Welcome to Episode 81! I have been waiting for this interview with my friend Alex Sanfilippo! Alex is all about creating value for EVERYONE he meets. He is a breath of fresh air in a very competitive niche. He shares his journey from starting young as a real estate investor, to having setbacks and knowing that he must create value to really have a meaning in life and prosper. Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!
Be a person of value, not a person of profit. – Alex Sanfilippo
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. When you add value to people’s lives the income and profit will follow
2. A person who is doing ‘everything’ is actually doing nothing. Level UP your focus on what you are good at and sub out the rest
3. Life is more than about you. Pick yourself up and do a selfless act.
4. Inheritance gained in haste won’t be blessed in the end. Make an impact!
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is Alex sanfilippo, host of the top 20 entrepreneurship podcast called creating a brand. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, listen to time to shine today with my friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today podcast squad into Scott Ferguson. And this interview has been a long time coming is a millennial friend of mine good friend of mine, Alex sanfilippo. And I am just stoked to preview this episode. Alex for being is a young man well, young man, to me at least, he has done so much for so many people. I’m going to just kind of spoil it with his quote of be a person of value and not a person of profit. And the things will end up coming to you. When you add value. Whether it’s monetary or emotional, good things will come to you when you keep adding value, not only to yourself in your health, but also to other people. So Want you to kind of sit back, relax, take some great notes because without further ado, here is my good friend, Alex sanfilippo from creating a brand.
Unknown Speaker 1:18
Hey, time to shine varsity squad Scott Ferguson with time to shine today. And I’ve been waiting on this interview for quite a while. It is a good friend of mine who I’ve never connected with live but he’s always adding value to my podcasts and stuff that I picked up from him virtually, or content that he’s put out. His name’s Alex sanfilippo. And hopefully I didn’t butcher that too bad but we’ll get that in a little later. But he actually spoke at pod fest. The man helps people create brands, and his brand himself is phenomenal. He’s had top notch interviews with people across all broad platforms and I’m just stoked and blessed to have Alex on the time to shine today podcast and Alex is the host of top 20 entrepreneurship podcast creating a brand. The name of the podcast is creating a brand and the CEO of creating a brand. A brand calm Alex helps promote. I’m sorry Alex helps people go further in life and business while saving them time and money in the process out his primary way of helping others succeed is through an online community called the creating a brand community. Ultimately, Alex says my purpose is to help others succeed and live a fulfilled life and Alex is 100% go giver he gives content basically for free. He does have a fantastic company that will help you people level up even more, which we’ll talk about in a little bit. But Alex, thank you so so much for coming on. And if you could introduce yourself and first, tell us what is your favorite color and why? My favorite color and why So I knew that you’re gonna ask this question. So I can’t say I didn’t prepare for it. Here’s the deal. I couldn’t cope with one color. I really like the ocean. So you know, blue might be a color, but I really like anything that’s associated with it. So like the light greens, the light blue, even the light yellows, anything makes me feel like I’m near the beach. That’s the wind. So I kind of give you three colors there. But that really nice color palette. That’s kind of more what I’m into. You know, I’ll share with you why I asked that not gone because I want to be like jld and have somebody like, you know, ask a question start. But if you look at any of my auto audiogram snippets, the line in the audio gram is the person’s favorite color that was put out so it’s a little bit different to the palm trees. Palm trees. There you go. Hey, out give us some background on you, man a little bit origin from Yeah, for sure what you’re getting? Yeah. First off, you said my last name right Alex sanfilippo. And that is rare. So good job to you. Hats off. You truly are a friend. So thank you. I told you offline. It’s someone I’ve even heard of like Alabama, Mississippi, like now. Not quite, but okay. Anyway, a little bit background from about me, I’m born and raised Florida. I love it here. I love the sun, I love being outdoors. And as soon as I could I got into real estate because I enjoyed just driving around looking at real estate. And I was like, You know what, I’m gonna do something with this. And that’s kind of where I got my start. I started with a tech startup where we’re doing virtual tours of home. So it’s like a 365 degrees spinning image that you can kind of see they’re kind of all over the place now. But we helped invent that