Welcome to Episode 102! – Today was a first for me! I’ve never interviewed, much less know a circus aerialist. Cassandra Pavolic parlayed her skills of breaking through her fear of heights to being a speaker who rocks every stage and people seek out to help themselves Level UP! Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
Life can be chaotic and scary at times, we all need to fly through this the best that we can!
– Cassandra Pavolic
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Your will and drive must be greater than any fear, if it’s not then you don’t want it bad enough
2. A great coach MUST have great listening skills and digging in and asking the tough questions so that you can come into your own self awareness.
3. Stop over-thinking and over-analyzing and go for it – take action!
4. Trust God, love people and have a healthy mind, body and soul!
5. Be true to your actions, make sure they are in alignment with your core beliefs
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Hey, hey this is Cassandra Pavlik with fear has no grip. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Time to shine today, RC squatted Scott Ferguson Episode 102 man, I’m so stoked to bring you this episode with my good friend, Cassandra Pavlik. She’s lived a life that pretty much nobody that I know, personally anyways, has lived. She was a circus, aerialist and movie stunt double for 25 years, and she parlayed that break through any fear into being a public speaker and a highly sought after performance and life coach. So you are in for a super phenomenal treat. So sit back, relax. She dropped some serious knowledge I guess a breakout your notebook because here comes my friend. Cassandra Pavlik from fear has no grip.
Hey, time to shine today varsity swatted to Scott Ferguson. And it is you probably will get this podcast dropped in June the month of June, but it is coming up in the end of May and we’re kind of into our phase one of coming out of this whole COVID-19 pandemic. But there’s people out there like myself and like you listeners that are still getting afterlife and still leveling up. And today, I have a first I get the I will no longer be a virgin to interviewing an aerialist, like a legit. Errol aerialist that performed for 25 years that’s a quarter century of hanging in the air probably a lot of times without a net. And for me, I love heights but without any kind of safety and only your competence to know that you put into it. work to get there and stay there and do the routine is just amazing. And her name is Cassandra Pavlik. again like I said she spent 25 years as a professional airline aerialist traveling the world despite her fear of heights now this is something we got to get into. Her passion and curiosity is lettered led her to a variety of careers. In addition to time spent as a circus, aerialist in Las Vegas entertainer Cassandra has been a flight attendant movie stunt double, licensed massage therapist and a certified personal trainer. Cassandra is now a life coach and inspirational speaker helping other people confront their fears, whatever they may be in seriously people if someone can do what she did listen the EFF up because I really think she’s able to share some solid knowledge nuggets with you. And although life can be chaotic and scary at times, we all need to fly through this the best that we can. And so Cassandra without further ado, please come on here. Introduce yourself to the time to shine today squad but first, what emoji Do you use the Most while you’re texting
that’s a good question. Hello everyone and again thank you Scott so much for having me my emoji probably the one where you rolled your eyes
I use that a lot for no reason I think just I think it’s a sign of a time in what’s your favorite color blue blue eyes that
blue because I find myself looking up to the sky A lot
of it I am looking at the sky huge thing here to the right of me I like looks like I’m pointing left on my screen but to the right of me of this this huge Epsom salt thing called the Atlantic Ocean that I can’t live without. So I understand the blue for sure. But that’s awesome. That’s so let’s let’s take it back a bit like what was going through your head you just woke up one day saw the circus and said I want to hang from wires and stuff or like your
I wish it was like that. Now I am Listen, I I grew up in a small town outside of Philly, called Phil. And I was never really a studious person. I never really enjoyed school very much it didn’t do I was lucky to pass and see, you know what I mean? I was one of those kids that was extremely active, very athletic, and into dance and gymnastics. And I knew that I wanted to, to somehow travel and perform. I like to stage but very shy, very shy kid growing up. So my parents had really gone to college, and you’re going to go to Boston, you’re gonna need it. You’ve got to meet a doctor, you’re going to marry a doctor. And I ended up in the circus. So I went to Chi Minh College in in Massachusetts. And I already went two years as a music theater dance major course my pants were like, Can you take a second major, but I knew I wasn’t going to teach it and I wasn’t going to get sued or anything. So I quickly got my sense was great. And then I commuted to New York. I train to the city to New York City in Manhattan. And I came up I know just for auditions just to just to get used to auditions, you know, and just a few things here and there and then finally came across the surface. Okay. And I walked into this arena,
it was for Ringling Brothers.
