Welcome to Episode 125: The vibrant Amy Schmidt popped into the TTST show to share her journey and to remind us that age is only a number and that mid life is where the fun begins! Such a fun interview! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Drop the perfection, drop the procrastination and just launch
– Amy Schmidt
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. It takes confidence to fail
2. If not now, then when!?
3. Remember, you have NOT peaked yet
4. You are enough, just the way you are
5. Create your highlight reel and make sure to revel in it a bit
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Amy’s Book: Cannonball
Amy’s Linked IN
Fearlessly Facing Fift Facebook Group
Amy’s Twitter
Amy’s Instagram
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Amy Schmidt, host of the fearlessly facing 50 podcasts, and author of Cannonball fearlessly facing midlife and beyond. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today varsity squad it is Scott Ferguson and we are Episode 125 with my really good friend, podcasts or author, speaker coach Amy Schmidt from fearlessly, fearlessly facing 50. That’s a tongue twister a little bit. But I love this lady, a fellow Midwesterner and he just a friendly, outgoing, vibrant personality. And I’m just so stoked to have had her on she’s going to talk about 50 is just really the beginning. It’s where it gets fun. It’s going to talk about some confidence, and always being persistent. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend, Amy Schmidt from fearlessly facing 50
Unknown Speaker 1:08
Time to shine today podcast squad to the Scott Ferguson. And I’ve got me like kind of like a kindred spirit here Amy Schmidt. She is the owner will say of a well website called fearlessly facing 50. She just authored a book that dropped June 10. And she’s trending like sky high number one on Amazon right now. It’s called fearlessly facing midlife and beyond. And we have a really cool giveaway at the end. So make sure you stick around through the whole conversation here that I have with Amy. Amy is a podcaster with your podcast rocks, by the way. She’s an author, public speaker, blogger and founder of the brand fearlessly facing 50. she launched her business and brand six months before turning 50. Her mission is to encourage women over 40 to go all in, push their fears aside and not let this time of life allow them to lose their identity. And most of the people that know me and listen to me know that I’m a general
Unknown Speaker 2:00
Extra, I’m coming up on 50 in about 18 months and so I’m gonna kind of pick her brain just even from the man side of things here. So but Amy’s weekly podcasts have an audience that continues to grow at record speeds or interviews arm you with insight and value leave an imprint on your heart. I’m going to steal that from my VA my bio for me so when it comes up, inspired and inspires you to take action, Amy uses her time when women can begin to feel visible I’m sorry to use their time personal cell storytelling, authentic self power.
Unknown Speaker 2:32
Amy’s podcast and spirit inspires women to step outside of their comfort zones as approachable and genuine as you read this book. Her book is phenomenal. She’s the real deal. Amy is married to her college sweetheart and has three children. The work has been published and grown and flown. Scary mommy today parents and many others. We got to just dig into the sucker bio It was super long. But I’m just going to kind of stop here and introduce Amy we’re going to kind of dig into fearlessly face and 50 and
Unknown Speaker 3:00
fearlessly facing midlife. Amy again. I sorry about the technical difficulty right there but please Come on. Hey, I’m gonna have you introduce yourself to the time to shine today podcast squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why? Blue because it is water man. I’m just a water girl. Blue any any shade of blue doesn’t even matter just blue. Like the shirt you’re wearing? Like, you know? Yes, yes thing off to my right although it looks like I’m pointing left on here I think maybe just thinking off to my right. It’s a huge Epsom salt and called the Atlantic Ocean I’m looking at there you go. I have like Michigan.