technology. Later on, got into an actual investing. Economy got real bad in 2006 2007, you may remember and that’s kind of when I had to pivot. So that’s when I got out of the out of real estate for a while, but I’ve always had a fascination with business and went into aerospace next, and now and help people develop and create brands for themselves. And these are just things that I’m passionate about that I absolutely love. And you know, I look back Scott, I look at my life. wasn’t great at school. I wasn’t great at video games. I wasn’t great at sports, and I wasn’t great at music. So I was a really weird kid, for lack of a better term but what I was really good at it discovered was was business it Always just made sense to me all through school. Even after school when I got into jobs, I got promoted quickly I don’t say that out of a place of trying to sound overly cocky about myself or my own abilities I’ve always devoted myself to education but for some reason some of these things just came natural to me I realized that’s just my gift that I have. So creating a brand the whole idea of it came out of a place of how can I help people from from making some of the mistakes I see people make I hate talking to somebody like me if I would have started this three years ago or would have made a better decision three years ago, I could have been somewhere different. It’s gone I know that you probably have stories like that just like I do. What I want to do is just help people get further faster you know, as I say, in my bio even but that’s a little bit about me, man, and I just have devoted my life to that. So you started with the real estate which you know, people that are my squad out there knows I’ve been a real estate agent for 22 years. So I saw that little drop off in six, seven and eight. That was that was brutal. So
Unknown Speaker 5:53
what real estate aerospace creative brands, what was the aha moment that was like, Okay, I want to be started to be like a complete go giver, in start the creating brands creating a brand like what? What is the aha moment that started that? Yeah, you know, I don’t know that there was actually one it was kind of accumulation of me just doing some business coaching along the side of aerospace. So when I got into aerospace, it was a startup, it was a company that was it was fairly small, wasn’t huge, and years later end up getting sold to a billion dollar publicly traded aerospace company, became a giant organization. And at that point, I kind of, you know, was no longer an owner, if you will, you know, like that, that you have to change that mindset. I realized I wanted to do some coaching, helping other people build businesses that way. And then I think somewhere along the way, I just realized that I was helping businesses that could afford what would I would have to charge for an hourly rate and those weren’t the people that I really cared about. I didn’t care about them. That sounds terrible, but more so I cared about the people that were individual thing. You know what I’ve always wanted to start a start a podcast, or start a blog, or I’ve got this idea for this product or service. I’ve always want To do but I just don’t know where to begin. Those are the people I wanted to help and that’s what the idea of creating a brand came from. And I know for me, just put myself back in those shoes like when I’m starting in aerospace or even starting in real estate, I needed somebody to be willing to give me something. So I at least had an idea of where to go because you’re spending money mindlessly if you don’t even know where to begin. So that’s kind of what I’ve made this as a platform for people to begin it’s just a place for people to start I’m not the ultimate like guru for everything right but I believe I know people that are good at other things and I’m gonna go to those people actually connector is where I describe myself and what I’m doing absolutely. You are 100 hundred percent. So what would be your law if you just say, cuz you’re a V boy like a value guy, man. Okay, that’s, that’s UT boy, I like that. Yeah. What would be your law of value?
Unknown Speaker 7:47
My law of value
Unknown Speaker 7:49
would basically like what describe that question a bit more. I want to make sure I understand that like my law of value, is kind of I want to give more Worse than I read than I receive. Yeah. For me, it’s, it’s, it’s like a heart thing, man in the day I’ve devoted my life to service. Me, you know, this isn’t like a faith based podcast like that. But I’m a Christian, I believe that part to my brother living a life of a life of service. Sure. And I’ve just devoted my life to doing that. And I firmly believe that when you add value to people’s lives, that the profit income will follow. And you have to be smart about that. You can’t just say, Alright, I’m giving everything I can something’s got to come back at somebody, you have to be smart about it know where that line is that for me, it’s been constantly pushing that line as far as I can, saying, How can be a person of value and still make ends meet? How can I do more of that and still make ends meet? That line is something that’s just always stretching for me at the end of the day, I just, I really