465 – Value Things Others May Throw Away – Embrace Your Inner Beast 🦁💪 – 2.0 TTST Interview with Coach Nathaniel Brown

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Nathaniel is a curious leader, with a love of learning and a passion for guiding others towards transformations that leave a lasting impact. His unique blend of logical frameworks, life experiences and deep esoteric wisdom enables him to assist his clients to choose a life that aligns with their true purpose. By implementing his 3 pillars: Mindset (The Law of Responsibility), Leadership (The Law of Consistency) and Perseverance (The Law of Resiliency) Nathaniel is committed to doing the deep inner work that allows him to show up as his best self and help others do the same. His motto is simple: Change Your Perspective  Change You Story, Change Your Life. 

“You’re not separate from creation—you are an active part of it. The moment you embrace that, you stop waiting for life to happen and start creating it.” 🌎
– Nathaniel Brown

fERGIE’S tOP 5+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. See Challenges as Invitations 🚪 – Life will throw obstacles your way. Instead of resisting them, use them as stepping stones for growth.
  2. Embrace Your Inner Beast 🐺 – Stop fighting your primal instincts. Instead, learn to channel them into strength, resilience, and transformation. 
  3. Master Your Overthinking 🤯 – Instead of letting it paralyze you, use deep thinking to gain insight, solve problems, and create breakthroughs.
  4. Listen to Your Body’s Signals 🚦 – Your body doesn’t lie. If a belief, thought, or decision creates tension, take the time to examine why.
  5. Recognize Your Connection to Everything 🌎 – You are not separate from creation—you are an essential part of it. Step into your power.
  6. Rewire Your Beliefs, Rewire Your Life 🧠 – Your reality is a reflection of your mindset. Change how you see the world, and the world will change for you.

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  • 🔹Valuable Time-Stamps 🔹
  • 00:00:00 – Introduction & Purpose
  • Scott kicks off the conversation, reflecting on growth, manifestation, and befriending the beast within.
  • 00:02:00 – The Power of Perspective Shift
  • Nathaniel shares his core philosophy: “Change your perspective, change your story, change your life.”
  • 00:04:00 – Overthinking as a Superpower
  • Nathaniel explains how embracing overthinking can be a tool for insight, not a limitation.
  • 00:06:00 – The Beast Within: A Personal Awakening
  • Nathaniel recalls a pivotal moment where he had to confront and befriend his inner beast.
  • 00:10:00 – Why Suppressing Your Instincts Fails
  • Ignoring your primal nature leads to disconnection; true power comes from acknowledgment and balance.
  • 00:14:00 – Coaching Men to Own Their Strength
  • Nathaniel’s work with men’s circles focuses on accepting masculinity and using it for positive transformation.
  • 00:19:00 – Manifestation & The Role of Belief
  • How your central nervous system dictates your reality and the power of belief-driven action.
  • 00:25:00 – The 12-Week Transformation Program
  • Nathaniel breaks down his coaching framework, “CIA” (Creation, Intention, Action), for real change.
  • 00:30:00 – Harmony vs. Balance in Life
  • Why balance is overrated and harmony is the true key to personal and professional growth.
  • 00:40:00 – Final Knowledge Nugget
  • You are not separate from creation—you are an active part of it. Step into your power and live fully.

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript

L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Time To Shine Today, podcast varsity squad. It’s Scott Ferguson and I have a 2. 0 interview with someone who I consider a really good friend, a fellow coach that I immensely respect, a stoic a just the most sultry voice that you’ll ever hear on the mic. I know he does some voiceover work fantastic podcasting voice as well.
He has a fantastic podcast, which will be in the show notes as well. But we really kind of talk. We really go deep on, , really manifestation and not overcomplicating things how to kind of live with a beast within and be friends with the beast and don’t let the beast leave you in a sense. <<READ MORE>>

And it kind of goes against a lot of the. , things that people talk about there, the practitioners, the gurus, and stuff saying get rid of the beast. We need that beast for survival and thrival. That’s my word for the day, is thrival, but , to thrive as well. So, again, it’s a 2. 0 interview. I interviewed Nathaniel back in 2022.

And we’re here in probably [00:01:00] February 2025. And just the new knowledge nuggets that I picked up and just knows that I love aligning myself with people that always evolve. So, without further ado, here’s my really good friend, Nathaniel Brown from Growing Together. Let’s level up!

Time to shine today, Podcast Varsity Squad. This is Scott Ferguson, and I have a 2. 0 interview with, seriously, we might not look like brothers, but we kind of are with our, especially our coaching philosophies are coming from a heart centered place of service where we want people to really live a life of options and not obligations.

And I’m bringing back for a 2. 0 interview, my good friend Nathaniel Brown, as I like to affectionately call him, Natty Brown. Who’s he’s like me, his superpowers, curiosity. He’s a curious leader with a love and learning and a passion for guiding others towards transformations that leave a lasting impact.

His unique blend of logical frameworks, like experiences and deep esoteric wisdom enables him to assist the clients to choose a life that aligns with their true purpose by implementing three pillars, which I’m going to [00:02:00] be very brief, but he’ll go deep a little bit later, mindset, leadership, and perseverance.

Nathaniel is committed to doing the deep inner work that allows him to show up as his best self and help others do the same. His motto is simple. Change your perspective, change your story, change your life, and that’s why we align so well. Actually, he blessed me with kind of his hour of power coaching session one day, and I remember like it was yesterday, there was a pool, there was ripples, he had me in this kind of really deep connection to myself.

He clapped his hands and then like, everything was just like open for me. It was the weirdest, not the weirdest, the most beautiful thing. I got to say that. So Natty, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself at a time to shine today. Podcast Varsity Squad, but first. What superpower, other than curiosity, do you have that kind of no one knows about?

I am a really good

Nathaniel Brown: overthinker. And it’s a good thing sometimes, man. Right? I’m really good at overthinking. And the [00:03:00] beauty of it is, like, I’m starting to look at all of these, all of these things that are idiosyncrasies as superpowers. Because they are. They intrinsically, everything, the value of everything is implicit.