Unknown Speaker 3:35
You’re from Detroit. We talked about that. So, you know, like Michelle, I go over to ludington a lot which is kind of right across the lake michigan from you. So the let’s dig in here as to the origins and then what you’re doing to help level up the ladies of the world. Yes, absolutely. Well, how can you be 48 very crazy, crazy tempo, tempo
Unknown Speaker 3:59
Unknown Speaker 4:00
machines, Moses. I love it. Yeah, I love it. So, you know, I think for me, it’s like, you know, you’re 18 months before turning 50 What is it about 50 that, you know, people are just like, Whoa 50 life stop. No, no, no, no. 50 life is like just beginning. And I was recently asked in an interview, somebody said, Hey, Amy, you know, okay, you got this book, you got the podcast. So what’s the next 10 years look like for you? Like 10 years, I’m going to be 60 almost 61 if you would have asked me that at 30 I would have said, okay, man, life is like oh four I’ll be old. I’ll be you know, crazy. But it’s so not true. So I think from one extreme to the other. I mean, this is our time. And like you said, time to shine, podcast time to shine. This is your this is your squad. It is our time to shine. There’s so much that we have at our fingertips. So much knowledge to share. It’s a start time. For me You started is the field facing 50
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Six months between before you turn by turn 50. What did you do before?
Unknown Speaker 5:06
Good question. So at 22 Man, I was ready to set the world on fire. I’m a Wisconsin girl born and bred, go pack go. Anybody out there is listening.
Unknown Speaker 5:16
from Wisconsin. Oh boy, oh boy. Well, Aaron Rodgers is coming back. So you never know what’s gonna happen.
Unknown Speaker 5:23
So, so you know, at 22 I moved from Wisconsin to Indianapolis, ready to set the world on fire as a journalist broadcast journalism is what I wanted to do. And then there was this guy. Of course, you know, this guy that I met in college, and we ended up getting married and having three kids. And so the trajectory of my career really was put on hold because of what my husband was doing. He was on a leadership track, whatever I took on this role of I write about it in my book traveling spouse, which some people say seriously, I mean, like, what is that? But really, I embraced it. I loved it. You know, I did what a lot of women did at that point.
Unknown Speaker 6:00
In 1997, I quote retired from what I was doing in corporate America at that time, which was PR and communications. And I raised my kids and 11 moves 27 years of marriage later and three big kids not only taller than me, but big kids. I brought a 23 year old, a 20 year old and a 16 year olds. Wow, life was changing. And you know, it’s funny when you mentioned Gen X, because I think and as I did research for this book, we were the generation especially as women that it was like, you know, what, the world’s your oyster me and do anything like the sky’s the limit, but that translated to you had to do everything? Right. I think we’re that generation of that. But so that was kind of my background story. I moved 11 times we lived in Germany for six years. And I did love women did immerse yourself in your kids, your community, got involved on boards, did all sorts of things. Right? My story knows a lot of my listeners know my friends know that. You know, I’m a rebel.
Unknown Speaker 7:00
Potential real estate agent and sometimes women will come in and like, oh, what do you do? I’m a housewife. I’m like, No, you’re a demand engineer. Stop. Oh, yeah. Your domestic engineer. So
Unknown Speaker 7:10
how was the process from becoming kind of a full time domestic engineer into really helping others really level up other women level up? Was the transition hard in was your family supportive of why you’re suffering out to do love this love this? Hey, everything comes with challenges, right? So I’m sitting there and let’s just go to the I think it was 45. And Alas, my mom, I lost my dad. Both parents died within 18 months of each other. Thank you. I was living in Germany at the time. It was just one of those things. everything’s changing once you hit 4045, all of those, those things change. You’re kind of struggling with, Hey, where’s my identity? Now? You know, I’m kind of losing Amy. I’m a wife. I’m a mom. I’m a sister. I’m a daughter, when my husband’s
Unknown Speaker 8:00
Hey mom, go grab the dry cleaning from, you know, the dry cleaners at the end of the day. I was like to like, I’m not your mom, you know, like, I’m Amy. But I think we go through that. I mean, we really do. So the challenges around it were fear consented, and you can be like, Okay, I’m outdated, haven’t worked for this many years. Like you said, somebody will come in and say, and I hate this mindset, and I want to shift that because my whole thing is shifting midlife from crisis to opportunity. I want women and men listening out there to that when you when you get those, you know, when when you’re sitting there and thinking, I’m not qualified, you know, you second guess yourself and you’re like, Oh, I don’t check all the boxes for this job. I can’t apply for it. I’m just a stay at home mom or I was just a teacher. And now you know, it’s been 15 years. You’ve got to stop that and you’ve got to take this time to self reflect and look back and say, What have I done? I have done so much as multitasked I’ve, you know, mastered the art of reinvention as most women do.