just want to add value to people’s lives. And again, the best place I find to do that is just in business. And before getting started, no matter really what it is, I can usually at least point people in the right direction. So I’ve just decided, you know what, I’m gonna do this as much as I can. If somebody wants more, we can talk but for now, I’m just going to help people as much as I possibly can. So I mean, my line is always Moving of like, what value means to me, but it ultimately is a life of service. And that’s what I’ve devoted myself to. You’re leveling up that love that’s Christian value. It’s what I was raised with as well. And I think a lot of what your value base comes from maybe your upbringing with your parents and family and whatnot. Am I correct in saying that? Yeah. Oh, for sure. Yeah, it was, it was the way I was raised. And you hit your when I first got into real estate man, like, I thought I was, I thought it was so sweet. You know, like, I had that startup company. I had some rental properties. I’m like, dude, I’m so cool. And I lost that. I really lost that for a while there. I turned more into a person of profit, as I would call myself. I desired to be on like, I don’t know what the list was called. If it was Forbes or something like that. But most successful in their 30s somebody had a lyric I was like, I’m gonna be on that list. Yeah. When economy wrecks and you own properties at that point, you’re just a young kid, you’re in trouble. So right. Oh, yeah. It humbled me and it really did. And I needed that I needed that kick in the butt to say no, you know what, like, you are still just a person that should be adding value instead of making yourself out to be something that you’re not and I think that’s the day that pride somewhat I mean, we all still have a little bit of it, but he died at some point there that day I remember being like, okay, the economy’s done. So am I, right? They like you. I’m doing the math here. And I’m thinking in 2006 How old are you? 18 and 19. Wow. And you’re buying property? Yeah. I mean, I just started really young. Like I said, like, business just made sense to me. And like, here’s the deal. I really was talking about this earlier. Like, I have five guitars in the wall in this in this room. I never got very good. I never had like that musical ability. I gave it 110%. And, you know, it was funny, like, people always like, Man, I wish I had your business sense. I’m like, I wish I could pick up a guitar like you could, you know, like, I know. We all want what we can’t have again, but I was like, why didn’t you ever go further with this? You’re pretty good. And like, I have no sense of rhythm. I’m like, I took it as far as I could. Without knowing when a beat is, you know, it’s like athletes and actors, right? Everybody wants to be the other. Exactly. So someone comes to you what, what do you what? share some of your secret sauce. What do you do to identify their blind spot? Yeah, I’m a lover. Yeah. The first thing I’m gonna do is get people to talk because a lot of people, they just need to talk it through, we get so caught up in the weeds of everything that we have to do. I mean, Scott, you know, this, this is the this is the noisy world, but this is the noise of world has ever been like it is so loud right now. And so for me, like when I was gonna start my first podcast years ago, I thought I needed a blog, on Instagram and Facebook, I needed a Twitter, I needed to push it to YouTube and the automation was various I’m like, I’m gonna manually do this. And then I also have to, like, blast it out here and do an email. And a lot of people get caught up, maybe not like that. Exactly. They think I’m launching a product. Okay, gotta have social media too. I probably need to do a podcast with it. No, I need to make sure I get like a patent on this. And, and, you know, there’s so many things, do I help people sit down and really process the whole thing and then sit back and think about what actually matters? Like what is the next critical action that needs to be taken? And that’s really where I focus. And then also I talk to people about like, hey, what can you sell out? Because here’s the deal. The person that does everything is doing nothing, right? Absolutely. You’ve got to say, Okay, these are the things I’m good. I’m gonna focus on them. And I’m going to say about that. The rest of this I help people identify what they’re actually good at and where their passion areas and help them to get focused in that lane. But the biggest problem I see right now is people just not being able to focus on the one thing that really is gonna drive the result. People like lose control, they go all over the place. That’s the biggest thing I noticed. Yeah, they’re definitely they got the puppy brain or the duck on a pond where they look calm on top and underneath are going crazy, right, you know, to keep them afloat. So out of those people, what is the one question that you wish they would ask you
Unknown Speaker 12:30
