104-Have Unshakeable Confidence – TTST Interview with Money Manifestation Coach Amanda Luketa

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Welcome to Episode 104! –  Today you will be treated to my interview with Amanda Luketa.  A grad student with a degree in engineering that stepped out of that profession and helps others level up their mindset towards money manifestation.  Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!

  Don’t put on a mask to please somebody else, be yourself

– Amanda Luketa

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Science is very prescribed and rigid.  Give yourself permission to think for yourself

2. A great coach has conviction for their clients success

3. Limited beliefs are you biggest blind spots regarding the manifestation of money

4. Live life according to your terms.  Be authentic 

5. Know that all the answers already within you

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click


Amanda’s Instagram (where she is most active)

Amanda’s Money Manifestation Facebook Page

Amanda’s Linked IN

Amanda’s Twitter

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript


Hey, this is Amanda with Keita with Amanda with Keita consulting. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.


Time to shine today podcast squad it is Scott Ferguson and welcome to Episode 104. And I have an awesome treat for you today with my good friend, Amanda Lupita. From Amanda Lu kita. consulting she’s going to talk about having unshakable confidence, knowing that the answers to everything you’re looking for already exist with you, within you. She is going to tell you to be authentic. And she’s going to tell you to live a life according to your terms. So without further ado, grab your notebook sit back, relax, because here comes my friend Amanda Lupita from Amanda lukey that consulting


Hey, time to shine today varsity squad, Scott Ferguson and we’re kind of like we’re by the timeless drops. We’ll probably be in kind of phase two of our maybe even three coming out of COVID-19. But we’re always talking about leveling up here at time to shine today and my next guest is the epitome of leveling up her life and also helping others leveling up. I bedded her out, I reached out to her to come on, she graciously accepted. Her name is a miss Amanda lukey tie and she’s a high achiever. went to grad school at CU Boulder mechanical engineer freelancer, tied all the things struggle to success. We’re gonna dig deep into that. That’s awesome. She’s a business coach, spiritual waking manifestation and mindset coach. Now she helps online entrepreneurs adopt in a month abundance mindset and Develop a line strategy to scale their biz while reprogramming their subconscious mind to attract the lifestyle and wealth they want. That’s some serious, serious credentials. And I cannot wait to dig in to a nice little conversation with my friend here. Amanda Lupita. So Amanda, without further ado, please come on and introduce yourself to the time to shine today. podcast, Bob. But first, what emoji Do you use the most?


What’s your favorite emoji? That’s a great question. I would say the one that I use the most. The white heart over heart.


Love it. Love it. Cool. Do we matter? What’s your favorite color?


My favorite color is white.


White. Why is that?


It goes with everything. I love. Right?


I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. So let’s get to the origins of you, young lady. You’re out there crushing it. Do what not? So let’s get to the origins of you. And then let’s bring you up to you know Amanda Nikita consulting. So let’s hear the story.


Yeah, so first of all, Thanks so much for having me on Scott. I really, really appreciate it. Yeah, so my background, you know, like you said, I spent eight years in engineering school and worked as a mechanical engineer. It was really that, you know, that pressure to achieve and do what I was supposed to do. And it really wasn’t anything that felt fulfilling. It’s like, okay, I can go through these motions, I can do this, I can get the degree, but I don’t feel good inside. Like, it’s not lighting me up. And so that kind of spurred me to this, this journey of entrepreneurship. You know, like, I’ve always loved to write and so that’s how I started freelancing with copywriting just really going to try something online and see what happens. Worst case scenario, I can always go back to being an engineer, which isn’t, isn’t horrible, right. Right. And through that journey, you know, I got really into self development started you know, I found Tony Robbins. He was like the first guy who I really fat over at Tony are coming on your You already agreed I got it signed by. But anyways, that’s exciting. Cool. Um, so yeah, I really like dove into that world. And I found that what was really the thing that was making or breaking my success was my mindset. It wasn’t the strategy. You know, you can have thousands of different strategies and people will get results. But they’ll only get results if they’re in the right frame of mind to do so. And it’s not the strategy that does it. It’s, it’s what’s in here. So that’s kind of what brought me to where I am today. And through the process of personal development, I found the law of attraction and started applying it into my own life consciously and really, just so powerful for me as a human being and so that’s, that’s why I teach money, manifestation, love. And so what was the Okay, so


I’m in the real estate business for 22 years and that’s what I’ve did. You know, as a real estate agent, and I deal with people in hopefully they’re not listening right now. But like my nightmare client are engineers because they read everything. So I am very, very, I’m pleasantly surprised. But I’m very curious to know that an engineer who critiques and breaks down everything got into mindset. How does that come? What was an aha moment? Because your guyses protocol, which thank God that is, like on point because things would fall apart and things bad things would happen. But what was the aha moment Amanda where you’re like, you know what, it’s like, I’m gonna cause money manifestation unless you do it differently, which we’ll get into that is kind of like you’re open to stuff to happen. You’re used to but open where the protocol of engineer is not. So can you take us through that a moment, please?