You gotta know what it looks like to be able to honor it in the form that it exists in. So, my, my, my, I’ve learned to value things that other people would throw away. That would be literally considered trash, junk. It’s like the science in junk DNA. Well, it’s really junk DNA. There’s, there’s, there’s some data there that needs to be mined.

So, there’s always something in our environments that needs to be mined. There’s always something intrinsic that we can find. Some crystal, some jewel, some nugget. Well, all of it is superpowers, so I don’t care if you’re, if you’re having battling addictions or anything like that. Well, the fact that you can be addicted to something is a superpower.

The fact that something can capture you is a superpower. The fact that you can find something of interest that would suck you into living a lifestyle that all that matters is [00:04:00] that thing that’s prioritized. Well, that’s also a superpower. We have to see

L. Scott Ferguson: it that way,

Nathaniel Brown: though.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes, because you’re locked into it, kind of not even knowing you’re locked into it sometimes, right?

Especially like the addiction and stuff like that. So what the heck’s been going on with you, brother? Since last time? Man, life. , it’s three years since we’ve Yeah, right. Like this, , on, , on the pod, but When I tell you life be lifin it

Nathaniel Brown: might be lifin on some real talk. Like, life has given me an opportunity in the past two or three years to dive into the darkest parts of me that I had.

Known was there, but was afraid to uncover. So back in 2021, I believe, but some of the 21 and 22, I went to a men’s retreat and in the men’s retreat, I was, , just hanging out with some young brothers. I probably was the oldest one there because I look, I look younger than everybody, [00:05:00]

L. Scott Ferguson: but I’m usually like 10,

Nathaniel Brown: 15 years older than everybody.

Right, right. And so I, I’m sitting and we’re having this really deep, deep, , experience. And one of the things that came out of this, it was a young guy that was sitting next to me. And, , these young kids, they’re into anime and stuff like that, which I didn’t watch much of. And, and which, which I, I love this stuff because it’s based on Daoist principles.

When you ask it

L. Scott Ferguson: is, so it’s, it

Nathaniel Brown: has some meaning. So it’s the only cartoons I allow myself to watch. He was. Talking to me, he’s like, you ever watch Naruto? I was like, well, I don’t watch TV, like, I don’t even know what you’re talking about, like, I don’t even watch TV. So he’s like, no, you need to watch it. He said, it’s about a boy who’s been born into this village, but the village was being basically ravaged by this beast.

So what the village elders did was they took the beast and they hid it. Inside the boy so that when the boy became of age, he would learn to befriend the beast and the beast would be brought forth to be a protector and savior of the community. [00:06:00] That’s the that’s the word picture, right? So when he tells me this, I’m in tears.

Because there’s this thing that I grew up with. I always knew that there was this animalistic nature in me that was that ravenous beast and I knew there and I did all I could to keep it at bay. Fast forward to 2023, some things happen that caused that beast to be awakened. Something happened that triggered it.

It was a trauma that I didn’t deal with that was connected to some experiences that was connected to things that everything. Right. Right. Right. Holy crap. I’m here and the beast is awakened and he’s ready to shred.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah.

Nathaniel Brown: I had to look at it and I had to take the next year, full year, and go all the way to the basement of Nathaniel to befriend that beast again.

To, to, to, to show the beast that, hey, let’s, let’s see the open world [00:07:00] and you’re safe here. There’s, there’s no danger really. It’s all perceived. It’s like watching the dog whisperer. He’s my favorite person to watch because I learned how to talk to animals watching him.

L. Scott Ferguson: Because

Nathaniel Brown: he’s, what animals do is they teach us about our animalistic nature.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.

Nathaniel Brown: The animalistic nature. Because we move

L. Scott Ferguson: so far away from it through generations. You move away from those primal

Nathaniel Brown: things. But there’s so much wisdom in it, because what animals don’t care about, they don’t have a, a at me disposition. It’s not, it’s not there. It’s only, it’s only in short bursts of time, right?

Because it’s being chased by a lion. It’s going to be stressed for a moment and it’s going to run because something is happening. It’s not an implied victimized mindset. They’re not always victimized. So it’s in their bodies because their bodies determine their environment. All right, so all the stuff that was happening around me, in me, of me, was in my environment and I needed to find out why it was there and how to remove it.

That [00:08:00] animalistic nature, I needed to befriend it. That’s the only way to do it. That’s the point of reconciliation. Did you want to

L. Scott Ferguson: remove it or co exist?

Nathaniel Brown: I don’t want to remove it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay, gotcha.

Nathaniel Brown: I want to befriend it. That’s why I’m saying befriend very specific. And I may have said something other, but what I want to say No, no, no, I just, I’m super

L. Scott Ferguson: curious right now.

Okay, good, good,

Nathaniel Brown: good. Here’s why you don’t remove it. If you remove it, did the value of what you removed? It’s like, it’s like a cracked brick between two, two places. Removing the brick, yeah, that could cause more problems than repairing it where it is. The idea is, you don’t take the thing out because it’s upholding something.

There’s a substructure there. I love this. That’s sitting, that is sitting on top of. We’re doing, we’re dealing with this in the IT world right now, everybody moving from IPV4, IPV4 to IPV6. In other words, the base for supporting a bigger network, you need a bigger subnet, right? That’s the idea, because we need more room, because we’re expanding.

It’s beautiful, we’re [00:09:00] expanding. The base has to be there, so those negative things, those dark things, they have to be there. The support system for all of our emotional expression is fear and anger and all of those primal expressions. Because they are Expressions of interest when you study them intrinsically, the I fear is like the fear and curiosity are like the first responses to anything that we’re uncertain, right?

So when uncertainty shows up, we get a fear response, especially if it’s something that we haven’t interfaced with, even if we’ve interfaced with it before, we can still be uncertain. But if we haven’t interfaced with it intrinsically, we will be uncertain. And we will have a fear response. Well, that fear response is going to be a central nervous system responses happening in your body.