I walked into this big arena, I thought, wow, I,
I could
I could travel with this this company, you know what I mean? I could, I could, you know, look at all the amazing people and athletes in this show and different nationalities. So then, that’s, that truly was like my hook. Just the fact that I was going to get out of my small town, I wanted to travel I get to perform. I get to meet all these amazing people.
But that’s the biggest hurdle was the fear of heights. Obviously All right.
But But I made it through and I think really what it boils down to Scott is your you have to have that will and drive has to be greater than sex then that fear itself. Because if it’s not, well then you don’t want a bit. You know what I mean? So, and that’s truly what it was for me and I realized that Okay, so I made it through that audition. I made it in. Amen now. Well, now I gotta do this every day. So now it was training the brain so you train your body, train your body, train your body. It’s like an athlete, a dancer, a gymnast, that I that’s my background. Now I gotta get it get right inside my head. And so that’s that’s how I just said there’s always good and bad.
Oh, yeah, we’ll get into that stuff. Let’s back it up like you’re in college you have this dance record is someone come and did you go to the circus say, hey, I want to try this, or did someone introduce you to somebody? Or did the bearded woman come out and say, Hey, you know, like, how did that work?
You’re funny. Now, no, that did not work at all like that. Okay? I it was never a dream of mine to join the circus. It was never even a thought in my brain. I just wanted to travel and I wanted to perform and that was the first traveling company that that I guess, I Adam tissue for made and i and i just i stopped with it. Because I went around the world I traveled and listen, if you want to pay me to do this,
why not? Right? Sure. I can afford to travel and perform. So
what give me a real dangerous situation that you were in while you were performing and you’re like, Oh man, this could be it.
Okay, well, I’ll tell you what, there’s several. Because you’re, I mean, because you’re because you’re already like, not exactly on the height. So you’re already thinking this could be it. But then again, you you not that thought out of your brain. Because if you’re thinking that then well, your thoughts
aren’t good.
You got to constantly stay positive and visualize yourself making it through. But I guess when I was at Amgen, and they are this arena, I think I spoke about this in my TEDx.
It was so far
up there in the catwalk, and I was thinking, I just just remember Hold on. Just hold on, because I had to repel from a certain height of the catwalk down to the top of myself. And I’m not a climber. I don’t know how to repel but you listen to your riggers, you listen to the instructions and
you do it. You know what I mean? You do it. This is your job. This is But you do so, right. Oh my gosh, this can be it. Awesome. So how did how did you kind of you you went through a wide variety of things with from massage therapist to stunt double. How did you come to Cassandra Pavlik coaching and wanting to start that off? And then how did how did that come about?
Yeah, fear has no grip. Well, I’ll tell you how I came to that. It’s cryptic once I retired as an aerialist.
25 years doing something you love to do, right?
This was I would say, my aha moment.
Okay. I’m in transition. And I’m in a world full of like, people, I don’t I don’t speak the language, you know, because it’s so foreign to me. So,
I said to myself,
okay, how did I make it through an hour list for 25 years.
afraid of heights.
Your story you got I bet you know what it was was I needed to find something else I was scared off. Right? And that was public speaking. And soon after I did that public speaking so now I enjoyed that. It was once again I was motivated, I was challenged it was that after you do it, empty, do something you’re afraid of. It’s like, ah, I gotta I gotta continue to challenge myself. And then it was after that talk that people came up to me that said, You have motivated me to do what I have always wanted to do and afraid to just so then I thought, you know, what is scary is that was it also was comforting. Like I felt comfortable on stage. I felt
that I could reach people, right.
Wow, that’s the only difference was instead of expressing myself through a movement
or expressing myself Still through movement, though, because people are not only listening with their ears, but they’re looking at your body language and a lot of the consonants you had to carry 30 5060 feet up or whatnot. You know, they’re seeing that and it’s in, they’re picking up on that vibe. So, Cassandra, what what to you makes a great coach.
For me, a great coach is a great listening your ad you have to have great listening skills and like you said body language verbally how they say it what they say, but also digging in asking all the right questions and the tough questions, so that they can come to their own
self discovery or self awareness.
So give me an example of how you a little bit of your secret sauce there. A fear has no grip of how you help someone find their blind spot.
