The most effective way to get ahead in a world where everyone wants to be a superhero is to be an intentional sidekick. Here’s how my sidekick experience might be helpful. I am the founder of Point to Point Transportation (P2P) and INC 5000 participant 7 years in a row. The revenue is the tip of the iceberg. The resulting byproducts of that level of growth and learning from all the incorrect decisions made is priceless. One of those byproducts is my most recent venture, Sales Sidekick. Sales Sidekick is the systemization of the intentional design and how to share it with other viable businesses. We work with businesses whose number one obstacle is sales and transform that into their greatest asset.
Make mistakes at full speed!
– Dan T. Rogers
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Align with things larger than yourself
2. In business as in life problems do not go away, but with the right protocol and help they will get easier
3. Dan feels he was put on this earth to help people figure out what they want and how to get it
4. If you want to be successful ethically and monetarily then you have to give more than you take. Provide value
5. Be greedy with GOOD ethics
6. Untapped by products in business is waste!
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Dan Rogers with Sales Sidekick. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the Time to Shine Today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:08
Time to shine today podcast. First you squatted Scott Ferguson and we are all about the sidekicks today. My boy, Dan T. Rogers, from sailed came on. And he is he believes that, you know, your superheroes will exist. But the sidekick is got to be there to assist. And that’s exactly what Dan and his company will help you do. He will help you break into the untapped businesses there and the byproducts of business and our discussion over that. It’s just, it’s insane. It’s actually entertaining. It’s a lot of fun. So seriously, I have pages of notes on this. And if you’re really looking to level up your business, and take it to the next level, I would love you to listen to this interview in I would love to make a warm introduction again. So without further ado, here’s my good friend Dan T. Rogers, from sales side kick back calm. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:08
Time to shine today podcast versus why the Scott Ferguson, I have my guide, Dan T. Rogers. He’s over on the left coast. And you got to go to his website after you listen to this because it’s just so beautifully put together, where he has sales, sidekick calm. And he’s going to kind of walk you through and get you the most effective way to get ahead in the world where everyone wants to be a superhero. You know, but you know, there’s also the intentional sidekick that has to be there as well. You know, his psychic experience is going to be helpful, helpful. He’s the founder of point to point transportation, p2p, and Inc, 5000 participants seven years in a row, the revenue is the tip of the iceberg, the resulting byproducts of that level of growth and learning from all the incorrect decisions made is priceless. So he’s gonna pass on information to help you level up and get over those obstacles. And I’m just gonna set a stop here, because I really want to get in to talk to my really good friend Dan T. Rogers, here. And welcome, Dan, thank you so much for coming onto the time to shine today podcast, and introduce yourself to the varsity squad, but you’ve listened my show before. So what is your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:19
This is awesome. This is after listening this a couple times. It’s cool to be on the other side. Yeah, so a green is my favorite color. Because I just see it as, as the start of growth. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 2:30
it’s always a turnover. And it’s always grown. I love that. I love it. So let’s let’s dig in to maybe some of the origins that lead up to the sales side kick back on, if you don’t mind, cuz I’ve been really interested in this because there’s so much information that’s put out, and I want to dig in and get it from the man himself.
Unknown Speaker 2:47
Sure. Yeah. So um, it started, sort of unintentionally. I found out for myself personally, that I it’s just a better life strategy for me to be a psychic, like I do significantly better. When I show up anywhere in any walk of my life in and try to align myself to something larger than myself. It I get into trouble pretty quick, almost without fail. When I when I try to align myself as a superhero. I’m not opposed to superheroes. Like I love him, and I want to work for him. But like, I just don’t think I have the skill set. I have the ego of a superhero. I just don’t have the skill set of a superhero. So that’s, that’s really where it started. And then sales sidekick is a COVID. Baby. Yeah, for sure. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 3:33
wow. Okay. So you launch I love that. You love to align yourself with things larger than than themselves. But I mean, really you without the sidekick? You can’t really go as a superhero to the next level without solid support, basically, right? Am I saying that right with what you kind of provide to companies?
Unknown Speaker 3:54
Absolutely. What I would say is, Are you are you sure you’re a hero or superhero if you don’t have a sidekick? Like I’m right, right. Yeah, absolutely. It’s a testament to being a superhero. So you got a sidekick for sure.
