believes in changing lives for the better and I’m just gonna say it again what she said thoughts creat create your results, good thoughts, equal good feelings which will take you where you want to go and helping people She’s full of love for family, people and connection and of course almond Roca. Boom. So, as we all always saying, surrender ourselves with people that are staying humble, staying hungry, that are vibing. Great that level up their health level up their wealth on a daily basis. Elisa, thank you so much because you’re in encapsulating all of that. So, thank you so much. I’m grateful. I’m humbled that you came onto our podcasts in put your awesome knowledge nuggets out to our squad.
Oh, thanks, Scott. I really appreciate the opportunity. It’s a great honor.
Awesome. Have a great day.
All right, thanks.
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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