Welcome to Episode 118: You are in for a treat today. Rock star real estate coach Dan Rochon stops by to tell us about his book and drops some serious Knowledge Nuggets on persistence and really caring about clients! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
If yes, then how? Anything is possible
– Dan Rochon
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great real estate agent listens. Builds good rapport. Ask powerful questions
2. Key tactic to success is working HARD
3. Develop systems that show your clients you care!
4. There is nature and nurture. Help clients, friends family etc with their journey
5. Ask yourself, when it’s all said and done, was it worth the trip?
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Dan’s Book: The Real Estate Evolution
Rock Solid Real Estate Coaching Facebook Group
Dan’s Linked IN
Dan’s Instagram
Dan’s Twitter
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Dan Rashad, the author of real estate evolution, the 10 step guide to CPI consistent predictable income for real estate agents. And if you really want to learn how you can level up your life, you should be listening to time to shine today. podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today varsity squatted Scott Ferguson, Episode 118 with my man, Coach Dan Russ Sean, he’s a rock star real estate agent in his own right. He also helps other real estate agents to level up their business to level up their life. He has a how to guide in his book which I’m not going to say the name of it now let him introduce that but I do have a free offer at the end of the show. So make sure you stick around. Again Dan is fantastic. He’s a go giver. He has going to drop some serious series knowledge nuggets on nature in nurturing and making sure that what you You’re doing ask yourself is it worth the trip on a daily basis? So without further ado, here’s my good friend, Dan Rashad.
Unknown Speaker 1:17
Hey time to shine today varsity squad at Scott Ferguson. And we get to
Unknown Speaker 1:23
have a conversation with a gentleman a rock star at that that plays in my end of the playing field here with real estate. He is a rock rock star agent with Keller Williams up in Virginia. And he is an I’m pretty stoked because he has this program that he’s rolling out that’s going to help my real estate agents out there that are listening really level up their life level up their business. He just wrote a book that was published in February of this year, the real estate revolution that 10 step guide to consistent and predictable income they call Dan this CPI guy that consistent and predictable income. He’s the guy Dan is an entrepreneur and real estate agent who recently wrote the real estate revolution. He describes how to develop personally in floor so you can reach your potential, which means that you will have the courage to stick with selling and make more money. And Dan, I’m super stoked to have you on. Come on, introduce yourself to the squad, but first, what emoji Do you use the most while you’re texting?
Unknown Speaker 2:27
You know, my my daughter uses the poop emoji, right? I would say it’s a smiley face. Smiley face.
Unknown Speaker 2:32
All right. So you listen to a few podcasts and you probably know this one. What’s your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:38
Red because it’s a it is a with fire and assertiveness and taking action.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
Yeah, man. Bright Red, bright red. You got that Keller Williams read to Gary, if you’re listening out there. I mean, it’s Yeah, we love you. Yeah, we had some fun at family reunions. He’ll tell you that back in the day. It was so nice. Give me a little bit of the origin story man about let’s take it back how you got started in real estate, let’s work your way up to your programs that you have now.
Unknown Speaker 3:07
Yeah, so 2007 got out the newspaper because we were still reading newspapers then. And it said, worst economic time ever. And I set up let me start a business. And so that was the wisdom that I had. I was a waiter at a really high end Steakhouse in Washington, DC. And I wanted to, you know, I wanted to be an entrepreneur, I wanted to have significance and I wanted to be able to help people. And so I just didn’t know the way and I started looking at different different opportunities in business and real estate sales, which it cost me a couple thousand dollars in 60 hours of, you know, curriculum to get involved into it. So I took the course and started a business and have really been grateful for all the gifts that I’ve received from, you know, from my from being in the business.
Unknown Speaker 3:57
Why real estate man
Unknown Speaker 3:59
well Again, it’s because when I was looking at those, you know, 2007, I’m waiting, I’m hustling. I’m working 14 hours a day, exhausted and I said, Okay, I want to be an entrepreneur. And I went looked at quiznos, five guys, all these franchises that were going to cause a quarter million to half a million dollars. And quite frankly, I didn’t have a quarter million dollars, right or professional waiter, right? And so it was the one business that I could get into, where I could help people to solve their problems and to achieve their goals. And I was able to, and I could be able to actually, you know, afford to be able to start the business.