when they get started? And that is a has a great question. I love that. I wish they would ask me what it looks like from an outsider’s perspective. Because I don’t want to offend anybody. So I usually just jump right in. If I see a real red flag, I’ll say something. But I would really like people be like, Hey, what do you really think of this? Like, do I really have something here? I think that’s a really good question. Because sometimes we get these ideas in our head. And ideas aren’t what actually make money or make a company. It’s a solution to somebody’s problem. And your idea, although it might feel like that’s what it is. It’s Not always right? Sometimes you have to tweak it a little bit, say, okay, the idea you have isn’t really a problem that you’re identifying to solve for somebody. But if you just tweak it just a little bit, it becomes a real solution to this problem that people want. You know, I would love for people to ask me, Hey, what do you really think? Like, can we sit back and talk about is this really the right idea to go for? Because often, this is my case, what I found in my case, like the the idea we have isn’t the best company that you want to start. It’s really again, it’s the problem that people need solved around you and that man, because I have people that come to me that I coach, excuse me, and they will, they’ll never like I want to tell them about what my view my 30,000 foot view is on it, but I’m because of my experience, but I’m like, I don’t want to sound like I’m up about myself. You know, I’m saying so I wish they would ask me what you thought, you know, people will come to you with what they have, you know, this and this, but they’ll never see Well, what would you do? I never really get that that much. They’ll be like, right? I do. You know so well. You have like the This huge background with the real estate, aerospace, aerospace and creating brands, and stuff like that. And, you know, folks out there that are listening. I mean, Alex is one of the future speakers at pod Fest, which is amazing. They even have that recognition, but like, what is the big thing that you want to accomplish in life? You know, I just had this question asked, and I think that sometimes I don’t look far enough in the future. I think a lot of us don’t. So I actually really liked that question because it helps me stretch myself, but also, I believe it challenges other people, listeners today, time to shine today, think about tomorrow as well. You know, think about what you want to do in the future is really important. For me, ultimately, I’m finding more and more this isn’t the only case I’m really good at helping people in a digital space. And thankfully, the world’s growing more digitally, we are very good. Thank you. I’d love to like my dream. Like what I’d love to be doing on a daily basis is spending my time helping people but also not be confined to to an office necessarily because I love to get out and travel. I’d love to get out and meet people. I want to actually do something face to face with people, I’d love to go celebrate people that I’ve been able to help along the way. Or they’ve been able to help me just to get out there and I want my life to be again one of service at one run, actually in people’s life, connecting with them, one on one and group things over it means but that’s, that’s what means that’s what my future I believe looks like.
Unknown Speaker 15:18
Sounds like a mortal, like, I put
Unknown Speaker 15:22
you know, I mean, you do stuff for people, for lack of better term for free, you know, you help people out and that puts you, you know, as a mentorship I was always told when I was younger that the more people you mentor, the more immortal you’ll be, you know, and that’s because you’re passing it down, pass it down. And that’s what I try to do. You know, you’re a young man in you’re already doing it. So that that that is amazing. So you know, this questions coming. All right, because you’ve listened to a couple of my podcasts. I have. I’ve already podcast is fantastic. By the way. I’m, I’m on a lot of podcasts. This is a side note. You can cut this out later if you want but like I’m on a lot of podcasts, I listened to a lot of them. You’re one of the better ones. Post and also you just have a good flow in your podcast. So kudos to you, man. I’m doing a great job. I’m definitely leaving to them. We’re getting it we’re getting in a DeLorean with Marty McFly. All right, we’re back in oh six. All right, what’s the Alex sanfilippo of today telling that Alex in 2006? Yeah, I’m gonna say my favorite quote here to seek the person of value not a person of profit. Back then I was so caught up in the moment, I just thought that I wanted to be so profitable in my life, to achieve for, like relatively meaningless reasons. Like I didn’t have a reason that I wanted money, which was a terrible place to be. I mean, if you just want money, it’s a really bad place to be. But if I were to focus on actually being a person of value around me, I probably would have never gotten into the line of work that got into and I’m thankful for every season of life. But if I could go back and talk myself and be like, Alex, slow down, be a person of value being people’s lives. And I think I’d be a little bit further along in the relationship side today and I’m blessed. have great relationships, but I just think that life would look a little different. So that’s how to answer that question. I love it.