That’s. Primal state. That’s the primal state that David, that David talks about on his podcast. That primal state is the animalistic world. That that’s the world. That’s always scanning the environment to make sure that everything is safe. Right. [00:10:00] We need it. That’s the ego. We need it. We need an at me disposition so that we know how to respond to risks.

We need those things. So I was responding to everything as a risk. When I was in that primal state, when I was in that space of heightened sense of, of rage that was flowing through my body, I had to look at that dark beastly thing that I would label as that and love it. I had to love it because it was obviously there all along, right?

If I’m here, it, it was with me all along. So what part did it play in getting me here now and how do I relieve it of service? Without condescending it a value. Yeah, that’s the, that’s the beauty of the, the, the inner work is that you don’t need to remove anything, right? You just need to let go of the meaning that it has to you.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.

Nathaniel Brown: The moment you let go of the media, right? Marcus [00:11:00] Aurelius favorite quote. It’s not the thing that’s the external factor that’s affecting you. It’s one’s estimate of the external factor of which that thing you can revoke at any moment. Right? So it doesn’t have to mean. that it’s dark and bad. It could mean that it’s strong and powerful.

So I had to find, right, reframe because everything works on frameworks, reframe how I was identifying with the things that are in myself. Is there really darkness? Well, no, because dark and light are actually the same thing, right? It’s just different spectrums of light. You just can’t see. So obscurity is the problem.

Not that something is dark intrinsically, but it’s obscure. You don’t understand it. You can’t really see into it. Once you’re able to see into it, don’t remove it, appreciate it, love it, hug it, be grateful to it because it got you here, right? Oh, you can relieve it of service because you don’t need the service of this thing anymore.

And it can now watch you move [00:12:00] on.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. So it’s almost witnessing. Yourself from from yourself within yourself. It’s funny. I know this, I know like the only movie franchise that I’ve really think I’ve ever watched was the Avengers. And so there’s this dude, the Hulk, the people that know the heart, they learned, he learned in the final movie ever how to coexist with the Hulk.

I kept on kind of going back to it with this, but like there’s that beast inside. And I love that you said that. Don’t remove it because there will be value in something that’s being removed Right and that’s and people that try to remove it and like we talked a little bit off mike about over You know complicating things especially kind of like service to others and whatnot and that beast is actually needed in certain Situations in your life, and if you don’t have it there it can That would be detrimental to you, right?

Nathaniel Brown: Absolutely, because you incur risks on the negative side that you probably would have avoided [00:13:00] if you had just allowed that that time for that assessment.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right, right. So, are you working with people now kind of working that might have their well, I’m just going to call it beast because, , we have it like on a beast inside or there’s another , personality and I’m saying that in quotes if you’re watching , kind of that you want to learn to improve.

Have their coexist, within yourself. Are you working with people like that right now? I am

Nathaniel Brown: I actually sit with men, every third wednesday of the month. We have a men’s circle Okay, offer one on ones to these men if they need it, but we met and meet them in circle and I talked to them about befriending the beast within them.

I talked to them about that thing because at the base of male emotion is, is a, an outrageous expression. It’s the ultimate protector. Of us. That’s what makes us the best protectors. That’s why we relied upon. I often say this and people was like, well, we don’t need men. The hell you do, because when you need a rule enforced, you’re not look, you’re [00:14:00] looking for a certain type of individual to enforce that rule.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s,

Nathaniel Brown: it’s gonna be there. You’re not looking for curves. You’re looking for frame. You’re looking for a box. You’re looking for something that’s rugged, rigid, and has sharp corners because sharp corners pierce. We, we, we’ve got to get truthful about that. So when we are, when, and let me get back to your question, but what was we were talking about?

Well, I lost the thought. I lost the thought. Remind me where is the,

L. Scott Ferguson: the, because I was going somewhere else and I lost. No, just the the, the, the beast within beast within. Yeah. So when we’re talking

Nathaniel Brown: about them in, in the beast within, and I try to help them love it, I try to help them see it for. Not something they should be in any level of disdain about because society makes it so that men have to Be subservient to these rules that say to be man is this right?

And it’s a bunch of people who aren’t men trying to say what men should be And, and it’s, it’s ridiculous. It’s like me going to the [00:15:00] white house and saying, well, this is how you be president of the United States. And I’ve never sat as president of the United States or on the board of any politics. I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.

I would be a fool. Right. It’s with all you’re getting, you get understanding. That’s the answer. So to understand what’s going on within at the base of your emotions. And I actually met with him, especially after the holidays, when all the stress and everything happens, that’s anybody have any bouts with rage?

This, this, this holiday, oh, hands going up, man. It’s not even that it’s a bad thing. It’s that we haven’t been permitted to say what we’re feeling. Right, right. There was a, there’s a guy online. His name is Keir Gaines. He’s one of the social media therapists, mental health coach and everything. The guy’s brilliant.

But he tells a story of. Noise happening in the basement of his home. Only thing he knows to do to respond. He grabs his firearm, he goes to respond to the noise. Cause , he goes to do his thing. He [00:16:00] finds out, okay, some wind blew open a window. Started moving the blinds. The door, the, the, the, the third made a bad noise.

Boom. Then he had a moment to sit down. And he says this. He said, both people in that house that night, him and his wife, were afraid. Only one of us. Had permission to feel it and he said what happens to a person over time When they are not permitted to feel human emotions And that’s what became the beast in me And that’s what becomes the beast in us all is that suppression Being, feeling like we’re caged in, always cornered by things, always trapped by policies and politics and all these nonsense and relationships and just everything that’s coming at us.

Right. Right. And the only thing we know to do is to be callous.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right. All of us, those damn three letter, , agencies. Agencies that kind of direct us in ways that, , whether it’s FOX or CNN or , it’s like all those things. [00:17:00] Save the alphabet stuff for our doctors and Right. , stuff like that.

So. Right. Okay, so I have to ask you. So let’s say we have somebody that’s a little bit more docile, like they’re more like kind of grew up in a feminine, not seeing like a feminine, like a woman, but more of kind of a feminine where they didn’t have a beast, right? So they’re kind of missing out on certain things as well.

