Welcome to Episode 62! I got to enjoy a fantastic conversation with Anastasia Mouzina. Anastasia literally won the green card lottery and was able to come to the United States to begin her journey. She knew absolutely zero people, yet has quickly grown a VERY successful coaching company. Talk about persistence! Enjoy!
Never give up on your dreams for a handful of security
– Anastasia Mouzina
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Eudaimonia is critical to flourish in every aspect of your life
2. Do not be afraid to ask people who know what you don’t
3. If you are not in harmony with love and work, you cannot help anyone
4. We all have tremendous power inside and if you use it phenomenal things will happen!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is gonna fast as a way to probably successful and you really want to learn how to level up your life. You should be listening to the time to sign today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.
Unknown Speaker 0:12
Hey, time to shine today podcast squad. It’s Scott Ferguson and I am going to be introducing you to anastasiya Musina. This is a seriously phenomenal lady who literally won the Green Card Lottery came from Greece, where as we kind of know financially it’s kind of a repressed area came to the United States new zero people in through her drive and her commitment and her belief in herself. She’s grown a phenomenally, phenomenally awesome coaching company. And fantastic relationship coach and just a pleasure to talk to. So without further ado, here’s an interview with my good friend Anastacia luzina
Unknown Speaker 1:13
Hey, time to shine squatted Scott Ferguson and I am very privileged to bring on Anastasia mu, Xena. She studies Greek philosophy, philosophy, and she kind of transforms that into helping her students that she coaches, she helps people find success with the techniques of the ancient Greek philosophers. Her program is coming out very soon and it’s a week to fabulous success and teach people how to be really, really successful. And as a side note, I put out podcasts that I’ve actually got really good reviews on from you listeners that I did about my take on the stoics. Remember, not stoics so much but as philosophers and now get them actually speak to somebody that’s a professional in it. So I am so stoked. And mus, Anastasia, if you could please say hello to the time to shine squad and first, tell us your favorite color and why.
Unknown Speaker 2:14
Oh, hello, everybody. I’m very happy to be here with all of you. And my favorite color is purple. Purple. Yes. Okay. And why is that? Because they represent spirituality and I work on it more than 25 years and I have a deep connection with this color. Oh, helps me a lot.
Unknown Speaker 2:38
I love purple as well. purple and blue are kind of my kind of my jam. But tell us the origin of your story. You’re from Greece, correct? Yes. Okay. I’m just gonna let you tell the story.
Unknown Speaker 2:49
Okay, so I’m from Greece originally and I’m here in the USA the last two years and a half. I won the Green Card Lottery in reality. Yeah, yeah. So I was very lucky. This is very rare to happen. And so I brought my family here. It was kind of my dream to come and live in the USA. I didn’t know why. Still, I don’t know why but anyway, I think I think that is a call for me to be here. And so here I am. So, yeah, I came here and I start from zero. I didn’t know anybody here in the USA.
Unknown Speaker 3:29
Okay. In your did you practice philosophy and coaching people philosophy in Greece?
Unknown Speaker 3:36
Yes. And you know, it’s not only merrily philosophy is a combination of other stuff like neuro linguistic programming, and the energy work America the linear yoga teacher, so I follow this philosophy also. And a lot of other CBD. I do a lot of things, you know, They called the nation. Okay, together.
Unknown Speaker 4:03
Gotcha. So what was the aha moment that kind of brought you? I mean, you came to the United States, but what was the aha moment to really want to help others level up their life?
Unknown Speaker 4:18
Okay, my aha moment was when I was struggling with my life, my relationships and my career also, because I was paying attentions attention only to one part part of my life and so there was no balance.
