Welcome to Episode 162 – Super proud and stoked to bring you my interview with Abhilekh Verma. My colleague from India! Abhilekh has mentored and coached people across 28 countries in the past decade on Business, Psychology, Mindset and Copywriting. Abhilekh loves writing and reading books that will help Level you UP! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
One thing I know for sure is that if you focus and are patient the right opportunities will present itself to you
– Abhilekh Verma
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Always invest in yourself
2. Be focused, stay away from distractions and journal daily
3. A great coach will work to understand what their client wants they can invest in them the correct process to help them Level UP
4. Never give up on your dreams. Keep progressing, be patient!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Pick up Abhilekh’s Book: Introverts Hidden Meaning
Abhilekh’s Linked IN Page
Abhilekh’s YouTube Channel
Abhilekh’s Twitter
Abhilekh’s Facebook
Abhilekh’s Instagram
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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Hey this is a bielek Varma of sales coach copywriter and author and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my amazing friends Scott Ferguson turn to
shine today podcasts Farsi squatted a Scott Ferguson and I am super stoked to bring you my good friend, I believe Burma from India. He is a rock star coach, author, wise beyond his years I’ll tell you right now is 29 years old, but he would never never ever know that when you’re speaking to him. He is just the most amazing individual. I learned so much so many knowledge nuggets that I picked up about being focused and staying away from distractions and most of all journaling, make sure you’re journaling. So without further ado, here’s my really really good friend Abilene, Vermont, author, coach, and just a rock star. Let’s level up.
Time to shine today varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson and I got me my friend Abilene, Burma from over in India, the southern part of India. We built up connection and a friendship through LinkedIn and he’s got thousands of connections on LinkedIn. He’s so approachable, so personable you know he’s mentored people across 28 different countries in the past 10 years on psychology business mindset and copywriting he loves he’s an author he loves reading he loves sharing he loves has little freebie for you here at the end So Emily Come on say hello to the time to shine today squad but first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Thank you Scott. First you know to invite me here it’s It’s such an honor to come here. My favorite color as you see is yellow
yellow. Hmm, why? Why? Yeah.
I mean, I find yellow and orange. Very useful when it comes to marketing campaigns. It just clicks and it makes your day so smiley
Smiley’s it’s calm yet just refreshing. Right. The yellow and the orange is fun. I kind of correlate orange to fun. Which is exactly which is great. So let’s Can I first of all, can I ask your age if you don’t mind me asking?
how old I am? 28 and 29 at this month? Yeah,
excellent man. So you’re young man. You’re out there you’re taking care of people you’re helping them level up and stuff. So let’s get to the origins there. Abilene if you don’t mind, kind of share your story from you know how you’re a little bit younger, and then kind of leveling up to where you are now helping people take their lives to the next level.
Yes. So I was actually in the 11th grade when I decided to take up, you know, accounting instead of something called a science, because people like to get into science. But I thought, let me take on another part. So I had an interest in accounting. Then I started writing blogging, I learned about search engine optimization, search engine marketing very early in my career. And then things started moving faster because I started developing websites. I started you know, having my own website very early in my career. And then I did ghostwriting. I got opportunities to write articles, not just for people in in different world, but I also got a portion of it, where I was actually writing thesis papers for MBA and PhD candidates. So at an early age, I got this opportunity. And then I started Oh, let me not just stop in the academic section. Let me move into different industries. So I started getting into fashion industry, real estate logistics, it. So all the industrial, I started reaching out to a lot of PR agencies, a lot of venture capitalists, angel investors, they used to hire me to, you know, do a lot of post writing for them. That’s when I built an interest over copywriting. And then things started moving little faster for me, I got into mentorship, I actually was lucky to be part of, you know, unleash your power within some some of the members in Texas resources. Tony Yeah, so then my career really changed. And then when I took up graduation in marketing, and then I completed my post graduation marketing along with that. So then I realized, let me also, you know, take this very seriously, because if you see right now people, they have too much information, but they don’t know how to go about it, you know, step by step. So that’s where I entered into mentoring and coaching and that’s that’s the, that’s the lucky part. And I believe in investments. So that’s, that’s the whole part. I believe in, you know, sharing things and and giving away for free. So 99% of the stuff which I do is for free only to 1% of the people I sell or to the corporates, but I believe in giving more. That’s the whole story of mine.
