Welcome to Episode 146 – I am soooo excited to bring you this episode interview with my good friend Berta Medina. A true Go-Giver that went through a bulk of her life as a ‘submissive latin woman’ who did not let barriers stop her and Leveled UP. Now she helps coaches help their clients. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Do it scared
– Berta Medina
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Have an end date for every goal and be ready to Level UP into another endeavor!
2. A great wants to serve, is curious and has a heart for bringing out the best in others
3. You can’t pour from an empty cup
4. When you first meet with your coach ask them ‘If you were my coach, what would you ask me right now’
5. It’s okay to dream REALLY big, no matter the situation you are in now
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript
Hey this is Brittany Medina with dreamers succeed. If you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my great friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today podcast squatted is Scott Ferguson and this is episode 146. I am so stoked to bring you this episode is it’s with one of my really close bestie friends someone that I respect, admire. The beautiful Berta Medina of dreamers succeed. She has a fantastic podcast that I was lucky and privileged enough to be interviewed on. She when you meet Berta, you cannot be you cannot help but being sucked into her positivity, her outlook on life. And this is, you know, a lady who kind of grew up with a lack of a better term as a submissive Latin woman. I mean, that is actually her quote, that she kind of said, but she really broke out of her shell and started leveling up her life to even another level from where she was. She’s been a successful business owner before in another area of expertise. And now she basically is a coach of coaches. She’s the person that I go to with my coaching business to level up and, you know, I’ve already spoke way too long. I want to get you to the interview. It’s I’m so stoked. So privly I pretty I love this woman. Her name is Berta Medina. With dreamers succeed. Let’s level up.
Time to shine today varsity squad, it is Scott Ferguson. And sometimes you get to interview pretty awesome people. But now today I get to interview one of my most favorite human beings, human doings. That actually breathes air on the face of this earth. My friend and I she’s a really good friend of mine. And luckily we’re kind of neighbors. She lives south for me here a little bit closer to Miami. But we get to meet up once a month for coffee and brainstorming and everyone that kind of knows me knows that I have a pretty big confidence base about myself and wanting to help others level up their confidence but the person I’m about to interview now is the person that I like to go to believe it or not to level up my confidence when I need it. She is the epitome of a go giver. She is the podcast host of dreamers succeed which I had the utmost fantastic time being interviewed bertos podcast and her name is Berta Medina. She’s a keynote speaker, coach and author with years of business savvy and adventurous streak and a focus on giving. That’s an understatement. Berta has developed itineraries to interact with every level of the personal and professional environment. And what she’s wants to do with anyone she works with, including when she looks in the mirror, is if you’ve been overdose on normalcy, get the hell out of it, and really look to level up in every aspect. I’m going to post a YouTube video of her jumping out of a plane flying an airplane and whatnot in the show notes so make sure you take a look at that. So without further ado, I want to bring on my really good friend, my sister from another mister Berta Medina Berta, come on introduce yourself to time to shine today squad but first first, what’s your favorite color and why?
My favorite color is pink. I believe in pink. I don’t even the happy that instills
great questions.
So happy to be here.
Yeah, so stoked to have you. So let’s go back to like kind of origins. I and I know again, folks, I know Berta really well. So like overdosed on normalcy, overdose on the status quo. Let’s Let’s start with your origins a little bit, Bert of kind of where you started and kind of work your way up to German dreamer succeed, please.
Sure, sure. So, again, thanks, God. I’m so happy to be here. Origins typical Cuban first generation American Cuban parents exiled got here a couple of years before I was born, my father went back to Cuba when my mom was five months pregnant. So we grew up in a very typical Cuban nucleus. It’s you know, grandma, grandpa, an aunt, my mom, and and myself and three cousins, which is great because I’m an only child, but I never grew up as an only child. So we grew up poor didn’t know it at the time, because there was always enough food and always enough just not enough for the extras. So had a great childhood that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. Even though from the outside looking at it might not seem that way. I grew up born and raised in Miami, loved every minute of it and and got married. 19 had my daughter at 20 my second, you know, my son at 22. And we were just doing life growing up and and building our careers building our businesses. Great Our children, right? Yeah, taking care of our parents as they age because it’s very typical Cubans, especially here in South Florida. And, and then at about 47 I mean, I had my own title company kids were already off in college and married and doing their thing 23 year old marriage at the time 26 year old marriage at the time when I was 46 I looked at myself in the mirror and I said Who the hell are you? Right What have you done with Berta and and it was just this you know I checked off all those boxes that society tells us that we need to check off business check kids check marriage checks, and I just I somehow lost myself in that process manual
see boxes
yes, those normalcy box gotcha. And then thought you know something is not is not feeling right here. Love title and had been doing it for all of my life. And then went on a mission trip. And first mission trip to Kenya was working with my children and was able to you know, really breathe life into an hope into into my first sponsor child, who was Siebel. And that trip entailed climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for for the children. And I came back and I said, and I was already in coaching school at University of Miami, and came back and said, Holy moly, this is kind of what I want to do forever. Love it. So jumped off of title and then dreamer succeed was born and
and that’s where I’ve been so dreamers succeed. So what did your family kind of think about? You kind of moving out? What did you do before title real quick? I don’t think we ever really
see title since I was 18.