Can you, with your beliefs and coaching, Natty, can you? Basically, create a beast in you. Yeah. All the beast is, is a sense of purpose. Okay. Gotcha.

Nathaniel Brown: Okay. That’s all it is. It’s something that compels you to do something, right? That’s that. That’s the nature. When you get hungry, something happens in your body.

And if you pay attention to those sequences that are happening in your body, you can actually frame out belief. This is how it happens. When you get hungry, thirsty, anything, something in you already knows. That there’s an availability to, to remediate that, right? There’s [00:18:00] something like, I’m, I’m thirsty. So you say in yourself, I’m going to go to get a glass of water.

Well, how do you already know a glass of water exists? Unless you don’t already believe it, it’s in your body. So your body is telling you, you can get up and go and get what you believe. Right? This is, this is the personal development. So, so central nervous system is the control mechanism for everything that you believe in your, in your life.

Everything. As the body of an animal determines its environment, the body of the human determines its environment. So all of the belief. emanates from the body. You believe that water exists. You believe that food is available. You get up and you go get it because that’s the convenience of that belief.

Well, the idea is to create the belief that there’s something for you to go and get, because the hunt is the bringing out of the beast. It’s, it’s inconvenient to beast of the field to go hunt, but they have the [00:19:00] tools. To get the job done. It’s inconvenient for my house cat to go out there and kill a squirrel.

But if he was outside long enough and he was hungry and he saw a squirrel, his claws and his fangs will do the job. So my, my, my coaching helps you recognize the equipment you already possess. So that you will create the compelling future that you already know you want. Okay. So you

L. Scott Ferguson: already have the tools.

We already have the tools. We’re just bringing those tools to a place of where usefulness, when it needs to be used. Because some people might take this and be like, Oh, I can just go unleash the beast and just be an asshole. Excuse my language here. You know what I’m saying?

Nathaniel Brown: It has to be for the greatest good of yourself and others, because the golden rule is implicit in all of this.

Right. Must love yourself as you love others.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. It’s not,

Nathaniel Brown: it’s a principle. It’s not even an act. It’s a principle. It’s not even that you must, it’s that you will only [00:20:00] love others to the degree that you love yourself. Yes. It can’t, the only reason why people murder other people is because they are killing themselves.

A hundred

L. Scott Ferguson: percent. Yes, you can find it inside them that they want to kill. They’re too cowardly to kill themselves. So they take that for the expresses projected for us that projected onto somebody else. That’s

Nathaniel Brown: all it is. And everything is a projection of an inner identity. And as soon as we get the inner identity fixed and recalibrated back to the heart space.

Then the way we love our neighbors will mirror the way we love ourselves. And the way we love ourselves will be to the highest good of us. And we will love others to the highest good of themselves. It’s just, it’s a, it’s a, it’s, it’s a win win cycle,

L. Scott Ferguson: right? What pushback are you finding when you kind of, kind of, or maybe talking, , to people about this, because again, like, okay, so my coaching clients, I require them to, , to bring me on.

Like the first thing they have to do is every day, Monday to Friday, send me three things they’re [00:21:00] grateful for. And then the next week I’ll add their intention next week, your big win from yesterday and they don’t get it by about week four. They’re like, dude, why am I doing this? And I’m like, Hey. , okay, Nathaniel, like you got a Tesla.

I’ve never seen a Tesla, right? So you’re like, Fergie, I got a Tesla. And I’m like, Oh, can I come see it? You’re like, gas. I say, I see your emotion attached to it. I’m emotional. How many of Tesla’s you think you’re going to see when you drive home, right? You bring things to the present, right? So that’s where I feel that maybe you’re saying that the recalibration is really making them a lot more presence into an identity that is full of more, maybe a heart space,

Nathaniel Brown: right?

That’s the whole work. Scott is the work. Of everything is to bring everybody back to the present moment.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Yeah.

Nathaniel Brown: Remembering now is all the work is all. I don’t care what front. I don’t care how many coaching certifications you got. I don’t care how many psychological service. I don’t care what your degrees are.

You’re all only learning to bring people back to the present [00:22:00] moment. That’s all it is. It’s all one thing. And when people understand that everything is literally one thing. I, I swear to you, I can, I can explain technology and emotions at the same time. And you’d be like, how the hell did you do that?

Because it’s all actually did that our last show, bro. But check this out in technology, we have something called a tool, right? The same tool is like a security event management tool. Basically, it’s there to sit on the network to tell you what’s going on. Right. It alerts you to say things are happening, it keeps those logs and then you look at those logs to determine what is a priority risk and what is a low priority risk.

Well, doesn’t your emotions work the same way? The emotions come online when something is unfamiliar to you and it triggers you and it gives you an alert. Hey, something’s here. Now you have a decision because of that logarithm, that log there says, okay, there’s a boulder coming at you. Your decision is, there’s a risk here.

Let’s admit, what’s the risk grade? Okay, you grade the risk. The likelihood of impact is, I’m gonna get squashed, okay? So what’s the [00:23:00] remediation plan? Move the hell out of the way. It’s the same thing. Something happens in the network, someone sends something from a PC to another. It kind of triggers an alert because it’s an internal thing that’s going on.

When you look at it on the packets, it’s like, well, it’s been hitting this particular This particular computer a couple of times, there’s something going on here. I need to investigate, right? So what a scene tool does, just like the emotions is that it gives you, it indicates that something is in front of you.

It doesn’t tell you what’s true. It only tells you what’s here, right? You have to decide whether it’s a threat or not. Same thing. It’s just technology. All the technology did was take something that you intrinsically already do and how you assess your network, your environment, and they turned it into a tool to assess digital assets.

L. Scott Ferguson: Same thing. Same thing. It’s exactly just doing it from a human side of thing. , exactly. I mean, there’s some stoicism [00:24:00] stuff here, man. This is amazing. I love this. I love this. Okay, so I mean, a lot of this to some people out there might be deep and it is understandably deep, but it’s also so simple as well.