Wow. That’s That’s fantastic. You’re such a you’re Young man, but you’re such a go giver and you know that you’re probably you’re giving away for free, but you’re still open to receptivity, right of the good things coming back to you, right? It might not be exam of money, but it might be a phone call that you’ve been waiting to hear from a family member or something, you know, just crazy. So I love that I love that about you. So then Emily, what do you think makes a great coach or me,
a great coach or any motivational mentor would combine of one or two things. First, and the most important thing is understanding what the other person wants, talking more about what they want. Because we are mammals, the problem with us is we just keep selling stuff and your courses and all the moment we understand what the other person wants, based upon that, we could actually make a step by step process for them. And most important thing is how to get many things so easily. So you know, so that they don’t have a lot of time to go through stuff like that, because I faced this challenge, like, you know, when I was in college, there’s a lot of information by given by the professors. And you don’t know how to start a business, for example, right. So if somebody go put it in a documented format, it could save a lot of years of time and efforts. So I believe, the more a coach can document, things make the course so effectively easy for the person to understand and customize things, I believe it makes a person a very nice coach or a mentor. Right? So
there’s the there’s a process, what you’re talking about, of what the coach is going to take their student or their client through, correct. So they’re not worried so much about the outcome, is they are more about the process and sticking with the process to get to that outcome. Correct.
Exactly. perfectly. Right, exactly. Gotcha. We
see here in American football, you know, as a very famous coach that said, you know, the score will take care of itself, the process is what, you know, we’ve got to work through and if we do, the process to score will win. So I love that you said that it’s a lot about the process. That’s fantastic. So if I’m networking, I believe in you know, I’m talking to you there virtually or in person with somebody, how like, know, what were what would they be saying to me, they would make them a good contact connection or referral for your coaching business.
So the most important thing is understanding their why. That’s what I have been doing. The moment I understand somebody is why I can develop processes, I can develop the system accordingly. Okay, because you see, everyday we have a lot of pain he does. And there is a latent pain data, which we all go through. Okay, so it’s also has to relate with mind, because I did a lot of mind blocking courses, I realized, we have same 24 hours, why don’t we have four hours to sit with our own self? Why don’t you have a time blocking for our own self, right? So that way, if you can understand people, how people work, the art of neuro marketing, so that way, I think things work pretty fine. For me, even psychology part is something I believe that’s always worked at it. So somebody who wants to get introduced to me, I just do a lot of research on them, and make sure I make them comfortable. That’s the important part. And instead of me talking about you and recommend me to the other person they themselves recommend, that’s the whole part.
So is there a process process that you start when you bring a client in? Do they fill out a questionnaire? Or what executive process do you have?
So I use Survey Monkey, that’s the website I use to ensure that I hit their pain area. I know in the first part, like since I was an introvert, you know, so I know that challenges what introverts go through, if somebody is an engineering student, let’s say for example, somebody just passed out, you know, from their college, they have a lot of challenges when it comes to placement when it comes to selecting the best job. They’re clueless, whether they have to business and stuff like that. So these are some common challenges we have. So the more I know about them, it’s very easy to converse it on that level. Because the more research I do on somebody, I think, I believe it’s a win win situation for both of them.
Gotcha. I love that. And so how are you doing a lot of the research on people, you’re giving them the questions and whatnot. But do you do social media checks? Or like, how do you do your research?
I use something called as crystal nose. So before meeting anyone on LinkedIn, they just browse and tell me what are the SWOT analysis? I know exactly what they are good at what they want to improve at. So that’s an artificial intelligence tool. I
have the name of it. Crystal knows crystal so that again, your y FST L. Okay, yo,
in crystal.
God knows. K and o Ws. Exactly.