Oh, okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. So what did your family think about moving out of something you were comfortable with for 20 something years? 18 2030 Yeah. 30 years into wanting to help others coach I know your heart. Okay. I know you’re personally so I know that you want to help people above what your family think about it kind of walking away from that quote unquote, income and then throwing your hat into the coaching ring.
Yeah, I think they they thought I’d probably fallen on the mountain hit my head. And and nobody told them anything. And and I’d gone crazy, but I think what happened was that you know, like a lot of people you know, how do you make a business out of this? How do you make money you know, you know, before I enrolled in u m, I didn’t even know coaching was like a Career Career people had always called me oh my coach, let’s get together I’m having an issue. But I never knew it was something you could do professionally. And and I found out one day and then two weeks later, I’m enrolled us to see what that would look like. So I think there was there was a little bit of that, that hey, is she okay, is she going through a midlife crisis? What’s happening here? You know Is she is she gone nuts a little bit. But then with all of that started, you know, especially with the mission trip, I started to learn to fly I started guide I started doing all these things, typical midlife crisis coming from you know, this, this very submissive Latin woman culture where I’d always worked and had my business but, but was still playing the role had my mom and my mother in law, both living with us, which I was dyeing my hair, like every two weeks, and love it, but it was, but it’s very, it’s not something that’s an anomaly in our culture. So
gotcha. So Berto, what makes a great coach?
I think a great coach wants to serve. Okay. I think I think a great coach is curious, I think a great coach is someone who, who has a heart for bringing out the best in others who gets more excited about what they want for themselves. Almost, then then they do. And and you see it, I think, I think you see it, you know, some people and and Scott, you’ll relate, because you you have that that vision as well. But some people will walk in to a house that’s falling apart. And they see what it’s going to look like when they finish with that rehab. Right? And I don’t have that I walk into a house and I see it’s falling apart. And I just say I want to, you know, let’s build something because there’s no way to fix, right? But with people, I can see a person and just immediately see that masterpiece, and all I have to do is help bring it out.
Yeah. And you do that probably by asking questions. I would think right now asking powerful questions that open ended questions, I would think so. So speaking of that, if you’re in the discovery process, when you’re first meeting a potential client or maybe you are they become a client, but is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?
You know, and it’s and it’s funny Scott because I always tell them and and and when it’s something that that I know that they They’re struggling with and I already know what to ask. But they’re, you know, I coach a lot of coaches and speakers, right? So when I’m sitting with a potential client who was a coach, I’ll say, you know, if I was in that situation, what would you ask me right now? And they’ll come up with the best questions. And then it you know, even mid sentence, they’ll, they’ll, they’ll get that little light in their eyes and say, Well, of course, how did I not know that for myself? So I think it’s, it’s that invitation into, you know, I always ask them about their dream, because that’s, that’s their biggest thing. And one of the things that I love to do with with those potential clients, God is all tell them, you know, especially when, when they’re when they’re all over the place, and I know you’ve experienced this, they just, there’s so much going on, they’re scattered. And I’ll say, you know, if, if, if it’s a year from today, Mm hmm. And I pick up the phone, and it’s you on the phone, and you just tell us do say to me, I just had the best year of my life. And I say, Tell me what just happened this year. And then and then they automatically even if I can’t get them to tell me what their dream is, because they haven’t explored that question. And ever, right? Sometimes, that one will get them thinking. And then that’s, that will lead to everything else.