Right. But like what, when you’re talking and when you’re coaching people again, because I want to refer people and get people with you, but like, what are you doing to maybe make sure that they’re not coming in overwhelmed and feel like things are being overcomplicated?

Nathaniel Brown: I build it out. Yeah, because it can be really overwhelming.

I keep it all in a framework. Modality. So I, there’s, there’s 12 weeks. Literally, that’s it. 12 weeks. Love it. You won’t be the same person. I literally call it mastering manifestation. And what I do is I explain everything from an elementary standpoint, and I imply implicate the person as the entity.

Causing it all of us. So I keep it really simple. [00:25:00] Adjusting your frequency is as simple as changing the channel on the television because all television broadcast is just frequencies from you. Yes. Oh, you want to change something, changing the channel. What does it feel like when you’re clicking the remote to change the channel, knowing that something else is coming?

What’s the feeling generating in the body? And can you amplify that? Because all these, like all these. Gurus and all these, all they did was amplify things that were already happening in the body. Like I talked to you before that, that thing about, Hey, water is available. Hey, food is available. What’s happening in the body, that belief that’s there, that something is all we’re going to do is we’re going to take that.

We’re going to take a magnifying glass and look at it. And we just got to make it bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. And over the course of about 12 weeks, your belief system. It’s going to change your belief system and your environment are the same thing. They are not different. If you put a dog, a cat, a [00:26:00] bear and a giraffe in any environment and you leave them there for about two and a half to three weeks and you go back, you will be able to tell that a dog, a cat, a bear and a giraffe were in these specific spots and you’ll be able to tell what the, the ratio of environment they control.

Because they’re territorial animals, so they’re going to, they’re going to manifest within their territory so you can tell what a cat believes or a dog believes it is based on the environment it lives in. A dog believes it’s a dog, so it’s going to poop and pee and dig holes and do all those things.

Cats believe they’re cats, so it’s going to dig a hole, do its business, cover it up. It’s going to cover its tracks because that’s what cats do. Giraffes, it’s going to be giraffes, elephants, because the environment and the body are one thing. The word. For beast of the field in Hebrew is behemoth in the Hebrew text, and it literally means that the soul and the body are one thing.

So it literally expresses [00:27:00] itself as the body. So when you get belief in the body as an expression. And it becomes something that comes because your nervous system controls your beliefs. It comes from the nervous system. Then you can’t help but have it in your environment because the nervous system is emanating it.

The CIA did a study on this and they called it the neurosyntergic field. They actually declassified this document several years ago. And they talk about how the brain frequency is such, can be, can be. Reconfigure or can be amped up in a way and align with the frequencies of the natural world so that it sends people into these states where they can create things, whatever they want, and it drops in their environment because they create this neurosyntergic field around them and the brain, what they’re saying, the brain, they’re saying the central nervous system because the brain, the computational controller for it all, the brain is emanating outwardly all the time.

The things that it wants to experience. Yes, always. Yes. Put that in, then, then all [00:28:00] you, all we do is baptize you in the thing you want to experience. Right. If you’re not present, you’re not going to put any of that to work. We got to get you in the feeling body of it. We got to get that energy in the body again so that you can start believing in what you feel you want to see that you become.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Yes. Yeah, and it’s funny. I think I might have told you this before, but all my clients that I’m blessed to coach in South Florida in person, I put them in their car, , with me in there when I want to see what the car looks like, make sure that they’re organized, see which way, , kind of go.

But I point out that rear view mirror. Like it’s small for a reason. It’s your past great place to learn from great place to visit for good times, but we’re not there. The windshield big, scary. Oh my gosh. What? And then, , like this GPS thing here, that’s where I am. Yeah, I can’t buckle your seatbelt.

I can’t start the car. I can’t drive. But if you’re, if I say, hey, , then you’ll come over to my place and a tree fell across your road and be like, [00:29:00] no, Ferg, I can’t. No, you would find another way. So I get, I do have to ask you something with are you more harmony or balance? Because balance to me is zero.

It’s, it’s, there’s nothing there where harmony is. I love jazz, right? I mean, jazz is my jam. I love it. And I can sit and listen to it for hours, whatever. And so, if you have like God or you’re spiritual, it would be the drums. , personal growth would be the piano. Family would be the horns on community work, money.

All of them are different instruments. If one of them is out of tune, it sounds like junk. Right? And I’m not saying you have to be Beethoven, Eddie Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix, or any of those people, but if we can just get it out, and what I’m hearing is that there might be a beast in there that we can get into harmony, right?

Because balance to me is like 10 pounds, 10 pounds, even Steven, there’s really no growth out of it. Where harmony, there’s growth. What’s your thoughts on that?

Nathaniel Brown: Well, it’s, it’s, it’s a difference between It’s context and content. Okay. Okay. So harmony is good in the [00:30:00] context of all things working together and in the con and, and, and in the context of each player playing their part.

Harmony happens on the basketball court, on football fields. It even happens on the tennis court. Yes. Because being able to be one with the racket, swinging the ball, hit it in, in the sweet spot to get the right rotation, to be able to have landed on the court of the opposing of the opponent is. is strategic harmonizing of that.

Now, the other side of harmony, we talk about, we talk about balance. Balance can be good if what you’re balancing and balance should be visited. Balance is not something that one should stay in. That’s why I say it, because you will burn out trying to balance. Because balance is not something that’s not, Latin, that’s not less of energy.

There’s, there’s a lot of energy that goes into balance. You ever watch a ballad ballerina? Like my, my wife’s oldest daughter. I love watching. She was, she was, she was, yeah, she was, she was in Claire and all this other things for nutcracker. And [00:31:00] she danced all her life as a child. And I love watching ballerinas go on point because a lot of times we see it as stillness, but it’s not right.

You look at their feet and their ankles and they’re trembling. Yes. The balance wires. So much effort, there’s no flow there. You can’t, you can’t, there’s no flow. There’s a block in the, when you’re balancing, right? When you’re harmonizing, you can flow because you don’t always have to stay on that particular note.