Wow, that’s a good question. It goes Amash. Huge believer in the
mind body spirit connection.
So, I am an advocate and health and wellness advocate at health and wellness and i’m used that into my coaching. I bring those tools in I search the whole mind the body in the spirit, okay, something has to be lacking if something is lacking, then you’re neglecting somewhere. So I,
I had some kind of a hard,
hard question to answer that to really pinpoint for you.
You know what I mean? really have to, like I would have to have
like a live session for you to to really know
about that love to be a fly on the wall. I’m one of those. So, if I’m out and I’m networking, what you’re able to start to finally do at least here in South Florida, and I’m we’re proud I’m pressing flash, I’m meeting people. I’m talking to them just you know, I’m a listener, I never pushed my own business anywhere I go ever. It’s just how I was kind of brought in and raised by my mentors. And if I’m listening to somebody, what keywords or phrases might they say that I would think they’re a good prospect referral or contact for Cassandra tablet? tablet?
Well, anyone A lot of people will check it, believe it or not, people come to me
asked me asking help for their fitness. Because my background is so when you’re pretty well put together I looked at you and Instagram you’re playing in Europe, you’re in shape, so obviously Well, I mean, I’m
okay. I’m certainly not like I used to be
but I think it’s um,
that’s normally what people come to me for but, but fear. Fear is usually an underlining factor. Fear is truly what I help people in that we’re never gonna go away. I mean, we have to learn how to deal with See if people are afraid today just because of the whole Coronavirus with Amazon not minimizing.
I just feel
like I said too early when we’re talking, it saddens me that people can’t go out and socialize or shake a hand and it’s just, if you can help them release that grip of fear and almost make friends with fear a little bit, that it’s always going to be in your life and the more that you face it, push through it. And you you can you can learn how to manage that fear. You don’t have to allow that fear. You know, you just you manage the beast. Basically, that’s my
approach my clients when I
manage the beast, love it. So Cassandra, let’s get in, you know, let’s call up Marty McFly. You know, let’s get out our DeLorean. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Cassandra Pavlik with the knowledge You have now what kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you giving? Cassandra?
I would say stop overthinking. I think so much. It’s in a sense, not necessarily a bad thing, but it is. It can totally go against you. You know.
I’ll give you an example. Let me give you
I was in a when the sun shows that I was in at the MGM in Las Vegas, and I was, it was a Waterston show and I was standing up. Like, I think it’s fully jessep this shroud to end when you look down at the pool. It looks like a peanut, right when you’re off that hot. Already afraid of heights. We haven’t dared that the rest of the crew dare me to jump. I’m not a high Dyer. Right? It took me seriously. It took me three days to find Do it because I fought too much. Right? I constantly was thinking of what what it would what it would what right?
process. Right,
right. I knew the technique. I knew what I was doing, but I couldn’t do it. I kept thinking
stop is so stop overthinking. That’s what you would tell her. That’s fantastic. So you you’ve done a lot in your short life but what what do you think is the big, big
thing you want to accomplish?
There’s so many things I want to accomplish. I want to go I want to travel again. I really love to get back into traveling. But honestly,
I love helping people. I love reaching people.
I love connecting with people. So if I can, if I can do that in any way, shape or form that My I have you know, it’s it’s just part of me too I was made up to be I think we’re awesome someone
to help in some way and yeah, absolutely so you’ve you’re a giver you’re you’re you face your fears you are kind of a gypsy in a sense and I say that affectionately i mean but what what’s the one thing that you think people misunderstand about Cassandra the most
people don’t understand why I do things I do. Okay, they don’t they don’t understand because I’m I’m I’m somewhat of a free spirit but I’m not true generally woman of faith, deep faith, right um
sometimes I I don’t know why I do things I did. But I’m I’m but you know, somehow God, always
And reasons why I have either gone through a turmoil, or why I’m having this success. I mean, I would own him and I also appreciate my relationship with him. So So when people ask me, Why do you do what you do? I don’t understand why you do that. Why would you do that? But right, you know, I kind of, I guess listening to that still small voice inside Yeah, you know what I mean? Learn how to do after so many years. Right.