Unknown Speaker 4:06
Love it. I love it. Donnie sit in your lap and he’s he’s actually pretending like he has a coat or capon. He’s my producer over here. It’s kind of like saying yes, I would not be able to survive without my guy. So I’m gonna go this route with you. If I’m out at a networking event. We’re in South Florida. We do quite a bit we’re pressing flush meeting people. What kind of things are people like I love to get one on ones with people write in i No one knows what I do. Because I’m so curious about other people. What kind of things are people saying that will make them a good prospect contact or connection for sale sidekick?
Unknown Speaker 4:42
So for sale sidekick, there’s a really specific persona and I’ll get to that in a second. But what I would say I’ll take it at a networking event. I want to show up as a human. And what I would be looking for is like where I think I’m on this earth to help people figure out what they want and how to get it. Like that’s it. I think that’s what the boss made me to do. So that’s how I would show up. If someone said, Hey, what do you do I, I, I help people figure out what they want and how to get it. So, how sales sidekick? You know, what sales sidekick? Does? Is it helps viable businesses that have achieved seven digits or are close. I mean, I think the million dollar mark is, is there. And then sales have stalled? If you think you figured out sales and you think you figured out growth, I’m on your side, God bless you and all the speed in the world. But if you have a viable business, and you your sales have stalled revenue stalled, we think we can be helpful.
Unknown Speaker 5:39
Awesome, that’s a perfect answer for that man. And that’s easy for me to like, refer people to just the way that you just answered that right there. That’s fantastic. You told me who you need, who you wanted, what they have to have in revenue, or what you would like them to have in revenue. And if they’ve stalled out, but I love that I love it. So then it was sale psychic a more of a coaching or is a consulting platform.
Unknown Speaker 6:03
So we’re still figuring out quite frankly, okay, brutally brutally really, can I thank you all I role is as straight as I can I, I do find when I stick to the truth. So um, we all do. Yeah, no, I, I gotta I gotta remind myself so. So um, we’re still figuring it out. You know, we launched on February 21. Of 2021.
Unknown Speaker 6:25
Great Day Fix my birthday.
Unknown Speaker 6:26
Yeah. Remember that next year? I will never forget your birthday. Yeah, so um, we’re still figuring out but what what I think we can where we can be helpful is is helping business leaders who’ve gotten to that viability standpoint. And before you make some really decision, some big decisions that are hard to undo, we can give you a different way of looking at business, I would encourage you to look at a business as a system and said it design it larger than I think most people do. And that creates much classier problems. Yeah, much classier problems than sort of just the traditional approach to help people build business last
Unknown Speaker 7:08
year problems. That is awesome. That is really cool, man. That’s really cool. So good.
Unknown Speaker 7:15
Well, I just gotta throw this out here. So my my, I’ve been fortunate that life continues to get better. The boss is super generous. And the problems don’t go away. They just get classier. Like they get classier. I’ve yet Out Run problems. But man problems today would be like dreams from 10 years ago. For sure. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 7:35
I’d love that man. I’m actually writing that down. And and that’s gonna be your quote. So that’s awesome. I mean, it’s I’ve never heard it say like that. But it’s true. Like you just said, I mean that we’re technologies brought us, like, wouldn’t even have thought of these problems then. Right? That’s I heard that correctly. Correct?
Unknown Speaker 7:54
Yeah, no, I mean, I can’t tell people that I don’t know. Well, what my problems are because you just they all sound like humble Brax. But like, that’s it. Like, I mean, next week, I’ll be sitting down with a mentor of mine, and I’ll be snuggling about stuff that is just ridiculously classy. But that’s, that’s what it is.
Unknown Speaker 8:12
That’s awesome. Classy, classy. Seattle, San Diego, San Diego. I love it. I love it. I love it. So when you’re bringing in a company that has around six figures, you know, coming in and you know, before they hit that hard to undo situation, you know, what is some of your secret sauce over that sidekick? Soup. I’m gonna I’m just gonna make sure that I’m saying this the right way. Sales sidekick comm just so people can hear it with some of your secret sauce of their if you don’t mind sharing to help them find that blind spot that they might be facing?