Unknown Speaker 4:36
What was that? Anastasia? What part were you? What part were you only? Yeah, it was relationships, relationships at
Unknown Speaker 4:43
the time. I was giving attention to my relationships only. And then it was leaving the career. And then I did the opposite. So it was never balanced. I understood that in reality, you cannot have any Happy life happiness in the meaning of the Greek philosophy that they say you the ammonia, which is to Floris to to have everything in balance. So I was kind of obsessed in this thing of balance. And I was trying to find my way into this and this was my aha moment when I create this a breed the fasting philosophy modalities in combination with NLP. So this is all together leadership skills and all this together, I brought it and this was my aha moment when I finally so that this word works for me, so why not for everybody else? Who turned you
Unknown Speaker 5:47
on to NLP Neuro Linguistic Linguistic Programming because I’ve studied that. Yeah, who turned drawn to that?
Unknown Speaker 5:53
Yeah, it was back in Greece. And boy, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 5:56
did you study with regards to NLP
Unknown Speaker 6:00
study with NLP Hellenic NLP Academy. Oh, wow.
Unknown Speaker 6:05
Okay. Very cool. Very cool. And
Unknown Speaker 6:10
to start your business you came over here from Greece knowing zero people, you are a fantastically successful human being now You seem like you’re really well balanced compared to what you were before. Can you find that happy medium with stuff? What is it that sparked? Well, let’s let’s back that up. How did you build your business knowing zero people?
Unknown Speaker 6:34
Oh, yeah, I’ll tell you the story is not really funny but you know when I first arrived here, as I didn’t know anybody, I went to a Greek restaurant to eat, and then they hired me.
Unknown Speaker 6:52
Very cool.
Unknown Speaker 6:53
So I started bartending and he goes my way to start meeting people and then From there, I had my first clients. Oh, wow.
Unknown Speaker 7:06
Unknown Speaker 7:07
that’s funny because I’m a real estate agent for 22 years and I used to wait tables and I used to slide my business card in with their bill. People would be like, Hey, you know what, you’re awesome. You’re, first of all, we we want to give you a shot, you know? Exactly. So what kind of clients do coach Are you helping people level up their lives and achieve real success or what kind of clients are
Unknown Speaker 7:33
so i i called some mostly startup entrepreneurs or want to be at the printers to have success. But also as I I caught people for relationships, not to mark people, you know, with other ones but mostly to find this place in in themselves. You know how to become intent and attract what they really want in their life and then to create the balance that is needed to have eudaimonia and Kurds, how’s that
Unknown Speaker 8:10
spell is a eudaimonia?
Unknown Speaker 8:12
Unknown Speaker 8:14
Okay. How do you spell that because I want to put this in our show notes
Unknown Speaker 8:17
e you UD I
Unknown Speaker 8:23
know a IMO and
Unknown Speaker 8:29
Unknown Speaker 8:30
gotcha in the definition of eudaimonia is
Unknown Speaker 8:34
is to flourish is
Unknown Speaker 8:37
is the success that you can have in every aspect of your life. But not not only like the happiness is Florida’s is a state that you cannot go back from there. Because is the neener is an inner thing is an inner accomplishment.
Unknown Speaker 8:55
Okay? So you’re actually it’s a progression. It’s actually Moving forward at all times. So you don’t really take steps back. But if we run into failures, we’re failing forward, right? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 9:07
Is is building a character.
Unknown Speaker 9:11
Okay? And Grow character. So you have people that when you say relationships instead of relationship with themselves or relationship with everything,
Unknown Speaker 9:22
okay with themselves first and then every relationship which has the same base anyway, with a co workers or with employees or with a husband, the wife, the lovers, whatever, okay, is because everything starts from you within you. And so every relationship is exactly the same afterwards.
Unknown Speaker 9:47
Wow. Okay. So we kind of discussed a really challenging time and you said you won the green card. lottery, you said, What was that like with waiting? Because to me You know, I’m I had to become an American citizen as well. I was born, believe it or not in the Philippine Islands. And I became but I became an American citizen. I was adopted and really young. But what was that like? Because I love the United States. It’s kind of I love I served my country and whatnot. But what what was it about coming to the United States that made you really want to push for that?