I love it. So you ask the questions, and you keep digging. You ask the powerful questions. That’s what we tell, you know, my squad here at time to shine today is the questions you even ask yourself have got to be powerful. I mean, if you’re driving down the freakin road people and you are, you know, looking to make a left turn your brain fires a question into your fingers says, you know, Should I turn on my turn signal? You know, I mean, that’s, you know, unconscious questions, but you really break into that conscious barrier, which is always impressed me about you. And thank you for doing that. And you have the podcast dreamers succeed. And, you know, I was always told my mentor that a dream without a plan as a wish. Right? So what kind of systems do you kind of put in place with dreamers succeed? Or even within your company, to help people level up?
Yeah. And that’s a great question, Scott. Because I think one of the one of the biggest things is that people have this, these lists of all these goals that they want to do, and they keep them in different journals. And every year, you know, on January 1, they start and they write everything, and it’s crisp, and clear, and, and new, and nobody puts dates with them. But I say you have to have a date, you have to have an end date. And all you have to do is pick a date, I don’t care what it is. Challenge yourself. And for a lot of people, it’s a challenge to put a date to something and I make them put dates to everything. I mean, like, you know, you you want to get a haircut. Great. Oh, I need to get a haircut. Give me a date right now. I mean, some thing that’s simple. And then you all you do is reverse engineer from there. If I want to be by this date, this is what I have to start doing now. And I and you break it up, I break it up. And I always say you know that old saying, How do you eat an elephant one bite at a time? Exactly. You just have to know how often you have to take those bites. And and so that you can pace yourself so that you can be where you need to be loved that
how often not only just like we say here inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard. But she says how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time squat? You know it, but there’s a systematic within those habits within those bites. And that’s the stuff that Berta will help you level up with folks. So Bert, I know you’re very familiar with this question. But if I’m out networking here in South Florida, we’re able to press a little flush and meet for coffees and some networking functions. But is there if I’m talking to somebody and shut my mouth and listening? Is there any What are people saying that would be a good contact connection referral for bertus company?
For Burgess company? I think if there’s a if there’s a culture speaker and I work with entrepreneurs as well, that is that it’s just stuck right now that they’re struggling with? How do I get to the next level? How do I even get started? I think I love working in that space. And Scott A lot of times, and I know you and I are like this way. I’ve had people that will come to me for coaching. I will have two or three discovery sessions. Sometimes we’re six or nine hours in right. And and I realized that they and everybody will benefit from coaching, but they didn’t really need coaching. They just needed clarity on something. Sure. And and and they’re always fighting with me, how can I pay you and I say this and I’m not a cab driver, man, I have a meter running. This is just if I can do this for you, and we do it. And a lot of times it’s just clarity, if you can help them find that clarity, they can pretty much take the rest on their own. Love it. So I think that’s that. That’s one of the things just making sure that if it’s somebody that’s really really stuck. Mm hmm. Very often Yes, we will get into a coaching engagement. But but many times, it’s just just they just need a little bit of clarity. And you can accomplish that in in a couple of coffee meetings without having to get into a coaching relationship.
So what challenges Berta,
with challenges Berta?
Everything. I love being challenged. Yeah. I think
you love rising to the occasion down. Yeah.
I love it. I love it. And when there’s when there’s when there’s not something that is that is challenging enough. I’ll make sure that I stretch, you push it. I’ll stretch to find it.
Love it. So Bernie, you’re such a go giver. And we use that because we’re both friends with Bob Berg, the author of the go giver, and you’re the epitome of a go giver. But how do you keep yourself open? Because you’re always giving I gotta tell you folks, I met Berta. And the next day she put me in contact with eight people that literally changed that change but leveled up my life. So what is your secret sauce then to
being open to reciprocation?
Hope and that was a hard one that wasn’t hard. That took me forever. And you know, last, the last rule, the last law of stratospheric success is being open to you know, that the law of receptivity to the right, to being open to that, and that took me forever. And it wasn’t until somebody really, really pressed me on because we get in giving mode. Scott, I know you’re like that too. We’re going and giving mold. And and even that question that you said, who would be a good fit, like who’s someone that dreamers succeed would be a good fit for that to coach? And sometimes we’re just in giving mode, and we’re like, no, it’s all good. I’m good. And it’s all crap, right? I mean, right? nothing good about it. And we, we really, really have to learn and I think what happens is, and I had a podcast guest Kent, yesterday, Friday, who said, you know, we we are doing the world a disservice if we are not out there offering the solution to their problem that can change their life. Sure. And, and a lot of times that I know, we’ve, we’ve heard that before, but a lot of times we really have to be in and listen, we can’t pour from an empty cup. And that’s one of those things that that really just punch me in the face when I was looking at myself in the mirror that day that I had never, I had never opened myself up to receiving. And then I just started really working on myself and working on, on, on honoring and falling in love with myself. And when I did everything changed.