Okay. All right. We have to look into that myself. Very cool. Very cool. So is when you start taking on a new client? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Yeah, the number one challenge which people don’t open up is what I recommend, like, you know if I could get that in the first meeting, because in the first meeting, what I find people asking is, what are your charges, so we are not selling. That’s it, that’s the only thing I wish they never say to me, you know, so I just recommend just just be normal. It’s not a sales call, it’s nothing like that. So even if I if I talk to a software company, or even if I buy a lot of software’s, so I also make them bit comfortable. And I don’t just push to ask about price, the very first part. So I recommend somebody coming to me just be normal, talk about yourself. Don’t worry about the price, I’m also going to go for free, because the most important part is winning confidence. Right? That’s the whole part of coaching. So the moment you get confidence in automatic, the trust factor comes in automatically.
You know, if I hired you to be my coach, I would ask you tell me about a fail. Tell me where you messed up and then made it right, or what we say here, time to shine today, how you failed forward. So tell us a little bit about one.
Okay, so one specific like failure, if you’re if you’re asking you know, specifically which which I had taking too many clients, okay. So when I was in, I just, you know, so I was in in my post graduation, I was doing the MBA from a marketing in a very top elite College in Hyderabad. So it was my placement time, my exams were going on, we had class participation, that was 40%. So every day we have to speak in the class, right? Get marks. And I was actually discussing with the customer in France, then this Germany this lately, everything coincided and the next day was my exam. Right? So I add some deliverables. And I had an exam, which I was I was very interested for online marketing, because that has been my core area. Okay, so whatever, all these three people taught me, I just, you know, blindly wrote it in the exam. Luckily, I managed to get an A, but still, I said, it’s a failure. The reason why I couldn’t write things, which I actually wanted to write, you know, by studying the course. Uh huh. Right, so there are many times I think, like, if I would have, you know, studied pretty well, in my MBA, maybe I could have more graphs on my theoretical aspect. Okay, I could improve right now, because I have not studied MBA thoroughly. Very Honestly, I can see. So that’s, that’s one failure. I can say that, you know, when I have too many customers, so not. So I did try to do delegation. So I started hiding a lot of virtual assistants good. So that
that have you hired them out of the India or do you use the Philippines or where do you use
Philippines again? Okay. Yeah,
that’s it. That’s where
I get my two as well. Exactly. Pricing in there. English is really good, too.
So speaking of that, you speak really good English. Okay, so have you been to the states at all?
No, I have never got an opportunity. But if you invite me, I’ll be there.
But like, you speak really? Is it taught in the schools? They’re just curious. And
so I had this, you know, I was not into an English medium. So I came from a local language in Marathi medium in it’s one of the languages in Mumbai. So early in my career, my English was pretty weak. And there were students, you know, who’s to say, like, you know, your English doesn’t do well. And when I was in fifth grade, I took it as a challenge. I was not a good speaker. I was an introvert as I mentioned, so everything, the more people used to say, you cannot do some things better than that to get the book called Vernon Martin. And I started mastering it. I started working on the grammar prepositions, and stuff like that. And then I started working on my tonality along with the grammar. Yeah, love that man. So I also went through a lot of books Stateline of persuasion is one thing I can recommend of Jordan Belfort. So that’s why I started growing up little faster from others. And then I recommend people like, there’s no stopping by so if if I do right now, public speaking, I do a lot of shows. When I get invited in multiple countries, I still ask for people give me a feedback where I can improve, okay, and that has helped me a lot nice because if people can tell me even three things which I have, which I can improve on, my speaking abilities, improve is you know,
that’s great. You got to ask people that are going to be candid with you and that feature, you know, stuff just to boost your ego be like, Hey, you know, okay, very nice. So, with that Let’s go back to the 18 year old Abilene okay let’s let’s talk to him. What kind of knowledge nuggets we call knowledge nuggets here time to shine today what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on the 18 year old Abilene with the, with the knowledge and wisdom that you have now maybe to help him level up a little faster, shorten that learning curve a little bit.