Unknown Speaker 10:25
In my mind, United States, I was coming every year, you know, to visit the United States because in my mind, United States, it was the place that I could reach my dreams. Greece’s amazing place, but you know, unfortunately, financially is not going well. So I have three boys. And my mind goes always how to be more successful have more impact impacting the world? Because this is my mission inside me. I’m not satisfied. If I don’t make an impact, and so I was, I was so driven to come here in the USA because of these reasons. So I applied for the grant Green Card Lottery. Of course, there are millions of people that do the same. But finally, after four years, I won. And I couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t easy after that, because you know, even if you win is not that you’re coming. Right? You know, they examine everything about you, your family and seven generations back. Oh, yeah. That’s fine. Finally, and maybe I spend a lot of money to compete.
Unknown Speaker 11:41
I bet. I bet you did. So the Greek started everything, you know, I’m sorry. They just did. I mean, it’s always the joke with My Big Fat Greek Wedding, or word kind of comes from the Greeks but who is your favorite Greek philosopher that
Unknown Speaker 11:58
Socrates and Plato At a more flatter than soccer this but yeah soccer is more famous.
Unknown Speaker 12:05
What? What that really meant is was Cato a Greek philosopher or was he was he always
Unknown Speaker 12:11
there Elman?
Unknown Speaker 12:12
He’s Roman, so like Plato and Marcus Aurelius. They’re all Roman Roman. Okay, gotcha. Why Plato?
Unknown Speaker 12:20
Because Plato was talking about the world of forms. And I fully agree with him into this and he was more, you know, optimistic, Socrates. He wasn’t so optimistic. And I am an optimistic person. So I love plateau and his idea of the cave, you know that we live in a cave and we see only the saddles and you we’re dreaming reality. We don’t see the reality. And so I really agree with him rein in too many things that he’s saying. That’s where he is my favor. And then I believe that we really don’t load from the world of force. Everything that we manifest here in this material world.
Unknown Speaker 13:05
Sure. So what was it? What What do you take from plateau? Which I’m going to say it right now it’s plateau, not Plato. So what do you take from plateau in his world of forums and then implement that into helping someone level up their life that you’ve coached? What do you what do you take? I hear you said optimism, and whatnot. But is there specific things that you kind of maybe take from him, make it yours, and then pass on?
Unknown Speaker 13:32
Yes. He’s his his way of
Unknown Speaker 13:37
reality. His ability to really be in this world of forms and understand it, how he works. And so you can download. Literally, you can download everything.
Unknown Speaker 13:55
Wow. So you can actually just kind of pull from maybe I need to put him At my mastermind table because I have like kind of a in my imaginary mind mastermind table.
Unknown Speaker 14:05
I have one too.
Unknown Speaker 14:07
Yeah. So everyone’s on there. So any situation I’m in, it’s nice to just go to their book. It’s like kind of like, you can’t really talk to them obviously. Yeah, there’s no effort for us to do that. But like to be able to pull out a book and just read in I actually Seneca is like, my
Unknown Speaker 14:23
Anak is my
Unknown Speaker 14:24
guy because he was he was rich. He made money. But he never was a ruler but he just was like, You know what, I love Seneca that’s Yeah, I love Yes, that’s just kind of my my guy. So you had a lot of challenging times, but getting your business started. What is your worst moment that you hit maybe a wall you hit set.
Unknown Speaker 14:54
I was the mentality. I couldn’t understand the mentality here in the USA. came from a totally different mentality another country, in Europe, Greece, we are so different people. And so I was struggling to understand how things work here. Really. For example, here marketing is a huge thing. If you’re not in the internet, if you don’t market yourself, you don’t exist in Greece is not working like that. And so
Unknown Speaker 15:26
doesn’t work like that. There’s really no marketing. No, how do people grow themselves grow their businesses, or the mouth? Really?