Unknown Speaker 8:48
Yeah, so I think what it is, and I’m taking a step back, and I promise I’ll come forward, you’re fine. Is is I think we all understand this. And I have not ever heard a guest on your podcast or anything that you said that is contradictory to this. But but like as individuals, we intuitively understand that if we want to be successful, ethically and honorably, that we have to contribute more than we take out. And that’s what leads to success. And we do that in a community or marketplace. And the validation of that is that the community of the marketplace crosses the room and says I must do business with you will you make me a customer? Like we understand that as individuals, I think we’re we lose sight or we just sort of get the math wrong is that when we get a group of individuals together and we call it a business, we get a little too focused on the take and not on the contribution. So when they reach that point of viability before they start making all these other decisions that get to be on done. What I’d asked him to do is just look at sort of systems design and and what value are they creating in the marketplace and in one of the ways that we test that is what’s the value of the byproducts that your company produces? Right. So a system, every system has waste, whether we like it or not. And so waste is a nasty way of saying byproducts. Right? Yeah. So so I just encourage folks through the framework that we designed to walk them through, and we can design a larger system, that your business stays about the same size. But with the focus being larger, the byproducts become much more valuable. And just to tie it back,
Unknown Speaker 10:27
I mean, yeah, for sure. That’s huge. But you so when you’re dealing with companies, are you dealing? Generally at the start with the CEO? Or the Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 10:38
yeah, no, I think I mean, I we have I mean, I can we have nine steps to our quote unquote, sales process, if you want to call it that, but it doesn’t, it’ll work on an individual basis, sooner or later, you’re just trying your boss crazy. If your boss isn’t on board, for sure. That’s what I did. The last few people I worked for, before I bought the company and the company. Prior to that I was at the same time, the their most favorite and dreaded employee, I was on the top of both of those lists. The biggest pain in the butt and, and, and their favorite employee and
Unknown Speaker 11:08
their best ally, their best sidekick.
Unknown Speaker 11:09
Yeah, exactly the whole entire time.
Unknown Speaker 11:12
I love that, and that you can’t ask for much better. So if you ever run into a situation, I want to see how you might have handled this as like, you know, the CEO might bring you in, but there’s that person. It’s right below him. Right. You know, he helped get that company to the seven figures in a ship that they’re coming in. How do you deal with that ego?
Unknown Speaker 11:31
So that’s one of the reasons why we want to start with them small. Because there’s less legacy issues to deal with. Ah, like, yeah, that’s, that’s really, we’ve we learned that the hard way we learned it through. It’s one of the reasons I look, I mean, my ego is such and I mean, I’ve got I’ve got, you know, big numbers for career sales. Sure. I’d love to help bigger companies. That would sound sexier. I don’t want to argue with assholes that think they know what they’re doing. Absolutely. Yeah. I just don’t want to hear it. It’s like, we’re, I’m on I tried to be 100% Pull guy. So it’s like, look, right, you know, if you can fall back on your $82 million of annual revenue, that’s fine. Right. But I still stalled. Like, you’re still stalled at 80. Yeah, I just I just want to argue people at the, at the, at the $1 million mark are a way more coachable. And be they don’t have all the legacy issues. And I know the next three, five, the next three to five years of their life, like the back of my hand, because I’ve done it,
Unknown Speaker 12:25
because you’ve been there, you’ve helped yourself and other people get through that. Yeah, already. I love that. I love that. So when you’re working with these companies, or you’re starting to take on that, you know, that person that’s has, you know, 1,000,002 in sales or, or whatnot. And you sit down with them first time, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 12:49
Not actually. I mean, I think they ask plenty of questions of me, the question that I asked them is really to try to figure out what it is they want. And usually it’s all silly sort of tangible business stuff. And like, okay, yeah, we’ll get all that stuff. But let’s be greedy with ethics, right? But let’s be greedy. And like, what’s in it for you? What’s the, what’s the valuable byproduct in the rest of your life that this business or this system is going to provide? Because if all you want to do is Chase revenue, there’s probably 1000 other people better than me to work with? Sure you want if you want to get if you want to get the rest of for and this just becomes the platform, your business, your system becomes the platform you stand on. Right and that that’s super exciting. I’d love to hear that.
Unknown Speaker 13:35
You mentioned byproduct. This isn’t a bad word, right?