Unknown Speaker 9:00
Look at that create your own highlight reel and say, Hey, I am good. And I can apply for this job. And I always say, I can tell my kids even in their 20s. What’s the worst case scenario? You try? And you recalibrate? And so is it. True? That that’s amazing? Like, like you just said, there’s an identity crisis that goes on, especially with women that have raised kids that are starting to move out because I’m at that age now where a lot of the moms are old enough, again, like the kids are off to school, and they’re starting to get back out in the work world and I have a few of them that are I coach personally, yes. After that. When someone comes to you, and they’re in that situation about ready to take that leap, that step that shift that pivot. What do you do? Is there any secret sauce you don’t mind sharing with the squad that helps them find their blind spot and breakthrough? Totally. Yeah, I mean, you know, I do this whole visual when I speak to people and I talk about, you know, going to a pool, of course, I go back to the color blue
Unknown Speaker 10:00
I got back to water, all this stuff. It’s all, you know, all linked. But, you know, I want people to picture themselves as they were a kid and they’re at the public pool or the club pool, whatever. And it’s hot out think of being in Detroit. I’m one of those hot summer days, you go into the pool, and you’re just jumping in and your mom can’t put sunscreen on you fast enough. And you’re saying, Mom, you know, watch me, I’m doing it again. And you’re doing it and you’re fearless. And then you get to this age, where you’re looking at that high dive and you’re thinking, Okay, I still want to do this. But for some reason, you get stopped at that third rung on the ladder. Sure. And you just can’t get up to the top. And so what what my hope is with this whole thing is that, you know, people need to realize that you’ve got so much less experience, we’ve got more technology, look what we’re doing today. I mean, this is amazing, right? We can learn it the power of Google how many times you use it in a day, you know, so I want people just to climb up not get stopped at the third month, but go to the 10th run and run to the end of that diving board. It’s going
Unknown Speaker 11:00
be ugly you’re gonna be uncomfortable you’re probably going to need to go the chiropractor after even make a huge splash right? With a cannonball, you know, that’s the name of my book Cannonball with confidence and you don’t care who’s watching. Because at this point, you’ve got so much experience so much value to add. Don’t let self doubt come in and it happens so often we just count ourselves out before we even take that step. My big thing is Get up, get dressed, get going. Every day. Love a dress get going. Yeah, like my friend Mel Robbins says 54321 go. I was on her show a while ago. Yeah. Well, she is amazing. So why women?
Unknown Speaker 11:39
Hmm, good question. You know, because women tend to, you know, we’ve kind of we have this whole role shift, I think, and we do have more of a tendency to lose our identity. I really think so. Because you know, you were a mom and you had three kids sitting around the table and all of a sudden now it’s you sitting across from your spouse or your husband and your partner, whatever.
Unknown Speaker 12:00
And you’re like, Wow, now I got to really start over, I’m needed differently. I think women really have this thing of being needed differently. And when you don’t have your kids right there or your relationship changes, or you lose your parents, or you’re caring for your parents, because your heroes that used to take care of you, now you’re taking care of them, right, changes, and I think it’s really a challenging, multifaceted time. 400% so the answer I was hoping for, because there is more of a shift pivot that women go through, totally, you know, because there’s just no I’m not gonna say their program, but they step up like my lady Susan, you know, she’s 55. And she has four kids range from 33, down to 28 or 24. And it’s like, she has this kind of shift that she held on to her youngest for a long time, you know, and now she’s just now he literally went out on his own. And it’s been I can see the identity kind of shifting in her she’s going to be about that’s where the books go into as well.
Unknown Speaker 13:00
So I love it. I love eBay, but you got to read this book. Hey, so let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly. Yeah, remember back to future your generation, like me. So you know, Michael J. Fox. There you go. So not the HP Keaton one, but the mighty mix.
Unknown Speaker 13:17
Yeah, so Exactly. He’s going back. You go back in. We meet with the 22 year old Amy. I don’t know if it’s quite Schmidt then. But that 22 year old Amy, what else is giving you some Knowledge Nugget of knowledge that you’re dropping on her? That will help her kind of blast through a learning curve, maybe shorten your learning curve and help her level up? Hmm, I love that question. And you know, it’s so crazy. I think because I’m so visual. I can like picture myself right now. It’s like my 22 year old self. I would just say I would go up and give her a huge hug and say you know what, it’s going to be okay. And drop the perfectionism thing. Drop. The procrastinate.