Unknown Speaker 4:37
So what is your family or close friends think about? I mean, you’re, you’re probably making some bank out. When I started in real estate. People know, I got licensed in 98 that my listeners and followers you know, I waited tables during my first year and a half, you know, in high end restaurant as well. What is your kind of family and friends and, you know, what did they think about you’re jumping into real estate because when I jumped in It wasn’t bad like it was when you jump I was treading water. When you jumped out what is your friends and family? Think about that.
Unknown Speaker 5:06
You know, I was transitioning in my life from a place that wasn’t good because at the time I was an active alcoholic a little bit before that. And so they were actually really supportive of me to then transition from a destructive lifestyle into a more healthy lifestyle. Even it didn’t matter what I was gonna do, but just be quite frank with you. I had a lot of support from family and friends. I didn’t have any immediate success. I mean, it took me six months before I had my first closing I remember going into my broker’s Karen’s office and Karen, I’m about to pay my mortgage with my credit card. What’s up, she’s like, Dan, just keep doing what you’re doing. I was like, okay, you’re crazy. But I did follow her advice and I was able to actually buy the brokerage that I worked for about a year and a half after that. So I followed her advice. It was a really rough, slow start, and I was about starving. And then it was a really good one year and then last hundred 29 months. consecutively I’ve had one to 15 closings. And then that title The book is real estate evolution. So
Unknown Speaker 6:06
sorry about that I get a revolution.
Unknown Speaker 6:08
You’re not the first person to do that on a podcast, by the way, right? evolution.
Unknown Speaker 6:12
That was no I love that. I love it. So what what was the click? What made you think, okay? Like not think but like what? There has to be time for me. I walked to my broker’s office, when my broker was saying, you know what, we’re given dawn, the corner office and I’m like, I’ve produced this mini transaction, this and that. And she’s like, well, she’s producing now you’re not she wants the office, you lose. And I looked down at her at the paper in front of her, and it said, behind her was the book shift by Gary Keller. You know, in I saw that and I looked down at the paper that she was reading said short sales as like shift shorts and shift shorts. So I ended up closing between 2010 2014 412 short sales. Okay, so what was that? That was my click, I was like, boom, I can do this. What was that thing was You sat down after talking to brokers and do your thing. What What was it? You hit something hit you that that idea that came those like, boom, I know. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 7:08
And for me it was short sales as well at that time. And that was for a lender, you know, had a consultation with me sat down Mike McBride and Mike was like, hey, Dan, I think you’re gonna be successful in this industry. And there’s this need that that most other agents aren’t willing to do right now, which is called short sales. And it’s really hard to do. And there’s a ton of people that need it. And in fact, you throw a rock, the odds are one out of three, you’re going to hit a house that actually needs your services. And so I was like, okay, so let me get this straight. It’s hard work. My competition doesn’t want to do this. And there’s an abundance opportunity. Okay, sign me up. That conversation I had with Mike that day very similar to you was like, Okay, I have a plan here to be able to, to roll with now. The other end of that was because we got so busy doing foreclosed properties, Oreos, short sales, that I didn’t have the time to build up a stack To be able to support me when the market shifted back to normal mom and pop. Yeah. And so there was about a year and a half sort of in the in between there where we sort of like really sort of stumbled before I was able to, to get that back up and running. I
Unknown Speaker 8:12
love it. I love your honesty. Love Your transparency. You and I are just we’re on the same sheet. We’re going through the same thing just in different regions, all apps in Detroit, which was insane. Yeah, you
Unknown Speaker 8:22
know what, we were not going to the same thing.
Unknown Speaker 8:27
So what makes a great real estate agent?
Unknown Speaker 8:29
Somebody that listens? You know, so one of the things that I would share with you is that I believe and I think that’s, you know, true of any business owner, is to get into rapport with the people that you’re serving. Ask them adept questions and listen, then as you can understand that you can understand the needs, their goals, their aspirations, their problems, their dreams, then you could consult them. So there’s, in the book, I describe a process that we go through called the 8020 consultation. And so that’s really About 80% asking a deaf questions or being in rapport asking questions and listening, and then 20% about consulting expectations of what will happen next. So that if something goes wrong, because it’s real estate in his people and things go wrong, no way, already sort of pre paid, right? And they look at you like you’re Nostradamus, rather than somebody that’s, you know, doesn’t know what they’re doing.