You can choose another note within the context of the music and still be in resonance with everyone else. And I say it like this, and I teach this in the course, but the, in the, in the program, we move through these layers of resonance. We go from, from dissonance to resonance. To consonants. Sonnets is just sound or frequency.

So dissonance is when we get introduced to something that’s uncertain. There’s your windshield in front. Or there’s your, yeah, there’s your windshield. There’s a bunch of stuff happening right now, and I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing, but I’m white [00:32:00] knuckling it, right? But that’s dissonance. Then you go into resonance.

Well, there are traffic signs here. So if I just obey these traffic signs and I, I stay within these lanes, I can, I can drive alongside of everybody else. Yeah. Okay. I can do that. And everybody on the, on the, on the traffic line on the highway, they’re all in resonance with one another. They’re all in harmony because that’s what resonance is.

It’s, it’s saying the same thing. That’s what resonance is. It’s to say the sound again, right? So consonance is when you add your own sound to it. Con means with. With the frequency, that means you’re looking parallel to it. That means you’ve, you’ve created such a beautiful path that this frequency is as beautiful as yours.

Harmony is what that is. Harmony always includes the movement of flowing from dissonance to consonance. Balance does not include the growth process. It’s just simply burnout. So all it’s like the sun, it’s just hot. It’s all just one [00:33:00] thing when you have life and you have flow in order to have flow, you’ve got to have harmony.

You’ve got to have certain things that are completely different from you, but they all speak to the one thing and say it like this. God has to be all or whatever is not God doesn’t exist. And if everybody gets that. God has to be all everything has to be divine. Everything is sacred in its own right because there’s blood spilt and, and, and my name given to the life of all these things.

And by my name, I mean the ancient word for water, but it’s actually the ancient word for the flow of fluid. So that can be blood, saliva, seminal fluid. It doesn’t matter water. All of it is a part Part of that, my aim, whatever that is, we exist in it. It’s a part of our world in that it’s giving us life. We have to include it all.

God has to be all of it and we have to be one with it all. So our, our ability to be harmonious with creation is our, our ask to participate [00:34:00] in what the world has to offer. But we get to discover way more of us when we’re participating in the world from a curious standpoint with saying, Hey, I want to bring my sound here too.

Right. I don’t want to just say what you’re saying. I don’t want to just sound like Scotty and he’s in his coaching. I want to sound just like Nathaniel and say the same thing. Scotty is saying,

L. Scott Ferguson: right? That’s and it’s such and you have to have harmonic. You could never do that through balance. You couldn’t do that through balance.

It would be impossible, right? Exactly, exactly. So this. Okay. So the, there’s a value based kind of service that you’re offering right now. Cause I do want to get into what you’re offering. You, you dived into it a little bit, but it’s 12 weeks. Tell us a little bit about what the, , the, the, what you have going on there.

Nathaniel Brown: So I created a formula, I call it the power of creation. It’s called the creation formula and it’s called CIA. Creation, intention, action, right? [00:35:00] It’s just a beautiful take on words, but I call it intention equals creation times action to the fourth power. And the four degrees of action are alignment, attunement, Agreement and allowance or surrender and I walk, walk, walk people through the, the construct of how they’re aligning, attuning, agreeing with the world, what they’re saying yes to, what they’re saying no to, and how to really bring all that stuff back into, back into balance and connect it into the thing that makes them.

Come alive. Not the people pleasing thing. So we definitely with this particular outline, this particular program, it definitely eradicates people pleasing because you have to consider with the exercises that are involved, you have to consider how the framework is set up to always Be setting your intention, setting your practice, always be considering yourself.

What are your self assessments? And I take some of my, , I T security, [00:36:00] cyber security, analyst tools and because the language helps people, especially with the world getting so technical, being able to communicate. Personal development, personal development, concepts and principles using technology and technical terms has been great.

So I teach people literally how to do a self assessment on themselves and I give them a framework on how to do it. So they get the same results every time it’s, it’s, it’s beautiful. You’ll always get in the result I’m talking about is the truth. Yes, you’re always going

L. Scott Ferguson: to ask that if it’s the same result every time, what, what, what differentiates us?

So what do you see most people that are come to you? Their blind spots are then,

Nathaniel Brown: what I’m saying? Yeah. Usually in the belief that the story they’re telling themselves is limited. A lot of time, the story isn’t limited. It’s just not theirs. It’s not theirs, dude. Trying to lift somebody else’s to all the influences.

It’s your, it’s your limiting belief because you’re telling somebody else’s story. So it’s like, get out of the whole limiting belief thing, because if you label it as your limit, then you’ll only live that as your limit. You’ll put [00:37:00] that in your body and that’ll become a part of your environment. Well, if you look at it and like, well, is that mine?

Is that really what I believe? And is, and here’s the one key. Is it making your body feel bad? Like if your nervous system is triggered to feel bad about a belief system that you’re trying to uphold that, , isn’t productive for you, then why not let it go? Like, let’s, let’s, okay, let’s form another belief system that supersedes this one so that this belief system can sit on top of it and another layer.

Let’s raise your frequency by raising the layer of perspective, perspective, perspective you have and seeing the world different, but differently, because when you choose to see the world differently, the world you view. Choose chooses to change, right? Cause our change is intrinsic. It all happens in you and for anything to change, you have to mean to, I always say that, , if everything is going to change, everything changes when you mean to.

So being able to take that belief system in the body and create that environment. Yes. [00:38:00] Oh, don’t don’t hold on to things. We’re creators, man. People

L. Scott Ferguson: so move so far away from that.

Nathaniel Brown: Oh my gosh

L. Scott Ferguson: No, is it not written in in your law? Yeah. Yes our gods. Yes That’s a

Nathaniel Brown: real

L. Scott Ferguson: statement Only living organism on earth that will not live to its ultimate potential is people like like they’ll be like You’ll see a fat dog, right?