Unknown Speaker 14:00
thing Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. Or don’t launch before you know, just do it. Just Just do it. And don’t worry so much about what people think. And I think that’s the biggest thing. Don’t get stopped in your own way. You know, get out of your own way like a boss always says, you know, get out of your way and don’t overthink it. So much knowledge to get my 22 year old side Oh, I love that. I love it. It’s, you know, get like my good friend Leah Woodford said is get your asking gear you know, like ask people and don’t be afraid, you know? I mean, I love that you said drop the professor drop the procrastination and just start ugly just keep going Does that ever work out right? didn’t work out so when you’re starting to work with a client or maybe even during the discovery process when you’re starting to bring somebody in? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?
Unknown Speaker 14:54
Oh man
Unknown Speaker 14:57
wow that’s like a stat me in my tracks. Quite
Unknown Speaker 15:00
I really, really time to show. That’s good.
Unknown Speaker 15:06
Yeah, I mean, you know, people will say, why are you doing what you’re doing at 50? Okay, that’s fair enough. That’s fair. I mean, honestly. Yeah. I mean, honestly, that’s how we really think about that question. But why now? You know, and I always say, If not now, when? Right, right. And I want to be asked about my fails, I’m gonna cut you really suck at something. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 15:27
that’s me, because I’m pretty transparent. I don’t put that out there. But if someone asked me to tell my stories, you want to hear yours. But can I tell you mine? Can I tell you mine? Because that is a great way and I’m doing a presentation later today actually virtual. But you know, I do this whole podcasting thing. And I learned this podcasting thing soup to nuts, you know, six months before I turned 50. And that overly tech savvy, it took a lot of trips to the Genius Bar, and they’d be like, Well, here’s what’s up again. All right, I’m exiting stage left.
Unknown Speaker 16:00
But so I’m going all in on this podcast, I’m sitting in my office, got everything set up, you know, my mic, take my deep breath, I have my little picture of who I’m focusing on thinking, Okay, I can do this, like, I’m ready to podcast, and I go for it. And I’m just all in, do it, you know, and then I’m done. And I sit back and I take a deep breath, and I go to find the audio file. It’s not there.
Unknown Speaker 16:23
Record the record. And so I’m thinking right there. I mean, think about that, you know, everybody that’s listening today or watching think about those times when, you know, hey, it takes confidence to fail, right? Totally. You sit back and you go, okay, am I really going to be able to do this? Like, okay, me seriously, you just you’re going to be a podcaster and he can’t even push record. So all that sudden, and then you’re like, screw it, you know, that was a good practice for what’s to come next. Now. I know what I’m doing. But you know, that’s, that’s my story. And I share that in my podcasting workshops and my other presentations and they’re like, seriously, right for like when Simon Sinek was giving a presentation
Unknown Speaker 17:00
I write about it in my book when all of a sudden he lost his train of thought. I mean, when does that happen? Like, you look at him and you think, Wow, yeah, yeah. But he took that opportunity to build trust Sure, and say, Hey, I’m authentic, right? I make mistakes I can. So what’s yours? I want to hear your epic say, Oh, my mind was a major imposter syndrome. When I was younger. You know, I come from a kind of a crazy background, crazy upbringing. And I won’t get that deep, but I just had that such an abandonment issue kind of the orphanage bounced around from families. And I would always kind of fake it till I make it as never genuine and I would take huge offense to anybody that questioned me. And then my mentor is like, Listen, man, you have to live a duality of life. And actually, the duality podcast is my most listened to podcast has over 10,000 episode has over 10,000 listens and basically, the duality that he taught me and what I use, and I pass on industry, mentorship or to clients is that don’t give up
Unknown Speaker 18:00
Excuse my language about what anybody thinks of you
Unknown Speaker 18:04
check as long as you don’t disrespect them or hurt them anyway don’t care what they say. Along with that, the duality part while you’re doing stuff, serve as many people as you can, theory, no matter what the situation is open a frickin door if it’s pushing a gantry cart back into public parking lot or maybe Kroger if they have home up there. But, you know, so that was it. So I had a really bad imposter syndrome and that’s what I tell them. I mean, I lied a lot just to get like fake it till you make it. I did. You know, and I am not proud of it. But I put it out there, you know, but yeah, back to you, Amy. You can get me on your show anytime. It’s actually I’m gonna ask that one. So, what are three things three, actually three now. Person places or thing that Amy cannot live without?