So number one thing is work on a very strong timetable. This pub G, this tic toc, they’re going to eat your brain like anything. So stay away from the games, stay away from all the distractions. Make sure you note down everything in details. And documented as I mentioned, the earlier you do it in your career when when you’re actually in your 12th grade or you’re getting into the college lifestyle. Sure, it’s so easy. And I believe whatever I have learned it. When I was in 12th grade, I’m implementing it right now even because I haven’t documented. Wow. So that’s something I recommend people.
So you’re like saying journal and really keep exactly
11,000 words, so that I can even thousand words. Hmm,
Yes, exactly. I
mean, I journal every day, I don’t do 11,000. But I wake up every day with an attitude of gratitude. I’m very grateful. I get to look at the Atlantic Ocean when I wake up. It’s beautiful. You know, in a you know, I think the people at the power companies at the water companies so I have flushable water and power to power this dang cell phone and everything. I love that you that’s a very self less answer. And I appreciate you saying that. So we talked about the dash here. oblique and I want to know how you want your dash remembered that little line between your life date and your death date. How do you want your dash to be remembered?
And one thing I can recommend is every day when I get up, I just think it’s my last day. Curse I give everything to people thinking Oh, it’s my last day tomorrow is my last day. So if I can implement this in everybody’s mind, they’re being so productive. Saying that. Okay, I have one hour. It’s like something called as Parkinson’s Law. So I have an one hour I have to do everything in that one hour. Wow. So if I can do that, and if people can also do that, I think they can remember me more. Because I’ve helped them mentored and they’ve actually implemented
so then they can remember me forever that way. Love it. Love it. And you know, you’re such a go giver. Yeah, at such a young age, which is just amazing. That’s fantastic. So Anki. Alright, I’m trying to think of how to ask this. Like, okay. What, okay, I’ll ask you this. What is one thing you know, for sure. In life?
One thing I know for sure is, everyone loses patience. They will give up some of the other day. It just about when you can, you know, have that patience and wait for your right, a right moment. Okay, let’s say everyone is going to lose their cool. Maybe not today. But tomorrow. So there’s like a lot of negativity out there. Sure, every day, as you mentioned, big, you know, giving gratitude to people. So I also believe in that. So just forget about whatever bad happened in the last year, let’s say in the last year, focus on everything for tomorrow, abundance. So that’s what I recommend.
So how do you handle the objection of your 29 years old, and you might have a 50 year old CEO call you up and say, you know what I want you to, you know, mentor me coach me. You know, but you know, they they ask how old you are, you know, you’re you’re 29? How do you get around that objection?
Important thing is, I never talk about my age, what what I generally do at the first thing is, I found a major why. And if they asked me if you’re 29 years old, so I say oh, you also have a son. That’s cool, right? We could be friends, right? So sizes make them bit a bit more comfortable. I’ve actually caused a lady who’s 78 right now in Europe, so in Europe, so I know that she has three generations, when I was teaching her something, you do digital marketing, and she was saying like, you know, my kids don’t help me and I feel I shouldn’t ask them. So this is the number one challenge somebody who’s of old age, they think so this is the one pain area I know. Right? They think like I cannot ask my granddaughter I cannot ask my grandson to help me. They might get offended.
So how, how is it there in India with COVID? Is everybody in masks or like is a restaurants open or what’s going on over there brother.
Ah, this time set open, things are fine. But the problem here is not everyone has the mask facility. So there’s also some sub or one port and there’s more poor so we are getting more tested. So that’s the reason we have reached to the top two, but I believe maybe by this is my prediction maybe by December 14 or 15. Things will be pretty fine.
Nice. Nice.
There’s somebody search added. So I believe before this end of this year, things should be pretty fine.
Good. Good. So let’s take our cell phone your computer, your microphone, anything electronic out what are three things I believe can’t live without?
Ah, this is a very tricky question. I think this these are important things which I actually crave for every day. But one important thing I can’t live without his you know, some something related with my pets. So he is American bully. So no, I just love You know, I think I also saw your pit bull for years.
Yeah, he’s my guy. My guy stitch. Yeah.