Unknown Speaker 15:35
They’re not too much in this thing of the internet, you know, and, okay, maybe you put your own name somewhere there. All right. Yeah. And then you go, you know, to groups and, you know, personnel
Unknown Speaker 15:51
and things. Not mostly, yeah, no, I mean, pencil.
Unknown Speaker 15:57
Okay. So it sounds like it was a challenge there. How did you break Push through that to get your call everybody about
Unknown Speaker 16:04
everything about everything I was studying, I went to a school for marketing and then for computer to understand how to work to converse and studying. I went two years now. I was studying about computers, and marketing and internet and then I hired somebody. Thank God. Yeah, right. I felt that at the end, I’m going to be a coach for marketing.
Unknown Speaker 16:36
So it’s nice that you had the wherewithal to be able to outsource what you’re not good at because you didn’t grow up doing it. No, you didn’t grow up, you went out you probably what I call pressing flesh where you’re meeting people shaking hands and meeting people face to face them growing your business. I love growing my business locally, like that as well. And luckily this whole podcasting thing allows me to reach more people, which is nice as well. It’s funny, I do teach a course about networking. face to face. Oh, I’m gonna pick up a few steps. No for from you here. So who would be if I’m out networking? Who would be the what would someone say that? I would say I would think, Anastasia, to refer someone to you.
Unknown Speaker 17:28
Um, yeah. Success and relationships together like that, and they cannot go apart. I code people to both of this. Usually, the code says they have only for business or only for relationships. I don’t do that because I believe in balance. So yes, you could suggest me it would be the balance thing. Doing business and relationships and how to work your relationships even in sight the work you know, not only Absolutely,
Unknown Speaker 18:08
so if I’m talking with somebody at an event and they’re like, man, I just can’t get my home life, my business life to match up I can’t find, you know a time with my wife and also spend enough time the office you can help them, find them, balance them, maybe make a little more harmonic a little bit more harmony. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 18:32
exactly. And how to also how to implement are at with these virtues virtues in their life. So they have to understand how to implement these in their life. So everything then comes efforts. You know, they don’t have to Stangl they just do it. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 18:56
What? What’s your morning routine look like? Then?
Unknown Speaker 19:00
my morning routine. Okay, yeah, I get up usually very early and then I do my meditation yoga, because I’m a Kundalini yoga teacher. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I don’t teach anymore The Deline, but I take all the philosophy of the Buddha linnaean the breathing and Rhonda as I chant mantras, I love to tell mothers, okay, and this is my morning routine, then usually I do something with it with my boys or I read a lot.
Unknown Speaker 19:35
Okay, what do you like to read
Unknown Speaker 19:38
off all these kind of books that is self help, you know, or about psychology? Whatever I can find that can bring you a level up.
Unknown Speaker 19:50
Gotcha. I love I love it leveling up. I love that. Yeah. Gotcha. So, you’ve went through a lot in your life. What would you do? Say to the 25 year old Anastasia, if you’re giving her advice, you’re going back in time and so you’re writing a letter to her. What would you say to her?
Unknown Speaker 20:17
Yeah, the 25 years old on stash. Yeah, I was really receding
Unknown Speaker 20:23
person. Right.
Unknown Speaker 20:25
So I would advise her to find her in a stance and the Queen inside here and bring it up. And because he’s there, but you know, we are lost. All right. Oh, yes. To use everything she has to, to get out of there, you know, of this. Place,
Unknown Speaker 20:53
the situation that you’ve been in at the time. Okay. Gotcha. What Is your what is Anastasia’s definition of a life well lived?
Unknown Speaker 21:08
Oh, in reality, I have my definition of success. But yes, well leave this when, when you have become because it’s not the same for everybody but for me, to have my family that they are, of course in health and everything, but then of course to create my lifestyle, the lifestyle that I want to live and to help also other people because if I’m not good, I cannot help anybody else. So that for me is essential my relationships to be really in balance and in love, and then to have the work because I don’t want to say the word job. I don’t. I don’t like this one to do the work that I really I really love and it’s my passion. And so I can offer to the world
Unknown Speaker 22:06
and love it. So you’re wanting to give the world a great message while taking care of your family and always leveling up and moving forward. I love that. That’s a great definition of life well lived. Okay, you said this, but what’s your definition of success?