Unknown Speaker 18:55
My family.
Unknown Speaker 18:59
a swimming pool.
Unknown Speaker 19:05
And the forest like Dorothy in nature she my third is always chicken wings. I got asked what I would take tomorrow that’s like my, my lady my dog and chicken Lee. Like that. I like that. I like that. Yeah wouldn’t be chicken wings for me but but
Unknown Speaker 19:21
interesting oh yeah the one lady just like rumchata rumchata rumchata
Unknown Speaker 19:27
is a hustle. But hey, we talked a lot about the dash here at time to shine today and I want to know how you want your dash remembered, or maybe your legacy statement that that dash that runs in between your life date and death date. How do you want a mustache to remember how does your legacy statement or APA temporary?
Unknown Speaker 19:50
Boy if not now when I love that I love it. I love that and boy you really made me think this morning and I gotta say the other nine would be coffee because there’s
Unknown Speaker 20:00
My mug I mean, I’m on my third cup.
Unknown Speaker 20:03
Mug today. Do you love it? I love it. The other thing I want people to know is that you haven’t peaked yet you know there’s more to come. And
Unknown Speaker 20:14
yeah, I haven’t peaked yet I’m just getting started love it and I think that’s so important you’re living your legacy I mean from what I’ve read you out and then this conversation and what your book is read you are living your life Yeah, and that’s what I want people to do and into align with people like you levels meet up like crazy and I can see why you’re so popular while you’re getting interviewed by people like Mel Robbins. Why you’re out there crushing it in life. That’s fantastic. So what would Amy’s definition of a life well be? Be Hmm. But I’m sorry, your life well, it might sound like you are enough just as you are. Love it. exclamation mark two exclamation marks because you are
Unknown Speaker 21:00
You’re enough just as you are removed.
Unknown Speaker 21:03
Totally. And just to actually savor and revel in the fact of what you’ve accomplished to this point in your life, no matter your circumstances, no matter your story, just sit back and reflect and create that highlight reel of what you’ve done. Because we don’t you know, we don’t men women, we’re on to the next thing. bigger better this that chasing it just sit and revel in that and it’s, it’s an amazing thing. I love the highlight reel thing and, and I people sit there and they say, wow, I guess I didn’t do that. Oh, wow. Oh, you know, it makes you think back and we don’t do that enough.
Unknown Speaker 21:40
So as we wind things down here, just a little bit, we get into our lovely enough lightning round. You and I can talk 15 2030 minutes on each one of these. But I need a five second answer. No explanation, just the answer. All right. These are easy. No, no. Okay. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 22:00
Have I don’t have to answer this in five seconds.
Unknown Speaker 22:04
Just to go for it. Love it. so far. Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. I swim every morning swim every morning. Nice. Love it. Okay, not what you’re reading now, not the book you wrote not the flavor of the month you’re seeing out there. But what’s the one book like minds the travelers gift by Andy Andrews or the go giver by Bob Berg? What’s the one book that really resonates with you? And maybe if I was in my doldrums, you’re like your skin. Care to lead from a brown love it. Great book. Great book. What is your most commonly used emoji? You text?
Unknown Speaker 22:39
The heart, the heart Love it. You cannot say your age now. What age physically would you be if you could be that age for the rest of your life?
Unknown Speaker 22:55
Yes, this is really hard because I’m living my best life right now. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 23:00
For you, because the book he wrote, I’ll deal with that. I’ll pick that one. Okay. I mean, maybe 2528 to 32 I’m in there. I love how I felt because I was a lot more limber. You know, I’m a yoga mat three days a week and I’m, I trained in saunas, we, you know, assume the ocean so I, I stay. Yeah, they’re pretty good. But yeah, you know, 2832 that was like I was unstoppable.