I love that I love me, I see that plant back there behind you. You know, and you know, even I might have heard it from Berg but someone else but like, as human beings we breathe in oxygen and we release carbon dioxide and the plants breathe in the carbon dioxide releases oxygen. So it’s basically a law of the universe period to be open to receiving. And you know, I tell people you know, I I helped a person about two months ago that I know that I wasn’t going to get anything in return from the person but my god daughter who never calls me Just call me out of the blue to shoot the shit with me. You know what I’m saying? To be like, Hey, I’m Poppy, you know and and that that was what you know, you open and when you notice that is when you start opening the receptivity exercise, which That’s fantastic. Thank you for answering like that. So let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. I’m sure you’ve saw Back to the Future. Right. Alright, let’s go back to the 22 year old Berta. And what kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on the 20 to 23 year old Berta with the wisdom and experience that you have now to help her maybe level up shorten the learning curve and break through?
I love that question, Scott. And it’s funny because at 22 I started reading personal development books I got into augmentee know and Zig Ziglar. And it was at 22 completely changed the rest the rest of my life. But I think what I would what I would tell 22 year old verta is that it’s okay to dream really big, that you don’t have to wait for the kids to be grown for anything else and to trust that they’re there because everything is waiting for you once that seed of a dream is planted in your brain. God has already given you everything that you need to achieve it.
Right have to sort of get out of your you’re aware of it Be mindful, right and then just be open to receiving that’s authentic.
Yes. Yeah, I think I Yeah, and I think one of the one of the biggest things with receiving Scott is is, you know, I have dreams of, you know, building schools and Kenya and playgrounds and you know, creating homeless shelters I mean, like dreams that require money. Right? And, and it dawned on me when I opened myself and it’s not all about the money, but it’s about learning to receive so that you can create abundance so that you can
impact you can have a bigger impact, or you can receive the bigger impact that you can make as well. So why Kenya What drew you to Kenya
you know, what’s crazy Kenya was always an on my list ever since we had a an Of course, you know Cubans to had to leave everything behind on the island and come and start from scratch. Traveling was not high on the on the list. But there was we had one great aunt who was she was a high end seamstress. And she made gowns and wedding gowns. And she used to travel she had no, she had never been married, she had no children. So she spent her money traveling. And she went to Africa for a while. And I started looking into Africa when I was a little girl. And for whatever reason Kenya was just like the thing. And I think it was because I was so attracted to the Messiah, and the way that they dress and what they’re wearing, and I was just like, I just want to go there one day, and lo and behold, I ended up you know, God always complies because he has a plan. Yeah, he’s you know, and, and, and I ended up you know, being blessed with working with with Maasai women and children and and ever since I went there the first time. So yeah, and it turns out Yeah, and it turns out that we we cut and I actually found it we come from African slaves. Sure. That went to Cuba through you had said that,
right? Yeah. So how do you want your dash remembered? You know, that little line in between your life date and expiration date? How do you want your dash? Remember?
I just want it to be remembered like I left it better than it was when I got here. That everybody that came in contact with me felt a little bit better about themselves, because they knew me. Wow,
that’s it. And the thing is, is that you’re a living legacy, right? And I’m not just trying to blow smoke up your skirt. You know what I’m saying? It’s like you are though it’s like you are living that every time you meet somebody they leave in a better mood. I mean, I we met for coffee last week and I left in a better mood You know, it was just like not that I was ever really in a bad mood because I don’t really agree with that. Right But there was just something that leveled me up I’m like shit man, she was right about a lot of this stuff. So Bruce, what’s one thing you know for sure.
One thing I know for sure, I love that question. One thing I know for sure is that we can
whatever you put after that,
you you know what you use this said we can right You didn’t say you can or I can there’s you’ve got to surround yourself people which I talked about this a building your squad around you that’s going to help you level up. So she’s also kind of saying an undertone and correct me if I’m wrong, Berta. But you got to get you’re asking here. Like we say around here. We ask for help. It’s, you know, we can you know, it’s not you can’t or I can’t, it’s always we can I didn’t get to where I am at, without a team, which I love them. Sometimes they don’t like me as much right, Danny. But, you know, it’s like, seriously, you know, you’ve got to surround yourself with the right people. And I choose to surround myself with people like Berta because she’s always leveling up. And I hopefully I help her level up a little bit as well. So absolutely,
absolutely. So, Berta, what’s three things you can’t live without?