Unknown Speaker 9:23
Gotcha, gotcha. Yeah. It’s funny that as an agent, and you will attest to this as that you don’t you listen, not only with your ears, but your eyes, their posture, just like you just said, there’s so much emotion involved in real estate. This is probably you know, 86% of the United States, their houses their biggest investment, right? Yeah, you’re dealing with that. So I can’t wait to dig into the 8021. When I do read your book and make sure listeners you stick around because I got a giveaway for for his book as well. So tell us about a nightmare deal. And don’t hold back man. Tell us which one you want. My listeners love the fails. And how you You overcame it. And in it move forward and leveled up.
Unknown Speaker 10:05
How many you know my mind is rapidly going through right now selecting one of many. Alright so the first one came to my mind was a mother and the son that had a property two properties that were side by side each other. And when they own the properties, the the mother built a driveway that came about 10 feet across encroached on to the son’s land, the son’s property got foreclosed on. So be to be able to so what happened was the mother sued the bank that was now the owner of the son’s property, that they that they would have to do something about that driveway that was that was covering the property. And we had to guide our foreclosure, that was guiding the bank, which was our client at the time through the process. It took us about a year and a half, to be able to go through the judicial process to be able to get that to closing and we were we were able to solve that problem. And that’s where the institutions With a person, you know, there’s many, you
Unknown Speaker 11:02
know, yeah. Well, that’s interesting that you came up with that. You You seem as I read through a lot of your social media and even your LinkedIn, you laterally think you think like a real estate agent. You have to be pivoting. And I guess that’s a new word. We grew up in the business was shifting now everyone’s talking about pivoting. Yeah, we’re pivot come from because everyone’s using power now, man. I don’t know, pivot in zoom. Yeah. So what do you do anything different in your market that differentiate differentiates you from other agents? Yeah, because, you know, a lot of times like, DC has a lot of real estate. I remember being a family reunions and seeing a lot of real estate agents. I think that one of the prerequisites of being a resident in Washington DC is a lot like Florida, where you have to have your real estate license. So what do you do to stand out man?
Unknown Speaker 11:53
All right, you want you want the key, the sauce, the key ingredient that I work hard, okay. The end. That’s it, right guys study my craft, I’m a professional at what I do love it and I live and breathe what I do, and I teach what I do as well as well. So having the knowledge and following the systems, the right systems sure having a system in place, in fact, me that’s what I did in the book, you know, that’s what the book is about are the systems to show agents, how to, you know, serve clients at the highest level? And following the systems definitely differentiate myself in our team greetings Virginia, from the competition because we’re able to give that high level of care
Unknown Speaker 12:35
to Love it. Love it, and you actually care that you’re that listeners that’s Yeah, yeah. Dan actually cares he gets after it. He levels up, he listens. And he implements his his 8020 rule. And I really can’t wait to dig into that because I think it’s a lot like my Ford rule fo rd. So I’m gonna I’m gonna see I can’t wait to see how that those kind of work together. So, Dan, let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. All right. So, and let’s go back to the 20 to 23 year old Dan, with the knowledge you have now, what kind of what kind of knowledge or experience you have now? What kind of knowledge nuggets are you drop in on that Dan? To help him shorten the learning curve? Let him have to listen because none of our
Unknown Speaker 13:23
not that knucklehead.
Unknown Speaker 13:24
Right. But what what what kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on down
Unknown Speaker 13:28
to 22 years old? I’m driving my top trans-am off of Fort Fort Stewart, Georgia driving up not 95 from south to north, getting out of the army. Okay. And if I was talking to Danny, that was Dan as he wrote Shawn, by that point, I think yes, I was very shy. And by that point, if I was talking to Sean at that point, I would start with telling him or me that anything in life is possible. If somebody else can do something if the answer If If yes, then how. And so I had a lot of self doubt in my early years of my 20s. And then as I got sober in my early years in my 30s, I would say there’s a different conversation I have with that day. Now it’s Dan, with that, Dan, which would be that you are worthy. And it took me probably to my 40s for me to figure out that I’m worthy to be able to achieve the goals that I that I’m destined to achieve and be able to help the people that I’m put here on this planet to be able to help.