And they’ll be like, well, this dog’s fat. I’m like, no, the owner’s probably fat. And I’m not saying they’re disrespectful, but they’re like, dude, that’s probably what it is because the dog’s going to follow, , what its owner does. And, , but it’s we’re all programmed for greatness. We just have to unleash it.

And you said something earlier about or even a tree. Well, a tree can only grow so high. No, the root system can only go so low and it’s still going to grow. If they found another way to expand the roots, that tree’s going higher. I mean, everything is, is there, but you, you mentioned earlier about a lot of people out [00:39:00] there, whether they’re coaches, consultants or whatnot, they’re overcomplicating service kind of, what did you mean by that?

Nathaniel Brown: They’re, they’re, they’re heavy on the marketing and low on the. Impact and that people are unwilling to just be vulnerable and I, and I, I had, I had that same issue where I was just wanting, I wanted to seem like I had it all together because I thought that coaching meant that I had to have all my stuff together in order for me to help you.

But that’s not the way it works. You as I’m helping me. So that, so that we’re leading, so that we’re close knit, it actually, what happens is it actually brings the relationship with one another closer because it makes it more communal, right? Because now that I’m helping myself and I’m helping you help yourself, then I grow with you.

We grow together. That’s harmony. That’s consonants. That’s resonance. We are all moving with the same sound, same frequency. Same understanding. So that’s, that’s ideally, that’s

L. Scott Ferguson: the, [00:40:00] the, I love that. That’s that dumbed it down for lack of a better term. Cause you go deep that kind of dumbed it down for us that are out there listening and be like, yeah, cause there’s a harmonic hustle, which is by the name, by the way, is the name of the book that drops in two months.

There’s harmonic hustle that I have coming out my pitch. But so I gotta, I’d be. It would be terrible if I didn’t take it through kind of our lovely enough lightning rounds. We kind of moved towards the end of our chat here. Natty, we did it before and I’m not saying you have to remember what you said before, but I’m going to take you through some of the same questions, but we all evolve.

 Time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. We are back in. Nathaniel, we did this before, and we just said right before we went to break that, , see where we evolve and what’s changed and we’ll listen to the last time and whatnot.

But again, the rules are you got five seconds to answer no explanations, and I promise every answer will be you can, every question will be able to be answered in five seconds. I’m an open book. All right, here we go, Nanny. All right. What is the best leveling up [00:41:00] advice Nathaniel has ever received? Don’t overthink it.

Love it. She One of your personal habits that contributes to your success. Self-care. I was gonna say not overthinking . That’s beautiful. So what book have you kinda really picked up? And, , if you saw me and I was kind of in my doldrums, like, Fergie, I think you need to read this. What, what book have you really kind of dug into lately?

Nathaniel Brown: You know what I’m gonna say? Trans surfing reality. By Vadim Zeland. Donnie,

L. Scott Ferguson: put that in the show notes, man. Thanks. I want to check it out myself.

Nathaniel Brown: It’s like, it’s like an 800 and something page book, but it’s the best breakdown of how the universe balances itself through. Ebbs and flows, how life actually works with being set intention.

It’s beautiful. It’s most

L. Scott Ferguson: commonly used emoji. If any, when you text fist bump, love it,

Nathaniel Brown: it looks just like this.

L. Scott Ferguson: How about any I know that you’re, you love being [00:42:00] in the present right now, but if you could be any age for the rest of your life, continue to garner wisdom and be able to utilize the wisdom you have aged physically, what would you want to stay?

Nathaniel Brown: Oh, my age right now I’ll be 44 in

L. Scott Ferguson: July.

Nathaniel Brown: So my age right now, 44 is a good, is a, is a beautiful.

It was,

L. Scott Ferguson: it was, it was good. I’ll be 53 next week or two weeks. And like the early forties was excellent. It’s a little more hacks I got to do to make sure I stay on point. Any nicknames growing up.

Nathaniel Brown: Little Nate. Any little kid and I, and then I was I’m named after my father, so they call love it

L. Scott Ferguson: chess checkers or monopoly.

I’m monopoly. Okay. Me too. Headline for your life.

Love the darkness superstitions. You kind of ever bought into through life. I haven’t really either. So I’m

Nathaniel Brown: going to, I’m too

L. Scott Ferguson: curious for superstitions. I love it. Go to ice cream flavor. Oh, vanilla. Love it. Actually, me too, man. It’s [00:43:00] like, if I’m feeling something else, I can throw it on there. You can throw it at your sister.

You can throw your strawberries, blueberries. It kind of works. If you had a time machine, they could take you somewhere for 48 hours, , but you get to come back to 2025. But just to visit, would you go 20, 20 years in the future or any time in the past? But you can come back in 48 hours.

Nathaniel Brown: I’d go, I’d go 20 years in the future.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. Very cool.

Nathaniel Brown: Love it. I would not change anything about the past. Me neither, brother. I’d like

L. Scott Ferguson: to go back to a kegger. We had 1989 blowout. So you have a, there’s a sandwich called the little Nate build that sandwich for me. What do we eat?

Nathaniel Brown: Almond butter, strawberry preserves, kosher salt. And cinnamon. I like it.

Love it. It’s

L. Scott Ferguson: probably all from your farm too. Love it. Favorite charity and organization you like to give your time and or money to?

Nathaniel Brown: Well we give our money in a, in a pool. We have like a charitable donation through a Christian fund that [00:44:00] sort of allocates those funds. So we just kind of give to that.

My wife my wife’s parents, my in laws set that up for us. So we get to that every year. It’s like, where

L. Scott Ferguson: do you attend

Nathaniel Brown: there? I’m sorry,

L. Scott Ferguson: what church do you attend there?

Nathaniel Brown: I don’t, I don’t go to church. Heard. Oh, okay. I just heard that we have spiritual comm community meetings. Yeah, that’s cool. At home.

But we have like a house thing, but Nice. Yeah. No, no, no thing I, we, we, we do music. We kind of get together and, and talk about fellowship, man fellowship and just share food and ideas and it’s, it’s really like the old church was in the house churches with where, where the bere. And really studied about life and understood.