Unknown Speaker 17:05
I love it. He would listen, we’ll probably not but probably
Unknown Speaker 17:09
upon all right,
Unknown Speaker 17:11
Brother, you could never tell me anything, you know, but like so you You’re so structured Christian, that you are have that go giver like attitude and mentality. Where does that sense of right from wrong come I know he said like your upbringing. But let’s dig a little bit deeper where that that sense of right from wrong came from Alex. Yeah, you know what it was actually just people modeling it in my life. I hit a point after like the real estate market crashed. Man, it was like, it was a rough time. Like when that happened. I’m sure it was young. But like, I just really the people I was hanging out with they were similar to me. And they were in different industries. And they didn’t care that mine was being hurt. They for some reason, just hit industries that were just right. So they’re like making money and stuff like that, like Dang, and I’m like kind of left in the dust and like what sucks to be you. And that was basically the response. I’m getting more More or less, or they weren’t that rude or anything, but I just realized my life like, I hadn’t surround myself with the right type of people at that moment I decided, you know what I’m gonna look for right people if that’s even a thing, and I started surrounding myself with people that are more like I am today, back then that that really cared. And they wanted to see me succeed. And some of them were willing to like to help me to take me under their wing. And in such a way that I feel like I’m like a Shut up, hang them, you know, like being a person of profit back then, like, I should probably paying them for this. And they’re just like, no, let’s just, let’s just go along, like everyone goes through rough times. I think just watching people model that type of life made me want to change. Sure. And I just saw the impact that had on me, it changed me as a man. And I think seeing that and living that is what really made me who I am today and have a lot of people that think that I can’t even just name off one or two, there was a handful of people that were just like, godsend to my life that they were able to model this life of servanthood to me, and I just went after it and you attracted that because you were feeling that pivot. Like you said, that shift that you knew the to do that you’re going to have to surround yourself with people that are vital. If that at that kind of frequency, if you will, I know it’s a use term a lot but still you want to attract those people because when I was younger and I was printing money, I couldn’t be pulled anything and I thought I was the one everybody needed to gravitate to like I was the center but when I lost everything I was in my listeners started sleeping on my you know, cousin’s couch in also in a short sale home that I had listed in sleeping there and squatting that I really you know, luckily I was handed the book the travelers gift by Andy Andrews and it was like the life of service really began for me at a lot later age than for you so I’m not going to say Consider yourself lucky. not lucky you’re a go giver and a go getter so it’s that’s phenomenal. Let’s remove three let’s remove your cell phone what’s the three things that Alex cannot live without? Alright, this exclude people as well are like what where are we going with this? actual you know, people place their things, any down what noun can three nouns that my wife, okay, what answer got ever around? Yeah. In the room you know, we’re all working remote right now. No, I’m getting that that would be a serious one for me. Absolutely. Listen man like I spent a lot of time building a beautiful ar 15 I don’t know if you got some guns on here but it’s eautiful and I would hate to ever see that go away. It’s it’s just there. It’s so pretty beautiful. And then and then my my tailor big baby guitar, as I mentioned, not the best, but I still love this strumming guitar. And those are my three things that I’d walk out the door with. I had to drop the best of it. That’s fantastic. Honestly, I let my phone burn on purpose. I’d actually be like, oh no.
Unknown Speaker 20:43
So what’s the one thing Alex knows for sure.
Unknown Speaker 20:47
Man, the one thing that I know for sure is that life is about more than Alex and for each of us to be put our name in there. We have to know that life is about more than us. And you know we can hit points in our lives where we feel like what was missing? And I can’t believe how bad this is. And, you know, it was that moment in real estate and like, oh, Alex, you, you should feel so bad for yourself and you know, people putting that on you. It’s about more than you and always has to be, we all hit bad moments, we all hit bad times in the day, if you can pick yourself up and do something for somebody else that can’t return the favor for you, you’re gonna feel better than anything you do for yourself. Anyway, nobody’s answered that question that quickly. That’s amazing. So what’s your definition of a life well lived? Man, I’m going to sound like really repetitive here. But like that, quote, I went back to earlier, seek be a person of value, not a person, a prophet of it. I live by that man and Albert Einstein was one who said a variation that I can’t remember exactly how he said it. But that’s the same way he lived his life. He wanted to be a person of non personal profit. I think at the end of the day, if people that attend your funeral can say, you know what, like Alex gave it all like he gave everything and he was a person that you know, people would say nothing but great things about that’s a that’s a good thing. Right? Right. That’s amazing. I’m putting that on my sheet in front of my my playhead man, I love it. I love it. Let’s move into our level of lightning round you and I 1520 minutes and each one of these but we’re gonna do five second answers. Okay. Oh, elaboration, just just fire answers. First thing off the top of your head. You’re at a brother. Mm hmm. All right, what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is today. Love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. self discipline. Love