Unknown Speaker 22:20
Oh, yeah. So, success is purpose driven. Desktop with Veritas wisdom, courage, temperance, justice, and strength, embracing your demon and leave to your highest potential.
Unknown Speaker 22:36
I love that. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 22:40
So your Purpose Driven Life would be living with all that what you just said, Sam, I mean, would be living your best self living your most enlightened self, your most open self. Right and
Unknown Speaker 22:52
have a purpose in this life. The higher higher purpose you know, I don’t see Anything you know when are you going? Oh,
Unknown Speaker 23:03
sure. Oh yeah I love that so I always say it’s like you have to have your purpose you know kind of back that purpose with your faith you know what you want to have and then back that with a persistence that doesn’t recognize failure right for you to come over here and do what you’re doing that’s exactly really how you’re living.
Unknown Speaker 23:26
So yeah, I walk the talk
Unknown Speaker 23:28
right you should do as you do. So what
Unknown Speaker 23:33
are let’s let’s remove your cell phone for a minute ah this equation. What are three things that Anastacia cannot live without?
Unknown Speaker 23:44
Books. Okay, so books um
Unknown Speaker 23:50
music, ah, I love music
Unknown Speaker 23:55
and friends, friends and family. Love it
Unknown Speaker 23:59
for us hates that. It’s fantastic. And then
Unknown Speaker 24:07
what is the one thing that Anastacia knows for sure.
Unknown Speaker 24:16
The one thing that they really, really no is that we have tremendous power inside this. I found it. I didn’t have it always. But I found it. And when I started using it
Unknown Speaker 24:34
miracles happens.
Unknown Speaker 24:35
Yeah, that’s still wrong. That is us. You know it was actually reading this morning. If you’ve never read anything by Robin Sharma pick it. Okay. He has a book called who will cry when you die?
Unknown Speaker 24:50
Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 24:52
Yeah. So I literally read this morning, about the gods back in the day made all human beings gods. But they were abusing their power, right? They were not doing good things. So then they were saying, hey, well, why don’t we hide it on a mountaintop and the supreme Gods like, No, no, no way. They’ll find it. How about we put in the position, someone will find it. So finally supreme Gods like, I’m gonna put it in their heart. Exactly, because they’ll never look back. And like you just said, you know, when I asked you what’s the one thing you know for sure is that you have tremendous power inside. And you unleash yours. I feel like I unleash mine. And you’re helping people unleash their power that that blows my mind. That’s so so thankful that you actually said that, which led into my diatribe of what I just said. So I apologize that
Unknown Speaker 25:42
for you know, to make people understand if I can, that they are tremendously powerful. Yeah. And they can change everything in their life.
Unknown Speaker 25:54
Yes, that’s amazing.
Unknown Speaker 25:58
Awesome that this is just really blown. In my mind, this is a fantastic but we’re gonna move into what I call my level of lightning round where I’m gonna ask you four or five questions. Okay? We could talk on them for an hour, but yeah, we’re gonna, I’m gonna give you five to seven seconds. Okay? You got to be quick with them. No one nations. Just give me the answers. Ready? Okay, here we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 26:25
Okay, so the best one, it was from a random person I met in a group. So he said to me, so anastasiya what is the mark you want to live in this world? So they know you were here. Love it, love it. And then he said, Whatever you do, think of what this action of yours will offer to the world and this is the advice that I always have in my
Unknown Speaker 26:51
love that that’s beautiful. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 26:58
I could name somebody My habits like meditation or reading a lot of books, but I think myself driven characteristic the ability to take risks and follow my dreams no matter what is the key to my personal success.