Yeah, so I mean, I will say that I’m selling a house right now. And I’m the person who doesn’t read the paperwork. So I mean, I just signed it so you want me to sign it, I’ll sign it. I may not be the typical engineer brain, okay? I think that the the moment that really shifted things for me out of that more like traditional science minded space into all things are possible was realizing that, you know, science is great and all but it is also very prescribed. It’s very rigid. It’s very, you know, is excellent, why kind of thing? Sure. And I feel best, I feel most empowered. I feel the most free when I give myself permission to think for myself and think expansively. So it was just kind of about breaking out of that confines of you have to do things a certain way. So do you I even wrote it down pressure to achieve is that from the rents the parents are? Okay. So really, you might have been wanting do I think Right now deep down, you always had it, but it just kind of was brought out of you not in a rebellious way, because you wouldn’t got a degree a graduate degree, you know, but it was always kind of sitting there maybe dormant a little bit maybe agree or no or is that what you’re thinking? Okay. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it’s, you know, there’s, I happen to be good at the science stuff and the creative stuff. And not, you know, I’m not trying to to brag like, I honestly don’t care. But I just know that that’s not a thing that usually overlaps. Right? And so it’s like, when you can do all these different things reasonably well. It’s like, if your parents want you to go in one direction, you kind of just follow that path. Right? All right. It’ll lead to success.


Absolutely. So what did your parents think about this break off into money manifestation and stuff like that? Or even other family members?


Oh, I don’t really talk to them about it. Okay, good. I mean, they just know that I have a business online.


Good. Good for you your business at risk. Good, it’s going, it’s paying some bills. We’re doing good. I love that. So what do you think makes a great coach in the money manifestation? arena, if you will?


Yeah, I think the number one thing is conviction about your clients success. So that’s, I mean, that’s really like takes the cake beyond everything, right? If you believe it for yourself, and if you know that you are the only creator of your reality, you need to project that onto your clients as well. And that will that will aid them in their own journey when they have somebody who’s really in the corner and they can feel that confidence like on every single call and every single interaction.


Sure. So what do you think then would be how do I ask this the when you’re bringing somebody in, this is going to become one of your clients, your consultant or coach saltiness, I like to say it. What do you think is their biggest blind spot into What’s your secret sauce to work around?


Yeah, that’s a really great question. So the biggest blind spot is for sure. limiting beliefs. That’s what you’re gonna say that, you know, goes even deeper than that. It’s like he there are surface limiting beliefs that come up, you know, things like it’s really hard to make money, money is the root of all evil, you know, whatever, right? But then there’s deeper ones. And these are your paradigms that come from childhood. Okay, maybe you grew up and there was a time when you were really poor or money was really tight and as a kid, you internalize that. And it goes deeper than just a belief. So often it’s not subconscious right? And it’s just exactly it’s on autopilot to not wealth, but not not destruction so much, but just a lack program that maybe you might not be good enough. No matter what happens. Yeah, absolutely. There’s a lot of like, self esteem and self worth tied into all of that as well. Sure. No Like your money is not separate from you as a being, you know, right, very interconnected. And as far as the secret sauce, I mean the thing about manifestation work is that there really is no secret it just is what it is. And so if you’re going to work with a coach, just pick one that resonates with you that’s that’s really as as simple as I’m not going to claim that I know something that other manifestation teachers don’t know. Like me work with me love though it’s it’s this iterative process of going through your limiting beliefs and really picking them apart. Sure. And reprogramming your subconscious with the beliefs that will serve you


then you believe that the subconscious can be reprogrammed. Absolutely. Okay. Absolutely. Okay. Gotcha. So as you moved into the because you are me, I have no idea what age you are never asked a woman that if you don’t mind telling me you can, but I’m 30 Okay, you look like you’re 22 So no offense, but it’s okay. And the people that are watching this will see what I’m talking about this beautiful lady. She looks like she’s 22 but she’s 30. So, like, What? Who is like literally when I was 27 is when I picked up the blouse hand of the book thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Okay, so what influencers have influenced you? And also maybe sit at your roundtable whether it’s a mental roundtable they’re dead and gone. You pick up I love reading dead people. That’s my jam. But who’s your influencers?