Unknown Speaker 14:30
But so what did you do? Sounds to me like you’re a lot like I was, and still can be to get out of crisis mode. It seems like you lived in crisis mode a lot versus, you know, really knowing the prosperities there, you know, If yes, then how, you know, you’re worthy, but like, what do you What’s your exercise? What’s, uh, what’s your secret sauce to finding your own blind spot to get you out of a crisis mode thinking?
Unknown Speaker 14:55
Well, if it’s a blind spot, you can’t see it. So that’s the you know, very Definition blind spots. So for me, it’s being in relationship with the right people to be able to guide me to seeing those blind spots loving. So as I’ve gotten, you know, as I’ve gone through life, I’ve realized that, you know, there’s very few assets that we have. And I think majority people focus on the asset of money. Yet the asset of health is probably the, it is for me the highest asset, yeah, right. But then you also have a time, you also have relationship. And so when I, when I started spirituality, and there’s, you know, other assets that you have, you know, it’s just about money. And so as I started to understand that the relationships was a high priority asset in my life, then I was able to surround myself with other people that would help to guide me out of those crises. And it wasn’t even necessarily that they were helping to guide me it was more that they’re helping me to identify it. Sure, because I’m a problem solver, right? If I know that there’s a problem I can solve it right. But right, if I can’t see if it’s in my blind spot, you know,
Unknown Speaker 15:58
it’s you surrounding yourself with the right people. made that that issue kind of come to the surface, but how did you find those people?
Unknown Speaker 16:04
intentionally? Okay, you know, I hire coaches in my life. One of the things one of the things that I’m, I’ve become really good at doing is it’s not necessarily like finding the relationships or at least that’s, you know, for me, it’s about getting out of the wrong relationships sooner. Love it. All right. And so if it’s not a reciprocal relationship, where we’re actually intentionally helping each other, then I give first and that’s always been that was my challenge when I was younger is I give, give, give, give, give, yeah, and I’m not even thinking this guy or gal gonna get back to me, right? And as I’ve gotten older and wiser now I’m like, Okay, if they’re not giving back to me, then it’s probably not going to be a healthy relationship for a long period of time. I
Unknown Speaker 16:43
love it, that you’re open to reciprocation, you know, oh, god, yes. Apple will be like, give, give, give and then they don’t reciprocate, or they don’t notice the things that are reciprocated. Because they’re expecting it to be reciprocated from the person that they felt like reciprocation can come from, you know, different People, you know, like, I it’s funny, I helped somebody this weekend that I knew would never help me ever. That’s okay. But my god daughter called me. Yeah, like out of the blue. Yeah, there’s
Unknown Speaker 17:12
like a circular Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 17:14
Hey Kelsey, you know, and stuff. So that that that kind of stands out. That’s awesome that you said that in it’s another thing that you just said, it’s like, you sound kind of me like what I call when I talk to my clients and stuff like that, like, almost like a jazz band. Because, you know, you said money is important, but it’s not paramount. You mentioned health relationships. And what I kind of liken it to is like a jazz fan. It’s like harmony, I don’t believe in balance, because balance is zero. But like you have, you know, a guitar might be your personal relationships, the horn might be your health, and then money could be, you know, drums and it’s like, but if any one of them are out of tune right there. It’s it doesn’t sound
Unknown Speaker 17:53
Unknown Speaker 17:54
right. So like I love that you just said that, that you need those different pillars and that’s amazing. So So you’ve did a lot of stuff up until now but what is the big the big thing? That Danny Dan Roshan wants to do? That I haven’t done yet? Yes,
Unknown Speaker 18:12
man, tell me what’s what’s huge Hmm.