Unknown Speaker 13:38
I think it’s a fabulous word. But like I look at words a lot differently. I honestly. So I’ve got eight restraints that I live by. And one of them is that work is the most honorable is the most honorable word in the universe.
Unknown Speaker 13:50
Okay, yeah. Cuz you you kind of unless I heard it wrong, it he analyzed it kind of visible waste. So byproducts not exactly waste, right. It’s just something that happens out of a situation.
Unknown Speaker 14:01
So I, I think, from a system standpoint, the way that I would phrase it, thank you for clarifying it. So I think I’m an untapped waste is waste. But realized waste, it becomes a byproduct.
Unknown Speaker 14:18
untapped waste is waste. Yeah. Yeah. And then what did you say on realizing
Unknown Speaker 14:23
like, I’m just making this up as we go, because no man framed it like, this is great. So I always reserve the right to learn more than the other person. And this is already happening. So thank you. Yeah, what I would say is an untapped byproduct is waste and waste is utilized. Product is utilized waste. I mean, they’re just they’re the reciprocals of each other.
Unknown Speaker 14:44
Absolutely. Yeah. I was hoping you’re gonna say that because that’s the way I was thinking with you. I just want to make sure the squad out there, you know, knows that we’re not just saying anything that happens on the company is shit. You know what I’m saying? It’s like, Oh, yes. You know what I’m saying? So,
Unknown Speaker 14:59
thank you for clarifying cuz it was obvious in my head but clearly right coming out of my mouth. So thank you for that.
Unknown Speaker 15:05
No, that’s awesome, man. So let me ask you something then you’re very unique. You You remind me a lot of who introduced us a little bit Justin Breen. Right? Yeah, for sure. Is there anything that people misunderstand about you? Danis?
Unknown Speaker 15:20
Yeah. So and I misunderstood it about myself. I am sort of a reforms or sales guy, I’m not a sales guy. I’m a Systems guy. Okay, I am a Systems guy, who, when I see the system, I get incredibly animated. And it gets mistaken for being a sales guy. I had ridiculous sales success in sales, because I was a really good systems guy with a phenomenal support team in a market that wanted what we want what we had. But it was because I was as I designed a great system, it was despite my being the front person that we had that success truly, I mean, right to say it to customers, when I was actively selling before about the company, it’s like, our team is so good. I’m the pretty face. So I mean, I’m five foot seven ball guy and have been for a while, you know, so but it’s true. It was true. Like one of my rules is when in doubt, just tell him exactly what you’re thinking. Just tell the truth. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 16:14
Yeah, absolutely. I find myself in the same place because I will get excited about something. I’m fired up, dude, I want to level up. So I usually I have the certain people that I have kind of go in and profit, especially if I’m about ready to take on a huge coaching situation. Because the second that I start talking about, I’m excited about the think all here’s Fergie selling me on something. Yeah, you know, I’m saying it’s really not man. It’s my systemize approach to the getting fired up. And I love I love that you said that. So then you listed a couple shows, and I really, really appreciate that. But like you’ve seen the movie Back to the Future. Oh, yeah. Okay, let’s reverse it. We’re there. We’re going there are no roads. Okay. Where do you see sales side taken five years?
Unknown Speaker 16:57
So where I hope it is, is what we’re trying to do. I’m gonna I’m always gonna come backwards and then run forward to answer the question. So it’s a it’s a, it is a byproduct of point to point. It is a byproduct of COVID. I had a, I had a lot of free time on my hands because of COVID. And I went to the whiteboard, and I talked to the boss, and I said, What do you want me to do? And I got this answer that scared the, you know, what out of me? The answer was redeem work. And so I wrote down that I wanted to redeem work, the word, the place, and then the physics, right. Like, why are we doing it correctly? And what came out of that was I started talking to other business owners. And I thought I thought, I thought we could be helpful in certain ways. And we probably were, but what I found out by by talking to him, and trying to try to serve them was they told me how we could help them with sort of realigning their sales and marketing. Because the way that we the way that we talked about it, the way we did it, it point to point was wildly different than how they had seen other people do it and how they were doing. Okay. Yeah. So what I’m hoping is, is that we’re right smack dab in the middle of redeeming work. Like I mentioned before, I mean, I have these eight restraints. And one of them is I think work is the single most honorable act in a universe. Surely, it’s the single most honorable thing you can do. Absolutely. Love is amazing, but it’s a byproduct. Yeah, it’s super generous that the boss gave it to us, but like, it’s not much of an accomplishment. Like I love my children. I love my wife. I shouldn’t
Unknown Speaker 18:33
you should redeem work his workplace and visit physics.
