Welcome to Episode 206! Bridget Hom is a connectivity coach at Bridge to Freedom Coaching who helps entrepreneurs and leaders in their industry to take control of their mindset, level up in how they do their personal and professional relationships and break free from the sales pitch. Bridge to Freedom Coaching is all about creating a culture of connectivity and help others to become their own empowerment generator. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Take business out of your relationships and those relationships that you build will bring you business
– Bridget Hom
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. You have limitless potential – you are the only one standing in your way!
2. Self acceptance is key – explore your responsibilities
3. Empowerment is the ability to create space to notice your blind spots and Level UP!
4. Have a real romance with life!
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Bridget Hom here with bridge to freedom coaching. If you want to level up your life, you want to listen to time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson,
Unknown Speaker 0:08
time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And today we are all about becoming our own empowerment generator. And we do that and we’re gonna have some awesome knowledge nuggets and tips dropped on us by my really good friend, Bridget Homme and I actually butchered her name, I was calling her home home and I’m sorry, Bridget, if you’re listening is Bridget Homme and she just a rock star. She’s got the company bridge to freedom coaching and I make warm introductions to her whenever I can, because she’s just fantastic. Her passion for helping others and really just being present with them was so apparent. So without further ado, make sure you break out your notebooks because I had two pages of notes just in our 20 minute conversation. So again, sit back relax because here comes my really good friend Bridget Homme from bridge to freedom coaching. Let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:07
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad This is Scott Ferguson and I got my home girl decides not to live here in the palm beaches for a lot of time. She has her reasons but I know that she likes to make her way back down and she says that she’s physically in Indiana but a share mind is in the palm beaches which you can’t wait to have her back her name is Bridget home. We met I think it was through Frank agent but it might have been I might have reached out to her through different channels. Frank is fantastic friend of mine and so is Bridget and she’s a connectivity coach at bridge to freedom coaching so think about that’s a plan words Bridget bridge bridge to freedom coaching you house I’ve trainers and leaders in their industry to take control of their mindset level up she stole that from me and how they do their personal and professional relationships and break free from the sales pitch bridge to freedom coaching is all about creating a culture of connectivity and become others to in help others to become their own empowerment generator and Bridget thank you so much for coming on the time to shine today. In talk to our squad, can you introduce yourself but first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:18
I gotta say my favorite color is white. Because it just gets me into that. See this white blazer right here?
Unknown Speaker 2:26
Love it.
Unknown Speaker 2:26
That’s me into the zone for some reason. I don’t know it’s bright. It makes me feel energetic. Yeah, I would say this color.
Unknown Speaker 2:35
It’s lame. But me.
Unknown Speaker 2:39
Come on.
Unknown Speaker 2:39
It’s lame, but it’s in your color wheel. So it’s all good. So let’s get to this little bit of origin story from you know, Bridgette home to you know, bridge to freedom and how this all kind of started.
Unknown Speaker 2:53
Oh my gosh, I would love to tell you that story. How real and raw Do you want me to get
Unknown Speaker 2:57
is real and raw as you can? Oh, wow. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:01
So when I was a child, no, no, we’re just gonna start from the professional beginnings. So I started in ministry. My number one goal was to empower people on their journey of discernment to develop who they were supposed to be when it came to their spiritual lives. And so it started with that, but I noticed I was casting a wide net. And I noticed I was starting to say things like, ministry is just marketing guys. And they’re like, what, you can’t say that that’s that’s sacrilege. I’m like, No, no, you have you have a message. You have a product, so to speak, or and you want to say it in such a way that you can you communicate effectively to your target market, and they want what you have. Right, right. But I like Bridgette, this isn’t how we roll. And I’m like, you know what, maybe I’m in the wrong career field. And so I I ended up becoming a local news reporter. And Fast Forward domestic engineer for 10 years with three amazing boys. You know, who I lovingly call my little savages because, you know, with boys, everything’s primary needs or sports, like that’s pretty much you know, my life, you know, food and sports. And then in my other professional life, it’s all about coaching. And so I combined, you know, the PR experience, the ministry experience. A lot of my skill set as a domestic engineer really does serve me as well and serves my clients. And, you know, I mean, being a mom, you really do have to do excellent time management. I mean, excellent conflict resolution. What else? You have to really empower people well, so that they develop the right mindset and the confidence they need to succeed in life. That’s, I mean, so I mean, I write that on my resume, you know, I mean, but no one no one’s looking to hire me based on my resume anymore. It’s more about you know, this and, and the words that I say help people don’t to level up, hey, by the way, great minds think alike. I know that you had that. But I love it. I love that we say it because we really want everyone to level up way. So So that led into the coaching world, I decided that since I was coaching people anyway,
Unknown Speaker 5:16
I mean,
Unknown Speaker 5:17
I was getting, I’d be literally walking out of Publix with my kids or any grocery store. And they’d be like, how, how can I change my life? Like, what should I really be doing? And my kids are like, Mom, can we get in the car? Can you not just talk to everybody that come across? Like, please, and I’m like, Listen, I’ll be right there, eat some gummies. And I just need to talk to her for one second. And I’m giving, you know people around me action steps, yes. And helping them to realize that they are so much more they have limitless potential. And they’re the only ones standing in their way. So it’s kind of like the you know who I am. And I also do coaching. So it’s a combination of those two things.