Unknown Speaker 18:16
To the mission of my life is to, to help other people to obtain everything that they dream of obtaining. And I do so through my coaching, my mentorship, and my writing. And so for me that the answer that question is, I’ll never get that love, okay, because for me to actually be able to achieve that means that I’ve made a positive impact on every human soul in the entire planet and universe. I don’t know what’s beyond. Right, right. But it’s really, for me, like the most the most important thing in my life, is to be able to it’s not saying help people make them be better, it’s that they reach their potential or natural their natural potential. Right, because there’s nature and there’s, there’s, there’s nurture. And you know, like, I have my daughter’s adopted right. So I cannot contribute to her nature. However, I can contribute to her nurture by guiding her the very best so that she can reach the potential that’s that that’s, that’s within herself. Well, and so that, you know, so because she’s just using my DNA, right? That’s okay. That’s, you know, my job is to sit there and open up the doorways for her so that she can have whatever opportunity in front of her that she, you know, whether it’s being a doctor, being a housewife being depressed, I don’t care what it is. My job is to make sure that there’s a pathway available for her to
Unknown Speaker 19:37
help her with her blind spots.
Unknown Speaker 19:39
Right? Yeah, absolutely help
Unknown Speaker 19:40
her like me them before. I mean, let her do her journey. But like, you know, but, but that’s awesome. So we talked a lot about the dash here, Dan, in that dash, you know, how do you want your dash remember that that little thing between your life date and death day? What do you want your epitaph what you want Do you want that dash? How do you want that to be remembered?
Unknown Speaker 20:03
You know, it’s interesting. I’ve got on my on my, my desk here that I’m looking at. There’s four little sticky notes and one of those sticky notes that I have here. It says to me when it’s all said and done, was it worth the trip? Love it. And so for me, and I got another one. I’ll just share this with you. Yeah, you know about about the quarantine about Coronavirus. It says, will I be remembered for during this time? And what will my business look like when it’s all over? And I only have four little stickies here. Right. Right, a very short things for me to be able to focus on. And that’s a very, you know, General high level type thing. Right, you know, and that’s sort of the way that I think so it’s really just about, you know, whether if it’s whatever it is, at the end of the day, I don’t know what the Spirit within this human body is right? I don’t have all the answers and none of us do. Right. But I do know is I’m going to make the best out of it for myself and for others, and you know, I’ll make lots of mistakes and I’ve made lots of mistakes and you know, those are learning opportunities. Sure. And you know, it’s just about you know, living the very best life possible.
Unknown Speaker 21:12
Love it and helping as many people sounds like you mentor people as well. I didn’t know. And you know, my mentor used to always say, the more you mentor, the more immortal you become. So I’m always putting it out there. I’m always mentoring doing stuff, because you know, you might pass something along somebody that pass it along, pass along, pass along and
Unknown Speaker 21:30
then that’s the ripple effect.
Unknown Speaker 21:31
Exactly. Right. Yeah, exactly. So let’s take our cell phone out of it as take our computer anything technological out of this question. What’s three things Dan can’t live without?
Unknown Speaker 21:41
Unknown Speaker 21:43
My family.
Unknown Speaker 21:46
My health. Love it. Those are super fast. In you said it with conviction. That’s beautiful. So what what is Dan’s?
Unknown Speaker 21:57
definition of a life well lived
Unknown Speaker 22:01
To a definition of a life well lived is to be able to, again going back to living the very best version of yourself and, or, or set another way probably more accurately to strive to be that person. Okay? Because again, you’ll never know when you’re reaching your potential and I don’t think that it’s possible to do so. Right. Okay. And so it’s really more about about striving to be that very best version of yourself.
Unknown Speaker 22:25
And I love it that you said that there. It’s a journey basically, I don’t know if you said that, but it’s a journey. It’s like you’re never gonna reach a big big thing but as long as you’re enjoying that journey and having some fun that that’s
Unknown Speaker 22:36
that’s a real real quick shot you think about it’s like we go through elementary school and we can’t wait to get the middle school. We can’t go to middle school can’t wait to get in high school, etc. etc. Crider can’t wait to retire. Right. Well, okay. Well, what’s next? I hope you can’t wait. You know, like, That’s his death. Like, that’s not something I
Unknown Speaker 22:51
know. I look forward to Right.
Unknown Speaker 22:52
Right. And so a lot of us live our lives by like, what’s the next milestone rather than focusing on what am i embracing today?