And then they went out and practiced these things and she

L. Scott Ferguson: evolved and they evolved wells that gave us water through those meetings, , structures like my brain, bro, , instead of saying, this is what you need to do. Go do it this way. No, dude, that’s how. You think that’s how you were raised in go, it

Nathaniel Brown: gives more fear.

It just gives more to be afraid of. And I, and I, and I don’t understand the structure that’s here with the [00:45:00] spiritual, , church thing, because it’s so, it’s so. It’s so condescending to the, to the human soul. It doesn’t, it doesn’t bring the soul out. It confines it into this small sinful self space, right?

He has these, these little things. Like my son went to this Christian school early on and, and , about third grade or something like that. And I didn’t like the outcome that happened with him because he developed a, a victim mentality from sin consciousness. Well, he didn’t have it before. I never taught him about sin.

I never, I never taught him. I know,

L. Scott Ferguson: you

Nathaniel Brown: know, this, but what is really, what is sin to you? It just means it’s an archery term. It literally means to pull you back and it just was off by a little bit. So you missed the mark. You get to go and get the bow again and shoot the end. It’s not that deep. Stop it with the doom and gloom.

I mean, let me go ahead and just dissipate everybody’s myths here. Help. Put in the Bible by the Catholic Church, the Catholic bishops came out and said and admitted that they invented [00:46:00] that that was an invention of the Roman Catholic system to bring in membership. They wanted a Catholic religion. The word Catholic means universal.

They wanted everybody all under one thing. So in order to do that. You create a fear and then you give them a solution. Stop with the fear based nonsense. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re absolutely perfect. Just the way you are. Your darknesses are just as light as your lights. They’re all one thing.

Investigate them, embrace yourself, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how great you are and how valuable you are and how much of a service you are to humanity and go be the damn thing.

L. Scott Ferguson: You’ll love it. I love it. And again, Sini is the Greek root word, right? For missing the mark. It literally legit, like the seriously.

So how can we find you? My friend

Nathaniel Brown: LinkedIn, I am on LinkedIn, Nathaniel J. Brown, consulting on LinkedIn. I love that you can’t miss me. I have, I do a lot of talk about cyber security, but I implement a lot of personal development and wellness tips in it because it’s all one thing for me. And that’s who [00:47:00] I am.

I thought I was, I wanted to just be completely technical on my post. The one that’s not me, I’m not a completely technical, I’m a logical. I’m gonna beat that and I’m not here to please anybody with my content out there so that in moments when I need the reminder, it shows up in my

L. Scott Ferguson: feet. But you’re not out there hurting people either.

Absolutely. You know what I’m saying? It’s like people were like, well, he doesn’t care what we say, but nothing. I’ve vetted you. What I’m saying? There’s nothing out there.

Nathaniel Brown: I don’t do, I don’t, I don’t do internet bullying and any of that stuff. Exactly. If we have an art with one another. Let’s wrap.

Just email, like let’s talk . Like Zoom is open. Like I don’t close this down. Like if you want to talk, just hit, hit me up. Yeah. I’m on the, I respond to everybody that has ever chatted with me on LinkedIn. Love it in my, everybody. I love it. Nobody gets ignored. I, I’m, I don’t run away from hard conversations.

I embrace them because that’s how we grow. And a meter matter of fact, that’s one of the taglines for growing together, our coaching company, is that we have the hard, hard conversations, right. We have to.

L. Scott Ferguson: We

Nathaniel Brown: [00:48:00] have

L. Scott Ferguson: to. The higher conversations are needed. So naty as we wind it down now, leave us with one last knowledge nugget we can kind of take with us, internalize and take action on.

Nathaniel Brown: Oh man. Separation is one thing and another segmentation is a thing from another. We are a segment of the creator. We are not separate ever from creator because to be separate from is to imply that something else does not exist. That would make God partial. God has to be whole. So you are whole. You are a segment, a representative of the source of creation.

Be it, embrace it, be it.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s, that’s amazing. And Scott, I have again, pages of notes talking [00:49:00] my good friend, Nathaniel, who’s life be life. And right, , he’s really good. Kind of is a good at overthinking like a lot of us are, but he, he was humble enough to kind of put that out there, but he also is someone that values things that other people might throw away or be afraid of, , he wants you to.

, look at animals. Animals don’t have that disposition that we put on ourselves. All of us have that beast inside. He’s encouraging us, do not remove it. There might be value in something you’re going to re, that you’re going to remove, right? And that, we need that disposition to know how to respond to risks, to keep a harmonious life.

And he wants you to befriend that beast within you. Get in there and kind of, if you’re an Avengers fan like me, , remember how the Hulk kind of banner and the Hulk kind of came together? And started really coexisting and bouncing the good and the other good from the, again, there’s no, the dark is just as light as the light.

That’s what my good friend Nathaniel said here. , so if there’s something that needs to be recalibrated in your heart space, please let me introduce [00:50:00] you to Nathaniel to his 12 week program. You will not ever be disappointed in it because he’s going to make you stay present. He’s going to make you really get to know yourself from an angle that you haven’t before.

And if you’re not going out and doing what you need to do in life to be harmonious, you’re sinning. And again, not a religious connotation. Sinning means missing the mark, right? So, and again, let me put you in touch with his 12 Weeks Mastering Manifestation through the Growing Together, , team of him and his, and his awesome wife.

, in Again, separation is one thing and another segmentation is a thing from another. We are a segment from our creator. I probably just butchered that. That’s okay. Go back and listen to what Nathaniel said. Nathaniel, thank you so much for coming on, man. And you level up your health and level up your wealth.

You’re still handsome devil. You got another, , letter for the varsity squad here. Thank you so much for coming on, brother. I really love your guts,Nathaniel Brown: man. I appreciate being here and I can’t wait till next time. Cause the book will be out next time. Can’t wait, brother. [00:51:00] We’ll chat soon. Yes, sir.  

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