Unknown Speaker 5:58
So what do you think makes a great coach then?
Unknown Speaker 6:01
Hmm, that’s a great question. Well, there, there are so many coaches today. And what really makes a good coach is empowerment, is the ability to create a space of radical self acceptance for the person in front of them for the potential client, anywhere, a group of people zoom networking call anywhere, the best coach creates a space where people are able to look at themselves. And really able to
Unknown Speaker 6:36
the empowerment, the ability to create space for people to really level up into what they’re probably born to be they just have so many blind spots, that they’re not able to be it.
Unknown Speaker 6:49
Are you coaching me right now? Because
Unknown Speaker 6:51
I’m asking you,
Unknown Speaker 6:52
yes, absolutely. 110%? Yes. Because here’s the deal, we are lacking the space of radical self acceptance, we are lacking that that space in that time that we don’t give ourselves to really explore our opportunities and who we are. And are we in the right career field? Are we doing what we’re supposed to do? Are we being who we’re supposed to be? So I like to create that space of radical self acceptance, because that is the foundation where you can build on you can’t just build on this, this potential this idea without meeting yourself where you’re at and getting aware.
Unknown Speaker 7:31
I love it. And everything starts with self awareness. I know that that your core values and whatnot. So what is maybe some of your secret sauce, then when you’re starting in a discovery time with one of your prospective clients or coaching clients? to help them find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 7:50
It’s all about the question. It’s all about asking the right questions. You know, oftentimes, when I meet with people with one for one on ones or potential clients, I say, you know, I’m curious, what was your thought, when you were thinking about this time that we were going to spend together? Because everyone shows up in an expectation, right? Everyone shows up with an idea of how they want things to go. Okay. So that’s how I’m able to meet people, right? where they’re at, in their thought process. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 8:19
So what then is how we put this What then is, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 8:31
Typically, no. I mean, when people meet with me, you know, one of my gifts is allowing them to be who they are authentically. So but I love you know, sometimes you step people into the right questions. A good coach has the ability to read people’s internal terrain, you know, their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and walk them down the trail that you want them to go down, so that they can explore and go into that self discovery. So some great questions are, you know, what is the goal? You know, you’re really finely tuned in figuring out the next question, they want to ask you, what is like, our time together? Gotcha, our time together,
Unknown Speaker 9:08
right? And basically asked your coach, like what is expected of not only me, but also the outcome here? Oh, that’s, that’s good thing, because that’s what I hope or else asked the coach, you know, Hey, tell me about a fail. So let’s go that route. Let me tell us about one of your fails in life. One of my fails, or let’s say you’re learning that, you know, you never lose, I say this, you know, I never lose, I either win or I learn so like, tell us about one of your fail forwards.
Unknown Speaker 9:34
So that’s, that’s a great question. Because what I’ve shared with people when when they feel like they failed, is that every cert every experience you’ve ever had, has added value in some way. It’s either added to, you know, the mentality that this is what I don’t want to experience. Again, it’s given you a different skill set, maybe with your conflict resolution skills. It’s giving you a new direction that’s inspired you to where you’re at today. Another couple of questions that I ask is, what are you experiencing that you don’t want to be experiencing right now?
Unknown Speaker 10:06
Unknown Speaker 10:06
No, what is your vision for what you want your life in business to look like? So failing forward, I mean, honestly, I help people, you know, and I see it this way, as well. When I look at life, and the timeline of life, I don’t see these points of Okay, this section was failure, this section was success. This section was just focusing on improving and leveling up, I see it as every thing on this timeline has added value to me in some way. And I have that added value to it. Whether it be the people in my life, whether it be the experiences in my life. And so the goal when becoming your own empowerment generator, which is what I do in the Find your freedom program, the Find your freedom, experience, and mindset and consulting Sessions is always focusing on adding value. Not always focusing on adding value to your and seeing, shifting your perception and seeing that you’ve had everything in your life has added value to you in some way. It’s
Unknown Speaker 11:05
Yes, everything is that everything is adding value, whether you want to know it or accept it or not. I love thank you for saying that. So then who has made the most profound impact in bridges life?