Unknown Speaker 23:00
Yeah, live now. You know exactly. I love it. Love it. So as we wind things down a little bit Dan like we have a leveling up lightning around and I had a five or six questions you and I could talk for 1520 minutes about each one of these but you know I producers on my other screen on five seconds so five seconds no no explanation just fire off your answer off the top of your head. You’re ready. Go. All righty. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 23:27
Do your best
Unknown Speaker 23:28
of it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:33
Time blocking.
Unknown Speaker 23:34
There you go manage manage that time love it, other than your own website and of course time to shine today. Calm it’s my shameless plug. What’s another internet resource that you’d like to go to level up?
Unknown Speaker 23:46
Click Funnels?
Unknown Speaker 23:47
Yeah, Russell My Maps, recommend a book not one that you wrote the one that’s behind you or the flavor of the month you’re seeing out there. What’s the one book that you might have read that really shifted change your mind thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon hole in the Bible baby or the business Bible, I should say
Unknown Speaker 24:05
what age would you be if you’d be one age the rest of your life? 18 man, come on, bring it back 2121
Unknown Speaker 24:15
favorite charity and or organization you’d like to give your time and or money to? What’s your thoughts? What is it again? toys for Toys for Tots? Love it
Unknown Speaker 24:24
was respecting that five seconds. Come on.
Unknown Speaker 24:26
No, I appreciate that. You’re one of the first. So what is last question? What’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 90s,
Unknown Speaker 24:35
Unknown Speaker 24:37
All right. All right, very cool. Very close. We got that
Unknown Speaker 24:39
to thousands and ottesen to there relatively soon as we know right, and we have to drop
Unknown Speaker 24:43
that in there. So tell us a little bit about your book and how we can find you.
Unknown Speaker 24:49
Sure. Real Estate evolution is the 10 step guide to CPI which is consistent and predictable income for real estate agents. And I wrote this book for producing agents As well as new agents to be able to have a systematic way to be able to care for their clients. And it’s about my personal development. It’s a how to, and it’s also about, you know about my journey. You can find that@www.va Real Estate evolution.com and you can find me Dan rashaan on all the social medias.
Unknown Speaker 25:21
Gotcha, gotcha. I love it. And it looks like you got a real special offer for them in here as well. If they go to the real estate evolution.com Sorry about that. No, I said revolutions. But I guess I did kind of go through. I’m looking forward to getting my copy in peeps. I’m going to actually the first one that comments with the time to shine today. Facebook page, I’m going to have Dan, sign a free copy of the book and mail it to you. And it’s on my dime. And Dan’s going to do that for me. I write down that we can we get there. Absolutely perfect. And so just make sure that you Go and when you listen to this go to the time to shine today there’ll be a link in there also to his website as well. And Dan leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you would like our squad to take with them internalize and put into action.
Unknown Speaker 26:17
Yeah whoever you you you want to be whatever whoever you’re dreaming to be. Whoever you you think that you can be you can be that person. And it all starts within the programming and the thinking and the feelings the actions and the results that will allow for you to achieve anything you’re not too young you’re not too old you’re not to whatever you can achieve whatever it is that you want.
Unknown Speaker 26:44
I love I love that Dan you Nothing is impossible someone else did it. You can pretty much do it. I hundred percent I’m on board with you there you know you’re always like living your talk about living the best version of yourself. What really stuck out to me was the nature of and nurture. You can’t always control where you’re where someone is from or their background, but you can help nurture them in a situation and make them feel comfortable. Whether it’s a family member, a friend, a client, you know, ask yourself when it’s all said and done, was it worth the trip? Certainly live your life intentionally. You know that you’re worthy. And if it’s possible to do it, then ask the how. Ask powerful questions move forward. Dan reminds us anything is possible. And one thing about Dan is he serves people, he listens not only with his ears, but with his eyes, in his emotions. And that’s why he is a rock star real estate agent that poured his life in his work into a book to help other agents like myself out there to level up their life. And Dan, thank you so much for coming on. Time to shine today. It’s been an honor. You’re part of our squad now. You can’t go anywhere, brother.
Unknown Speaker 27:54
Amen. My pleasure.
Unknown Speaker 27:55
Have a great day, my man. Thank you. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of Time to shine today podcast proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine
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