it. Yeah, you were definitely just one other than your own website. And of course time to shine today. Calm under shine today. calm. That’s my jam. Come on. What other website Do you look to level up? I actually use a service called feedly.com. It’s completely free. But I log all the websites that I basically go to and it turns them into a feed kinda like a social media feed. You can scroll through all the newest articles from there. So about 40 websites I really love. I scroll through Feedly every single day. If I had to pick one, it’d be read it for me, which is a book reading summary service. Got it? Okay. Alright, I’m going to put the Feedly in the show notes people, so just be free and sweet man. I love that. Okay. Not the flavor of the week, not the flavor of the month, not what’s hot out in the New York Times bestseller. What’s your book? Your book, the one that you’re like here, like mine’s a traveler’s gift, I give it to anybody that’s in the doldrums. I hand it right to them. Yeah, of course, like thinking grow rich. I mean, one of my favorites. You know, I’m dating myself a little bit, but it’s the truth. Like, what’s your book? My book? Now? I always have like a flavor of the week. All right. And I know that this is a tough one to answer but I have to kind of just give one thing I say I constantly go back to Proverbs, which is actually a book in the Bible but 31 chapters I’ll tell you what, it’s like the Book of Wisdom and like almost everything I read in any book is in there in some way shape or form. So I just read and repeat what our day the month is. I read that dude today is you and i i swear that’s exactly what I do. Come I read this man book a day of Proverbs and like February kind of throws you off because you got to read Does man you meet I’ll tell you what, love it are your favorite charity organization you’d like to give money to or support? right now because I’m I think a lot of people probably answers the same way. But people I hate to see kids going hungry. I remember myself at 14 years old, if I didn’t have 10 meals a day, like I was hurting, you know, like most most boys that age, but we live in a world unfortunately, where a lot of kids they don’t eat, they get what they’re given at school. And if they’re not at school, they don’t eat some days and that’s so sad. I mean, there’s something called feeding Northeast Florida that really enjoyed to give to you right now. Because I know that’s putting meals in front of kids who really need it. That’s that’s super important to me. I love that. And I’m adding this question and because of where they Hey listeners, we’re in day like 595 of our lockdown quarantine so go anywhere right now. Where would you go, man, I would go back to the beach. They shut it down all across Florida. I just want to go sit by the beach. I mean, I want like a cold drink. into put my feet in the water man. I’m literally looking at the ocean right now I like I have like my life. I’ve been blessed and I live on the Atlantic here in Juneau, and I look at it and go, I can’t even go out there please. Nazis out there. Right? Exactly. Oh, I would do the same thing. I’d want to walk out my back door and walk right. Give me a call when this whole thing’s over. I will go for a walk and we’ll go that’s question What is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s I love music. Okay, but the ones that the options you gave I have to say that think 80s was really foundational. So like for me, I’m gonna stick with the 80s Love it. Love it. Okay. All right. So where can we find you Alex?
Unknown Speaker 25:45
Creating a brand calm, I’ve got a few pages there. It’s got everything on it. Another easy thing to do is just to shoot me a text. I know it sounds weird, but it’s an easy way for me to get in contact with you. I can send you a free your audience a free link to my community if they’re interested or at least to check out or whatever. free courses that I have my number is just 1904299899 and just text the word shine. So I know that Scott sent you over and I want to make sure that you know I’m respecting his audience and hooking you guys up because I believe what Scott’s doing and time to shine today is is one of my favorites. I’ll hook you guys up. Thanks Alex leave us with one Knowledge Nugget that you want the time to shine, squad to internalize take with them and live by. Yeah, and inheritance gained in haste won’t be blessed in the end. Right inheritance gained in haste won’t be blessed in the end and simply what that means is whatever vision you have for your life or giant picture you have next 1020 years. Tony, Tony back a little bit. Think about what you can actually do today to impact somebody you don’t want to get there so fast that you give up your opportunity today to make a difference to make an impact today, and I think that’s the one thing that really want to leave everybody with. That’s fantastic and in squad, you’ve just been Your head your mind blown with a knowledge I guess. My my good friend Alex has left with you that he kind of brought out as humility where he says life is more than Alex. Remember it’s about serving people Alex to the me of a go giver. He believes kind of in what we call here at time to shine are inch by inch. It’s a cinch mentality by the yard. It’s hard. So he takes this time you methodically plans and he moves forward. He’s always helping people who’s always given. He wants to be a person of value and not a prophet. He’s a family man because he did put his wife first in her little take there in Alex. You know, we talked about leveling up our health leveling up our wealth. We talked about staying humble, staying hungry, and you’re the epitome of that. And we’re blessed to have you on the time shine today podcast, brother.
Unknown Speaker 27:47
Thank you so much. This was seriously an honor had a blast.
Unknown Speaker 27:49
Thanks, Alex. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate. Real Estate excellence who can be reached Get 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nuget.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes for our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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