Unknown Speaker 23:26
I’m sticking with 50. Okay. No, you look fantastic. So, what’s your favorite charity and or organization you’d like to give your time and or money to? The Parkinson’s Association, actually, with Michael J. Fox. My dad had Parkinson’s. So I’m a big supporter of that for you. Thank you for doing that last question. A little bit tougher than the other ones. What is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 23:53
Hmm. I love because I’m a disco girl. And we’d have disco parties every year, seven days. Okay, very cool.
Unknown Speaker 24:00
I love the 70s bring on the big
Unknown Speaker 24:03
babies. I don’t know. Oh my gosh, where is my I don’t have it near me. I have a ticket for 1977 Sean’s cast at the Cobo arena when I find I’m gonna snap a picture and text it to you. Yeah. Do I need a pillowcase? It’s like an honest answer.
Unknown Speaker 24:20
Come on. Yeah. Yeah, totally. I love it. So how can we find you? Oh, good question you can find we can find my book on Amazon, which Cannonball fearlessly facing midlife and beyond. You can find me on all the socials fearlessly facing 50 there’s fearlessly facing dot 50 on Instagram. I’ve got a great following there. a Facebook group called Cannonball and also a Facebook page called fearlessly facing 50 and the best way that I love because I love to connect with people. Conversation connection. That’s what it’s all about community. Amy at fearlessly facing 50 comm 50 spelled out, shoot me an email I would love to connect. It’s my thing you know, I’m in a shoe box.
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Next to me type of girl not a small talk girl you know we just get into it. It’s it’s everybody’s got these cool stories to share. So and I’m always looking for guests on my podcast too. And I’ll be right back. I just got to be on mine. Oh, love it. Thank you so much for that I cannot wait. And so, the book folks, what I’m going to do is I’m going to get a couple books, one for myself and she’s going to sign for me. Then I’m going to have her sign one and then send it to my shop here. And then when we drop Amy’s up so we’re about 40 days out from editing through to dropping the episode but when it comes out, go to the Facebook page like I did before leave a comment within the posts that I set up for me in the first person that leaves a comment we’ll reach out to my producer Donnie will reach out and you will get the book mailed to you and it will be signed by Miss Amy Smith. So any last thing leave the time to shine today squad with one last Knowledge Nugget that you would like them to take with them take action on and internalize Get up Get dressed get to
Unknown Speaker 26:01
No matter what, hey, we’re in the middle of this pandemic. Sure. I mean, you know what, there’s days when you just want to pull the covers over your head and say, okay, just make it go away. You can’t do it. Get up, get dressed, get going.
Unknown Speaker 26:13
I love in squad you’ve just basically had your own private masterclass with Amy Smith. You know, she tells us that you know, 50 is just 50 each 50 is just the beginning. Okay, she was a former domestic engineer that really pivoted, leveled up her life so she can help other females in some males also level up their life as they start that pivot age around in their mid 40s into their 50s. So they can really level up their life and lay like to kind of call the second half. She tells you to drop perfection, drop the procrastination and just get your ass going, no matter how ugly it is, just push forward and it reminded us that it takes confidence to fail. So again, get out there and do it. If not now when that’s one of our creators credos along with Get up, get dressed
Unknown Speaker 27:00
Get going.
Unknown Speaker 27:02
Remind yourself that you are enough just as you are. And then biggest thing that I took away my takeaway is create in rebel in your damn highlight reel. Look at your highlights, look at your accomplishments. It doesn’t say stay there and say, watch it 50,000 times and then live in the past. She’s saying, use it as a motivator. Sometimes there’s other people, like a Navy SEAL buddy, David Goggins, say reach into their cookie jar. It’s the accomplishments that you’ve had before. That is going to help you level up in in ride that momentum. So Amy is so humble, yet healthy, wealthy, driven. She’s part of our squad now. Amy, thank you so so much for coming on. Time to shine today podcast. Awesome. I absolutely love that lesson. We’ll talk soon. All right, sounds good. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate, real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561
Unknown Speaker 28:00
To 497266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today comm slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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