Well, right. So that’s, that’s number one thing and one more thing I can say is like, you know, family. So that’s, that’s always there. So this is always on my top radar.
Nice. Nice. Love it. So what is your definition? Then Abilene have a life well lived.
A single line definition could be like, you know, don’t try to please people. Let them come to you and say like, Oh, you’re so wonderful.
Okay, gotcha. So like, really don’t brag about stuff. Let them come second, let the action show not the words, right. Nobody can come back and say, Man, that was awesome. You’re inside, you’re saying? Yeah, no. I love it. All right. So as we as we wind things down a little bit here, I believe. We have a leveling up lightning round, right? There’s five or six questions that you and I could talk about for a long time. But you have five seconds to answer. Okay, no explanations. You’re ready, brother?
What is the best piece of leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
invest on yourself.
Love it, love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Productivity level. So how to do more in less time,
Bob that time management love it. So recommend a good book to me.
Dan Locke, any book?
Who is it?
Dan Locke say he’s Yeah. Okay. Any any of the books?
I will check it out. I’ll put them in the show notes. So when you’re texting? What is your most commonly used emoji?
smiley. All right, very cool. Bigger, just a regular just regular smile or the big grin.
Regular? All right, my
man. Gotcha. Is there any charity or organization you like to give your time or money to?
I do sometimes to some NGOs in India, so they do for human empowerment?
Oh, very good, man. Thank you. So last question. You’re a little bit younger. So what’s the best decade of music? You know? 70s 80s 90s or 2000s?
I was born in 19. So I can say 90s?
Good music man. 90s. Yeah,
I loved 90s music.
So Emily, how can we find your brother?
I think so. I am on over 2500 different social media channels websites. So you can find me anywhere you just search on Google find on all 10 Google pages but LinkedIn is something I recommend. Quickly somebody can find find out
I found a leak on LinkedIn and I just read his profile and I was like, You know what, I think it’d be a great interview. And you did not disappoint man. So
leave me and I loved it. Leave
the time to shine today squad with one last Knowledge Nugget you wanted to take with them internalize and take action up.
Yeah, I mean, one important thing is don’t give up quickly on your dreams. And most important thing is if you’re an introvert, just you know I love to give you my book I have written specifically I’ve actually taken information from around 16,000 people. I’ve taken three years to write this book. So please come to me I’ll give you this book as the free thing and I believe if you can become from an introvert to an ambivert that will help you a lot in your career.
Will it be in a digital format that you could send it to them?
Okay perfect. Perfect all right squad we just had the basically a free masterclass with my really good friend here, Abilene Burma, you know, he’s gonna say that a good coach is going to understand what the other person wants. It’s going to invest in their why to help them take them to the next level. You know, he wants to document and copy and customize the process for his clients. So and he’s going to find out again the why which will give a solid process for him to level him up like we say a time to shine today that the squirrel take care of itself. Everything is really ingrained in that process. He’s really big. Emily’s really big on time management stays away from the ticket. takht Instagram that really bad distractions. It’s all about journaling, which I talk about everyday people. So if you have a 29 year old guy that’s out there helping, you know, 50 6070 year old people level up, he journals, you better get journal, you don’t have to do the 11,000 words a day like my man does. But get to journaling. I always says that he’s living his legacy every day. He’s a complete go giver. He gives 99% in that 1%. He’s always open to receptivity. And as that comes back to him, he is grateful for it. You know, he tells you to be patient, right? wait for the right moment, especially if you’re offended by something or somebody says something you don’t like, be patient don’t speak out. And he also tells us do the actions show don’t talk about yourself. Don’t brag about yourself. Let the action show let people come up to you. And tell you hey, Emily, great job, man. He’s going to remind you to invest in yourself and to never, ever, ever, ever give up on your dreams. And that’s my guy. AB leak, man. He is fantastic. He’s humble. He’s hungry. He’s wealthy, he’s happy. He’s leveling up all of those aspects. He’s earned his varsity squad letter here. I really appreciate coming ABA league. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Scott. Pleasure here.
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson.
And until next
time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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