Unknown Speaker 11:21
Oh, my gosh, that’s a great question who has made the most profound impact in my life, I would say, I just I, every single person that I meet, even the even the clients that I’ve worked with, have added value to me, but I will say there’s one person in particular that I’m thinking of right now. Ferguson. Exactly. When Scott Ferguson said, you know, it’s time to level up, I’m like, I need to steal that from him. I love you. My catchphrase. But honestly, great mind thinking like I got I said, that zoom business meeting my first one back in. I think it was April epic business networking, was my first ever zoom business networking meeting. And I had no idea how I was gonna start pitching myself in the big zoom business networking world. I said, Bridget, Hi, I’m here with bridge to freedom coaching. Are you ready to level up? rehab started I go What did I just say?
Unknown Speaker 12:21
I love it. People. People don’t know but leveling up. When I started saying it. Like I said it a long time. And it started it started as a joke, because my buddies are gamers. Let’s level up and boom, you guys sit here. I’m gonna go out my paddleboard. You guys sit here and level up level. Man leveling up. It’s kind of cool thing to say. So.
Unknown Speaker 12:42
So when answering my, my I had I met someone salsa dancing. And he goes, Hey, Bridget, I have a business idea. And this was pre COVID. We’re just gonna start saying everything pre COVID, post COVID. Diamond. And he goes, Bridgette, I have a business idea for a placement agency. And I said, Okay, fantastic. I want to know more about that. And I would like to do this with you. So we developed a partnership. And since I hadn’t been in the business world for a long time, I said, What do I do when I go into these networking meetings? What do I What does this look like? And he gave me the best advice I’ve ever received. And he goes, Bridgette, this is the only thing I ever want you to do. In any business consultation with any client anywhere we go. I want you to just be you.
Unknown Speaker 13:29
Be authentic show up. Is that authentic? Self right. That’s good. Yes. All right. So you just got great advice. Let’s go to what’s the worst advice you’ve ever given? been given?
Unknown Speaker 13:42
Like I just cancelled that for my area like Tom Cruise talks about in Scientology. The worst advice I’ve ever been given? Probably don’t trust your intuition.
Unknown Speaker 13:54
Yeah. Like Don’t be yourself. So you just
Unknown Speaker 13:59
the exact opposite of what you feel is the next right thing.
Unknown Speaker 14:03
So you’ve seen the movie Back to the Future, right?
Unknown Speaker 14:05
Unknown Speaker 14:06
yeah, yeah. All right. Cool. So let’s go back and hop in that DeLorean Michael J. Fox or Marty McFly. And let’s go back to the 20 year old Bridget home. It might not have been home there. But let’s go back to 22 year old Bridget Becker.
Unknown Speaker 14:19
Becker. Let’s
Unknown Speaker 14:19
go back to the b square the B to Bridget. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Bridget. What kind of knowledge I guess you drop in on her to help her level up shorten that learning curve. And last year look maybe a little quicker?
Unknown Speaker 14:31
Oh my gosh. What an interesting question.
Unknown Speaker 14:35
Since I’m such a proponent of the journey makes you I would say I actually just spoke in front of some college students and what I what I told them because around that age, you know you’re trying to figure everything out. Don’t just because you weren’t a business major does not mean you’re not business minded. Right. I would say that that’s the most profound thing to tell you know, 22 year old Bridget just because you weren’t a business major. does not mean you’re not business minded.
Unknown Speaker 15:03
It’s like stay open. But when you’re stuck, like my good friend Leah Woodford would say like, get your asking gear, right ask for the help just because you’re not minded. Get you’re asking gear, right. Am I saying that correctly for you? Awesome. So about this questions, Bridget, how do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date? Your life date and death day? How do you want Bridget stashed? Remember?
Unknown Speaker 15:30
Bridget had a romance with life.
Unknown Speaker 15:33
Do that is an awesome? Awesome, awesome answer, man. That’s that’s that’s. Yeah, that’s fantastic. You do you’re you’re so vibrant. You’re fun. You’re likable. It’s just awesome. So what do you think people miss on? What’s that you like? You Really? Look? What’s the thing that people might misunderstand the most about Bridgette?