But trusting in Him really is is the biggest Absolutely. I’m a man of faith myself and, and, like people will. I’m always since I was younger, I was always kind of taking chances and facing my fears, and stuff like that. But we talk here at time to shine a lot about overlapping happiness, where everything good or bad is gonna end. If there’s a bad thing. This too shall pass. If it’s a good thing. It’s still gonna end one day or another. So we’re always doing things to add happiness and the time to shine. Today, we’re looking Jesus would like to do things that’s going to overlap to serve people. And the more you serve, serve, serve, the happiness never runs out. You feel me like that’s what we talked about here at a time to shine today. And that’s exactly what you’re doing because you have like a plethora of different interests and stuff like that, which keeps you in front of a plethora of different kinds of people, which is fantastic. So, speaking of that, we talked about our dash here at time to shine today. And the dash. How do you want your dash remember that that little line between your life date and death date? How do you want what’s your epitaph? Like, how do you want people to remember Cassandra Pavlik?
I guess then I was extremely compassionate. Okay. I love people I really do. I was a hospital volunteer for many years
and I still reflect back on that.
if I didn’t give to anybody in an organization, it would be hospice.
Thank you for saying that. Yes. That’s nice. So what’s your definition then of a life well lived
a life well lived
for me is somebody who
trust God
connects with people
and has a healthy mind body and soul. Love it.
Have all three of them. Absolutely. So we’re gonna move into our as we talk wind things down a little bit, or level up lightning round. That’s basically you and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each one of these topics. But you have five seconds Okay, sure. A whole hold you to it. He’s gonna meet you. I’m kidding. You better not meter. Now. Another Screen he’s always laughing but seriously just whatever is at the top of your head no explanation just throw it out there okay? Okay. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Okay, um
Be true to your actions. Make sure they’re in alignment with your core beliefs. Love it.
What’s your share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
I wake up I thank God for another chance to serve him
I exercise and I love nature walks and I love Love, love music. Beautiful,
beautiful. So not what you might be reading now not the good book because we all go to them and not the flavor of the month you hearing about give a book that’s really rocked your world that you’re
serious. Here’s one bucket
during this whole Coronavirus all you can do is just read and basically, listen to podcast. Okay, so what is one book that I really do enjoy and I read more than once called sacred romance by Brent Curtis and john Eldridge. It is such a profound book. It’s not at all what you think it’s such a good, good, good, good. Well done the show notes. We’ll look that up. If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Um, if I could be one age, I would say
Love it. That’s great. Age is a great age. So what’s your favorite charity and organization you’d like to support and give your time and or money to?
I would say hospice and victims of abuse.
Love it. What’s the last question What is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s.
Scott, I was born in the wrong era.
I feel
genres and music but I’m gonna say 60s 60s Okay. Okay, so Cassandra, how can we find you?
You can find me on www dot fear has no grip calm or Cassandra Pavlik calm love it
or you can find me on Instagram or LinkedIn on your canvas all of that will be in the show notes people we promise you I’m sure to send your leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget to the time to shine today varsity squad that you want to take with them today. internalize, wear it, love it. Just leave us with one last one.
All right. I think I actually might have heard this somewhere. Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind, but instead be led by the dreams in your heart because we all have an inner life and an outer life. Does your inner life match up with your outer life?
Wow. Or
are you living a lie?
So people listen, we just had a master class of Mind blown knowledge like is dropped on us by my good friend Cassandra here. It says you’d be led by the dreams of your heart. Don’t get pushed around by the fear in your mind. Be compassionate and love people that stop overthinking. Without a doubt, manage that beast. And reach out to Cassandra. If you’re having problems with that. You’re coming up on fear. You’re having issues of really living your level up life. Cassandra will help you. She’s fantastic. She has great listening skills. She’s a seasoned public speaker. And make sure you go to fear has no grip, calm. And just lastly, be greater than your fear. If you’re Don’t even try to be greater than your fear, you don’t want it enough to be passionate about what you want. Fear is going to come their ticket To face go right through it because anything you want is on the other side of fear. And Cassandra thank you so so much for coming on you’re part of the time to shine today’s squad can’t go anywhere. I’m blessed. You’re so humble yet so driven. You are leveling up your health leveling up your wealth, you leveling up your faith, your mindset and a daily basis you fit right in. So thank you so, so much for coming on.
Scott. Thank you. It’s an honor, honor to be here. Thanks. Great Day.
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached out 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever Get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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