Unknown Speaker 27:13
What website Do you like to go to outside of your own? And of course, time to shine? Yeah. What what website Do you like to go to to kind of level up and get, you know, good information to failure? You know, keep your programming moving forward.
Unknown Speaker 27:28
I mean, not only one but I really like this psychology today. Yeah. Yeah, but I really love that one. Okay, and a little like this.
Unknown Speaker 27:39
Awesome. Love that in. Recommend your your, your reader. So what’s your favorite book? Oh, favorite book?
Unknown Speaker 27:48
Oh, yes. My favorite book is school for God’s I don’t know if you ever read it. Oh, by Stefan I Elliot, Donna
Unknown Speaker 28:00
So let’s elaborate. I’m gonna slow down the lightning round. Tell me about that book. Oh my God look it up
Unknown Speaker 28:05
is not for everybody though came from is a very directed controversial meaning and methods I would say is for those who are ready to become very successful. Okay, but has, you know, messages inside there that they will challenge you.
Unknown Speaker 28:24
Okay, is it an easy read? Or does it make you think like when I sat down and read meditations, I had to read it over and over again. No,
Unknown Speaker 28:31
no, no, no, this is like a story of a man. A man that he found out his dreamer. Right himself. He was talking with a dreamer. And the dream was revealing to him. Truth. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 28:49
It was amazing to
Unknown Speaker 28:50
look it up. Right when we hang out.
Unknown Speaker 28:51
For example, He said in the chapter he said that usually we give up our dreams for a handful of seconds. The this was really taking up my life because I quit from a job that I had nine to five.
Unknown Speaker 29:10
It’s a relatively new book too. It’s not that old.
Unknown Speaker 29:13
Unknown Speaker 29:14
I’m gonna definitely read that. Okay, what’s your favorite charity or organization you’d like to support?
Unknown Speaker 29:21
Um, I usually I like to support whatever has to do with kids.
Unknown Speaker 29:27
Okay, beautiful. And then last question, what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 80s? I’m right there with you. I’m a product of the 80s 70s and 80s.
Unknown Speaker 29:43
So, honestly, just before you leave
Unknown Speaker 29:48
Nope, let’s let’s ask people how to find you. Tell people how to find you.
Unknown Speaker 29:52
Okay, I have my website awake to fabulous success, that calm and also my life. Phoebe and Instagram paved the way to fabulous success and
Unknown Speaker 30:06
and then the Anasazi was in a.com.
Unknown Speaker 30:08
Right. Okay, and so it’s awake to fabulous and beautiful
Unknown Speaker 30:16
Wogan Instagram pages are awake to fabulous success.
Unknown Speaker 30:19
Okay, I’m gonna put all this stuff in the show notes listeners, my squad. And before we end here Leave the time to shine squad one last Knowledge Nugget you want them to take with them really instill I think I know what you would say but I want to hear from you.
Unknown Speaker 30:39
Okay, so my last piece of advice is what Socrates said. The greatest way to live without knowing this world is to be what you pretend to be.
Unknown Speaker 30:52
So when no one’s looking and you feel that greatness and you’re pretending it be that person, the world Exactly. Oh my gosh, that’s so strong. Thank you. That’s fantastic. And hey, squad, you’ve just had some serious awesome knowledge nuggets dropped on you by my friend on a star Zhamuhe Xena and make sure you check out the show notes for all our resources and feel free to reach out to her on all of her social platforms she is she actually answers back which is fantastic. She’s taught us about you to um, you to ammonia, you did ammonia, that’ll be in the show notes as well. peeps in as well. We say we’d like to vibe real high and surround ourselves with people that do the same that are humble yet hungry, leveling up their health and leveling up their wealth. And Anastasi. Thank you so much for coming aboard. You’re part of our squad now. You can’t get rid of us. Yeah. Thank you so so much. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 31:51
thank you for having me here.
Unknown Speaker 31:52
You’re very welcome. Thank you. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by Sutter New real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in Nugent comm if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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