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Welcome to Episode 52. People’s deepest hunger is the need to be understood. Here is a Knowledge Nugget to help you listen and empathize. It was taught to me by my mentor awhile back and I admit, I struggle with it daily. But always trying to Level up and improve this area! Enjoy! Any questions,comments, feedback or opinions please email them to sf@timetoshinetoday.com
We have two ears and one mouth for a reason
– My Mama and Others
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
1. Human beings deepest hunger is to be heard and understood
2. Paraphrase what was said to you. People love to know you are listening.
3. If possible take notes. People will see you doing this and want to tell you even more.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – hover and click
Robin Sharma: Who Will Cry When You Die?: Life Lessons From The Monk who Sold His Ferrari
Ryan Holiday: The Daily Stoic
Bob Burg’s Book: The Go-Giver
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Speech Transcript
Welcome to time to shine today podcast episode 52. Let’s change out our eyeballs and level up your apathy. This is Scott Ferguson. Let’s level up.
Hey, it’s Scott Ferguson here with time to shine today calm podcast. And I just wanted to reach out with a quick Knowledge Nugget to start off everybody’s week. Everybody’s still in kind of that self isolation mode here with the Cova 19, aka the corona virus. And it’s just been a really surreal time. And I got to tell you, I cannot wait to get back and start networking again. I needed a break sometimes and I’ve gotten one and it looks like it might be a little bit extended break from what I’m used to, but that’s okay. Better be safe than sorry. I don’t agree with everything that’s going on. But I understand that we got to flatten the curve and I’m 100% okay with that, but now I’m using this time really to re educate, exercise my mind with learning to be a little bit more empathetic, to see things through other people’s point of view, be a lot less apt to interrupt and be able to level up with listening to people and getting their point of points of view. I mean, there’s no deeper human hunger than the need to be understood. And I got that from Robin Sharma. From the book who will cry when you die a great book, check it out in the shownotes. But it’s so true. And when I get back out to networking, one thing I’m going to really, really really learn to do it not even learn to do I’m going to relearn it is to not be in a hurry to respond with what I want to say before really hearing what the other person is saying. Okay, The best thing that you can do for somebody when you’re having a conversation is take the time to listen and not interrupt. And you’ll gain so many more friends. By doing that in so many, much more confidence and trust in people, when, when you’re having that conversation. If you’re in a position to take some notes, while you’re talking to somebody, please do and then maybe paraphrase back to the person what you’ve just spoke about. People love that it makes them feel like they’re listened to, in their own way, it makes them feel important. Now, I’m not there to stroke anyone’s ego, but I am there to let people know that I am listening to them that I am truly truly interested in what they have to say. So it’s my mom used to say, and I’m sure other people have said this as well. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen first and then restart. Bond, okay, or listen, let’s talk last a very cool mentor of mine that told me that as well. So again, this is a super, super quick Knowledge Nugget to please be more empathetic. When you’re talking to people, people love to know that you’ve understood what they said that what they said is valuable. And even if you really don’t feel it’s valuable, you don’t want to make someone walk away like they were not heard because you will lose a connection, a friend or relationship by doing that, and that, frankly, is a lot of ego. So I tried to leave my ego out something that I’ve had to really really learn to do. And I exercise it every day. And as the you know, the social bands if you will, are lifted. I look forward to getting back out pressing some flash networking more in really practicing the getting behind other people’s eyeballs. And really seeing things from their point of view before I react to what they say in more or less respond to what they’re saying. So that’s our Knowledge Nugget for today. If you have any, your Outlook or your will say, ideas on this, please go to our Facebook page, time to shine today. And leave us your thoughts and comments on how you are empathetic when working with people and in dealing with people even if you’re not in agreement to what they’re having to say. Okay, so go to our Facebook page, go to our LinkedIn page, time to shine today. Go anywhere and leave us a comment. Okay, so it’s Scott Ferguson, let’s level up our health. Let’s level up our wealth. Let’s stay humble. Let’s stay hungry, because it’s our time to shine.
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate. Real Estate excellent. can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guests. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcast, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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