I can’t live without family. Okay. Okay. I can’t live without hope. And knowing that what we hear is not really what’s going on out there. I think there’s a lot more good going on out there then then what they’re leading us to believe. And I proved that to myself every day. Okay. And
I can’t live without chocolate.
You know? Thank you for putting food out there. Everyone’s like this, this and this. It’s like, you know, Casey Easton asked me Hey, we’re, we’re building the first colony on Mars, and you get to take three things. My third thing was chicken wings. Oh, please called Sparky. You know, I’m saying I love my chicken wings. So I thank you for saying chocolate. I love my chocolate as well. There you go. There you go. So, Berta, what’s your definition of a life well lift?
I think a life of service. It’s what it is. I I just think that that’s why we’re here. I think there’s no and and that’s why I’m so drawn all the time. And so grateful to God for for for our veterans and our people who, you know, wear the uniform for the greater good of anyone else selfless, but I think that we’re here to serve.
Love it. I love it just to go giver. Bird as we wind things down here a little bit. We’d like to go into what we call our leveling up lightning round. You and I literally could talk for 45 minutes to an hour on each one of these questions. But you got five seconds over here. Yeah, you know, and Danny’s like, wants to put this buzzer on to be like, as long as no explanations. You’re ready. Yeah, what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Do it scared?
Do it scared? Love it. Alright, share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Read, read read,
love it. So not the book you’re reading now, not the flavor of the month. But if I’m in my doldrums, right, and I’m like, Bert, I really need something. You know, I need help. Fergie read this. What is it?
Charlotte’s Web
of that it’s true. I tell him you know, I’m digressing here. But I tell my people that work for me in sales. You know, go read green eggs and ham. You know, I’m saying it’s like it’s the best sales book ever out there. What is your most commonly used emoji? new text?
The laugh emoji with the tears
The tears The the straight up or the sideways? sideways sideways? Love it. Yeah, love it. Now physically, not wisdom and don’t get me that I want to be my age now. Physically what age would you like to be with the wisdom that you have now? for the rest of your life?
Hmm, man I like right now.
Okay, all right. I’ll take 32 though. You know
love it looks great. I if you’re watching on YouTube, she’s a beautiful woman beautiful one love her. So what is your favorite charity and or organization you like to give your time and or money to one child? One child. I love
it. They’re out of Colorado Springs great organization.
All right, so I got the green light that you can elaborate on this last question a little bit. But what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 80s
or shore?
80s big hair don’t care. Love it. Love it, Berta? How can we find john?
I am easy to find on LinkedIn, Berta Medina. That’s also my website Britta. medina.com. And dreamer succeed. just about everywhere else. Love it. Love it. Instagram everywhere else.
Where to leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action on
I think start today.
Love it. Love it. In squad we just got basically a free masterclass with my really, really good friend Berta, who’s gonna remind you to write your own story. You know, she’s gonna say a great coach is serves and is curious and brings out the best in others. You know, ask your coach, you know, if I was in that situation, what would you do now? What would you ask me now, you know, if you’re starting a goal, have an end date for it, break it down. Like she said, either elephant one bite at a time but systematically eat it have a system in place. Now she reminds us You can’t pour from an empty cup. And she would tell her younger self and even herself now that it’s okay to dream really, really big. You know, and she will, you know, it’s about a week can that I can or you can it’s about a weekend, surround yourself with a solid support team. Trust me, I did it. And it helped me level up in every aspect in every area of my life. You know, live a life of service people she reminds us but be open to receptivity. give as much as you can, but also be open. It’s not might not come back from the person that you helped. It could come back from somebody else. And one thing that really stood out right now is I’m gonna end it with this but do it scared. If you’re scared still do it. And Berta is the epitome of go giver. She levels up her health, she levels up her wealth. She’s part of our time to shine today squad now. Thank you so much. I love you for coming on. You’re the best.
I love you, Scott. Thank you. Thank you. I’m honored to be here. And thank you. Thank you for having me.
You’re welcome up chat soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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