Yeah, so Napoleon Hill is one of them thinking Grow Rich is the first book that I was introduced to as well. You are me from years ago. Please


don’t don’t reveal your


I know. People know I’m 48 I’m coming up on 50 pretty quick. So, but it’s all good.


Okay, see a Napoleon Hill and then abraham hicks. So, Esther Hicks would be this physical person. Then neville goddard. He’s Yeah, so he’s like the big manifestation dude from like the 50s and 60s. I mean the stuff that he was talking about at that time was like crazy, right still kind of like nuts today he he talks a lot about Bible scripture and like relates that to manifestation it’s a little bit dense but it’s when you’re reading


it is like mind blowing.


Yeah, um,


the other one is Joseph Murphy. Okay, that’s for


you ever read Wallace wattles? The Science of Getting Rich. He’s the like it was written in 1898. You have to pick it up because everything that Napoleon Hill even Napoleon Hill even admits to everything that was in the science of getting rich was pulled forward. It’s fantastic. Give that one to read to. It’s good stuff. So okay, let’s see if I’m out Networking at an event, you know, press and flash, which in Florida here where we’re starting little events and stuff like that getting back out, still social distancing, but doing it. But if I’m at a business event and like, I’m talking to somebody, I’m a listener, you know, I’d like to connect people, that’s what we do your time to shine today.com where we don’t want anyone to feel like they have no one. You know, if I’m listening to somebody, what what might be key words or phrases that would think that that person would be a good contact connection referral client for Amanda Lupita?


Well, anybody who is interested in expanding their consciousness, so those two words I don’t know how common that would be in conversation. Anyone who talks about you know, spirituality, there’s a lot of overlap between, you know, people who are really into like numerology or astrology, things like that. Not always, but usually, you know, the personal development leash law of attraction, you know and then of course manifestation. Love it. So if you have a podcast now I just started a YouTube channel,


okay, you did a podcast girlfriend we’re gonna get you set up. So without a doubt I mean you you have the voice you have you have the knowledge, which is fantastic. Well we’ll get into that I want to I want to dig a little bit deeper into missile kita here so okay, if you you’re 30 right, you’ve accomplished a ton between 20 and 30 or 18 and 30. What if you could get into I don’t know if this analogy will resonate with you, but if you could meet with Marty McFly, you know who that is? Okay, you ever heard of Back to the Future? Yeah. Okay. Michael J. Fox played a guy named Marty McFly. That DeLorean went back in the future to the future right. I get the reference now. Okay. If you go back to the 18 year old Amanda Lupita. The knowledge nuggets if you’ve gained in 12 years, I can’t wait to see what the next 12 years brings you. If you could go back, what kind of Knowledge Nugget? Would you drop on the 18 year old Amanda? Be yourself? Love it. Okay.


Be yourself. Yeah. Don’t Don’t put on a mask to please somebody else. It’s a waste of time.


Gotcha. So Amanda, then what would people misunderstand about you the most?


Yeah, I’m not really sure. Huh? You’re doing stuff that not everybody is doing. Yeah. Yeah, that’s true. I mean, I think that there may be a point of confusion with like, my background as an engineer, and then what I’m doing now, like what I did. And I mean, like, what I’m doing now is, you know, people who are not in this sphere can see it as like woowoo. Right, right. You know, a bunch of like mumbo jumbo. So but I don’t I honestly don’t encounter any of that. Okay.


Gotcha. So, is that when you start meeting with people, then you have People come to you and you know how you get them in as clients and stuff in that first discovery conversation. Is there anything that you wish they would ask you, but never do?


Hmm. Yeah, that’s, that’s interesting, because those discovery conversations are very much me leading the conversation with questions. So there’s a very, like limited space for the other person to actually ask a bunch of questions. Right. Um, but yeah, I mean, I would say that the one thing that I wish people asked was about my conviction, like, what do I believe? Right? Like I said, in the beginning, it’s like as a coach, you need to have that unshakable confidence about your clients. So if I was somebody seeking out a manifestation, coach, that’s what I would want to know. Love. Nobody really asked that.


Yeah, that’s that I want to know about your fails. You know what I’m saying? If you were to if I was to come to you and be like, Where did you go? Where did you you know fall in your face you know that’s what I wish my coaching clients would you know wish that they would ask me I just tell them okay you want to hear about the bad stuff me and overcame it So tell me about one of those of yours then how you failed forward and push through one that sticks out is Michael our listeners love to hear the those stories.