Unknown Speaker 18:37
Yes. Okay. So we got to replace the word because it’s a dirty word to most people. It’s not a dirty word to you. And it’s not a dirty word. anyone I’ve ever heard on your shot. Thank you. It’s probably not a dirty word to the squad. But to the rest of the planet. They think it’s a dirty word. Right? If we align our life correctly, I got paid to practice getting better at my life. Love it. Yeah. That’s how I mean, so I say it all the time when we’re working on like, it beats working. And people look at me, like it’s not working. I used to carry couches, man, this is not work.
Unknown Speaker 19:08
Do that. That’s fantastic. So what keeps you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 19:12
What keeps me up at night is Do I have the courage to swing for the fence? Like I’ve I’ve had the success up to this point. There hasn’t been any emotional risk. I haven’t put myself out there seeing these crazy things like classy problems and mistakes at full speed and the boss and you know all this stuff that I’m sharing with you I you know, five years ago I was saying it but only to like six people that knew me and and so I’m I’m willing what keeps me up at night is Do I have the courage to put myself out there to see what what can become a ball this
Unknown Speaker 19:50
love it. I love that that’s a trend that’s very transparent. appreciate you saying that. So
Unknown Speaker 19:56
point to point wasn’t like it didn’t come without stress or what But it very rarely kept me up at night because the risk was, you know, minimal. You know, it’s like it’s there’s no, there’s no. I mean, there’s I cared about I love the business, I love the company, love the people and all that, but it isn’t the same as putting yourself and your crazy ideas out there. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 20:16
Let me ask you. So what’s one thing then? Because you’ve been through a lot, what’s one thing that that has really blown your mind?
Unknown Speaker 20:24
What what has blown my mind is that that more people don’t think the way that I do. It’s not that I have not made up a single thing, like I’ve uncovered what I think are the universal truths. And I sometimes have a zippy way of, you know, like classy problems is just a zippy way of saying, if you have success, right problems will just get you know, so, so I’m, I’m, the thing that’s blown me away is that people look at the world differently. When I started in working, I just always looked at this way. And it was in trying to lead other people that it became obvious that I looked at the world differently.
Unknown Speaker 21:11
Wow. I love that. And, you know, it’s it’s sad to ask you, then, how do you want to be remembered like that? Because you you’ve made so many transitions yet, you’re still staying on the same point, like that little dash that’s between your incarnation date, your expiration date? How do you want that dash? Remember that?
Unknown Speaker 21:35
So what I’m hoping is, is that, that, regardless of how people knew me that like when I was with them, they were the single most important person. Yes. And that I was trying to help them figure out where they wanted to go and how to get it.
Unknown Speaker 21:49
Yeah, love it, man. That’s how I go with any client that I’m working with. Dan, is that I want them to feel like they’re my only client. While I’m with them. I’m 100% Present. I’m 100%. zoned in on them. I love that. I love it. So Dan, what is your definition of a life well lived?
Unknown Speaker 22:07
I think life well lived is is known that you left it all out on the field. I’m working with somebody now that as a coach, Dr. Jeff semester, if you don’t know who he is, he’s beyond brilliant. And that’s restraint number five copy of the smartest kid in class. That’s his words. I had the feeling but it’s his words. And I just I want to at the end, I want to be like I left it all out there. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 22:32
Love it. I love it. And hey, time to shine today podcast versus squad. We are back with the founder of sales My good friend Dan T. Rogers and Dan. We like to take our interviewees to our loving of lightning round and you and I could talk forever on each one of these questions, but you have five seconds with no explanation. Are you ready to rock? I’m gonna try. Let’s do it. We got to we’ll have a buzzer if you go on. I’m kidding. Here we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 23:02
There are no special snowflakes.
Unknown Speaker 23:05
share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:08
Building Legos with my six year old
Unknown Speaker 23:11
love that. That’s fantastic. So other than sales psychic, calm time to shine Shameless plug. What website do you like to go to to level up?