Unknown Speaker 16:00
Mmm hmm. Well, I will say that you know, people are like, okay, she cannot be this authentic. Like there’s just no way. No, I’m like literally I’m like, Well, I just shared with you that my son walked in on zoom naked like no, I am this authentic. This is just real. This is you. You meet with the Bridget. You know what I tell people I’m like coaching. Listen, you’re getting a coach. But you’re also getting a Bridgette I would share with you any experience has benefited me that will can possibly level up like that. Can’t be this authentic? I’m like, really? What do you want to know? Yeah, I mean, you break this limiting belief for yourself.
Unknown Speaker 16:38
I love that. It’s like I you know, I there was a movie back and I think it was 2000 is called van Wilder is a National Lampoon movie. It’s one of Ryan Reynolds first movies. And he said in there that I live to this day is like, don’t take life too seriously, you’ll never make it out alive. And so like when people meet me, like, forget, you’re the biggest goofball. I’m like, dude, unless I’m under contract with a client and representing them. I am the biggest goof in the world. I’m not self deprecating. And I’ll put people down. But Dude, I like to have fun and in teas, and just you know, that that’s authentic for me. You know, I like when people show up fake authentic. You know, that’s, it doesn’t bug me. But I just don’t think that they’re like you would say, being able to give a you know, gift yourself a shift because you don’t really know what you are. So be who the frick you are? And let that shine. Right? I mean, that’s where people have it. So Bridgette, what is your definition of a life well
Unknown Speaker 17:38
Unknown Speaker 17:40
a life well lived out? Well, obviously, it’s having a romance with life, it’s having a romance with your life and your business. You know, something that I really enjoyed being a domestic engineer, for for about a decade, really taught me with some amazing skills that are missing in the business world oftentimes, like for example, you know, we get so caught up in this business in a box, like the expectations of how we need to show up when we meet with people. And so what I say is, you know, take the relationship out of your Hold on, take the business out of your relationship, and your relationships will bring you business. You know, level it up and start realizing that when you’re doing business, you’re meeting with people, when you’re talking about, you know, money, you’re talking about value. When you’re talking about marketing, you’re talking about your messaging and this is what I teach in the you know, the Find your freedom experience launching March 16. It’s going to be that group coaching experience where we level up, create a culture of connectivity in your business and your life. And you become your own empowerment generator. And where you really start to manifest those powerful shifts that are going to be game changing in terms of your communication in your network with your potential clients, even in your personal life. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 18:59
I love it. So yeah, so you said take the business out of the relationships, and the strong relationships will bring you business is that what you’re saying? I met Okay. All right, guys.
Unknown Speaker 19:14
Why do you like that?
Unknown Speaker 19:15
I love it. I’m totally gonna steal it and hack that back give you absolutely any credit at all. I love it. I actually you said on the video that you posted a couple days ago maybe or yesterday the bump gift yourself a shift. I love that. It’s like, I remember when I was going through a hard time in real estate market crash and stuff like that and everything was shift, shift, shift shift. Now it’s like pivot pivot pivot I call it shifting. I said to throw that out there. You know, cuz it’s all mixed there. And hey, time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We’re back with my awesome friend, Bridget home for bridge to freedom. Coaching and Bridget. We have a leveling up lightning round you and I could literally probably talk two hours and every one of these questions but you got to Five seconds for an answer with no explanations you ready to level up?
Unknown Speaker 20:03
Unknown Speaker 20:04
Let’s do this. Alright, let’s level up what is the best leveling up advice for just ever received?
Unknown Speaker 20:12
empower others and they will empower you.
Unknown Speaker 20:14
Yes. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success,
Unknown Speaker 20:18
salsa dancing
Unknown Speaker 20:20
ass other than your own websites, which I’m going to put that out here at Bridgette. I’m sorry, bridge to freedom coaching calm and of course time to shine today.com shameless plug. What are the websites you’d like to go to to level up?
Unknown Speaker 20:35
That time to shine? today.com You liar, but I love
Unknown Speaker 20:39
you anyways. So if you see me I’m walking in. I’m feeling like Fergie’s in his doldrums like for you read this book. What book are you handing me?
Unknown Speaker 20:48
Oh, I love if you want to walk on water, you got to get out of the boat.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
That is awesome book. It’s really not well known book. But I did read that it was actually given to me by someone at Christ fellowship here in Palm Beach Gardens. So did read that. So Bridget, what is your most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 21:07
Unknown Speaker 21:08
heart, Love it. Love it. So don’t frickin lie to me right now. But if you could physically cross your fingers either, if you can physically stay one age for the rest of your life and keep the experience you’ve gained and continue to garner new knowledge. What age physically would you stay?