Yeah, so the biggest one that sticks out for me was actually when I was enrolling my first round of clients and this wasn’t for manifestation this was for business coaching. That was kind of like the bridge that I used to just even like become a coach. I feel like most coaches are Yeah, so you know, business realm. But sales was a huge block for me. Like I was getting on these calls. I was like, I can’t close anyone. Yeah, you know, because coaching is also like high ticket it’s not just like buying a course no Sure. It’s it’s totally a different game. And yeah, I just I kept like hitting this wall and hitting this wall. Yeah. I ended up at the time investing my last 1500 dollars into another coach who was specifically like an expert in sales. Right? And I made my investment back more than double A week later


when I closed my first client, then that’s awesome. So you built so here that squad. She had a blind spot that she discovered she brought in to help to help her get over that hurdle. And now she she has she’s just spoke about unshakable confidence, like your confidence there was nil, and then all of a sudden you brought in the right person, and you became unshakable and you’re still building it up is everybody has their weak spots, but you’re still building up. Thank you for sharing that. That’s you did exactly what we talked about here at time to shine today. to level up you brought in the help you invested in yourself and you move forward. So thank you for sharing that Amanda.




we talked a lot about here at time to shine today. The dash Want to know how you want your dash remembered you know your life date death date that dash in the middle? You know God willing or whoever you believe is your Creator willing you have a lot a lot a lot of life to live. But how do you want that epitaph to read that dash to remember Amanda Lupita.


And this might be a little bit of a curveball for you, but it’s author.


Okay. Yeah, wouldn’t be an author that touched people. Mm hmm. Okay, beautiful. Well, you’re gonna write books, I got people that I can put you in touch with mine actually just got published and we’re getting ready to roll it out which everybody’s excited and I’m excited and something that you know, it took me 48 years to do so you’re doing it as a really exciting or even before that, I know you’re going to crush it. So what would be Amanda’s definition of a life well lived


thing, life according to your terms. So just being really really true to yourself true to your desires, true to your wants true to your needs, and your passions. Francis and going forth authentically.


Be authentic. Right. Folks? I don’t know about you, but I got notes. And if you’re watching I got notes up the Yang from from Amanda. So maybe we start to wind stuff down here. In we do a leveling up lightning round. Okay, so you and I could talk for 1520 minutes especially, we’re going to talk another time about a lot of different things. I’m thinking because I have people that I want to introduce you to, but we’re going to do like each one of these we could talk about a while but my producers on the other screen go on five seconds, five seconds, you’ve got to give me an answer with no explanation. And five so they’re easy and they can be answered that way. Okay. All right. Ready to rock? Yep, let’s do this. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Trust yourself, love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. Meditation, first thing in the morning, Love it. Love it, love it. So outside of the flavor of the week or what you’re reading right? This Second, you can even say enough about neville goddard. But what’s that book? That just is like if I was in doldrums, I need something to read your hand it to me and say, this will level you up.


It’s gonna just given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.


Beautiful, beautiful. So if you could be I know you’re only 30 but if you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be?


don’t care


where you’re at now. Love it. It’s great. So what is your favorite charity and organization you like to give your time and our money


to Best Friends Animal Society, your local animal humane.


Gotcha. I got my rescue pit sitting right at my feet easier through all my interviews. Awesome. So last question. What is the best decade of music 6070s 80s 90s our guests for you can throw in 2018 maybe we can hang out man big hair don’t care. Love that. So Amanda, how can we find you


You can find me on Instagram at Amanda Lupita. There’s a.in between my first and last name. Okay, um, that’s a place where I hang out the most. I also have my website Amanda Lupita, calm,


love it, love it and folks all that will be in the show notes. And so Amanda leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that you want our squad to internalize, walk away with execute and just rock and roll like right now. Know that all of the answers already exist within you. You have everything you need, and you need to unfold it. That’s I love that. That’s gonna be your quote on the website. So no, all of the answers already exist. Within you folks squad. I have sat down with a 30 year old rock star super authentic lives life according to her terms. She has unshakable confidence and if she doesn’t, in that half of it in the certain area she finds out to do it. So that’s what you’re here listening to time to shine today squad so like if you’re needing help and leveling up mindset manifestation Amanda’s your girl I’m telling you right now is fantastic. She helped you get rid of, you know, limiting beliefs, you know, she’ll put you in touch with the resources that you need to be using. And in talking to a girl that was had a pressure to achieve but did her own thing anyways. You know, like her mom and dad loving as they are they want to see and be safe and they want to be safe and engineering. You can’t be much safer. But she’s doing her passion anyways. That’s truly leveling up. And Amanda, you are, you know, you’re so humble. You’re You’re still hungry. You’re leveling up your health. You’re leveling up your wealth. You’re part of our squad down, you can’t go anywhere. So thank you so so much for coming on.


Thank you so much, Scott.


Okay, have a great day, Amanda. Thank you. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this up. have time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jim real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today comm slash guests. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes for our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.

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