Unknown Speaker 23:24
Seth’s blog is I don’t know. Yes. That’s very good. It’s very good.
Unknown Speaker 23:29
You see me like man, Fergie’s looking down. He’s moping around. It’s very odd. What book are you handing me?
Unknown Speaker 23:37
What book Am I handing you? Um, wow. I don’t know. I think I would. I would talk I’m a verbal guy.
Unknown Speaker 23:44
There you go. Very cool, man. What’s your most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 23:48
Unknown Speaker 23:50
Okay, if you can be, don’t lie to me on this one. But if you can be one age for the rest of your life, keep the wisdom you’ve you have and continue to garner wisdom. What age physically would you stay for the rest of your life? 28 Dude, I say 20 to 32 every frickin time. It is bulletproof. Daddy. Yeah, me too, bro. Me too. As a knucklehead.
Unknown Speaker 24:11
But yeah,
Unknown Speaker 24:13
absolutely. chess or checkers?
Unknown Speaker 24:15
Oh, dude, it’s it’s it’s 100% Chess. There’s this one of the restraints.
Unknown Speaker 24:20
Love it for your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to
Unknown Speaker 24:25
world ignite worldwide. Yeah, check them out. Beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 24:28
Last question. you elaborate a little bit on this one. But what’s the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 24:34
Oh, well, look, I’m calling in from Seattle. So it’s it’s 90s the garage baby. We were we were the angst Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 24:42
you don’t mind? How old are you brother?
Unknown Speaker 24:44
I’m 52
Unknown Speaker 24:45
Wow. 43 449 I’ll be 50 in February 21. You’re nice dude.
Unknown Speaker 24:52
That was a loaded question. Because I was right in the middle of all that.
Unknown Speaker 24:56
Yeah. Yeah, the 80s rolling in and I dude, you and I lived like Big hair don’t care, right? Yeah, you know Run DMC dude, all that shit came out and then we rolled right into like grunge garage bands like Blink. I’m dude, you and I live the best times of music ever, but I’ll chill out with some 70s in the background every once in a while, you know niggles on or whatnot. That’s awesome dude. So Dan How can we find you brother?
Unknown Speaker 25:22
I think the best way is just TNT Rogers at LinkedIn it’s all there Yeah, you can you can jump off of
Unknown Speaker 25:27
awesome awesome and we’ll give you a warm introduction you know to Dan as well because I’m we’re gonna set this up we’re gonna do a little campaign for Dan squad and we put it out there so Dan, do me a favor and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 25:44
So what I would say is again it’s there are no special snowflakes. I find it I wrote that down. I find it much more effective to think of my business as a system and apply the laws of systems thinking not the laws of business
Unknown Speaker 26:00
11 Squat he doesn’t mean anything political. By that we mean it’s everything is unique but there’s a system to fit everybody which is fantastic. My good friend Dan T wants you to align with things larger than yourself. And as you start to grow and if you’re a business owner that does you know seven figures or right around seven seven figures you don’t want to hit that hard to undo decision get with sales psyche get with us. Let us make that warm introduction to Dan you know Dan is somebody that is a Go Giver mentality like my good friend and neighbor here Bob Berg that wrote the book, The Go Giver, you know, he wants you to give more than you take in in business byproduct is not a bad word. There’s valuable byproducts. You know, you want the untapped byproducts is waste. Okay. He wants you to understand that you got to tap in, in level up your abilities at all the times and then he also brought up redeem work, which is word place in physics, I want you to go back and re listen to that part again. Because that blew my mind. You know, he wants you to remember that there are no special snowflakes. I wrote that down. That is awesome. He wants you to make mistakes at full speed. Do it scared? Get out there. There’s people like Dan that can help you level up and get past those obstacles. He’s gonna be remembered as someone that left it all out on the field banged up bruised and battered, but going to the Hall of Fame still. And Dan, you level up your health. You level up your wealth. You’re humble, you’re hungry. You’re part of our squad now you bring your best mercy letter. Thanks so much for
Unknown Speaker 27:28
coming on, Dan. Thanks, guy. It was a pleasure. Really?
Unknown Speaker 27:30
You bet chat soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine Flash gust. If you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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