Unknown Speaker 21:27
Unknown Speaker 21:29
I love it unless you put a three in front of it because I’m coming up on 50 and it’s like I would take 28 to 32 all day just because the way I can get out of bed It was a lot different anyways. Last question or no? Got a couple more like what’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to
Unknown Speaker 21:45
Catholic Charities?
Unknown Speaker 21:46
Love it. Love it? And is it your I’m gonna break my own rules so they forgive you a little bit for Liam kitty. So last question, you can elaborate on this? What is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 90s 90s? All right, cool. I like 90s on the 80s like they’re meant to jam. So Bridget, how can we find you my friend?
Unknown Speaker 22:11
Oh, well honestly, bridge to freedom coaching comm I have a section at the bottom says how do you want to level up? Okay, LinkedIn, or you could you could shoot me an email Bridget dot hom@gmail.com shoot me a text, I want to know you. I want to get to know you. 561-676-1321
Unknown Speaker 22:33
awesome. And you guys just spam the heck out of that number. I’m just kidding, don’t do that. You’re gonna be dealing with me. So talk to me about the expectation to find your freedom, and what’s going on March 16.
Unknown Speaker 22:46
So March 16, is a six week group coaching experience. So we’re gonna launch it’s going to be a powerful time where you’re going to get your questions answered, as well. But we’re going to do an hour of coaching, it’s gonna be like a power coaching our launching March 16, which is a Tuesday at 7pm seven to 8:30pm for six weeks, where I’m going to help people take control of their mindset with some creative inspired strategies and level up and how they do their personal and their professional relationships. And then give them some amazing shifts to level up how to break free from giving the sales pitch but more importantly, how to help your client from receiving the sales pitch because you don’t want you want to break them free from that expectation so that you are differentiating yourself in your market. So that’s what it’s gonna be about.
Unknown Speaker 23:38
I love it and where can we find that?
Unknown Speaker 23:41
Honestly, find me on LinkedIn Bridgette
Unknown Speaker 23:45
they can find that on there the Find your freedom.
Unknown Speaker 23:49
Yes, it’s perfect. right and right now it’s it’s still open. It’s still registration.
Unknown Speaker 23:55
Gotcha. Beautiful, beautiful. So do me one last huge super awesome favor and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want us to take take with us internalize and take action oh
Unknown Speaker 24:08
you know invest in yourself and others will start investing in you.
Unknown Speaker 24:13
Unknown Speaker 24:15
love it’s also in squad we just had an awesome free masterclass with my partner and leveling up Miss Bridget home, you know, she started on a spiritual journey, you know, but she knew that she was casting a wider net. They didn’t really sit on the same page. So she went out and really followed her dreams and really want to help people she gives gives gives until it hurts so good. She was I’m sure domestic engineers funny in real estate being a real estate agent for 22 years now. You know, people will come and say, you know, ask them what do you do? And they’re like, Oh, I’m a housewife? No, you’re a domestic engineer because there’s so much that goes into that. So she stole that from me as well because I’m older than her so I can say that. You know, she wants to let you know that there is limitless limitless potential in you and the only one standing in the way is You, you know that empowerment is ability to create space to notice your blind spots. You know, she wants you to have a radical self acceptance and know that that is the key to risks, explore your possibilities and other responsibilities. You know, she’ll say, ask yourself not only have your coach ask yourself asking powerful questions, expect that but ask yourself powerful questions everyday. I always liken it to if you’re driving down the road and you make a left, you have to turn that blinker on. That’s a frickin question. You know, you’re asked yourself, level up the questions you ask yourself, and you just watch what you create for yourself. You know, she wants you to add value to your life timeline. You know, she wants you to enjoy the journey. And she’s going to be remembered as someone that had a romance with life. She wants you to take the business out of relationships and the relationships that you build will bring that into your business. He wants you to invest in yourself because when you do that, other people will invest in you. And she wants you to be your own empowerment generator. And Bridget, you’re my beautiful friend. If you’re watching on YouTube, she looks like Megan Fox, which is one of my favorite actresses, and she levels up her health she levels up as well. She’s hung humble, yet hungry. I’m so blessed that we carved this time out to come on. She’s not only a good friend, but she’s somebody I really respect and thank you so so much Bridget for coming out.
Unknown Speaker 26:16
Thanks for having me. This
Unknown Speaker 26:16
has been awesome. You’re welcome. Love your guts. I’ll talk to you soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine
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